SHOCKING Snake Facts with Sergio Chicon | Sal Vulcano & Chris Distefano: Hey Babe! | EP 98

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[Music] so this is a common Bowl constrictor very popular in the 90s oh okay all right good PR in the 90s the boa constricted you don't hear about the mushroom anymore yeah wait so this thing holy [ __ ] laughs so this is Astro and he's super sweet like he's domesticated you're talking about generations and generations yeah you could tell right he is the biggest one so it's scary but something about his regular pattern makes me less scared than an all-white and an all-black interesting it's interesting how colors Pat is more familiar to problems the reason why we're okay with that pattern is because we've seen it before because homeless pimp has the exact pants yeah that's funny so look at it look at it it's crawling on his back he doesn't even give a [ __ ] oh my God he's super sweet so you know back in the days I'm reading this book called uh I believe it's called um forgot the name of it I'll pull it up but it's about snake the reptile trade industry you know we people have this on this this need to quench this [ __ ] appetite for like exotic animals these things weren't captured bad they were smuggling these things in in the 60s anyway um so but these have been captive breath for so long over 40 years that's like a wolf right when you keep on breeding it and so you're saying that's the domesticated he's super sweet I have a you know he will not ever constrict around your neck for any reason ever if he's strong let's look for a good time the general rule of thumb if you're handling large snakes this is not by any means a large it looks pretty big but there's anything above seven and a half eight feet you want to have a second person there because accidents do happen like what what could be an example of an accent that could happen just constrict you like this snake right now if it's he's strong enough I'll [ __ ] his ass up but but if it began to constrict you what would we what would Sal and I have to do okay there's two things truthfully we're probably not gonna so vanity please listen because you either put alcohol if it has a uh uh a bite and a grab that's that's bad that's like showing that's food motivated or it feels yeah you know who wants to say something hold on yeah yeah look out so I just want to give a shout out to all my people my Colombians out there he's like I'm gonna be at the Cleveland funny bone so he's not even headshot I could touch his head yeah what did we do what would we do yeah what would we do so I when I got bit uh and like that hooked on I would just put hash sanitizer alcohol and they immediately release I was also told you can uh put your finger in the anal vent and then that'll make them feel uncomfortable how big not me do it more that's a joke it's like this is what it was waiting for I didn't want to squeeze you yeah I know coach name because my name's Mateo event that you can fit you can fit your finger your finger in it I'll show you and let's let's also show Sergio your finger well because I I mean that thing's not gonna shoot spray [ __ ] at us is it I'm like this up as long as generally a male girls are shorter and you could you could you could diddle that anal tail and he's not gonna get mad I wouldn't mess with it I've never done it before that's what I that's the thing that's right you're telling me that the instructions from the professionals it's time to your neck and Sonic you're running to find the [ __ ] yeah you want to give it a try give one a try uh you wanna you have to you want to hold it you can um just lick your pinky and give it a try [Music] I'll touch it I'll touch it yeah so you don't want to touch it like that that's like you know you don't want to poke at it I'm sorry I didn't beat up drug dealers when I was 16. oh it doesn't feel bad oh beautiful man I feel like love it is that just one muscle is that what that is it's just one muscle they have a spine and ribs why does it smell like adobo does it die no I mean they can anything before uh the anal vents it'll probably survive okay yeah no they don't generate they don't regenerate their tails like certain lizards do okay so if you're gonna chop a snake get above the [ __ ] yeah if you want to take it they'll be moving for hours shout out anal vents shout them all out yeah shout them all out the anal vent um keep them clean guys yeah shout out cutesy names for asses yeah yeah I found a new name the anal vent and I'm gonna call my penis the hemipeen yeah come on give it a shot Chris just stand up tall for me but I don't wanna it's a new shirt he's very cool I will say this I will say this I don't want to do it at all if you do it I'll do it just act as a tree but Sergio be here yeah hold the mic for me well hold on a second there just what are the odds what are the odds because there are odds that he just takes a bite of our Goddamn face 50 50. have you smelled Chris's breath it smells like a dead rat oh [ __ ] Chris I I lied I was lying I I completely lied hey okay I'm okay you're fine but yeah but he's gonna when he starts to wrap around you know he's not gonna wrap around you you let me know when you're done what's up guys do you dance um I got hey what's up everybody got a brand new hour go to for Ticky Wiki's second show added in Dublin Belfast London sold out um Chicago Theater sold out go check we're going to announce New Year's Eve in Long Island um all my dates at it's a brand new hour of uh comedy material I love animals oh my God he's fine he's fine look he's fine he's that close so a slow flick of the tongue it's just curiosity test one a short fast one is very like unsure of itself like what the [ __ ] is going on is it food is you know don't [ __ ] some [ __ ] up I'm good thank you imagine this is my fit yeah there you go you serving looks we talk about this I don't serve looks anymore I just go for complete Comfort I'm at a I thought it was gonna grab my eyeball so I also