"She's Evil!" - Reaction to Trevor Bauer Being Falsely Accused of Abuse

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so Trevor Bower was a Sai Young winner 32y old pitcher sa young winner getting ready to get his 200 million doll contract that he was going to get incredible pitcher he isud stud up studs he's doing a great he's doing great stuff in baseball and then all of a sudden this guy's a little bit loud baseball doesn't like him MLB doesn't like him he talks trash he he would call the sa Young Award when he won what did he call it the Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse sayong award the Mickey Mouse sayong award and he wore Mickey Mouse was he he would he would Vlog while playing for major leagues love that he was a vlogger YouTuber while playing for the major leagues he's a professional poker and I don't mean cards in many ways yes Trevor Bower accuser Trevor Bow's accuser Lindsey Hall opens up on text and video claims Lindsey Hill who accused Trevor bow of sexual assault responded to Bow's video sharing text messages and a video to support her his innocence she explained that some of her text messages including one that read next victim star picture for Dodgers were sarcastic and taken out of context she also mentioned her that her use of the word victim was inappropriate but I'm meant in a serious context I mean I just ruined the guy's life for two years what's the big deal he'll discuss a video B shared in which she appeared to be smiling after the alleged assault she clarified that her emotions were complex at the time and the video was sent to her cousin to show that everything was okay she explained that bruises from such incidents can take to appear and mention possessing selfies that demonstrate physical injuries can you play the video of Trevor Bow by the way can you just play the clip I I want you to actually play the clip of B from the beginning watch this here by the way this guy is playing in Japan now because Major League Baseball suspended him for whatever the number of game was then they lowered it to 50 games what 194 games he lost $37 Million by the he didn't lose $37 million guys during that time he was at his pick of his career he was about to get a $200 million B is what he was going to get that they took away from him but play this clip here go forward next victim star pitcher for this is her texting a text lindsy Hill sent to a friend before she ever even met me what should I steal she asked another in reference to visiting my house for the first time the answer take his money so how might that work I'm going to his house Wednesday she said I already have my hooks in you know how I roll then after the first time we met net worth is 51 mil she said you better secure the bag was the response m but but how was she going to do that need daddy to choke me out she said being an absolute to try to get in on his 51 million another text Jesus demon and then after the second time we met former Padre's pitcher Jacob Nicks told her you got to get this bag I'll give you 50,000 Lindsay replied her AA sponsor asked her at one point do you feel a tiny bit guilty not really she replied since then her legal team has approached me multiple times about coming to a financial settlement but as I have done since day one I refused to pay her even a single scent good boy uh in August of 2021 lindsy Hills claims were heard in court and during those legal proceedings critical information was deliberately and unlawfully concealed from me and my legal team uh information like this video which was taken by Lindsey Hiller s the morning after she claimed she was brutally attacked emotionally traumatized and desperate to get away from me and now we have the metadata so there can be no dispute uh it was taken mere minutes before she left my house on the morning of May 16th 2021 idot without my knowledge or consent of course uh in it you can see her lying in bed next to me while I'm sleeping smirking at the camera without a care in the world or any marks on her face I think it paints a pretty clear picture of what actually happened the evening of May 15th and why the video was originally concealed from us yeah uh after hearing the evidence avable by the way she gets confronted by did you see this when she's getting confronted Rob do you have that video who she get she gets confronted on a podcast asked and a lady says you texted this you said this you said that you said this how do you feel about it now well you know it's all being taken out of context it's not really true and it's not really this and it's not really that you're supposed to believe all women though Pat so you have to believe her she's getting paid 500 to 5 grand to be on these podcasts ladies and gentlemen she is she is a witness For Hire right now how do you know she's getting paid that kind of money because she needs money she's freaking broke and the and people get paid to be on podcast and by the way by the way she's getting paid she's getting paid 500 bucks she's not going on a podcast for nothing well she also got a $300,000 settlement from the insurance company and through her lawyers after this was cleared most was going to her lawyers this is her