Jaan Se Pyara Juni - Ep 09 [CC] - 26 June 2024, Sponsored By Happilac Paints & Surfexcel - HUM TV

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I do however have one condition. Maybe he realized that you weren’t happy here. Make sure you’re ready. He’s coming next week. Everyone should know the family into which Husn Ara is marrying. So is everything alright? You have such beautiful ceilings. Thank you. Greetings aunty. Greetings. How are you? Come sit by me. You’ve brought so many things. There was no need for this formality. This is nothing. Faris is my only son… so, his marriage for me is my life’s greatest happiness. I’m so excited that I’m in a total quandary of what I should and should not do. You should do as you please. I just pray that God destines our children for happiness. Amen. I know it’s something everyone says and one shouldn’t say it but God be praised…… my son is perfect. He got so many marriage proposals and there were so many people that were interested……but my heart just wasn’t convinced. Mummy… forget all that… is this anytime to bring this up? And besides we’re as it is about to get married. You’re so right son. And besides these things are already predestined, aren’t they? You two were fated to be together so it worked out. Uh… Yes… I was only saying it like that. If I’ve offended you, I’m really sorry… I didn’t mean it that way. No, no… but why are you apologizing? This is nothing to apologize for. I’m in fact very happy that you are being so upfront with me. To tell you the truth, my son’s happiness is very precious to me. Husn Ara, why don’t you bring in the tea dear. Oh hey, no please… there’s no need for formality - I’ll just get it. How can tea ever be a formality? You’re the one that’s been to formal with all this… look at all this. Oh no please don’t say that So Faris, how is your work coming along? Oh but it would be great if he was to become a little more focused. After all you will be handling everything after me. Yes Husn Ara’s marriage has been arranged. A whole car load of flowers and sweetmeats arrived along with four to five employees. They were walking in line as if they’d brought a princess’s proposal of marriage instead of Husn Ara’s. Hmm… So what do you have a problem with Mina? Is it with Husn Ara’s proposal or is it with the baskets of fruits and sweet meats and the line of servants? Tease me all you want! But just also look at the way aunty Suraiya never told you what was happening at her house… and then also made you bring all the groceries for her. Aunty had already told me about a match being arranged in the morning… so I knew about it. And you never thought to tell me about it? I didn’t think it necessary. Everyone gets married. Husna is also getting married. Uh… You must be feeling hurt. She was after all your first love. She was the first… but not the last so its fine. What do you mean by that? What I mean is that if a person’s first ove proves to be unsuccessful… then the love that happens after that takes away the sorrow. But if the last love of one’s life proves to be unsuccessful then that sorrow can be fatal and take one’s life. But what if someone’s first love is also their last love what then? Then either that person is very special… or he’s lying. Who are you of the two? I don’t lie. Husn Ara’s marriage has been arranged. You must be feeling hurt. She was after all your first love. Very many congratulations to you. And to you. Please have some sweet to celebrate. No, no, I’m on intermittent fasting. You’re on what? Ah You could say that I can’t eat anything until the night. Uh… But this is a happy occasion sister Nuzhat, so one should celebrate it with sweet. Uh… Alright fine… why don’t you have some sweet to celebrate son? Yes of course aunty. In the name of God Thank you. And I will give some sweet to Husn Ara to celebrate. Bless you. But you must have some since you aren’t on an intermittent fasting diet. In the name of God… In the name of God May the Lord bless our children with happiness. Amen. Alright so everything’s now decided. We will bring our wedding party in ten days and depart with Husn Ara as Faris’s bride. Uh… And seven days after that we will have post wedding Dinner… a grand one…for them, okay? Of course, definitely. Whatever pleases you. Whatever you think to be appropriate is fine by us. Okay. Have this and sweeten your mouths with this dessert to celebrate. Thank you aunty. Uh… Here have some Mina. You should eat some. Here take this. No, I don’t really eat sweets these days – God be praised but he’s a very nice boy! He’s an only son. Wealth… Property… God has given them a lot! Had you not even told us aunty, it was still quite evident. I saw it from upstairs. There was a line of servants….They were bringing up the sweet and fruit baskets. Who does all this when bringing a proposal? It’s not just the proposal that’s been accepted! The wedding date has also been set! The wedding is in ten days! They’re not giving us any respite. They want to have an immediate wedding! That’s wonderful. You shouldn’t delay it. One can also lose such boys you know. Mina… I was just saying is all. Forget engagements, even