have I did it I have one more Snake style you want to try this one he's Brave girl Oliver Oliver's next what's what's up Oliver is the next one what is that Oliver is a Burmese python the Everglades is an invasive species what is it what is is it is it more dangerous than that one none of them are dangerous let's cut that talk out very negative none of them are dangerous see he's cool all right I'll try it I feel like my job is not being done here I want to like I want I want to be having like a steak party I feel like you're traumatized that promised me that I promise you that you're gonna be fine you'll keep that face away from us and I will I will I want this to be honestly we're joking around but I want to be a positive experience I don't want to freak anybody already dude will it sense my sweat no I'll be fine this one it doesn't like the shampoo I use no it'd be fine okay yeah he's very tolerant all right all right so I'm just gonna put him around the shows I'll hold the head but I might it's good to do one thing a day that scares you this is it I know I'm just telling you right now my heart is beating out of my chest is it gonna feel that no it's going to take a blood pressure meds today I can't go near that face though okay okay I'll do it take my blood pressure okay all right can you hold this for me and put your phone down how many milligrams are you on 50. um I I I don't know exactly okay let's I'll talk we can I just got I just got put on blood pressure medicine I I will this is not good let's talk about our meds um just stay right right by me Sergio just stay right by me yeah I'm gonna be right by you I promise it's gonna be oh since the 10 out of 10 scared though okay I'm scared just watch it I don't look it in the face I'm scared it would be gold though if the biggest face I ain't gonna look at his face I ain't gonna look at the things all right look at her face I'll go over here I'm saying right here I thought oh okay it's just his ass I got the head I got the head I'm gonna be in Canada October 14th and 15th Hamilton Toronto we ahead of the show I'm gonna be in Richmond Virginia and Hershey Pennsylvania in October in November I'm going to be in Knoxville Atlanta and Birmingham where is the [ __ ] where is this [ __ ] please no you're fine you're fine I got it I'm very scared dude I'm going to be in Louisville and Evansville and then in December I'm in Florida and California and Florida I'm in Tampa we had a second show show I'm at the hall Hard Rock in Orlando the Crest Theater in Sacramento uh Jacksonville what's up I'm there and see Sacramento San Jose and Santa Rosa in December everything's on sale right now on sale well done well done there you go feeling like this I got that I'm swooping around though exactly no no his head's looking right at me wow there's a little is it [ __ ] because the anal vent is a little dark black what does its [ __ ] look like cat [ __ ] snakes she looks a little bit like Kesha but that's also like calcified like urates like the urine so it's like liquid but it's also like a scientist or something I don't know we got one more what do you feel about snakeskin items hate it I'm indifferent I don't get offended by it what does that does that mean the snake died for it or is it just yeah it's a part of a trade just like you might get a fur coat yeah yeah but is that that's not from shed skin no no that's actual skin okay and there's usually much larger constrictors like constrictors like reticulated pythons or African rocks they go find them to hunt them to chops yeah you know it's not wasteful you can eat the meat what do you think about that have you ever tasted snake no I had crackers I had an alligator I believe a frog what do you think about people eating snake I think it's fine let me ask you a question it's it's the end of days I got the eating habits of a badger I eat anything it's the it's the end of the day vaginal give it would you eat would you would you resort to eating a human first or a snake if they're both dead you got a human and a snake animal teeth well I don't know what it seems like you love snakes more than you love your own family first oh god dude so okay so what's this next name this is Astro he's from Florida he was delivered by uh FedEx oh there you go right he was uh five months old and he's been with the family ship station promo code hey babe because you got a great discount how do you name them just like yeah we were doing like the planets and stuff I never ran out of planets okay so okay so let's let's get to Oliver okay Oliver this is the biggest one Oliver's the biggest guy let's get to planet Oliver let's get to planet is Oliver the biggest guy search biggest and he has the potential when did they all eat last now he doesn't have the lid for this a couple of weeks Oh I thought they had to feed like yeah do they still see daily no so they have very slow digestive systems so a snake as they get older you can feed a snake every three weeks to a month I've had a snake one time in 1990. now is that one feeding considered breakfast lunches yeah that didn't eat for an entire year really entire year skinny [ __ ] it's got to be impossible no how is it how is it okay how is it storing and then using and distributing the nutrients from its prey one year decomposed they barely move that's why they live so long but but the thing it ate is certainly decomposing and losing any value that yeah so I mean he did lose a little waste it was living off the fat that he the fat storage but it never it didn't get it didn't look malnourished that was the thing that threw me off like it looked fine a year it was exactly a year my snake didn't eat and then one day he decided to eat it was a ball python they're notorious for not eating well that day that he decided to eat look to look out right and I was keeping these snakes a little irresponsibly like I had the snake the ball python with a Burmese python cohabits you know they were sharing the same enclosure now you have one snake on top of