Shia LaBeouf - Enlighten - sub ita #shialabeouf

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for the other sound this is for your voice  okay on the trash can maybe over there I'm sorry without a music  but we have the song [Music] what question are you asked more often  what question is asked most often yeah   um depends on who I'm talking to when I'm here  uh with the religious men the question most   often asked is [Music] um when you first come  in is do you believe in god um on the movie   set or in Hollywood or in the secular world the  question most often asked is what do you do or   um I don't know uh how long have you been sober um  depends on who asks nobody asks the same question   and by yourself when you are alone one more  question I ask the most yeah in your life yeah   um what is my purpose and what answer did you  give yourself to help other people [Music] if you had the chance of a new life will  be reborn as a new person but keeping your   memories of your past life what will  you do what will your first step be   I don't know if I would do anything different  I don't have regrets like that I don't want or   wish to be someone else um I'm so blessed I am  so grateful my life is miraculous I don't have   that feeling like I wish to be someone else or I  wish to start again or any of that I'm so grateful   I'm so grateful I don't know I I don't envy  other people um if you'd asked me before   this experience I would have said there's  a hundred people I'd rather be other actors   I look up to other actors who this or that  other artists I respect musicians I respect   um but never any religious man and now after being  here spending all this time I'm about this is   about eight months now I've been in this process  just asking the same question over and over again   um and requesting the same thing of the sky  praying to something I didn't know I am I'm   envious of people who have no fear and the  people who have who I've seen have no fear   have really strong relationships with higher  power of God Mithra Buddha whatever it is   um I envy people who have less fear who have no  fear I envy people who have no fear and you find   most religious people have no fear most it's not  like that in the secular World everyone's fearful   even people who tell you they're not full of fear  they're full of fear but you sit here and eat   lunch with these people or brother Alex they don't  have fear they're not fearful people I envy people   who have no fear and what will the young Shaya  say to your present self if it was here young   Shia was an idiot young Shia I'm not an idiot just  a capitalist just a real I was poor I wanted money   that's all I cared about because in my head  my mother and father broke up because of money   um my mother and father started bickering they  owned a company together selling Fabric and they   started bickering and bickering and bickering  and then my dad did a bunch of heroin and then   they split up so I always looked at money as  the glue if I had a lot of money then my dad   would be able to stay in the house and then I  have a family and I'd be a part of something   um and so then I came to the film community and it  felt like oh this is a family this is a I'm part   of something there's 50 people we're all chasing  the same thing I'm a part of something I felt it   also on basketball teams or I would freestyle  rap with people in the park and I felt it there   that glue like Oh I'm a part of something uh and  then I I thought I had it in film and then I lost   myself to narcissism and ego because it's easy  to do in movies and then you believe that you're   in control of things you believe you're God it's  a dictatorial job to be a director very easy to   Lose Yourself and talk all kinds of crazy to  people and treat people despicably and I was   that person for a long time and um I when I look  at it young me he was desperate to be a part of   something a desperate to have glue and uh the film  Community every six months the family breaks up   and then you start another family and it breaks up  and you start another family and breaks up there's   it's rare that you have like a family that sticks  together and then when I go and I hang out with   uh Padre Rafa or I hang out here you feel this  Bond like I don't know they touch you it feels   like paternal like uh like they're gonna love you  forever and you know that they don't have nothing   to gain by lying to you and they look at you and  they say I love you forever you believe in forever   no one Believe In Forever believe only in now yeah  they don't believe they believe in forever yeah   religious people believe in Forever they believe  in life Everlasting in the rosary you say uh the   name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit as it  was in the beginning and will be forever yeah so   uh um Hail Mary you know life Everlasting it's in  the rosary all the time they always talk about a   life after this one uh a love never ending never  ceasing love I [ __ ] up a lot in my life I [ __ ]   up to the point where my mother didn't want to  talk to me my own mother who's always loved me but   I [ __ ] up so bad my mother wouldn't even pick  up the phone anymore my father he left me early   um people you meet in this industry are fickle  they love you when you're on top they hate you   when you're on the bottom they don't pick up the  phone you meet these weird like friendships along   the way that you think is like oh this is really  close and then you [ __ ] up really bad and you're   like a heretic you know and people accuse you  of all kinds of crazy [ __ ] and