on this is a this is this is her acting up drunk at an event just to watch this year go for it same girl me actually you oh she's an evil dude look at that hate in her oh she's an angry [Music] I'm sorry yeah I'm sorry he down that Metro's coming well I want to make sure nothing happen she drinking a butt light it all makes sense that's all perfect forget it she's drinking that demon juice the official beer of cheat of Cleat Chasers bringing that demon juice brother look uh you know sham Anderson over here here now like this is actually there's so many different ways we can go with this situation you know the height of 2 17 2018 the me toooo movement Harvey Weinstein we get it that was actually true right and he was held accountable for that so so was someone like Bill Cosby Les Moon You Les Moon we all know what happened so there's men out there they're like what the hell is going on because you see what's going on out there where men you know they're being called gropers or certain other words or Grapist just because they want to go talk to women in public some breaking story on Tik Tok some guy just tried to approach a girl at the gym she's like he's a a assault he's like I just said what's up but here's on the surface obviously men see something like this like this is ridiculous but I think going deeper who should be the most upset are actually women because if you put aside these nonsensical fabricated manufactured stories there actually are real stories about women that deal with issues Y and what happens when these women full on lie is now it's the pendulum is swung the complete opposite way to the whole believe all women is now it's the boy who cried wolf syndrome or the girl who cried wolf syndrome and they're like yeah how do we know this is true true victims we've seen what's happened here's my point we've seen what's happened well it turns out Amber herd was a freaking liar and she actually has to pay $8 million to Johnny Depp for defamation turns out you know Russell Brand we'll see what happens with him probably fake news type of thing turns out Andrew Tate Tristan Tate yeah turns out these allegations they don't really have any evidence it turns out I've done several of these things on my show the oast where they literally show a woman on a podcast she's like a famous rapper not cardi B we'll get that in a second who literally said her boyfriend was being mean or whatever and she thought he was cheating so what did she do she called DCF on him Department of Child and Family Services and said that he was abusing his kids and on camera admitted this is actually on uh Adam 22 I believe uh they took the kid she said I fullon lied and I got him back sorry about that I'm yelling but I'm you're passion but what's my point is that accountability needs to be to happen for these women for all the the guys that did wrong stuff you're talking about the Harvey wi of the world and Bill KY World where's the accountability for the ladies that have watch this video just play this short clip it's it's a longer interview but just watch this 15-second clip that's a great question it's a really really valid question I think that's a really good question how I phrased it and I think it's a a super valid question everything you're asking me is a super valid question I that's why I'm asking again super valid you know what that's something my lawyers would have to answer by the way it's embarrassing everything she asked she's like so why would you text him this you know you were doing this you were trying to get the money do you realize what you did to him oh it's a valid question it's a valid question it's a super valid such a good question so so so to point out with Trevor bow is this okay sounds good Trevor Bow's right okay cool now he's in Japan yeah okay he's big in Japan right now okay they love him he's the tallest tallest guy there they love they love him in Japan he's a foreign player over there they love him in Japan but tell me the greatest Japanese hitter of all time and how many hits and home runs do he have Suzuki s hu oh okay of course Tom knows it is that who it is yeah what about the guy Rob help me out here yeah no no Rob's not GNA help the point is what's the most home run someone hit in the Japanese League I think o oh almost got to Babe Ruth how many home runs did he hit but how many home runs did Roger Maris hit here uh 61 for his record season how many did Babe hit in a season 714 no season 714 what's the most Barry Bonds hit 74 I believe what did Barry Bonds and uh what did Mark Mark McGuire samiad do it was race 70 and 66 I see where you're going hereat nobody knows about Japes the hell do you know about Japanese this guy's an american guy he wants a legacy in America not in Japan y so this guy wants that here so now Dodgers are you going you know tweet out an apology MLB are you going to put an apology for what you did to this guy are you going to do that because this whole concept you know half my frustration yesterday was you know when we're having this conversation with this guy about Trevor Bower is this this notion of guilty until proven innocent you destroyed the guy's life how about innocent until proven guilty you just