the other one's air holes that's okay sorry buddy so what would happen he cares all of a sudden no um so what happened when you put them two together that was irresponsible why because they could fight there's you run the risk of uh cross-contamination it could stress the animals out these are solitary creatures they don't want to be they're not like freaking geese like you know walking down the street but what about when you see like those tons of snakes all together like that that's usually mating very few snakes uh live in in colonies like that very few as soon as the babies are born they're on their own no that's what I think I like about them because I like to be by myself right yeah because your family loved you so snakes are all positive being abandoned you grow up without a father no wonder why there's so many snakes in the bride all right let's take here's Oliver oh he's such a beautiful snake oh God I bet so generally when you add to a snake enclosure with bigger snakes this is called tap training because they don't know the difference between food and the person last time the food motivated you just tapped them like this on the head and I do that little sound to make a cue beep beep they don't know I'm sorry they don't know the difference between food and you is that what you said when the cage is first open because a lot of times a lot of times you'll find I'm going to put the mic down so I can put them up in I'll just demonstrate how I would answer his enclosure [Laughter] here we go oh my God this is Oliver he's a hypo Burmese python he's absolutely beautiful so you see how uh Pluto is lucistic that's not I mean very rare would you find that in the wild surviving like a white yeah so these are more in the wild yeah so what they do they'll find one then they they breed it and they they got all sorts of colors they got it's like the it's like the pride flag colors colors yeah and so the books yeah okay so now we're stopping the snake's head so they're gonna snake knows that you're not a rat right yes right okay so these are very food motivated you got to be respectful not everyone is like uh is is gaming not everyone should have a Burmese python it's like owning a Rottweiler you know it's like you know I've had two yeah so you might be you might be a cop candidate for all of us are great but you know what I'm saying that there are a a a a type of animal you got to be rubbing its head in this the snake tongue is is kind of going crazy right now can you see that pimp okay so I tapped him so now he understands what's going on yeah yeah can you move that snake box let's make my job hard and I mean I don't mean it's box or it's anal vent another thing is When approaching a snake you never want to go from above imagine no why would you do that right because they're they're Predators right or they hunted by hawks large birds oh you're a hawk versus snake right so a hawk can come down slice that exactly fly it in the air but have you ever seen like a hawk because you watch these videos a hawk around grab a snake stop to fly away and then the snake will bite the hawk the hawk goes down and the snake Falls and the snake beats the hawk yeah but then everybody they both die and no one else die from being dropped is it yeah the snake can die from being dropped from a high let me tell you something did we drop one of these things off the 10th I had uh did this this is how this is how fascinating reptiles are I was living in my studio apartment right I didn't even have a bed I had but you might be sitting back there soon because your family has had enough of this a mattress against the wall and all my animals when I first moved into my first apartment at my time at the time I was Jaden this Jewish Puerto Rican girl her name is Kelly Greenberg and she loved the animals okay Greg Greg Greg is going to be associated with you and I had a lizard that I um used to care for at a head hunting agency when I worked at Petland this lady who owned her own head hunting firm said Sergio would you care for my iguana Iggy and I said go to the uh the the office clean the iguana cage make 20 bucks go back home she gave me the Iguana it was a six foot iguana serious and we named I changed the name I didn't like Iggy I thought I was too hacky I said Moesha it was a popular 90s show yeah and it was uh oh to the e to the Moesha yeah now moisha shared the apartment with my pit bull and she used to whip the pit bull to eat the pit bull's food with its hair and then my dog used to look at me and go away no so they did well together [Laughter] but give me all right maintain icons I can be like Dad what the [ __ ] yeah I've always used to come like that and then take a couple of bites look at the pit and go like this Bob his head and then walk away what becomes the Moesha so Moesha Thanksgiving 1998. it was a great Thanksgiving for me yeah that was an amazing thing she's on the radiator where she likes to perch and get the sun rays yeah right remember we're in a studio apartment meaning everything is in the same room I wake up I wake up to the cries of Kelly say oh my God but we should have pushed out the screen moisha's on the screen story's High back and forth oh like balancing on the screen yeah like it popped out and it was like yeah she was on the radio pushed the window screen out and she's going back in front oh here's the creek going hello fresh America's number one meal kit you know we love it babe we are both subscribed to hellofresh we like to save money it's cheaper than going to the grocery store we love the meals I've learned how to cook using this my family uses it my friends use it I love they got the new sweet chili tofu balls or the spicy coconut curry stir fry which I'm telling you you know me you know I love sauce and thick food this is awesome and it's October baby so they got the fall Classics they got uh uh um pumpkin pie um they got um all types of different desserts fall desserts they got a dessert 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back