irregardless   of the truth value of those accusations people  are scared to be your friend and so even the   people you really depended on they're not there  for you people who you gave your whole life to   are not there for you um and and then you really  start like chasing God because you have nothing   I you can only find God when you really are in  pain I think when you're in so much pain that to   stay where you are is unlivable it's unfathomable  you can't you can't catch your breath I've been   in so much pain I couldn't even breathe you know  where you just forget to breathe you just you'll   forget to breathe and then like 20 seconds later  you go you'll just forget to breathe that kind of   pain where you everything just freezes just  pauses in an email you know one email just   gone you know whole life gone and in that moment  you don't want to be alive anymore you just think   oh it's better to just die you don't want to be  here anymore and then you meet people who don't   look at you like a lizard and they start talking  to you like like you're their friend and you have   you don't offer them nothing when I first met  brother Alex he didn't know I was like making   a movie I was just sleeping in the parking lot  in my truck for like two months just sleeping in   the parking lot going to mass every day I think  he knew I was an actor but he also knew I was   a [ __ ] up you know because I'm a loud [ __ ]  I'm a loud Messer and I would go to the church   every day and nobody would talk to me because  I didn't know all the proper procedures when   to hit my knees when to get up what the prayers  were I didn't know anything about Catholicism and   I would go every day and he would be laughing  with the other brothers and that was my first   that was the first proof of God laughter  real laughter and then they would laugh   and I would they would turn to me and I would  smile you know because I I wanted to be a part   of something and then after a while they started  like laughing and looking at me and laughing and   I would laugh with them I didn't know what they  were talking about and then they start sharing   jokes that's how I got into this whole thing was  we started joking with each other and then gospel   and then catechism but first just laughter just  like getting a cheeseburger and laughing about   stupid stuff I used to ask them questions about  like ridiculous things you know what do you   mean of vowicastity you mean like what like you  don't like women like you never run around with   you don't masturbate like crazy questions that  you could never ask a monk but because I was   I wasn't trying to be holy I wasn't trying  to be righteous I wasn't curious and I always   thought it was [ __ ] I always thought it was  fake because maybe people don't know the real   um concept of freedom freedom it's not that you  can do whatever you want but I think that monk   it's not free it's very free very it's free better  than us yeah way better way better yeah because   um they're free from the uh fulfillment of human  instinct yeah we're slave Auto judging yes that   they don't judging that and and we if you don't  have God you're operating in animal instincts   yeah so safety Financial security safety Social  Security Financial Security sexual uh constantly   chasing sex and fulfillment of sex or power those  are the three human instincts the animal animal   instincts in man and none of those things have a  ceiling you never get to a point where you're like   oh I'm so powerful I never have to chase power  anymore you get there and then there's so many   more powerful and you're like oh but I wish I was  there and then you get there and you're like ah   but I wish I was there and it's just that forever  yeah that's the thing they know that they the the   these guys know that they are powerless and they  will never be as powerful as the most powerful so   they give up on that fight when they take the  vow of Chastity they don't have to they're not   encumbered by the the weird social dynamics that  goes on between male and female Dynamics or male   and male Dynamics whatever your sexuality is  there's no need there's not need they're not   needing they walk into these relationships giving  they don't need anything and that's very rare when   you're in the secular world because even people  who are nice to each other are being nice to each   other to gain something it's transactional yeah  yeah I give you this I'm nice and you give me this   yeah um and and they don't have any of that they  they don't have that transactional relationship   with the world and they're not worried about  social security or Financial Security because they   have a a hierarchy that they're not in control of  they take a vow of complete obedience if they're   Superior says Hey Now You're the superior they say  Okay reluctantly not like oh yeah I'm the boss now   or if the boss says hey you're going to Chad for  20 years they don't they don't they don't get to   say yes or no they just go do it because that's  the will of God and they're Superior in prayer   found that that's the move so uh it it in many  ways the life of a religious or the life of a monk   is way easier it's just an easier life and that's  really what I'm chasing is an easier life I'm   chasing peace I just want peace just want Serenity  I thought I would get peace with with um certain   fulfillment of human instinct okay I make enough  money I'm peaceful oh I'm making enough movies and   I'm famous and I'm peaceful all right but no  you're always grabbing you're always kneading   you'll never fulfill it it'll always be this  needy