SHOCKING: This line in the Bible reveals the ENTIRE PURPOSE of creation

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so today my friends let's speak about something that affects us 24 7 how we live our daily lives no business can function without a mission statement we know that the shortest mission statement ever written what do you think it is how many words well in the Bible there is one I shall dwell among you the full sentence the Fool's verse goes like this build for me a home and I will dwell among you why is this so critical because in essence it gives us the purpose of life stated in brief but extremely powerful terms and that is why are we here we know we exist in a mundane world in the physical world we have many needs from the most basic food drink oxygen clothing shelter friendship companionship love and the list goes on that we must have for our lives then there are many things that we call luxuries comforts that maybe not this may not be Necessities but we enjoy them and whatever that may be I'm not getting into the details now but really it defines what we do on a daily basis is that driven by purpose is it a mission-centric life not necessarily I mean it could be driven by bringing you happiness maybe expressing your inner talents and skills actualizing yourself bringing love and kindness to the world around you no doubt all of us in our own way do that to some extent but frankly if you think about it most of us fall into this position by default it's not like we thought it through we grow up in our homes in our schools we're taught different values different ideas and we try to integrate that in some way into our lives some of it is imposed upon us some of it is against our will and some that is very much part of who we want to be like things that we really value and consider to be important and this defines especially our early formative years we grow into adults and now we have to make a living and we have our social interactive actions and we have our leisurely activities but what drives it all in most people's cases it drives whatever makes me happy at the moment whatever comes my way it's rarely very deliberate in building a business yes you make a plan and hopefully you follow the plan with some goals in mind but in our personal lives now most people will say I'd like to find my soul mate my partner my significant other my partner in life I'd like to accomplish something I'd like to make a mark in this world you know in this universe but here you have a statement that says you were sent you were put into this physical world to accomplish something and what is that to build me a home who's me well as you know I like to avoid using the word God not because I'm hiding anything because the word is so filled and so jaded and filled with myths and distortions and stereotypes but it really means is build for me build for me some higher presence create a home an environment a place where I'm comfortable let's put it into very personal psychological terms what does a real home look like what does a home look like now we know a home should have a roof over your head should protect you from the elements should provide warmth and shelter and Security in a hostile world but there are many levels of that you can have a home that just gives you the bare minimum yes it won't rain into your house it won't snow into your home but not necessarily it's a home filled with love there are homes that are Mansions where you can you have plenty of space but you don't feel a reverberating sense of kindness of love I remember someone telling me someone from lived in France grew up in a very wealthy wealthy home said it was a beautiful home but there was no one ever there I had nannies my parents were rarely there and when they were they would argue with each other it was like I felt like it was like being in a in a prison in a large gilded prison a home is far more than just physical comforts and a physical environment there's a certain comfort that you feel wanted you feel like you belong it's your Earth old people no place like home in The Wizard of Oz resonates we want a home where we feel loved we feel that we're unconditionally accepted we're validated a home where you feel continuously criticized invalidated attacked and not feeling that you can just be comfortable in your own skin can be a physical house but is it a home so home you could identify with words like comfort and I mean Comfort not the comfort zone but the security in the full sense of the word not just physical security emotional psychological and spiritual security all of it combines together to create an environment where you can Thrive where you can blossom a nest and you feel wanted and you feel like you belong you don't feel have to justify anything and yes there may be times that somebody May reprimand you but overall it's love that is echoing from one end of the home to the other every morning you wake up you go to sleep you just feel that state when you go out of the door of your home yes you go into a more hostile colder world and then you come back home and you feel again that coziness that comfort so build for me a home really is to build a home for your soul for your Divine soul for the best part of you a place where you do not have to be justifying yourself when you're not constantly on the defense and looking over your back because someone's there to criticize or someone this is not pleased well you're not performing you just can be like a child in its mother's womb or like a child nurtured by unconditional love of its parents you just are there that creates the environment that you can be the best you can be it and instead of spending time on Defense and fighting and battling for your own very space because that space is so precious because people constantly try and take something away from you you really can focus on growth and expressing yourself and expressing and singing your song and spreading your wings and soaring all that is included in what a true home is like so we live in a mundane World which is clearly driven by many interests people want things people expect things you want something from me I'll pay you for this if you do this for me and it's a world of dog eats dog doesn't always mean necessary it's always vicious and malicious but it could be but even at its best it's a negotiation you don't just get unconditional anything there's no such thing as unconditioning unconditionality things are always based on some negotiation on some give and take a home is meant to be a place where there is unconditional love it's not based on any requirements you you just our love for who you are not because of your performance or your buying power or yes or social status or your looks or your appeal all those things