and forth oh here's the creek going and I catch eye contact with Moesha I'm always says stay still she doesn't understand me I go ankle socks dirty wife beater walk towards the the lizard she looks at me licks her face keeps on walking falls out the window I look at her surfing in the air no oh [ __ ] you watch the Free Fall oh my God smashes to the ground you watch the snake surf that should be awesome you you watched yeah free fall of a six foot iguana 80 feet yeah well yeah you sorted Sal what makes this story extraordinary I run downstairs my you know you know I run downstairs Kelly's looking out the window oh my God she dead Moesha is all whites looks at me opens her eyes and continues walking no I swear to God wait wait wait what color was she before the four green she was 100 white it was beautiful it was actually beautiful like I don't like that and now what happened she goes back to green yeah yeah three days later she's got her color back I thought she might have broke something internally she didn't break anything she didn't break anything she lived I mean I had a you know Dad eventually I donated Zoo but she um was with us for years after that and she she it took her three months to go back by the windowsill so she knew yeah what eventually had she actually died then crack [Laughter] she was killed that Crossfire nasty paper cut yeah so look at this one this snake is very inquisitive very a very uh it's a nice way to put it yeah so now thank you very much wants to see who you are and bite you look at the way the eyes move can you see that the eyes move side to side okay so this thing is very confident it's a very comfortable okay so what you're doing right now is you're you know classic is like lizzo yeah absolutely that's a better name for him yeah so you're caressing its neck yeah and I can just go right under and we're good we're good see good just you know just jerk that thing off yeah but he's a big boy but even you you're gonna take him fully out not disrespectful respectful because I'm you know there's also a lot going on that's unfamiliar to the lights a lot of people here y'all want to be respectful I'm not going to go in and show off I definitely want to be aware and I make a fool out of myself right enough during my lifetime if this one started attacking you is it the same thing just throw Purell at it yeah yeah who knew like it like in the desert all you need is just like [Laughter] just running away with it because she doesn't know I'm like you want to hold it absolutely not yeah there's a big boy it's a big boy no it's not that it's unpicked by so you gotta be respectful this is a very I don't know how to respect or disrespect this man yeah yeah what's the name this is Oliver Oliver I expect bro yeah no no no no when you when I introduce you to a snake and you Reveal Your anal vent that's disrespectful picture on the floor like that's classic scene with like a rattlesnake and you're sitting on the floor it's like between your legs and you're looking right at it like this and you're just like I respect you please no I respect you I I think we've had a miscommunication somewhere somewhere along the line the lines were crossed oh my now how many feet is this six feet this is as big as the Iguana yeah he's probably like six feet long a guy with Ian fight at in the middle of covert this is my covert purchase previous hey babe guess yeah yeah it's crazy right I'm a little tentative about driving Chris always likes to make fun of me about that so I had Ian drive me to Pennsylvania to pick up the snake in the middle of course it was a corporate purchase yo thank you to all the uh the donations uh did you get a discount because it was covet no it was a mistake wearing a mask to snake vaccinated yeah you got the Johnson Johnson backs look at it look at the Raptor on Sergio's like nah that's security he wants to feel like you know supported so he knows you I don't I would say he definitely knows me he's a very smart how long have you had him I had him since covid so I was like in the middle of over we decided to make the purchase put everyone life in danger from my uh yeah this one I would feel I mean so you've left this snake alone with your wife and daughter and been gone for a weekend before yeah like hey just feed the snake what's the what's the type of respect what's the tightest constriction you felt anywhere on your person uh when you when you talk like that reminds me of cops [Laughter] one time I had uh him around my neck and I was cleaning his enclosure and he was tight and you know I lost uh like to this day I can't see right to my left eye as the one time I was in front of my family and I almost choked on a Cocoa Puff which is a [ __ ] dumb way to die yeah yeah oh my God can continue my daughter's Cocoa Puffs without you know because that's her cereal it was the last bowl and I'm making icon and I was like [Music] my daughter was just looking at me like that yeah somebody gets shot in front of his building on a fire oh my God I can't believe the way you behave because it's tongue in front of thousands of strange people weekly yeah not in front of snakes though but Sergio but that's what the audience is Michigan Vancouver Portland when you had it on Michigan when you had it feel tight too tight for your liking how did you undo that you just did with your hands yeah yeah and then it did it did he let go yeah he was fine he was just you know trying to climb it didn't feel oh so he's a climber yeah about reading Behavior wrong uh you go I don't know if you guys are interested you could pull up woman gets attacked by a snake of reticulated python pull I mean pull it up what are we doing what are we what are we doing if we're not pulling that up yes so this is the worst case scenario this is reading this snake wrong she's like wait you saw it was a little bit like I was expecting so this woman is a Handler and made them she's a Handler I made a mistake no it's uh I mean let's launch them all at the moment I don't want