Shiddat Ep 42 [Eng Sub] Muneeb Butt - Anmol Baloch - Digitally Presented by Cerelac - 25th June 2024

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They claim that you are mentally ill, and your wife, living with you, has fallen prey to depression. According to them, she cannot tolerate this mental torture further. Mr. Lawyer, I hold a very senior position in a multinational company. My salary is in the millions. What do you think? If my mental balance was even slightly disturbed, then would have held such an important post? Anyway, this is their personal matter. Our religion and law give the woman the full right to demand separation. But why didn't you mention, that in the eyes of God divorce is the worst among permissible acts? What will happen if you convince me? We even get murderers released after taking money. Mr. Lawyer, I am not a murderer, I love my wife. I really love her. That’s why I want that no matter what happens, my home shouldn’t break. And whatever your fee is, whatever you charge, I will pay for it. But, please make sure that I win this case. So, after all, what do you want? I want that I don’t divorce my wife. Despite all her family's conspiracies, she comes back to me, and that Brother of hers gets punished. No matter what happens, I should win this case. Finish this separation case. That’s it. So, you want to degrade your in-laws and you even want your wife back? Yes. Done. Tell me, does your wife still love you so much, today? Yes. Asra loves me. We were living a good life. She used to live according to my will, she would listen to everything I used to say. Her sister-in-law has instigated her, and she is instigating her even today. In fact, I would say, Mr. Lawyer, you file a case of kidnapping on her family, her Brother, and her family members. Mr. Sultan, you leave this to us. This is our daily work. Just be mentally prepared. When such cases come to court, one has to go through examination, cross-examination, and endure defamation, among other things. To protect one's own dignity you have to undermine someone else's dignity. Are you ready for all this? Hey, leave me. Guards? Guards? Guards? Guards? Brother Sarwar, where did the guards come in between from? This is a family issue. You are family, I am family, we will sit. We will sit and resolve this issue. Brother Sarwar, the guards have nothing to do with this. It is about the home… Guards. Brother Sarwar, try and understand. Hey, no one dare to touch me! What are you looking at? Hold him and drag him out. Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me. Drag him out. Brother Sarwar, what are you doing? Get out. Will you do this with me? Leave me. Leave me. Leave me. Don’t touch me. This is really wrong, Brother Sarwar. Don’t touch me. Brother Sarwar, this is not right. Whatever those people did with me, after that, yes, I am mentally prepared. I want my wife to take back this case herself. She comes back to my home. And that Brother of hers, he begs me for, forgiveness. He gives his sister’s hand in my hand himself. And this divorce case, all of this, the court chaos, all these matters should come to an end. Whatever needs to be done, whatever extent I need to go to, I will not give up. I want you to win this case for me, that's it. Fine, Mr. Sultan. But do keep one thing in mind. The weakest link in your case is your wife. You should have a strong grip on her. It happens. Women go to the home of their parents and get influenced by them. But, they return to their husbands when they call them with love and talk to them. You should not stop calling her back with love. Why do you want a divorce? Mr. Sultan is a somewhat crazy person. His stance is that his sister living with Sultan is detrimental to her mental health. What will you say in response to this allegation? Judge, my client Mr. Sultan is a very capable person. He actually wants to make this marriage work. In fact, it was Mr. Sarwar's sister who proposed to my client Sultan for marriage. This match was indeed made because of the sister's preference, but the impression that the girl herself proposed is completely incorrect. Whether she proposed herself or her family arranged the match, it's essentially the same thing. Exactly, judge, that is what happened. This relationship was fixed with the agreement of both participants. My client, Mr. Sultan and Mrs. Asra Sultan were living a good married life. But one day, Mr. Sarwar’s missus came over and took Asra Sultan shopping with her, and as soon as they went home, they filed a divorce case. Why? Why did they do that? This is absolutely correct that Mrs. Sarwar went to meet Asra. But when she brought her home, all the doubts and suspicions, turned out to be true. She felt that her sister-in-law was suffering a lot of mental torture. What sort of depression? Mr. Sarwar, would