Shinkansen GRAN CLASS | Beyond First Class on Japan Rail

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hey everybody welcome to tohoku this is morioka check that out nice we are here at the front of the tohoku shinkansen which you can see is connected it's connected to this red shinkansen which is the akita shinkansen everybody is taking pictures because these shinkansen are like kissing do you see that it's kind of a famous scene where where the akita shinkansen is kissing the tohoku shinkansen this one will start to take off towards the sea of japan from here so we say goodbye but a lot of people like to like to take pictures you can see i can i can show you here the link real quickly how you doing everybody welcome to morioka i'm pretty excited about this trip i'll show you the sign really quickly we have about a minute or two before it takes off but the purpose of this live stream is i want to show you i want to show you the grand class which is the best class and peter is waiting there right now he has a chance we have a chance to show it to you in a very uh intimate way those are the mascots on the side of the train making this pretty special if he's looking at his watch that means i better go back and get back onto the train don't worry i'm not going to be late i'm not going gonna be late i'm so happy that you could join us on this special special train again completely reserved you know who it's reserved for [Music] it's reserved for that man right there pvg very cool uh it's actually listed here as a party train which is very very much not the case [Music] i'm really happy i'm so happy to be doing this project let's go inside of the grand class welcome to the highest level of class the grand class thank you peter welcome sir dobb oh well sir peter as you can see the seats are the highest of quality a really nice leather we we put our bags back here so you can't see them they were out of the shot but do you want to show the reclining seat oh please do that show us what's this hold on a second watch peter do it we're at morioka station for a couple of minutes uh i thought this would be pretty cool do it peter what are you doing i don't know it's automatic look at that isn't that lovely and it just does the foot rest comes up as nagoya john says peter it's reserved for elitist snobs yes absolutely yes mr van gaam we will reserve this car just for the two of us how do you feel being in the lap of luxury i feel at home john really yeah you know i'm used to this kind of stuff if you had a little white cat on your lap i would think that you were ernest blowfeld ernest blofel being from james bond the bad guy that strokes the cat and well yeah on the surface he was a bad guy but actually he was really a good guy i don't think so there was no good in ernest blowfeld i yep the great thing with having the this is a private shinkansen is that um we you don't have to uh wear your mask in here um we we had uh uh tests before to make sure that we were free from it are you trying to hide it now stop it peter stop it peter um it is really nice and i think you're gonna be able to see outside the window some of the station staff the station staff has been saying hi to everybody and that makes us feel uh even more at home this is part of the tohoku destination campaign that's that'll be going on from now until until um the end of the end of september september 30th to september 30th but the past that we have is forever at least at least that's what they've told me a very long time john if forever is a long time i can't believe how many people are taking pictures of this yeah it's a special deal it's a very special deal special deal john oh stop it peter 777 cascade love your content keep it up i appreciate that very much bob joe gotta love the pate train yeah this is a party train it is it feels like it we we ate three bentos between us was it only three it feels like a lot more the fuco bento the um no four yeah four we we had eight bentos we ate four each oh look the local tvs here is that nhk i think that's nhk [Music] this is so cool the grand class is really expensive um i think it was like five times the normal price something like that it's it's very exclusive it's basically um yeah it's it's very nice it's very comfortable but you know what i'm i find that the green class green card class also very comfortable there's not it's not crowded right the green car is what maybe double the price or like 40 30 40 more it is a premium um during the holiday season this is a great place to sit because you feel more relaxed i don't think they allow you to stand in the green car you you can but in the normal class if it overflows there'll be people standing in the in the aisle of the shinkansen which makes it a little bit a little bit uh stressful suzette writes in here hi john hi peter for dinner and drinks in aomori nice thank you we'll be treating pvg pvg got a treat yesterday uh at this hotel yes i did that was a wonderful night peter what does it smell like in here i can't say that on tv john no stop it he's saying that just to make fun of me it smells like leather like smells a lot better than our hotel room a little bit like leather um it smells good i think he was being serious bianca june writes in i i've made it to a live stream i've been waiting to ride this this one very much so i'm excited for this campaign and elvis camera hi john and peter someday we will visit japan and ride the shinkansen from mel and elvis in san francisco and our friend's second breakfast down there in mexico only in grand class yes indeed tortora poco is here john you are now the cream of the top of the cream de la creme wow i don't i can't even i get lost in that cream look at that it's a close-up let's wave it go to the door go to the door go to the door let's wave at them hey peter take my picture i'm gonna get out there sure i've taken over the stream there he goes john dobb the man about town welcome to tohoku what a ham yeah morioka or bust i didn't say bust a move what a douche bag [Laughter] [Music] did i make collabs arigato gozaimasu [Laughter] [Music] listen to the music all right green class open sesame this is the grand class but sir you have no class i have