Shocking Things You Should See Up Close

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with new advancements in special macro and microscopic photography people are now able to capture even the smallest objects in a whole new light revealing alien terrain unusual textures and terrifying new features from food to tiny creatures here are some shocking things you should see up close if you're a cat lover you'll probably be well acquainted with the unusually rough sensation of a friendly lit from your feline companion but have you ever wondered what their tongue really looks like this enlightening macro photography image by Alexis Noel reveals that thousands of tiny sharp spines known as papilla which line a cat's tongue like natural velcro these keratin spines have many uses like depositing saliva efficiently on the fur for a cooling or cleaning effect during grooming and gripping food when eating take a look at this image taken with a super powerful electron microscope which magnifies the papilla eyes so much that they look almost like human tongues this is one seriously freaky feline feature arachnophobia affects around 3.5 to 6.1 percent of the global population which it's really no surprise when images like this one exist this is just one of a series of stunning macro images taken by photographer Javier Perez in his hometown of Alma Carr in Spain grouper as frequently chooses species of the jumping spider family as a subjects which he shoots by taking hundreds of microscopic pictures later layered using computer processing to form the final image this painstaking extreme macro technique manages to capture the spiders as if they're human sized a terrifying thought after seeing this incredibly ugly crab spider which doesn't look nearly as threatening from a distance self-taught photographer Panik takes a different approach to extreme macro photography by focusing on the everyday world right under our noses the most mundane objects in his series amazing world's to become unrecognizable when they're blown up to massive sizes like this rolled cigarette where the giant fermented tobacco leaves look almost like a bowl of moldy corn Flakes these up-close photographs reveal depth intricacy and textures which would otherwise go unrecognized by the naked eye check out his extreme image of a standard book which reveals how its pages seem almost fluffy in texture rather than uniformly crisp and white if you've ever suffered a nasty paper cut you're probably wondering how it's possible to experience pain from such a frayed material but the visibly slightly serrated edges are capable of tearing your skin like a tiny saw they say no two snowflakes are ever alike and by using incredibly intricate photography techniques we can now prove it to Canadian macro specialists danke marichka has been photographing snowflakes up close since 2009 when he started publishing one image a day for a hundred days every photo requires the stacking of roughly 40 individual shots to bring to life each unique in delicate shape which is naturally formed when water vapor freezes onto a pollen or dust particle in the sky it's easy to overlook their beauty and daily life but Kamaraj COS work has helped unravel the mystery of the snowflake and he has even been honoured with a limited icy Canadian coin mind-blowing detail is hidden in every object in our world well it takes is an image like this for us to really comprehend it photographer Powell block awaits enlightens how even the most seemingly ordinary items like a needle and thread are packed full of imperfections a single thread when seen up close is just like a large rope made up of hundreds of smaller strands while the chrome-plated steel needle is rough and cratered like the surface of some distant planet I don't know about finding a needle in a haystack but this image taken with an electron microscope almost looks like the opposite no wonder it's so hard to thread a needle fussy eaters might even turn their noses up at some of their favorite foods after seeing them under a microscope check out this unnerving image of the surface of a strawberry which was produced by scientists using electron microscope photography transforming the shiny red fruit into an unnerving hairy blob this ultra detailed macro photo isn't much more comforting either but it does shed light on the unusual fact that strawberries are considered an accessory fruit because the red flesh we consume is really just an enlarged receptacle for the true fruit which are the yellow seeds magnified here strawberries aren't the only fruit which can shock us when placed under a microscope and even smaller well-loved favorites like grapes and blueberries contain a whole network of unseen detail this electron microscope image reveals that grape skin isn't so smooth after all and these scientific micrographs have sliced white and red grapes and blueberries give a better insight into the genetic makeup and these fruit cells in the pulp have vacuums containing the juice which release their familiar flavor when the various fragile cells are crushed and eaten if fruit isn't really your thing then check out the surprising image of a delicious aero mint bubble which looks more like a giant volcano of bubbling green lava this tiny chocolate was pre chilled by scientists and fractured with a razor blade before being subjected to a scanning electron microscope and then recolored using computer software the signature aerated chocolate seen here in incredible detail is created by foaming the fluid chocolate with a propellant which allows bubbles to expand cool and then set in a low-pressure environment this image might look like spirals of some of the most beautiful woven jewelry you've ever seen but it's actually a depiction of some colorful peacock feathers by South African photographer Waldo now the birds are already renowned for their beauty but these 500 times magnified photos add a whole new dimension of appreciation the highly iridescent bundles of individually colored barbells come together to form the stunning pattern plumage we can see with our own eyes which truly proves how magnificent nature can be everyone loves a day out at the beach but have you ever stopped to consider what really makes up the sand beneath your feet you wouldn't know it but each miniscule grain is completely unique in shape and size just take a look at this unbelievable microscopic photography by expert dr. Gary Greenberg what we imagined to be nondescript Brown rocks are actually a collection of tiny shells bits of coral and smooth stones which come together to look like a handful of colorful crap store beads next time you go treasure hunting on the shore look no further than the pay very walked grass might not seem like the most interesting thing in the world but