marriages break up these days over the slightest of matters. Very many congratulations to you, aunty. And… uh… Don’t worry about a thing. All the work will get done. I’ll help you with all the arrangements. Bless you son. May God bless you as well Mina. And listen you must come. You have to help me. My dear …at a time of happiness… one should forget complaints and grievances I hope you understand what I’m saying. Ahem… aunty, Mina won’t be able to come as her uncle will be coming any day now to get her…... so you’ll have to excuse her. Really? Are you going? Okay doesn’t matter, may you have a safe journey. Alright then, I’m going now… the next ten to twelve days I don’t have time to even scratch my head! I have a lot to do. I still have to distribute all those things! I’ll come help you, aunty. Alright son, come on then. After you. Oh, hey Nida. That woman’s looking rather nice. You should also get yourself a hairstyle like hers. I’ll have to grow my hair for it mummy. And you just had them cut short. Yes, well you also used to have your hair all over your face then. It no big deal about the hair since they can always grow back but that hairstyle is really looking nice. Hmm… If you’re done cutting hair then give me something to eat. I’m very hungry. What’s cooked? Yea? Its lentils and vegetables. Nida, go warm some food and give it to your father. Go on, good girl. Okay, I’ll just get it. Lentils… vegetables… it seems that’s all that’s being cooked in our house these days. Yes? Mutton, chicken, fish… has all that finished? Oh… but there was a time when my Junaid would fill up my fridge without my ever telling him to do so. There would be plenty of food to go around. He would replace things before they even finished. But he is giving you money on a regular basis is he not? Go and get the things yourself I swear Safina but there’s a limit to stinginess. You’re unable to spend your own money! Mr. Shakil You’re talking as if I have some immeasurable wealth hidden away! When am I saying that you have immeasurable wealth but you have been saving for so many years have you not? In fact, I think that saving is all that you’ve been doing. He… that brother of yours is the one who’s been doing all the spending. Yes, I have saved! And it’s for our old age and Nida’s marriage! And do you know, the day I find a nice boy for our Nida… I won’t take even a day to delay it and immediately get her married! The way aunty Suraiya did with Husn Ara. Did you know, she arranged the match within eight days and she found such a nice son-in-law I tell you! So why don’t you do one thing… go congratulate them. Yea? And while you’re there go take a round of Junaid’s house as well. And listen, you need to now learn to tolerate Mina. There are hardly any days left to Husn Ara’s wedding. I’ll just go to the wedding now and congratulate them. There is the one thing though, my brother Junaid really liked that Husn Ara. I’m the one that unnecessarily interfered. When I think about it now, I think Husn Ara was way better than this wretched Mina. To tell you the truth that Husn Ara found a boy that’s way better than Junaid. How are you? I’m fine by the grace of God. Very many congratulations to you. Thank you so much, thank you so much. Why didn’t you bring Lubna? She will come.She said that she would come. Okay. Greeting’s! Greeting’s! Go on in and sit, go inside. God be praised everything is looking very nice. There’s lots of cheeriness. Yes… please come in and sit. Greetings aunty. Greetings Mina! I’m so glad you came. I feel so happy seeing you here. Praise be to God, Praise be to God you look so pretty. How are you? I’m very well thank you….Your place is looking lovely. God be praised! There’s such merriment isn’t there? Such noise? Almost everyone from the apartment building is here. Come let me introduce you to everyone. Come. Come… this way. My dear please give us room to pass. Allow us to pass. Come my dear. Have a seat. One minute, one minute, one minute… everyone be quite for a minute.…One minute, one minute. Congratulations Husn Ara. Hmm. Mina This is Fakhra. She works in Husn Ara’s office. She’s Husn Ara’s best friend! Nice to meet you. Likewise. I’d heard a lot about you. But I finally saw you as well today. You’re very pretty. Looks aren’t everything. Destiny is what matters. The nicest looking girls are left in despair… while the lucky ones end up ruling the world. That’s true. Mina is absolutely right. She’s so right. My Mina is also a lucky girl… God be praised My son Junaid is one in a million. Oh, hey Mina… Come let me show you Husn Ara’s wedding outfit. Come along. Who ever saw it has liked it….It arrived just now! Come… come along. Look at this. It’s lovely. And it will also suit her. Fakhra, Didn’t I tell you to pick up that outfit and put it inside. It can catch the evil eye of people. Who knows the kind of envy filled glances people cast! Go put it inside. I’m leaving aunty. I only came by to give my felicitations. Oh… but how can you leave so early?! At least sit for a little while! No…I am leaving Mina… Leave it. Keep singing. Why have you all stopped? Mina? What are you doing