to not see that one either woman gets attacked by snake in the office that's it that's it yeah sir Geo can you watch his head please Sergio what does reticulated mean again you know what I'm not sure we should look that up too I'm not sure that you know every single fact about thing but you're like what is reticulated mean he's like I'm not I've never heard that yeah when you say reticulated what is what are you implying to us well that's oh that's the that's the name of the snake so right but like when you say it oh my God oh my God that well [Music] as far as you jumped it did like I don't know man it put its head under the pillow yeah probably is the guy like he knows everything about sex he's talking so he's like so knowledgeable like wearing awe and then you asked him to read he's like pull this one up python all my family all my family could name you any gum but they can't read or write oh yeah I know little Nims gorilla Nims so check it out see okay look at a fast flick in the tongue you saw that did you see that though oh my god dude that's what this one's doing no slow look how fast it is that's a food response and she's is she like freaking out right now she's handling it like a champ so now what is what is the where's the Purell this guy doesn't have Purell right I don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing look at this like they just pulled the teeth off the she's in pain right now right she's playing it cool that's a very painful bite is it is there a venomous she might lose she might danger right now right she's she's dangerous if she was alone that's a really big that's a problem like that could she could lose her arm kind of thing well you know that that thing wraps around her leg she falls down lose you know it could be very bad but she had a team there that didn't really know what they were doing they're trying to uncoil it but he got a good grip on her and was she and he was familiar with her should have got alcohol they didn't think about that they got in and I wish we had the sound this guy probably had a beer is she screaming oh no it's fine I could commentate is she screaming though is she yelling no she's actually very calm you want to put on the sound for yeah yeah oh so she's still commenting to the video at what point do you just pull out a gun and shoot the snake in the head would you have to do that eventually can you pause with us now you have to do that you could stab it I would stand now explain stuff to you guys it's all about the environment you see behind the what the wooden casing yeah those are uh cages for breeding rats so now you have a snake who's very full motivated in the same room as a place where rats are being bred so this snake is constantly like a shark in the water like smelling blood that's part of the reason why she was so you should never have your rats in the same room as you're saying have a separate room for your rats yeah so why is she but she looks like she's some sort of Handler or professional why is she making bonehead moves like that I don't know let's be honest it's flicking its snake very fast here Sergio snake that's slow it's licking its tongue sorry I want to flick that snake out the [ __ ] window uh I'd like to see all right now a word from our sponsor better help I'm telling you mental health is so prevalent in almost every Community almost every person I know mental health problems are profound better help has helped me that's why I've gotten mentally healthy I got my family on better help I'm on better help my dad Tampa Tony is on better help we all use better help what we love about it is they they link you up with with counselors and therapists that work for you that match you know your personality and what you're going through and you do it all from the comfort of your own home you do not have to go to an office you do it all from the comfort of your own home it's been awesome it's actually 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spraying blood is it spraying blood because she had an open wound and now it's squeezing the blood out I'm sure it doesn't help that well actually it's providing its own tourniquet right really think about it yeah so you know I want to bite you and then help you out real quick you know if people show off for the camera she may have rushed it right because there was a camera but that's a slow flick the way he came out I was a food motivated response okay I would have hit him with the the hook behind yeah and I would have been very slow moving has he ever come out with the snake faster you know he wants food yeah I know when he's hungry and he wants food every time I go into that cage he's like I love that I'm getting this much I'm really I'm really genuinely coming away from this learning things today yeah you know what I mean I'm gonna have a conversation with my niece now she has like a dozen these I'm gonna impress her Bangkok Thailand here we are this snake jumps out why is there a loose snake these are three women just walking down the hallway and a snake just jumps out and holy [ __ ] is an interesting area where you can have City and then immense Wildlife right like on the side of the road you can have elephants they have sun bears uh which is the smallest bear they have all sorts of like venomous reptiles and meanwhile there's like a club right off the block she kicked her slipper right off the snake was likely driven in by heavy rain and it drew and it driven drove it right into the sixth floor of an apartment building in Bangkok all right all right well I think I've had enough of this I don't think I can continue actually yeah well just to add on a positive note let's do the one where um this guy had a a 30-foot uh Python and he throws it out the window because there's a fire and the woman climbs up the snake and rescued it from the fire so let's pull that up so that's possible it's like the snake Rapunzel story I do have a question yes yes yes do you have you ever seen snake ghosts have you seen one what I