are beautiful but that's not what defines how you're accepted so essentially when God is telling Moses to tell the people build for me a home build for me a sanctuary and I will dwell among you is really saying build in this material hostile dark world that is also often corrupt driven by self-interest build for me a spiritual environment a Transcendent place and not just in the in theory not just when you're meditating or you're escaping on a mountain you're very home your heart and soul should be able to be comfortable in an environment like that when you think about it it's so refreshing more than refresh it's revolutionary because we're never told I mean I I we're rarely told I should say that that is the purpose of your life to build that home and you know what that means by extension it's not just the moment then it creates an environment where you're comfortable so then you shine with your unique light you sing your unique song the way you interact with people instead of being on the defensive or always wondering what somebody wants or am I being accepted or not accepted you're able to spread your wings and really extend and express who you truly are that's what a home creates when you watch observe a nest the little chicks even as their babies they're protected they're protected there by their by their parents they're fed and that builds the confidence that when they're ready to take flight they have built the foundation many of us take flight in an environment where we have not necessarily been given all that comfort and nurturing and that is all and concluded in this concept if you think about it then ask yourself the question what does your home look like did you grow up in a home of this nature how can you build one when you know what you're looking for it's much easier to build them once just saying I know what I'm lacking so here we have not just what are you lacking even if you may be lacking you know what do you need to build how do we build a home you build a home first by being comfortable in your own self by recognizing that the primary driving force that defines you is your soul not your body yes it's the body that is most obvious that we all experience on our sensory level what we see and what we hear and what we taste and touch the smell the body is what other people see but the end of the day you don't want people just judging you by your external projection even if it's a beautiful one you have an inner personality what makes you tick who are you in ways that are far more Sublime and in this world we don't just want to have a home for the physicality of Our Lives we want to have a home for our spiritual our psycho spiritual part of our lives that our spirituality our souls our very personality and our psyches feel comfortable so many people will say I'm very comfortable in my home I have a beautiful home the heat is up I can curl up in a in a warm bed and have other things that give me my provide for me certain element of warmth and comfort but I ask you this question does your psyche feel comfortable is your personality comfortable are you accepted are you understood or are you have those skeletons and those ghosts and the fears and inhibitions and all the different forces that keep that keep us trapped you can be physically comfortable but spiritually very uncomfortable and a home requires a spiritual comfort a psychological Comfort when you get that that gives you the power to really achieve anything you set your mind to do so it is ultimately does discovering Transcendence in a mundane environment now why is that difficult even though it sounds so appealing is because the mundane the physical is is often literally holds Us in his tentacles not because of Any malicious reasons not because it's an enemy but because by default that's how it is you wake up in the morning what's the first thing you feel you're hungry you're thirsty you're tired other needs you may have because the body speaks to us in a language that we easily understand without effort the Soul on the other hand speaks in a far more Sublime voice anxiety actually is a voice of the Soul bodies are not anxious remember a corpse without a soul a dead person is not anxious sorry for sounding some morbid some very fact that you have Consciousness means that you are aware now that awareness can serve us well it could also serve us in a way of causing us pain existential pain existential loneliness do you feel alone in this world that means that your soul is not being fed so you have to learn to discover what is your primary force and you learn to nourish it and you nourish it by creating that home now you may say I don't have such an environment you need to have friends that surround you that you surround yourself with that encourage that that embrace you in that way so it begins simple who you who do you surround yourself with if you're around people who are constantly criticizing you even if the family members trust me that's not building a home you need to begin small by first identifying individuals that you feel comfortable with when you spend time with them when you speak with them they just make you they just accept you you can speak to them you can trust them I know some will say I don't have any such people maybe it's time to find such people because the other type the ones that you cannot trust or you always feel on edge or defensive are definitely not going to help you build that home now if you have loved ones if you're a married person you have a significant other that's also a good place to begin with now many people will tell me well that person I'm in battle with where the tensions are too intense what is that saying how could that be that tells you that the closest thing in your life which is the home you share with another person is a battle Zone or maybe not as Extreme as that but definitely a place of tensions so you need to do something about that you can't just leave that be because what that does is besides the fact of creating this type of hostile hostility what is it doing to you it has to put you on edge it has to be constantly demoralizing and in some way draining your resources so this is not of course I can't speak to every situation I know some people are very loving environments and that's beautiful if you have that then you have your nest upon which to build then you can always learn to increase it and not just increase it but you also invite others in because remember just as much as we need others they also need us all that is part of building that home now what is Transcendence when you think about it it's like the very word that dictates it's something that transcends the immediate vicissitudes of the of the tug of the ebb and flow and the tug of the twists and turns and the travails