check out this mind-blowing cross-section of a single blade when viewed under a microscope after noticing these smiling little faces you'll never walk on grass again the eyes you see are actually large xylem trachy area elements which transport water into the leaf to exchange for co2 during photosynthesis while the mouths are phloem sieve elements which transport product sugars out of the leaf into the shoots and roots hey why the long face insects are some of the most interesting creatures on earth which are unfortunately overlooked quite literally because of their size but just imagine if they were the size of dinosaurs a mature bug photographer John Hammond brings that nightmare to life as he magnifies creepy crawlies he finds in the reserva Tet Nature Reserve near his home in Stockholm up to 23 times check out this macro image of a worker ant which highlights miniscule yet terrifying features like it's sharp mandibles and compound eyes made up of numerous tiny lenses in incredible detail it's as if he's looking right at ya as if that wasn't terrifying enough here's what an ant head looks like under a scanning electron microscope these tiny critters are capable of more than we give them credit for and they can even support between 10 to 50 times their own body weight you give that a try this blown-up image definitely makes the humble and look more formidable and once you start viewing the black antenna joyed says its eyes there's no going back you'd be surprised to learn that what you're looking at here isn't an image of some ancient rhubarb this detailed cross-section of some human muscle tissue taken with a scanning electron microscope reveals how each visibly frayed strand is a single muscle cell or myocyte working together to operate the body what may look like cobwebs is actually important connective tissue known as fasciae which is received long overdue attention in medical studies for the way it literally binds the body together like a tight pair of pantyhose without it we might just fall apart we often try to make a conscious effort to stop and take in the world around us but there's some details so small we may never get to notice them without special equipment this macro image by panic is enough to make you want to clean your keyboard more often as the single X key can house a whole host of unsightly detail like grubby fingerprints dust particles and minuscule hairs meanwhile this seemingly beautiful cut diamond is actually a single grain of sugar which has been magnified hundreds of times it's strange to imagine how our powerful jaws can crush it in an instant or how easily it dissolves in tea to the naked eye this looks a lot like a photograph of the Grand Canyon on a sunny day but the seemingly rocky terrain is actually nothing more than a tiny crag and a piece of steel the mind-blowing image was captured by researcher Martina Dean's letter using an electron microscope during a bending test and has since been colorized with added clouds by Manuel Pollard to highlight the striking natural similarities in reality this massive fissure was only a micro crack some point zero three millimeters across which adds some perspective to the intricacies of the material most of the modern industrial world is constructed from sometimes nature is far freakier than we could ever imagine and even the cutest animals have some unnerving secrets to hide this daunting recolored electron microscope image looks like it belongs to a sci-fi movie or perhaps it's some mutant caterpillar but it's actually a super magnified photo of a hummingbirds top hummingbird tongues are incredibly long to allow them to drink from cone-shaped exotic flowers and when they retract they curl up inside the bird's heads around their skulls and eyes but that isn't even the strangest part the tongue divides in two at its tip and its outer edges curve inward creating two tubes which runs side by side and allow the bird to passively draw nectar in this super natural tongue can flick up to 18 times per second while drinking making it one seriously powerful muscle the world's most unusual looking creatures are often the ones we can't see ourselves and microscopic mini beasts like this one seem like something from a distant planet this extreme closeup taken by a scanning electron microscope shows a common house dust mite and all it's terrifying glory it probably won't be pleased to know that millions of these tiny mites inhabit every home where they feed on skin flakes shed from animals and humans and some types of mold each point - - 0.3 millimeter Mike can live for 10 weeks and is totally harmless to humans unless you happen to be allergic to their dead bodies and even their excrement as they could produce up to 2,000 particles in their short lifetime the dust mite is certainly creepy but that's just the tip of the iceberg as far as Tiny Monsters are concerned this electron microscope image by Nicole Ottawa reveals that a mosquito larvae is even more repulsive than the pesky adult fly with its wrinkled skin and hairy feelers it might already take some super magnification to view the larva in such immense detail but an even closer look reveals something more surprising another mini beast latched on to its skin this tiny parasite is even smaller than we could even comprehend but the microscope enhances its fat body as it feeds on the larva it's enough to make you shudder one thing we'll probably never see for ourselves in great depth is our own set of eyes but our medium photographers sir and man valium has opened the door to a whole new level of understanding of one of the human body's most incredible organs his project your beautiful eyes uses extreme macro photography to capture close-up images which transform the eye into mystical and ethereal alien landscapes each eye is totally unique and the compositions really emphasize how the miniature universe inside each translucent dome seems to pour into the seemingly endless black hole of the pupil the most surprising details are the individual makeup of each colored iris which is determined by the genetic concentration of melanin pigmentation x' higher concentration results in darker color while blue eyes have lower levels after seeing just how much is going on inside and i you probably have a newfound appreciation for your own unique set which of these extreme close-ups are maced you the most and what would you use an electron microscope for let me know in the comments down below and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 184,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, photographs, photography, things you should see, up close, things up close, images up close
Id: rUroqA7mGg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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