thought people's gonna be like have you ever seen ghosts of snakes guess about ghosts no do you feel like they have any personality at all uh well they just dead inside no they they have a yeah I would say some of them especially these bigger ones have personalities not much what kind of personality it's like some of that but it's a little more calm and cool other ones are like a little flighty that's what this sort of thing like imagine bumping into like uh you know uh you know personality in the club that's just like you know [Laughter] like we bump into somebody's like I'm just unsure of their feelings you know like they're just kind of like look at this snake on the back that's up on the back of a fiately like oh they're engaging yeah the snakes on the highway that's their back [ __ ] said it was rescued by Highway workers could you imagine you're just working on the highway and they're like we need you to do an animal rescue it's a [ __ ] 35-foot snake so what he got this person does not know that's not that person's snake how did that happen I have many questions who knows it's a probably an Uber yeah have you ever done stand up with the snakes on I feel like I want to do that because I'm running out of [ __ ] I've been running out of [ __ ] for years now and maybe just have the snake on my neck and but never address it that's good this is this [ __ ] do comedy and there's like a [ __ ] you and I'm just like come on we'll be on one of my shows I'd love to see Chris to stand up with the snake on oh there's a clip dude snake on stage every time a joke misses go she's wanting to try to do one bit with it with us with that around your neck one bit and what would it what would it look it's questioning its [ __ ] hand very strong do they sleep yeah with their eyes open really my eyelids really yeah so are they seeing in their sleep no but they don't you don't know what this you don't know oh right you could you could you could test yourself if you weren't going yeah like teach your kids a lesson with the snake no I don't like to use snakes that way I just start beating somebody with a snake yeah I was irresponsible you had mentioned that you had a rock you had two rottweilers I had a Rottweiler that I bought off my mother bought off a cop at the age of uh I was like nine years old that thing is too close to your neck he was um he's fine and I said my friends came into the apartment we used to go like that I used to go watch used to get all riled up that's very irresponsible this is the money yo make no mistake my steaks match my kicks wow yo so you're not you're not scared for your cat's life in the room with all those snakes listen man the time I left the [ __ ] snake enclosure but thank God it's been every other enclosure but all of this because he could take down a cat and he's always hungry like there's more about like people yeah I don't have the pet anymore but like but what about if the pit came in contact with that I think they'll be in different choices in one another I think they would I don't think the pit will bother um but the snake may just run away from it because like the size okay but the cats that's a good meal for Oliver well the snake is if that snake was on the floor here and you walked in is the snake scared of you do they see you as a Potential Threat yeah if you're hovering over them and you're fast moving and but you know it's where you approach them you say how he came out was very slow moving right you know I'm acting like I'm part of the earth it's kind of just come on not like and is that that's the truth with most snakes like if you approach any snake like that odds are they're not going to try to bite you first if you don't smell like right what about if you saw a snake in the desert yeah I would you know it depends each snake is different like I'm talking about my domesticated right that's the way I handle it I won't I don't want to necessarily [ __ ] with a a snake at a desert that could be venomous right that could be just wrapping itself around the microphone and at no point as much experience as you have and as many times as they've been on your neck and you've done this exact scenario at no point do you ever have a thought creep in that second guesses yourself in the moment you're like I just got this heebie-jeebies a little bit nah the dummy peonies ah okay I I feel like that around common folk that I interact with every day but not much right so you feel so you feel safer around snakes than you do around people you know that's right now you're a dirtbag have you ever rented this have you ever entered this out to a kid's party or done that no but I want to get into that field no no in the beginning of the pandemic he did it like showed off all his animals from his house on Instagram live best believe I didn't want underwear yeah underwear on any dick terrified in the back why does this phone keep freezing I'm like he got T-Mobile Sergio where can people find you oh Sergio all the social media is dead dates with you are there and a couple other shows and yeah and so it's easy the website that's it and if you you know can people will you ever will you ever have like a live appearance with your snakes out in like Thompson Square Park or around your neighborhood they're gonna have to pay for that go see Sergio obviously the funniest sweetest dude ever look at like a sling now I can't do anything with my arm that's how powerful he is this is my arm resting really yeah you can't get out of that I could get out of him I'm gonna need you guys help we'll see maybe let's get to let you want to get to you want to get to know Sergio without the snakes yeah put the snake in the box that's taking a box Serge put your snake in a box can we just put the snake on the table yeah we're on all right you want to put the snake down wherever it goes It goes is that crazy no it's not crazy I'll just put them right here oh my God yeah I don't think we're unfortunately I don't think we're gonna warm up to it in in this amount of