you suspended the guy based on allegations the girl made that were wrong right now what his life imp and think great Point his legacy his name cuz I don't care cuz we talked about this the other day Pat unusual suspects the average person like this they're not doing the research that you're doing right now the average person that sees him and they see his name you know what they're going to say rapist abuser beater guy that's it for the rest of his life how much do you think he's going to sue Pat cuz he's going to go after everybody but it doesn't matter even if he does I mean this this is this is this is part of the problem who's this girl you're talking about is this the girl you're talking about there's nothing worse in this world than being wrongfully accused of something you didn't do so Trevor B I feel for you brother I mean are you kidding me this especially after the fact what's going on here like you see these things going on where you know breaking news Man released from prison after being wrongfully accused for 28 years and they give him a check for $1.2 million well here's this girl that I'm talking about so there's a guy at the end of the story who had his kids taken away but let's not worry about that let's what are we going to do with her we throwing her in jail but she actively full on full lied watch his podcast she is in no danger of ever writing a Nobel Prize accepted speech this one she's I called child services on my ex because he pissed me off and then I was like I'm done with this person whatever like you know cheater piece of liable dumb you had kids I called child services on his ass and got him I like yeah fabricated everything and like certain things they like went to the door and like there was a whole process like I don't even know if the Children's Aid worker still visits them but she probably does because of what I said like the way I aied that you know like real AI like fake bruises type by the way if you go if you go to Hell she's an Administration obviously the guy interviewing her won't even be seen on camera but she'll show anything but ladies this is my point is like why do should women why should men actually have respect for for women who are willing to do this like we've SE we all we we've seen cardi B come out and say Yes before I was a famous rapper I was a full-on stripper I would go to gu house drug them steal their Jack them if a guy did that he would be held what accountable Y what women can just go on podcast admit to getting guys kids taken away from them and joke about it I a add that where's the accountability you know what that means too anybody if that's sorry to cut you off Tom anybody any Rich successful famous men this is a lesson to be learned you cannot be hooking up one night stands Rob Rob you talked about this too right what did she say about the sexual experience she wanted the hair it was insane right well the text message yeah she was saying I want all the pain Daddy needs to choke me out I mean they're very very favor but my point my point being P if you're if you're a like pth you were single and you had no kids and you're out there by the way he's out there he's doing his thing you not only have to have have contracts you have to have a camera you have to have hey what's your Sarah we're hooking up right it's cool if I pull your hair and choke you it's to that point so I'm not blaming him but at the same token you're this guy you're in the public eye the demons are out looking for you in these moments the only thing I'm happy about about this story is though Tom you think that chick will ever bang a guy with money she's going to be banging dudes from wmart let me tell you unfortunately I think you're wrong cuz I think that a girl who's hot enough we'll find some she's not that hot she's not that hot whether it's her she's Walmart hot yeah Rob you'd see her at Walmart there's a blueprint and there's a game plan for these types of girls and if they're not held accountable we'll see what happens I've been around guys big time dudes they literally make girls sign ndas before they even walk in the house hell yeah literally before you walk into this house party sign this form right here I agree that nothing Pat you've done a whole video where guys have to be like so hey what's up me and Mary right here we about to do our thing right sucks but if you're that dude a Trevor Bower has $200 million on the line yeah you know using a sports reference you can play offense you got to play some defense you got we could go on this for a long time this morning because there's three three topics here I'm going to bring up really really fast the first the first is we're living in a in a world where we have the politicization of of basically the criminal justice system and the pasadina police department I'm going to stay away from everything we're talking about here to my second point the Pasadena Police Department sat on this stuff when Trevor Bowers said metadata he was talking about text messages that the Pasadena Police Department got because they gave a subpoena to AT&T and Verizon and they got the real text messages your phone erase it from your phone it's in the servers at the uh that the the