life if you're operating on human instinct   and so when you start really believing that a  God has your back that God is your as a buddy   like not this scary thing reverent but friendly  like this idea of forever love uh no matter what   you do with no judgment that not messed up in  church you know I've done things in church while   I've been doing this living in the church I've  been in living in a church now for five months   six months in California and here and I've been  messing up you know I've I've done terrible   things in the church you know and then and I'm  not even baptized so I can't receive communion   yet so I'm not absolved of my sins and so uh but  the fact that I feel guilty about the things that   I'm doing that I didn't used to feel guilty about  uh feels like growth I know people say oh I don't   like Catholicism because of all that guilt but  for me I need guidance I need direction I always   wanted a parent I always wanted to be grounded  when I was young I would ground myself I come   out in the living room I go guys I'm grounded and  my parents will be like okay whatever do whatever   you want I'm gonna be in my room for an hour  because I was bad and I go walk and sit in my   room do whatever you want because my parents were  hippies my dad was a drug dealer I always wanted   parents I wanted structure that's also why I like  Hollywood because you get a call sheet and it says   all right everybody's gonna show up at this time  and we're going home at this time I like that   and that's what the that's what the Catholic faith  gives me it gives me a call sheet gives me a moral   compass it says show up here at this time and  go to sleep at this time and do these things and   you'll live a righteous life and you will the more  the closer you get to Living the Life of Christ   the more people will feel that in you and the more  uh the the easier your life will be the more peace   and serenity you'll have my wires were crossed I  thought playing God would make me feel peaceful   but you're always going to  fail you're always gonna I come from a lot of shame I come from a lot of  Shame before this I was very shameful guilty guy   but you will be father yeah in March and what  do you think the best gift a father could give   a daughter is uh unwavering stability the Rocka  Gibraltar unmovable unshakable I I think of it   this way I think it's true for men and women when  a little kid goes to a park and they never been   to a park before and they see a bunch of little  kids playing and Mommy and Daddy are right here   they go out two or three steps and they get scared  and they come back and they grab the hand and the   hand is there and then they go out a little bit  further and they take 10 steps and then they get   scared and they will come back and they grab for  their hand and the hand is there that's apparent   the hand is always there you can go out 20 steps  30 steps 40 steps okay now I'm playing okay I got   scared the hand is there that's what God gives  me that's what a good parent gives their child   the hand I'm always here no matter what I'm  always here that's the that's the gift of of   that I always wanted that from my parents that  I hope to give to my child is is stability is is   to be a rock an unmovable unshakable forever  love um an unjudgmental hand I'm always here   um that's what I get out of Catholicism is I  get the parent that I wish I would have had   there's this the difference between Buddhism and  Christianity is if you're in a boat and the boat   starts to sink and you can't swim Buddhism gives  you a book that says here's how to swim better   Christianity doesn't have you try to  do nothing better it says surrender and   grab my hand my hand is here trust  me and that's it and that's what   a good parent doesn't try to make their kids  swim better a good parent is just theirs we   talked about the whole that everybody feels  inside there's people who try to fill this   soul with sound power and other things as we tend  to not listen to ourselves what the question that   we should or ask ourselves to be better how to be  better yeah yeah um find out what you're good at   find out what craft or it's thing or what  are you good at are you good find out that's   the first thing I think is you find out what  you're good at what you have an aptitude for   do you like history do you like math do you like  artwork do you like music do you like you find   out what you have a natural inclination towards  you find out what you're good at and then you   figure out how to help other people with that  thing that you're good at and once you figure   that out that's purpose two plus two equals four  so what are you good at how can you help other   people that's your purpose what's the question  question you have never been asked but you wish   we always asked uh what question have you never  been asked but you wish you were always asked [Music] that's a really good question I don't know what question what question  a question about questions what question   have you never been asked that you  wish you were always asked thank you I don't know what question hmm um I don't know if I've ever been if I've  ever wished to be asked a question   I don't know if I've ever wished to be asked a  question but if if I could ask myself a question   for the betterment of other  people the question I would ask is how [Music] do you make your suffering useful how can you make your pain useful that's  been the question that I would ask anybody   because I think the answer to that question  is really the answer that everyone's chasing   because if suffering has no