time you want to let it eat like a painting of DeRosa oh can you can you feed it do you have reactions I don't have rats in my back pocket although I did have a friend growing up who used to put chicken wings in his pocket and feed her no and feed himself after playing basketball oh my God sounds like something Hillary Clinton is he that wow yeah is he also a pandering politician he used to wear jogging pads and we used to play hoops and he used to go in his pocket take pick out the lint and eat chicken wings and then throw him behind his head like a banana peel like you gotta be kidding me no I'm serious he'd ball with the wings in his pocket yeah and he used to stand sideways I remember he was very like favorite the left side of like his hip he would like lean over and just like took her and maintain I could be a scoliosis and you were making fun of someone who's disabled and and pull the lint off too again eat the chicken that throw the ball behind his head like a cartoon character would throw a banana peel right did you not do not come in with it I don't have any more toilet paper left bedding yeah um question did did he know he was were you guys laughing at it did he know he was joking around or was he dead serious no he was dead serious he didn't think it was he didn't like did you guys clown him no I I I don't know if I can't I was I I knew enough to like make it was just so it was it was baffled I was baffled because we had this physically just finished playing basketball like if it's just always black when you play basketball right if you have to go Pierre wasn't a thing in 1992. so he's going in his pocket but yet he's hygienic according to his standards right he's gonna stick out the lid right eating chicken pasta rock yeah a wild grew up in the Lower East Side like the amount of characters he has a friend he had a friend going up the Lower East Side that he would like get drunk and he would like when he would get drunk his eyeballs would go in the back of his head rewind it wasn't drunk let's not let's not let's not cocaine let's start softening stuff this was full-blown cocaine out of die boys to hang out at yeah and we used to call him slot machines because I used to roll like he [ __ ] God are you kidding me I was like what a great nickname complete a substance he would go yo Soldier man all night like that yeah you're the man as eyes to just [ __ ] roll growing up in the Lower East Side like when he grew up you know growing up right now if you guys are familiar with New York if you're not I'll tell you lower east side right now is one of the most gentrified parts of the whole city very safe you know there's yoga students there's still dirt bags though it's coming back but but it is it's got its dirty it's Mayor de Blasio it's coming making a nice comeback now to its olden days but when Sergio grew up there in the 90s it was like that was like a very very difficult neighbor to grow up in Manhattan it's not deaf and despair now both now both worlds are colliding where you get the accommodating factors like a city bike for people who want to ride to work but you know it was on the city bikes yeah the [ __ ] ghouls and goblins that coverage revealed so these [ __ ] guys who I know don't have active bank accounts are writing these my dad that was his that was he he worked for the New York City Sanitation it was his that was his hood that's where he worked the Lord oh early morning he must have seen everything he's seen everything did he tell you like a lot of stories really yeah everything you could think of he's seen it he's seen it all yeah I mean a lot of people getting killed dead people people getting killed everything you can think of everything I seen growing up on the Lower East Side and this is no [ __ ] I see three bodies pulled out of the East River right you actively saw this yeah a goddess thing I was just I was young in the hobby yeah and uh if you guys need I sent a guy shot behind us had a neighborhood guy shooting another neighborhood guy and I'm playing handball against a white van and we never stopped the game which that was the crazy thing that's called trauma and this is some [ __ ] that's happening so now I'm like that's not normal wait wait wait wait I was playing a handball against a white van which is unbelievable already right right and then a neighborhood guy every day shot another guy was seen every day behind the head and ran away like a freaking like a cartoon character with a bag of money like this with a gun like behind his head and so you you saw the man who was shot behind the head just laying there with his brains on the page I didn't see Bloods and and and brains because it was like on the corner of the block but I saw him fall flat on his face and he's dead right dead right around the spot but they got away he ran away was the most like the hesitating thing yeah like the knees would say it's just as hell is back like but so you guys were laughing at this guy wait wait wait you didn't yeah you did you just stopped playing handball now it makes sense that was wild to me that that I didn't realize that the cops came up to me and I was talking about like I knew these cops the cops were like what did you say I said well I saw a guy and my friend was going like this like shut the [ __ ] up right and I was like I don't really see much in the office I was like hey come on man you said it and yeah I stopped talking and then we continue playing handball so so you were eyewitness didn't know eyewitnesses said anything right so what about when you saw the guy that shot him later on now you asked you too many questions I saw the guy like 20 years later he was buffed you know act like he didn't know me and I was like oh [ __ ] yo that guy just shot someone so he got away with it to this day he did like 20 years he did like for that murder yeah yeah he got caught oh he's out it wasn't my doing make that very clear I didn't say anything I would just say I saw a guy get shot they were like who wasn't I wasn't a go