Shinedown - GET UP (Official Video)
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Channel: Shinedown
Views: 28,129,345
Rating: 4.7830758 out of 5
Keywords: shinedown, atlantic records, attention attention, get up, official video, shinedown get up, get up shinedown, brent smith, zach myers, cut the cord, 45 shinedown, shinedown devil, sound of madness, smith and myers, enemies shinedown, state of my head, monsters shinedown, shinedown i’ll follow you, leave a whisper, us and them, amaryllis, threat to survival, atlantic, shinedown get up official video, get up official video, music video, official shinedown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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Brent is looking really good as of late!
I dunno. I love this song. It's one of my favorite on the album. The video does nothing for me. It doesn't do justice to the song, IMO.
I'm really hoping they make a video for PYRO or BLACK SOUL next.
This is, to me, one of their most powerful videos. Such a work of art that Bill Yukich put together for the band.