meaning if  suffering has no purpose then this life   sucks it's just [ __ ] this is just a [ __ ]  life if suffering has no purpose or meaning   um and everyone is going to experience suffering  That's What Separates Me from this machine is   this machine will never suffer what makes me human  is my suffering and when I look at Christ on the   cross I think is that a joyful man as he bleeds  out and dies on a cross for Humanity is that man   joyful and I think the answer is yes that even in  his suffering that's what Christ represents for   me meaningful suffering you you know the story of  Christ is that God became man for our betterment   so that means that he is in the ultimate example  the Supreme priest the ultimate Redeemer if I   look at Christ on the cross I think that's very  instructive you don't see a lot of smiley face   christs on the cross you don't see cross on the  cross Christ dying and laughing with the plum   to enjoy an ultimate Joy but I think you should  they should make some christs on the cross in   Ultimate Serenity in Ultimate Joy they always  make Christ like this sad face and that seems   stupid it seems like it seems like it's not deep  enough like the artists who manufacture those   crucifixes they're it's almost like they they're  not seeing the full story and the full story I   believe is that Christ is in maximum joy in that  moment he is fully in his purpose and that's   if you can tap into how you can use your suffering  to help other people that is maximum maximum Joy I   always thought Joy was oh I get this and then I'm  happy or I do this and then I'm happy or I get her   and then I'm happy or I make that and then I'm  happy or they respect me and then I'm happy or   I always thought happiness was to be acquired by  the things I would gain from life that's why I was   always grabbing if I knew early on that happiness  actually is in me offering all of my suffering up   for other people as some as an instructive thing  or as something that could benefit man then I   maybe would have lived my life differently um  so I guess the question I would ask anybody   uh is how do you how do you use your suffering  to tap into uh your joy how do you how do you   how do you how do you remix suffering into Joy  I would ask anybody that and because and not   everybody has an answer to that and those people  who don't have an answer are are not going to be   happy people because suffering is guaranteed and  unless you can take suffering and make it Joy or   find suffering in your joy not as a masochist not  as some s m whipping yourself type of nonsense   it's rearranged yeah yeah how do you how does your  perspective change on suffering how do you look at   suffering like oh that's this isn't suffering  uh in the in the in the notional sense this is   actually my route to Joy that in in and through  the suffering is how I actually get to maximum   Joy that's what the crucifix represents for me  and that would be the ultimate question that's   the ultimate question posed by Christianity it's  the ultimate question posed by most all-western   religion it's the ultimate question posed by  Buddhism Buddhism is all about how do you stop   needing how do you need less well the way to need  less is to is to take stock in your suffering and   use your stuff your suffering as your well of Joy  you'll always have endless suffering every day we   that goes by we die a little bit more just  by waking up you die a little bit more that   suffering will it will never cease until you're  ultimately dead so how do you actually Relish   in it how do you Relish in the in in your own  death when you read the Tibetan Book of the Dead   uh they speak all about relishing in your own  death Christianity really is a preparation   for death and life if you really value it every  second of life is preparation for something else   that you know is coming and any moment that you're  not thinking about that you're in distraction   so and there's ways to think about it you can  either fear death for the rest of your life   or you can actually Relish in the coming of of  something else that's bigger and more total and   more uh visceral and explicit and fantastic and  dreamlike and beautiful that you you will never   be able to tap into in this life so the question I  would ask in a short uh if I was to ask any artist   or any kind of like deep thinker existential  questioning person is how do you use your own   suffering to tap into Joy that's the question I've  never been asked because I never had an answer maybe with listening we'll wonder the same  things and your words will Enlighten them   as the sun on your face right now yeah maybe  maybe yeah maybe yeah maybe thank you so much   yeah yeah thanks for asking me questions  so much yeah easy I'll see you [Music]   foreign what's up boys I hear you're in hell I'm  sorry you're in my prayers you're in my   heart you guys are awesome I didn't get to tell  you that straight up but I got a lot of love for   you guys you guys are putting up with a lot of  [ __ ] and you do a great job and I respect you   man to man I never got to tell you that but  that's that's me this is my motivational   video big love to you big prayers for you you  got one more week you guys are exceptionally   talented and I'm so honored to have worked with  you bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
Channel: eclissidistorta
Views: 70,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, hollywood, cinema, movie, shialabeuf, english, italian
Id: I01XwlLU5uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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