Shift4Shop vs Shopify: Which Is Better?

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hey what is up guys it's Brendan here and today we're going to be comparing a shift for shop versus Shopify which is the best eCommerce platform for you to use when you're looking to get started with selling your products online that's we're gonna be diving here in today's video taking a look at of course the pros and cons pricing and really just everything you need to know when considering which is the best option again when you're deciding between shift for shop or Shopify which is really the best one for you and your specific needs and before we dive into things I do want to mention if you don't already have an e-commerce store and you do end up deciding to go with Shopify at the end of this video I would recommend checking out that first link Down Below in the description that's Shopify that will take you right over this page here and you can get signed up with a free trial to Shopify right now they are offering a free trial where you can enjoy three months of Shopify three months for a dollar a month on select plans again that's that first link Down Below in the description it's a great way to help out and support the channel of course there is an affiliate link again if you do decide to go with Shopify you can go ahead and use that link to get the extended free trial and again that three months of Shopify for a dollar a month on select plans and without further Ado let's go ahead and dive into the comparison of course just for shop versus Shopify now I will preface a little bit with each giving sort of an introduction before diving into maybe a few different examples and specific pricing as well in general I would say that Shopify really is again one of the most popular e-commerce platforms for a good reason however I have seen quite a lot of smaller businesses especially those who are maybe selling in person as well utilizing the shift for or shift for shop platform now shipper shop used to be known as 3D cart if you're familiar of course in the most recent years Shift 4 purchase 3D cart and now it is known as a shift for shop so Shift 4 also does do point-of-sale systems as well if you are looking to have those terminals if you do have a brick and mortar business again Shopify does also have that as well now if you're just looking at it from purely an e-commerce perspective and trying to sell things online I of course will dive into that as well now in general shiffer shop is slightly you know a bit less popular in general which can come with its own host of issues or maybe some problems as well that we'll be getting into later in this video as well when taking a look at the comparison between the two in general still both are great options when building out an e-commerce store just quickly taking a look at a couple of example stores this one here we have France Lux and this one is built with shift for shop now in general most e-commerce stores nowadays are gonna honestly have a very similar look and feel to one another in general just when you're looking at the overall feel when it comes to design elements the drag and drop capabilities things like that that you would typically expect with a general e-commerce platform when you're looking to build out category Pages or just looking to Showcase certain types of products that you have for sale within your eCommerce store so again this is what you could build uh with you know a store and site design such as shift for shop just the general look and feel and how it is designed as well now taking a look at a Shopify example of course there are tons of different stores that you could really look at from both platforms to get ideas this is color pop uh popular beauty cosmetics brand and they are built on Shopify as well so as you can see sort of a similar look and feel here in terms of their top nap bar I do have a ton of other tutorials on this channel here if you do want to learn more about how to design your Shopify store of course or really just e-commerce stores in general just general design tips and tutorials and how-to content on how to build out your store so be sure to like And subscribe to the channel if you want more uh eCommerce content as well I do have a wide variety of e-commerce content on this channel along with other business uh type content as well find personal finance things like that as well so as you can see here the general design as well now of course this does come down to your own design skills in terms of how you want to build things within your store but it is something worth mentioning as well just you can kind of get a similar look and feel with both platforms really now next we're going to be diving into pricing of course pricing is something that of course all of you guys are interested in knowing hey which is cheaper which is more expensive what do I get with each platform now taking a look here at shift for shop on their pricing page here shift for shop can technically be zero dollars which is really cool and enticing too maybe a lot of you guys getting started however this is really only for people that already have uh customers or an email list or you really already have a audience to Market to because in order to get that free pricing you do have to process a minimum of 500 per month with shift four through your shift for shift four Shop store uh and then your monthly e-commerce platform is free so that is something to consider uh if you are already doing a volume of 500 a month then you can use shifter shop for free which is really really cool again not necessarily something that most beginners will already have right out the gate but it is something to keep in mind if you are planning on maybe launching some advertising campaigns and you're like Hey we're definitely going to hit that 500 per month then that could be another way you can sort of save money on the back end if you are planning on already having some sales coming through your store now of course if you don't already have that then the basic plan that they have here would be 29 a month with PayPal for new customers only that is their most basic platform fee uh as well so that is something to keep in mind there now in general they do have you know a wide variety of features of course that I've mentioned uh before in terms of that as well they do have the different free themes that are included fraud protection migration assistance things like that uh that they can also help you with just on that uh base plan that is just the platform fee as well so it is something uh worth considering and they really don't charge too too much uh you know beyond that basic 29 a month fee uh to get everything else that you would want with the platform uh which is really nice especially compared to a lot of the other expensive platforms again they do sort of compare themselves to those higher level Shopify planes that can be up to you know 20 or 299 a month on some of those more Enterprise level plans or again like they even reference here two thousand dollars a month for something more like a Shopify plus which I know that's pretty Niche not everybody's really going to be needing that type of level of plan uh so you know if you fit with within that sweet spot then maybe shift for shop could be good for you now taking a look at Shopify and what Shopify has to offer of course with their pricing again they do have the dollar a month for three month trial if you are interested in that first link Down Below in the description that's Shopify just figured I'd mention it here since they are mentioning it here on their pricing page now Shopify is a little bit more expensive than shift for shop when you're just taking a look at the raw pricing uh however there are more plans available for Shopify uh if you are sort of at different levels in different tiers now the base level for a full-fledged eCommerce store Shopify on the monthly plan is 39 a month currently you can pay yearly to save and bring it down to the same price as shift for shop at that 29 a month price point something worth considering again