Sheinbaum faces tough challenges ahead: Economy, violent cartels, pressing gender-related issues

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for the first time in its 200e history Mexico has a female president elect Claudia shenal is a climate scientist and the former mayor of Mexico City she stormed to victory in the election on Sunday and she's to take the Reigns now from Andre Manuel Lopez orador her long-standing political Ally with our first report this hour here's Oliver farry Claudia Shane Bam took to the stage late on Sunday night as the president-elect of Mexico the first female president in the country's history I'd like to thank the millions of Mexican women and men who decided to cast their vote for us on this historic day to help move forward the fourth transformation of public life of our country preliminary results give Jane b a lead of over 30 percentage points ahead of our main Challenger such till galves forecasting a landslide Victory Sunday's election was mostly peaceful though two people were shot dead at polling stations in the state of qubla Shane Bam supporters gathered at the zoko Mexico City's main Square where they hailed a historic day we feel very very proud and we hope that the elections will be respected very early on I went to my polling station at 8 in the morning and there were already quite a lot of people and that was seen throughout the Mexican Republic GES also spoke on Sunday declaring election day a victory for her Coalition but she was referring mainly to legislative and Municipal elections but even those victories may be mitigated Shane bom said her Marina party expects to secure a 2third majority in the National Parliament giving her extra scope to push legislation through and to help us digest that news from Mexico I'm very pleased now to Welcome to the program Vanessa Rubio Marquez she herself has had a long career in Mexican politics working for 25 years in various governments including as the deputy Minister for finance and the deputy foreign affairs minister as well she's now an associate fellow at the America's program at chattam house welcome to you thanks very much for joining us look first of all as a woman yourself in Mexican politics your reaction first of all to shamam making history and securing the top job in your country thanks for having me Nadia and yes of course this is an historic event that the first woman ever to be elected president of Mexico we were granted a the ability to to have our vote considered 71 years ago my mom was seven years old by then so it's it's a fight that has been fought by our grandmothers our mothers both the the ones that have been more public the ones that have been more more private but it's been a a struggle by women in in the country so this is an historic day and an historic achievement but besides that there's of course a series of challenges in Mexico that the new president Claudia shaine bound will have to face indeed well let's talk about some of those challenges then the poverty rate in Mexico I see is more than 30% we of course have significant migration to the United States that's a big issue with the White House and they're soaring violence more than 30 candidates in this election were killed in the campaign so is this President elect up to the job of tackling those vast complex issues I think she's a capable woman she she's a scientist she is a physicist she holds a PhD she has experience in government but challenges are big and governance of of the 12th largest economy in the world is is something that is very complex so so you were asking about poverty and about inequality for instance you you're going to be having to decide whether you continue with social programs and cash transfers only or you enable with policies on education and you enable with policies on health and on training and on Skilling the Mexican population that basically want to to have a saying in their own Economic Development and access to social rights so those are the kind of debates that that clavia Shaman will face but also for instance the rule of law and giving certainty to private sector participation because of course Mexico depends 80% of its GDP depends on trade and investment and trade are key elements but for that you need to give certain to the private sector no public finances is another key element as uh this year they're running the largest fiscal deficit in the last 30 years also energy and the oil H National company PMX which is currently in an unsustainable path so a lot of of very complex policy challenges lay ahead but but we are hopeful that that a Claudia Shaman her government and her relationship with the opposition with the private sector and with with other elements of interest in Mexico will will move forward in the right direction she is though a continuity candidate isn't she she promised yesterday that she would pursue the work of the former president her Ally Andre Manuel Lopez alador how different then really do you think this Mexican government will be to the previous one well I think she has actually laid out her program and her program has a lot of elements that are very similar to the current Administration for instance big questions are how will she come about with the Democratic fundamentals of the country the relationship with the legislative having a truly independent electoral Institute that grants H free elections how about the independence of the Judiciary how about the role of the military n because the role of the military has been increasing in Mexico and the military not only oversees security but they run Customs they have been building an airport they have been building the oil refinery now they have a even a private Airline so so the role of the military is going to be essential also in in in this discussion of the democratic fundamentals of the country and of course how she comes about with a fighting organized crime and er you know securing that violence levels are reduced and peace prevails in Mexico Vanessa Rubio Marquez lots more I'd like to ask you but unfortunately we'll have to leave it there thank you very much indeed for your time on France 24 thank you so much
Channel: FRANCE 24 English
Views: 5,270
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Keywords: Americas, Claudia Sheinbaum, FRANCE 24, FRANCE 24 guest, Latin America, Mexico, drug trafficking, political crisis, women
Id: wFj3Y-Oc1oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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