and trials and difficulties of Our Lives that's what Transcendence is some of us experience it through music through ART through travel today travel may have its own challenges we experience it sometimes through through literature through love through romance through intimacy through faith it's critical to realize Transcendence is not a luxury Transcendence is a necessity because the soul thrives on Transcendence the whole point of building this home is to bring a Transcendent Force its own for the Transcendent if putting it put it put into other terms it's a home building a home for the Transcendent in your life and realizing the Transcendent even though survival perhaps occupies more time if you sleep eight hours a night it's around a third of your life if it's seven hours a night a little less but it's still pretty dominant and then when you throw into that eating and drinking and shopping and Grooming and all the other things that are there for necessary for survival where's there room for the Transcendent but the Transcendent is the primary force that all the survival is needed why are you surviving are you working to live or you live to work you're not experienced Transcendence in order to be able to function and survive you survive in order to be transcendent and the Transcendence is ultimately the fullest expression of your soul because the soul is like a flame that's always Rising and you're building a home for that flame so then you think of the physical world including your own environment as being essentially a springboard a means an environment to create that beautiful home for your own soul for the Transcendent for the divine for the sublime and that's the ultimate meaning built for me a sanctuary built from your home and I will dwell among you not just in the in in the sanctuary in you that's the most important thing of all you know when you meet someone that's comfortable in their own skin you can feel it there's a certain sense of ease some of us don't like it especially if we ourselves are not in that place but if allow yourself to embrace that allow yourself to to Value it to uh to be drawn to it it can help you learn how to do the same and as someone who's like that what makes you comfortable often it could be traced to the way they grew up and they grew up in a true home I remember in the early years when I began giving my Wednesday night class which became really was the first uh Stone the first program that really led to so much of what I do today the meaningful Life Center and I remember it was in my home at Little Children two little children and the class was on Thursday nights and those before the Wednesday night class we did it on Thursday night but then we moved it to Wednesday night so I remember thinking that the people coming even though we had these long discussions these Marathon talks and conversations and debates and arguments about everything about Good and Evil and spirituality and that purpose in life and so on and comparing different uh approaches traditional approaches non-traditional ones you name it I remember thinking about something that when the people would come to the class so my children were going to sleep and I saw that they were visibly touched by just seeing children being tucked in and put to bed I remember asking someone because someone was like watching it and I said and he said you know something I don't ever remember such an experience my parents were never home when I went to sleep either we put ourselves to sleep or we had someone or we had no one and I realized that sometimes just the things that seem so simple that seems so innocuous don't seem very dramatic can have more impact than everything I said in my class I really believe that that when you see that type of comfort you see that type of unconditional acceptance and just someone being there for another which is really what the art of healthy parenting is about and really healthy love is that you just allowed to be the person that's a child is being put to bed and the child grows up knowing that there's someone there for me these small little things are not so small they actually are this essence of creating a home now it's never too late ask yourself what can you introduce into your life that is that element what you can do for another just making them feel comfortable and of course what they can do for you but it has to be in a way that goes naturally it can't be based on conditions and based on negotiations that's all part of the mundane hostile world what we need to do is introduce that type of element of love total unconditional acceptance so that's the new Revolution that we need to agree creating in a world like ours I really feel confident that we will get there I've seen enough of a heartbreak and misery of broken homes of broken promises of Shattered Dreams and I really feel that there's we're in a place where there's almost like a backlash you know when you hit rock bottom it starts the boomerang effect that there is a backlash people are desperate for this there's been so much of the other version the pain the abandonment the loneliness the lack of that type of unconditional love that there is at times a collective type of um I'll Collective type of exponential pain that causes us to say enough is enough I'd like to have that simpler version of just accept an accepted life technology in the modern world is neutral but it could feed both ways it could make things far worse because instead of having relationships it's just we have another technology or if used properly can be a tool to bring more warmth and love in this world so I hope these words were meaningful they're coming from my heart and hopefully enter the heart so this is Simon Jacobson meaningful life and the lessons of building a home in this mundane in this challenging dark and even hostile world you enjoyed what I said please share it with others and I'd love to hear your feedback your thoughts your comments your suggestions Simon Jacobson meaningful Life Center go to meaningful where you can find the full schedule of events and programs addressing all types of different issues got a lot of feedback of my last Wednesday night class that the feminist movement kill feminism and other topics some more provocative than others but addressing the issues that matter so much to our lives to be able to live a truly meaningful life everyone be well and be blessed thank you so much
Channel: Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Views: 638,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, soul, meaning, purpose, god, kabbalah, torah, chassidus, mysticism, psychology, bible, practical bible
Id: IE_cVL8UEks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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