cell the wireless carrier your mobile provider they had all of it and they sat on it and do you remember how long the Pasadena Police Department sat on it and didn't file char charges did not file charges they never filed a criminal charge against this guy and they dropped it they were waiting for it to come out of the news they were feeling pressure that if they went out and basically said there's nothing to see here we're not going to prosecute that the the political machine was going to come down on the da and the da the prosecutor in Pasadena was scared squatless to say you know nothing to see here because they had the video and they had all this stuff so we're living in a political realm and the second is let me tell you you know when you live in a hookup culture there's consequences every college in America is doing orientation for their male athletes and there's a phrase that's on those because I've seen some of the Powerpoints it's called Cleat Chasers and they say hey you're going to find some girls are perfectly good CLE like cleat oh okay oh we thought you were getting freaky they're also called Jersey jumpers and they're ALS so called uh and they use phrases that are not sexist but they're saying hey what we're talking about here the it's not an anti-woman word it's just a description of people that want to chase you around and be with you and be part of the party and in the middle of that there may be girlfriends but there may be some very bad actors that are in the middle of the crowd that it's hey I'm a big athlete I got all the stuff going on I'm living in a hookup culture here at University of whatever and you've got the university now that's warning these guys hey you know what you need to be careful about this because we will cut you we will drop you and it's about to get wor on campus my third point because of nil name image likeness you now have college kids that are going to have real money in their pocket and it's about to come down a level to less mature men who are going to get attacked like Trevor Bower did because you're going to be a college player with a $2 million cont so well and that's by the way my last point so we can go on because Pat's got the next topic what did they tell you in the military when you went out not clubbing not going to New York cuz you had 15 say it again 15 will get you 20 and always have who with you always have a buddy Ranger buddy yeah wit what was Rob you about to say something just real quick the timeline of this pet not and and Tom brought it up the Pasadena Police Department declined to press charges against uh Trevor Bower the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office also declined to press charges against him the judge who issued the restraining order lifted the restraining order citing that he honored the woman's uh wishes in regards to rough sex he didn't go past the boundaries and despite all of that Major League Baseball still decided to suspend him for 324 games foot dragging suspension the biggest suspension in Major League Baseball history cuz they dragged their feet and you know you know what's scary thank God this guy has money could you imagine the guys that are out there Pat that and Johny had money yeah imagine but yeah but think about the average guy that's just like I got freaky so what she wanted me jail 20 years you're finished if you read musk's book yeah if you read brother first of all whatever guys do whatever you can go read his book while second wife was crazy trained yeah if you read his book you'll see what Kimble talks about Amber herd Kimble's his brother what his family says about Amber herd you're going to learn more about Amber herd in this book oh great then the documentary oh because it's going to be on the inside what his insiders thought of her that's what you have to read go for it let's wrap it up guys 30 seconds on this topic here's my last point just how Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby are the poster ch the face of men who do this to women right CU that is a real thing proven guilty those guys right proven guilty women who do this whether it's cardi B whether it's Amber herd to a certain extent they need to be the poster child the face and held accountable for what they've done wrong to men Sobe let 10 of them go to jail for 20 years that's my point like women need to learn a lesson you lie about this kind of stuff you get some dude's kids taken away you lie about getting choked out abused but it turns out you were into it just to steal when they go to jail when this girl whatever her freaking name is lindsy Hill Goes to Jail then women will be like oh you know that Playbook yeah maybe let's not use that this time especially right now you got proof everything can be shown and traced right now you can BS today people going to see the text messages the WhatsApp all of that stuff so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 722,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, trevor bauer, mlb, falsely accused, pbd, pbd podcast, patrick bet-david, bauer allegations, bauer abuse
Id: Mk06AUgkv_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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