into it like as I was going off adrenaline like oh yeah he lives like but my friend called me was like you know I don't know how much I was going to reveal but I was definitely talking to the cop right people my friend was like shut the [ __ ] up right you know damn damn dude yeah yeah wow it's crazy when you experienced it you didn't even run no no it was just like it was I remember that was that that's something that I always go back to how we just kept on with the night when we when I I live with my grandparents when I was growing up uh in Staten Island and not not a great neighborhood and um we would hear gunshots all the time like it was nothing like we would hear that we would be sitting with my parents and my grandparents didn't have air conditioned so we'd have the windows open in the summer right and we'd be sitting in the living room like watching television and he had gunshots and to the point where we weren't even like we didn't blink we're just like oh gunshots right yeah it was just I mean I I don't if I would have seen someone get shot more like in the head in front of me I don't think I would have continued to handball but but we did we were like you do become a little numb to it wow yeah dirt back [ __ ] well it's it as you're revealing your childhood it's getting more and more obvious why you feel comfortable with snakes wrapped around your body why you think it's okay to leave your family unintended with venomous animals because what you're basically saying to them is hey I saw a guy get shot I kept playing handball you could deal with a little rattlesnake yeah yeah you could do illegal reptilians Sergio's one of those guys who's clearly gotten better looking as he's gotten older [Laughter] you know what it is I remember that photo shoot you know yeah I remember I was home yeah yeah best believe well that's the thing when you're like an actor like when you're an ex [ __ ] drunk and and Drug you by the way yeah the photos that surface they're like oh [ __ ] like oh it's been sober for 10 years right now he's reticulated soldiers are reticulated Puerto Rican which by the way Antonio avoided that question and that kept on looking at you like I gotta look that way I was trying to Google it yeah you don't let Sal leave he's like yo delete that we're gonna need to cut that out yeah yeah yeah also the word we invented we couldn't remember last week someone posted it elasticity that's what it was um it has the ability to stretch no I I think that's [Music] they literally cooked the steak they they drench it in gold is the one oh God it's so funny and then they bring it out and they go in a suitcase you can get such a better deal at hello fresh just use the promo code hey babe 16. is that did you see the one with the gold the gold steak it was like thousands of dollars they dipped it in gold and they bring it out with a suitcase wait they bring it on a suitcase and then they have a team a SWAT Team come out with guns and surround the suitcase and then like it's all part of the ordering the steak it's so douchey though you order the steak a guy comes out in a suit with a briefcase and he's surrounded by a SWAT team with guns [ __ ] they bring it to the table and the SWAT team is surrounding the table with the guns they open the suitcase and pull out the stake that is dripped in Gold that's so stupid God it's so stupid I just saw it online it was thousands of dollars and they made a whole thing about it like like I'm sure if you Googled like gold steak suitcase SWAT team or something I mean people just one of those videos has a whole SWAT team behind them oh whatever the snake by the way it's I'm embarrassed when they come over with a candle and cupcake to sing Happy Birthday me too hate it those the nightclub with the freaking sparklers with the bottle that's big and then blowing whistles and walking over I'm like oh my God please Jesus Christ vegans putting flowers on Meats in grocery store to honor dead animals well that's that's one thing that's wrong with everybody right now we'll be a guy with a haircut like that 100 yeah here you go well I would have told me she's a vegan I would have never guessed laughs what are you going to put what are you going to lay on the on the rose for the for the person that sniffed the rose and kill the rose also who's funding this that's expensive roses are not cheap yeah they are not cheap is this a sign of which they're recording themselves well it got 20 million views you know when you think about if you really boil it down sometimes the content is very easy to make yeah just 20 million views on something I mean that that got 25 of the views of the Seinfeld finale she got sick from year five sneezes uh I would say I would say there's a 90 chance at least somebody including the snake is gonna have a call tomorrow yeah we'll see what happens I'll be sending your doctor's bill oh my god do you take them out every time you come home like do you spend what when do you spend time with them do you carve it out yeah I can't believe you dude by your behavior you told me that when it's looking for food the tongue goes fast that was going very fast it's been hey babe don't be a fake don't be a flake don't run away from your feelings babe don't be afraid don't be ashamed don't hesitate to say hey babe hey babe hey babe hey babe
Channel: No Presh Network
Views: 125,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sal vulcano, impractical jokers, trutv, comedy, funny, impractical jokers funniest moments, chris distefano comedy, chris distefano, chris distefano comedian, chris distefano podcast, podcast, comedy podcast, hey babe, ymh, tom segura, bad friends, andrew santino, sam morril, mark normand, funny podcast, shane gillis, matt and shane, bobby lee, are you garbage, hot ones impractical jokers, tik tok, snakes, gilly and keeves, Sergio Chicon, learn about snakes, snake, reptiles, wtf
Id: L_nvNjNszBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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