you want to say something in this regard? Yes, judge. I just want to say that Asra is my life. She is my beloved. And that’s why when she expressed her liking for Sultan, then I went out of the way and fixed this proposal. Finding out that her happiness is in this person. But when these two got married, he gave her so much mental torture that she lost her senses. Objection, judge. This is an allegation against my client. Does Mr. Sarwar want to say that my respected client, Mr. Sultan hit her sister? Did he beat her up? No, he didn’t beat her or hit her. Then what sort of torture? Is Sultan foulmouthed? Torture is not just beating up, and cursing someone. Mental torture is worse than this, Miss Judge. And this man tortured my sister so much that... she forgot to laugh. She forgot everything, from dressing up to adorning herself. He confused her completely. This is why I took her to a psychiatrist, and their analysis was that my sister doesn’t need treatment, this person does, who brought her into this condition. Objection, judge. All these allegations are baseless. We have a medical certificate, that clearly states that my sister doesn’t need treatment. Mr. Sultan, do you want to say something in your defense? Yes, judge. Judge, Mr. Sarwar is highly respectable to me. He is my wife's elder brother, and I genuinely respect him. However, in the family, I come from, we have a tradition of making marriages work, not breaking them. What will you say about the doctor’s certificate? Judge, if you grant me more time, I can bring forth a letter not just about Mr. Sarwar but about his entire family as well. This is fake. It is not hard to get it made. Judge, in my home, in fact, in my entire family, divorce is seen as a shameful stain, whether it is the man's or the woman's. But if the girl has mental issues, then why not? No, Judge, I'm sorry, but I disagree with you on this matter. If I had thought like that, perhaps my marriage would have ended just two months after I got married. Because when Asra came to my house after marriage, issues started to arise with her after two months. From me, from my family. I couldn't understand what was happening to her. She would forget to put on clothes. She would forget to talk, in fact, she used to doubt me, baselessly. Still, I endured everything, just for one reason. I didn't want to break my marriage. Really? Just now you said that you have so many problems with my client. If there were so many problems, and you still have them, then why don’t you finalize this divorce? No, judge, I cannot divorce Asra. No matter how many flaws she has, she is my wife. She is my love. She is my life partner. I will not leave her. Judge, the position I am at today, I am successful, I have a good job, I have everything. I can easily get married again and move on. But, Asra… what about her? I am not that selfish. If the partner is good and successful, then it is easy to live your life with them. But the way, Asra is, leaving her right now is something my conscience won't allow me. I want to make my home, I don’t want to break it. That’s why I don’t want to divorce Asra. This person is a sadistic individual, Judge. He enjoys torturing my sister. He is a liar and deceitful person. I want my sister to get rid of him. Objection, Judge. All the allegations that are being put on my client are baseless. I request the court to have Asra Sultan brought to this court and have her statement recorded. It is possible that the medical certificate that has been submitted is baseless, it is fake. It is possible that Asra Sultan doesn’t want to get a divorce. My client is unwell because of mental torture right now. Presenting her here is not possible. Okay, fine. Once Mrs. Asra Sultan recovers, she should appear in court. It is crucial for her to appear in court as per the court's orders so that she can present her stance. The next date for this case has been set for the twelfth of this month. He is such a cunning man. So horrific. What? What did he say? He became good, very good. Double-faced. Tell us, what did he say? I have said in court that I will not divorce Asra. And what about the allegation that they put on you? He has implicated us in all these matters, Mama. He told the court that Asra and he were happily living together. Alizeh took her shopping, then abducted her, and now we are pressuring them for a divorce. You will see, Papa, I will prove their daughter insane. But she won't actually be insane like this. She will become famous, though, as an insane person. No one gets into a relationship with an insane person. Those people had humiliated me, right? She will come back to this home. Now, when she comes, I will make her family agree to double the conditions. I will make them fall to my feet and make them apologize. I have not forgotten my humiliation. I will