no class hey if i made if i made them laugh then i was successful i was very successful okay good [Laughter] all right the green class is uh very premium and for the next couple of minutes i'm gonna show you again we're going to take off in a second there's no tv monitors or anything like that so you have to bring your smartphones let's say good let's say goodbye to everybody yeah let's wave goodbye try not to shed it's here is jason here by the way jason yeah he may be james boardman's here little travolta action grant h is here jason if uh you're missing out on some really nice sites uh along this route boy there's a lot of there's a lot of action there um we're gonna show you some of the the comforts of this that's my gopro that i was able to attach because it's a private car although we do have guests oh they're taking it off this is nsk all right let's wave let's wave to nhk and the world i love nhk because we do a lot of work with them i actually met peter at nhk in the studio there i've got to tell these folks about the nhk program that's being aired today oh yeah right which uh takes place right here where we are right now in tohoku raymond centeno says say hi to hana who's recording the train shuttle hi hannah hi hannah hello hello say hi to raymond who was the guy in that white suit at tokyo station i died again [Music] he's like the station master he's looking over at us he's gonna do a panning sweep bye-bye oh i totally got on an hk with that shot i totally he i knew he was doing his little third eye towards me and he panned and the last shot he did was he panned over i'm gonna make the news i know that was a that was a money shot all right enough about that let me i'm just so excited let's show everybody the luxuries of the grand class so uh i'm doing an ekiben episode um and showing you all the different kinds of classes but one of the questions that we had was what is the difference between the grand class and uh the green car the difference is green car used to be used to be the first class until about 2011. march 5th actually was about six days before the great uh tohoku earthquake and tsunami they started the grand class and it was a place where like it's more geared towards business people or people who who just want that added luxury if you if you have a lot of money you might as well live it up in grand class i think it's pretty comfortable um it gives you just an extra bit of of uh elitism i guess i don't know what the right word but one thing that you're not gonna see in this live stream is the services that are attached to the grand class uh because of covid and and the protocols in place for us um we don't have uh champagne and all the other goodies but you know what i'm fine just writing it i'm fine just enjoying it uh actually it does keep the it is quite separated um let me show you here this is car number ten again this is the special uh special like uh toilet for a grand class and you can see here the wood paneling it's really beautiful i just freaked out all of the jr rail staff jre stab you can see the wood paneling is so beautiful here's the restrooms here i like the fact that they have multi-purpose rooms so if you have a child or you need extra space you can take advantage of that um everything is just a little bit more premium feeling on the in the grand class this is the multi-purpose bathroom here that allows us to go in let me see here [Music] yeah it's i love the fact that japan jr east has a multi-purpose multi-purpose restroom so if you are if you do have any disabilities you can get in and use the restroom and not have to worry about i don't know not being able to having to need special services you can do it yourself and i think that that's wonderful oh oh you didn't peter's narrated a documentary for nhk that's playing right now yeah do you want to pitch it sure sure it's called uh fukushima monologue fukushima monologue and it's about the gentleman that remained in the no-go zone uh after the uh tsunami took out the uh all right that's the guy with the llama right yeah he basically was like a doctor too little he refused to leave so that he could tend to all of the animals that people left behind and he remained there for the last 10 years and he defied the orders to to uh to evacuate and um so we did this documentary um i narrated it and it's it's it's a fascinating it's one of the most challenging i've done to date uh powerful beautiful at the same time um but he had over 200 animals that he cared for the ostrich wow uh there was yeah there's pigs cats dogs everything living together and uh it's an amazing story so check it out on nhk world playing right now is it on demand it's it i'm not positive it'll be on demand but it's playing multiple times over the next 24 hours cool uh it's called fukushima monologue so right you can see it on the app as well playing live thank you peter peters the voice of that and it probably adds a lot of value to the high quality one of the things that is disturbing uh thank you nash also shared the link to everybody hopefully they can see it now the iphone does a good job of it but if you're trying to film on the grand class there's this irritating flicker and i found that if if you have the a1 the sony a1 camera you can get rid of the flicker if you shoot at 115.5 shutter speed i can i have to adjust it to one doesn't have an automatic uh no flip setting you have to do by yourself you have to do it by hand to find it to find the frequency and i could find it at 15.5 shutter speed brilliant and i need that and then it gets it there's a slight flicker but it's a lot a little bit better um some of the things in the green in the grand class include right here the tray is pops out like this which i think is pretty unique and i like this intercom that's not an idea clean up on john's aisle please stat anybody hear me oh i thought it was a tunnel i don't think anybody can hear you suzette s hi john hi peter thank you suzette hendrix welcome a new insider welcome to hendrix we're going through some tunnels right now let's see who else is here edison hi john peter you guys really make me feel like i am in japan right now by the way peter looks awesome today thank you thank you