here? Have you had fight with someone again? I’m asking you something Mina. Don’t worry, I didn’t come here because of a fight with someone. And I didn’t even start a problem for you this time. If you don’t believe me then go ask aunty Suraiya and Husn Ara. Tell me What’s happened Mina? Nothing… nothing’s happened. I just have a headache. There was a lot of noise inside. Let me go! Just because she’s marrying into an upper-class family. I don’t know who she thinks she is She didn’t think twice before insulting me. It’s my fault I should never have gone. Alright then Husn Ara, I’m going to leave now. Alright. Okay. You take good care of yourself now. You too. I’ll come by early tomorrow morning. I’ll call you. Okay. What you did with Mina today wasn’t right. She came over with genuine affection to meet you and you said such untoward things to her? Why did you have to say all that? And then why would she envy your things? You should never have invited her mummy! And then you needlessly went and showed her my outfit as well! I don’t want even her shadow to cross my happiness. It’s a good thing she left. Otherwise I would have told her to leave. As if there was anything else left to say to her, Husn Ara? What you did was wrong. It was very wrong. You’re very soon going to depart from this house… You’ll be leaving it… and you should do it with a clean heart. It’s when people’s prayers and blessings are with one that life becomes easier in the future. Faris is no ordinary man that I’m not going to start imagining and fancying things like you. They’re very rich people. Once I get married I’m not going to come to this house. Nor will I meet this Mina and Junaid and or such lower-class kind of people. You can keep your association with them. But I will never meet them. Don’t have any high hopes of me ever meeting them. ’Mina and Junaid.’ Today’s going to be very busy day. Make sure you’re ready before the evening. We need to get there before the groom’s wedding party arrives. And sister Safina is also coming. Please make sure there’s no disagreement with her. It’s an occasion of happiness so there should be no unpleasantness. There not going to be any unpleasantness… because I’m not going. You can go and welcome the groom’s wedding party at your ease. Enjoy yourself. You’re still angry? And you won’t even tell me what happened. Look, if Husna’s said something then just forgive her because she is after all leaving this place now. Hmm? You know aunty Suraiya came by in the morning and made me promise to bring you with me. She was quite apologetic. She could hardly speak because of it. Why did you promise her without asking me first? When I’ve said that I won’t go, then I won’t go. And besides what difference does my going make? The wedding is still happening with a lot of fanfare isn’t it. It’ll happen. Can’t you just sometimes do as I tell you to do, Mina? Please don’t argue. It’s an occasion of happiness…And as I said I’ve already promised her. Mummy! Mummy You aren’t even dressed as yet? Mummy, my friends are about to come and we have to take the wedding party there so could you please get dressed quickly. I will get dressed but I need to first speak to you about something important. Mummy we can talk all we want later but right now we have very little time. I need to see to these people outside and then also get dressed myself. Faris! Remember I told you that I had a small condition? And that you couldn’t get married without fulfilling it. I don’t understand what you mean? What kind of condition? I don’t know whether I should even go or not. The things Husn Ara said… I can neither forget nor ignore them. I was so very humiliated. What’s wrong with you Mina! To hell with her! Besides she’s leaving as it is. Why are you spoiling your excitement? Go with him. Don’t let brother Junaid go on his own. You need to understand what’s what. He can do as he pleases…..Go where he wants. I’m just sitting here angry and bored. I’ve even told uncle not to come pick me up. I feel as if I have no place to call my own in this world. Mina, May God keep your home, marriage and your husband safe and sound. Stop talking utter nonsense. Such ungratefulness is not a good thing. You need to now understand that you have to live with brother Junaid. Didn’t he tell you to come along with him? Yes, he did tell me. In fact, he even requested me. He felt that everyone would get offended if I didn’t go. Well then… go! Stop making excuses and go get dressed. Bye. No wait! Kiran??? Mina? Mina, I’m leaving. Could you lock the door behind me, please? As you know, I’ll be a bit late getting back. Bye. Junaid! Um… I’m coming as well. That… that’s an excellent decision. The thing is that I didn’t feel like going because I really dislike Husn Ara… but then since you kept requesting me so much that I thought I might as well go along with you. Yes… Thank you. Shall we go? Yes, of course, let’s go. Careful. Okay. Hello aunty Suraiya! Safina is here. Very many congratulations aunty Suraiya. Thank you Congratulations to you as well. God be praised, God be praised but you are looking so very lovely. Thank you very much. Oh but Mr. Shakil