make them pay. I will make them pay for every single thing. I don’t know what people say about my daughter. Mama, people will talk anyway. It's what they do. But what if, my daughter is labeled as insane? It's better than being insane, isn't it, Mama? Fame is fickle and keeps changing anyway. People talk for a few days, then they forget. Once the separation happens, we'll face it ourselves. In one moment, you are something, and in the next moment, you are something else entirely. This is a sign of insanity. I am not that mischievous now. Yes, it is a little difficult to understand me. What can I do, I am an intelligent man. It is not everyone’s level to understand me. But I am not everyone, I am your wife. Then try to understand me. Why are adamant on proving that you are a duffer? How can the wife of such an intelligent man be so foolish? By the way, Mr. Mannan, if those people don’t bow, then? If they don’t bow, they can have their daughter stay at their home. Because I know my prince. My Sultan has said that he will not divorce her, so he won't divorce her. Yes, if they want their daughter's hair to turn grey in their own home, they can fulfill their desire. We are the boy’s family. We will marry our Sultan with a big celebration. Good-looking, smart, intelligent, gold medalist, hey the world will accept him with open arms. Then, what difference does it make if he leaves one Asra, or marries ten girls and leaves them? We are the boy’s family our side of the scale will be heavier, and Asra’s family will have to understand this, for this home to be made or else they can do what they want. Because I know, my Sultan won't go against his word. I told you, people, I don’t want any scene to be created in this home. What will the girl who came yesterday think about us? Yes, so let that girl who came yesterday see what sorts of injustice has been done against her mother-in-law till now. Okay enough! Not another word, now. And don’t do this acting of being oppressed in front of me. I know everything. it is not your fault, Sultan. Even if you want, you can never consider a woman to be oppressed. After all, whose son are you? Even after all this has happened, they still don't realize their mistake. Realizing one's mistakes is half the apology, Asra. And not everyone is blessed by God with the ability to ask for forgiveness or repent. Anyway, when everything is left to God, there's no need for you to worry, right? Thoughts do come to mind. I had made so much effort to make my home. The effort is two-sided, Asra. If it is one-sided, then it is madness. It was madness. You don’t think about this. It is just stupidity to think about this now. Your brother is there, he will handle the entire matter, and he will also deal with Sultan. You don’t have to worry. You know, your brother has even made arrangements to keep you busy. What? He gave some money for donation. He told me to go to the Gharonda and donate it. Will you come with me? Nofil, I have mentioned everything related to scholarships in this. If there are any other services, please let me know. Okay. Thank you. It must be Mr. Sarwar. Let me talk to him… Brother Nofil, the people have come to fix the ACs, downstairs. Tell them to wait. I will come. Madam, Asra. Do you know me? Hey, who doesn’t know you? But as Mr. Sultan’s wife. Actually, I follow him on Instagram. I am his fan. I swear, Madam Asra, that man can bring a dead person to life. He speaks so well. I am a big fan of his. You are right. Really. He speaks really well. You are so lucky that you are a celebrity’s wife. This grocery list…. Sister Parizay, this is Madam Asra, Mr. Sultan’s wife. Hello. How are you? I am absolutely fine. You don’t look fine. Right, sister-in-law? You are right, Nofil. Actually, we have filed for a separation case. Oh, you will leave such a great man? Chandni, it is not necessary that the people you are impressed with are actually great. He is not great at all. He has driven our Asra almost insane. Thank God, she is a little better now. Then you should be thankful that God saved your life. Someone who can drive a person almost insane also possesses the capability to drive them completely mad.
Channel: HAR PAL GEO
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Keywords: geo dramas, latest pakistani drama, pakistani drama, har pal geo, best pakistani ost, पाकिस्तानी सीरियल, पाकिस्तानी ड्रामा, ost drama 2024, Muneeb Butt Drama, Anmol Baloch Drama, Muneeb Butt, Anmol Baloch, Noor ul Hassan, Erum Akhtar, Minsa Malik, Hiba Ali Khan, Shamyl Khan, Ismat Zaidi, Namra Shahid, Fajjer Khan, Sami Khan, Shiddat Ep 42, Shiddat Ost, Shiddat 42, Hamzah Tariq Jamil, Shiddat episode 42, Shiddat, 25th June 2024, ED-SA-UL-SA-TH-SA, CC-SA
Id: XEpx_GSF8u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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