so much i appreciate that i feel awesome and wish leo a happy and healthy leo is doing good i just had a son um about two weeks ago now a little bit over two weeks ago and my wife is holding down the floor until i can make it back here i'm glad you finally chose the name yeah well we we're still not sure if it's going to be rio rio or l or uh in english leo but rio leo kind of sounds the same that's great that's all good broadani is in the house aloha from hawaii the view is also a reason to ride the car not right now because we're in a tunnel yeah do you have any unusual talents with your nostrils or ears something you could i know yeah i'm teaching my son right now to do this he's like am i doing it okay daddy i'm doing what [Music] you're hardly moving it okay watch this oh geez was that something that uh has passed on through generations it's genetic i don't know can you curl your tongue yeah how about your bottom lip how about your upper lip i i can do it all right how about you yeah of course all right all right this live stream has has degraded into absolute ridiculousness anything else with the green grand class that we want to introduce peter well i just i we're having fun i mean i'm enjoying the luxury of this i like the uh recessed lighting i i like attention to detail yeah this has incredible attention to detail um like john said i think if you're if you have the means to splurge when you're traveling here in japan uh splurging for something that's a few classes higher than usual is is uh something worth trying at least once so you think this is splurging you're right well it's you said it's like four or five times more than the standard ticket it is so i would say for most people that is splurging it is worth it and i think it's part of the experience um if you are riding on uh writing on the trains here in japan i think you you can't get a grand class pass but there is a japan rail pass for the green car which i think is really good it's it's not it's actually worth it it's not so much more than the regular pass but we're riding right now on this and the green grand class is is not open to us on this pass i just want you to know that we get a special special access to come in here this is the jr east pass tohoku area that just started on on april 1st you can get this you only need a foreign passport you don't have to be an actual tourist to get this for the for the first time you can be a resident of japan and use this just gotta show your foreign passport twenty thousand yen or about two hundred dollars for five days consecutive days yeah five days of consecutive years write all you can is according to the schedule of the shinkansen and enjoy it and that includes that includes the local trains too it's not just the the bullets you can go to aomori and then catch a local train to get to your or to your uh your ilkana whatever um yeah and use it for all one price twenty thousand yen that's so cheap i can't think of a better use of twenty thousand yen i was like i knew he wasn't gonna agree with me yeah actually it is a pretty good deal yeah and the views outside on the way are fantastic right now is cherry blossom season so we've been seeing lots of beautiful sakura along the side of the tracks um which has been splendid um but uh i'm looking forward to getting to our final destination how many which yeah which is the the neocon tonight with a fantastic onsen all right that's gonna be really nice that should be a lot of fun we are going through the tunnel so the quality might not be that good i just want to say thank you to uh all of you for joining us on this adventure i know a lot of you have been looking forward to this it's not often that you can live stream on the shinkansen with permission right usually uh um yeah people will anybody who's actually taking video on the shin content 99 of them did not have permission we were able to get that which uh we're very thankful for so big thank you to jr east as well and for jackie and for jarman international i really appreciate them helping out with this trip we're going to be live streaming once again at 12 about 12 o'clock um i'll stop the livestream about 30 minutes before at a factory in aomori so we're going to take you on a little bit of a field trip in in the city of alamo factory a factory could stand for apple it could stand for aomori but they sell a lot of the goods and the a lot of the cuisine from the region from the region of aomori it's quite a unique place wow looking forward to that yeah do you still have room in your stomach for some more food i do especially dessert a bit too bad i'm looking for some ice cream apple ice cream or something would be really good john kimura is in the house with a double two kimono yeah thank you for that and uh who else we got here bradshaw studio let's say thank you to everybody um oh an ocean discovery my son is into trains and loves that loves your channel he's learning a lot about japanese culture his name is colin i'm calling hi colin how you doing colin thanks for watching trains are very cool i've always had a love affair i'm a train otaku with uh uh especially when i came to japan um my train otaku dome just it was reached mount everest when i arrived here so one last look back at pvg really resting in his yes that is a light it is not an intercom guilty what a fun trip thanks for bringing me along john he's saying thanks for bringing me along we'll see you in aomori you still look like blofeld if you just had a little white cat on your lap yeah don't play peter don't play with the train thanks everybody for watching i hope you you enjoyed the grand class a tour lots of space for your luggage up here i don't know what else to tell you except that there are slippers that you can get inside of here just every bit of comfort that you can afford lots of leg room it's worth it until we see you and omori have a good day everybody are you asleep gosh don't forget to hit that like button
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 39,193
Rating: 4.9185152 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo
Id: dYSw6uN1fKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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