you do also have that three-month sort of trial or teaser pay period so you you know that kind of gives you a little bit of wiggle room to get started if you are looking to save money on that front and of course if you don't have that uh 500 a month in sales that Shift 4 requires to at least get it for free if you're trying to just be on the cheap cheap that's something worth considering uh but the regular monthly plans are a little bit more expensive again the yearly plan would be exactly the same at the basic level if you want a full-fledged e-commerce store now I will mention Shopify does have a couple of other alternative plans again maybe you don't need the whole Shopify like most people can get along or get along fine with just the basic plan on Shopify uh the really the Shopify uh Advanced plan and the well the advanced plan here for medium or large businesses or even smaller businesses maybe with multiple locations things like that uh five staff accounts things like that most people don't necessarily need that on the higher end of things but if you are again uh brand new the Shopify does also offer an even cheaper alternative solution such as the starter plan I do have a full overview video on my channel as well just search my channel name and then this Shopify starter plan I dive more into the specifics of the starter plan in that video but just as a brief summary here it is five dollars a month of course currently as a time making this video all the pricing here mentioned in today's video is accurate as the making of today's video go to the pricing pages and make sure it's most up-to-date but in general most of these comparisons will probably ring true now the Shopify starter plan is a little bit more basic you don't actually have a fully fledged eCommerce store and website so if you're looking to do SEO or blog posts things like that you would need to go with either you know shift for shops regular eCommerce store or even shopify's basic plan if you do want a full-fledged website if all you're trying to do is sell through social media and through you know those channels then hey the starter plan could be good for you again it is a lot cheaper either way and there's no requirements it's really just five bucks a month pretty cheap it's a good starter plan just getting started and then it will scale and ramp up if you continue to grow your business with Shopify as well so there's something worth considering I figured I'd mention it is an alternative plan again if you are looking for more Enterprise level Solutions that's not really the gist of this video here of course that's a little bit outside the scope of this video but of course Shopify plus is available for that that's again sort of outside of the scope of this video here today in this comparison because it's just again outside of the scope so shift for shop in comparison to Shopify as well some other things worth mentioning Beyond just the pricing but I figured I would give a good detailed uh pricing comparison because it's a lot to understand a lot to compare there between the two and really understanding them both in general Shopify again coming back to the popularity point and where this really matters is the apps side of things so Shopify does have a much larger app Marketplace and app store if you're at all interested in doing dry Drop Shipping I have mentioned that on the channel many different times in other videos if you're interested in that as a business or fulfillment method then Shopify is definitely your way to go because they just have a ton more Drop Shipping apps in general you're not really going to get that with shift for shop now if you are again with the popularity side of things if you're looking for very Niche scenarios or maybe you need a specific tool for your business you're probably going to be able to find that on Shopify just because of the pure popularity of the platform there's a lot more just developers developing apps for Shopify frankly than what is available shift for shop now shift for shop isn't bad by any means they still have some apps but it's just not at all the same amount of apps that you could come to expect uh with a platform like Shopify you just have a lot more apps and development in general when building out your store now to that point in terms of building out your store Shopify at times can be a little overwhelming frankly and that's why I create a lot of tutorials on the channel here it's to walk people through that just because there's so much that you can customize whereas ship for shop little bit more basic in terms of easier to the learning curve isn't as high let's just say that learning curve is not as high with shift for shop you're not necessarily as you know dumped into this incredible ocean of customization and things you can change and edit and tweak whereas that that's how it is really with Shopify and of course you don't have to necessarily tweak all that you can get away with just with their themes as you can see here uh that they have available and a lot of these are great templates that you really don't even need to customize that much uh but it is something worth considering in terms of some of the customizations again even some of the apps that you may want to use just it can be a little overwhelming a lot to customize if you don't necessarily need all that then maybe shift for shop could be good for you if you don't care about maybe as much of the app's availability and as much of the customization if you're going to have a fairly basic eCommerce store just selling physical products online or whatever types of products you sell then shift for shop could still be good for you again maybe if you're doing a print on demand business as well and if you are at that threshold of the 500 process per month that can make shift for shop just that much more enticing as well so those are some of the big comparisons there at least in terms of popularity some things to keep in mind really when you're comparing the two ultimately both are great platforms like you have a ton of different uh themes as you can see here you know premium themes as well available within Schiffer shop in general both are going to you know get you by as far as an e-commerce platform accepting those payments making sure everything is compliant and good and ready to go to accept payments online really both platforms handle all the basics there it's just you know popularity feature is worth considering as well and some of the other aspects that I mentioned here in today's video so hopefully you found this helpful in comparing a shift for shop and Shopify and helping you decide maybe which platform is best for you again it really just depends on again the size of your business where you're at and really what you're looking for as well you know I would advise you try both out tests they both have free you know trials or things that you can sign up for for free to just get started uh so it's worth testing them both out you know see which one you like better hopefully you found this video helpful again if you did be sure to smash that like button hit subscribe Button as well when you're preparing again shift for shop and Shopify if you do decide to go with Shopify I do want to mention one last time you can go and check out that first link Down Below in the description box that's Shopify that will take you right over this page here we're going to start with a Shopify free trial again it's a great way to help out and support the channel and keep these tutorials coming to you in comparison videos and really everything that I create here on this Channel today so guys thank you so much for watching this comparison video and be sure to smash that like button again hit the Subscribe button share this video comment down below everything you want to do but anyway guys that is all for today's video and I will see you in the next one peace out
Channel: Brennan Valeski
Views: 2,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LXZr--bSYqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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