has also come…. I’m so glad you came Shakil. One never sees you. Seems like you never leave the house! No, that isn’t so – congratulations. Congratulations to you too. Greetings. Seat them my dear… please seat them. Praise be to God, praise be to God. Oh but you are looking so very beautiful. I’ve not seen a more beautiful bride to date Husn Ara. Thank you sister Safina. Tell your mother that she must now cast off the evil eye of you. She should give alms in your name to do so. It’s very important. I do however have one complaint of the two of you. You two didn’t invite me to the musical evening yesterday. I’m very upset with you all. Oh really… I’ll I’ll ask her about it. It was wrong of her to do that. Hmm… Oh hey mummy, stop it now and come on let’s get of the stage and go sit over there. And look there, uncle and Mina are here as well. Isn’t she looking lovely? Not really. She’s looking alright. Okay listen, There’s no need for you to speak to her. Oh hey…Why shouldn’t I speak to her? Have you forgotten your mother humiliation? Mina! Mina. In the name of God, in the name of God… praise be to God, praise be to God. How are you Junaid? Come! Let me take you to meet Husn Ara. Okay. Greetings. Congratulations. You look lovely. Thank you. Congratulations Husn Ara. Thank you Umm… Shall we go? Yes. Listen… is everything looking okay? Yes. You’re looking lovely. Yes. Oh, hey Junaid! God be praised, God be praised! Looking good. How are you brother? All well? I’m fine. Very nice set up. Yes, Its nice God be praised. Hmm There’s no news of the groom and his bridal party. I’m feeling hungry. Oh… but this is the first time this girl has said something right. I didn’t even have my lunch thinking that since we had to go to a wedding in the evening, I would have a feast at dinner. Speak softly mummy. What will people think if they heard you? Hey Let them hear and think what they like, do I care! Oh… hey Safina, What are you doing? At least be in a good mood sometimes. It’s a wedding occasion and you… at least try not to show your anger out here of all places. I don’t need your advice Anwar! And let me just inform you… that such complaints, arguments and fights usually happen in a house that has weddings and some such! Such incidents happen then at places where they have aggressive, argumentative relatives. But if you take a moment to look around… you’ll see that there are decent people here. Have a look around. Everyone except you. First of you got my brother married in secret. Here I had such dreams for my brother’s wedding but you just went and destroyed all of them! Tch, tch! You’ve checked out hundreds of girls! And yet you’re still on that trip? Oh, hey Nida, You need to keep your mother in check. Mina, I never got the opportunity to speak to you. How are you? I’m fine brother Anwar. By the way I spoke to brother Sharafat this morning. And he told me that you yourself told him not to come. Yes. I felt very happy hearing it. You did a good thing. Oh hey… Even Mr. Shakil has come! Sit down Mr. Shakil. We’re leaving… we’re just leaving in a bit. I’ll call you. Okay. Wow! You’re looking lovely. Thank god that you’re at least dressed to go. Otherwise you really had me worried mummy. You should be worried and rightly so… because you still haven’t given me your answer. So tell me, are you willing to agree to my condition? Mummy… Please don’t do this. We… We can talk about this later. Yes…Fine, I’m in no rush either Faris. No, it’s – Mummy? Mummy, at least listen to me. As I said…we will talk about this later. Just let today pass. The day is passing. In the next few hours, you will either marry Husn Ara… or she will end up cursing her life for what’s left of it. Whatever the result, she’s the one who will end up losing. Its up to you. How can I decide anything… when everything’s in your hands ..mummy. It’s really quite simple. You can either marry Husn Ara… and take her wherever you want to. I have no objection. But after that you and I will have no association. And nor will you have any association with this house and or my wealth. Mummy… See its really that simple. All you need to do is call her and tell her the groom’s wedding party isn’t coming… and that we are ending this association. Mummy… Mummy… mummy, wait just a minute please… one minutes that’s all. Mummy, please don’t do this. They’re all waiting there for us. I… I know that you’re unhappy with this marriage. I know that Husn Ara isn’t – I don’t like to repeat myself!
Channel: HUM TV
Views: 999,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pakistani serial, drama in hindi, best pakistani drama, jaan se pyara juni new ep, jaan se pyara juni latest ep, pakistani drama new, pakistani dramas, jaan se pyara juni 09, jan se pyar juni 9, zahid ahmad dramas, hira mani dramas, mamya shajafar, mamia dramas, ep 09 jaan se pyara juni, jan se pyara juni first episode, jaan se pyara ep 09, jaan se pyara juni, tum mery kia ho latest episode, pakistani comedy scene, best short pakistani drama, best romantic pakistani drama
Id: t09ABRvqeoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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