SHED RACING - Goodwood Members' Meeting Debrief

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vroom vroom as a lot of you know actually know cuz you were there we went to Goodwood and we were overwhelmed with the people saying how pleased they were with shed rice and Etc and it was really good I mean you know I I can't believe the response but anyway that was good we had a problem with the tire but Su is going to cover that later on so how did the car go Ivan oh well it went amazing I couldn't believe it though the people that were coming up and saying oh let me see the manifold they' obviously watch the you know YouTube and they go oh let me see the manifold so anyway loads of people looked at the manall but it was an unqualified success the car runs nicer ticks over anymore drives o and Tom said is definitely faster than what it was when he was testing it with the other two cers so that's great the only thing about it is there's a there's where we took the oil off there's a hole in the trumpet the carburetor that literally fits over it and it looks like it's been cut especially to do it well it isn't because I've looked in the Miller book and there definitely that hole is there on all the carburetors that I could find so that hole being filled up with that connection ain't a good thing cuz that hole is obviously there to let more air in to I be able to adjust it so if that hole is semi blocked up it could be making the car run rich so what I'm going to do I'm going to take the manifold off and the where the carburetor goes on you're welding it round I'm going to cut it just under the well so I can get it off and then we REM machine it and we're going to move the carburetor up about half an inch so it moves that hole away from being blocked up because I think that could be essential but anyway that's what we're going to do but other than that a great success um and soon just took some really good pictures of a lot of cars now the only reason really we're going to do this is because when they do the filming at Goodwood they were only interested in the first three cars you walk down the line she hasn't managed to get everybody in but she's got all the cars more or less all the cars so you'll see a mall with their name Etc so that's really good very tiring get there on Friday Saturday Sunday can't load up till 7:00 in the evening so we didn't load up we loaded up Monday morning but it meant staying in the B we were staying another another night which soon as he managed to organize on her telephone and um so that was good it was all good it was good but tyring um you know I mean he he he didn't have a fabulous time but he had a good race One race and he was going to go even better the second race until the time flew off and you know it wasn't his fault I don't know if it was anybody's fault really it was just an untested wheel and we'd obviously pinched the tube I reckon cuz you could see on the intu where sort of been s met loads of people that I've known for years and years and years very nice you know got invited to quite a few different things the Hall of Scott apparently there's a race at Donington then there's a race at mallerie Park and there was another thing which isn't competitive oh I know the shuttleworth collection okay so I told them all to get in touch with me and tell me all about it so we see and how many selfies were you asked for no loads several one lovely young woman came up to me and said can I have a selfie with you I blind me you know surprises me he said my dad loves your channel and I want to show him that I've met you so anyway that was that no it was all good it was very very very good and loads and loads of people talk us and you can see there was a lot of other people obviously recognized me but didn't say anything but you know I mean at one stage I had a whole crowd around me I was like MC Jagger at a Pop Festival but anyway it was all very very good and it all went down very well Timothy's car went wrong the starter motor jumped off the bloody thing somehow he checked the bols before he went out so he was grappling holding the St motor and trying to race at the same time and in the end he gave up he gave up on the last lap which is a bit silly really but anyway you know I think he had a very good reason cuz he said that mainly marking and he couldn't turn the power off because the power is connected to the engine it's got a Magneto but you know if the scrutiny says right turn the power off the engine's got to turn off which it does but obviously when you're in an emergency situation like that and the car's running if you turn the power off turns everything off so he didn't know what to do really but in the end he just give up but he was doing very well up till then the car proved it could really go but then Julian flies you know don't forget when I first met Julian I think he was about 20 and he had the car and he was at Silverstone with his brother just having to go around so you know I mean he's been driving it for donkey here so if anybody can fling a type 35b about it's him and then of course there's Duncan in an un supercharged type 35 which he built our place I said to him don't K you want to do the best thing you can do cuz people own Beatties and they don't realize how fabulous they are cuz you have to work on them so he came here and he worked on them I advised him what back axle to have I advised him how to set it all up I'll tell you what it really really works but I think one of the things that he does because the car is beautifully balanced and he can drive very good he flies into the corner dabs the brakes and then he puts it into a lovely four-wheel drift so the back's not coming out the front's not going anywhere it's just a lovely drift for the corner and that obviously knocks the speed off a little bit and then you just flat back down on the pedal again whereas the 35b you come up to the corner you go much faster than him you break really hard you turn into the corner and the only option you got then is the Press accelerator and have the tow come out a little bit which all sounds absolutely lovely but it obviously ain't particularly clever cuz the way that um dunan keeps up with them cars I mean I can't believe it but there we are good old Duncan I me driving that Bloody fear I mean that's an old monster that is and I mean he drives that beautifully so you know I don't think there's any problem with him driving he can drive very well so there we are that was all in all a very good thing and young Ben with the Mercedes I mean that white Mercedes is he's made a fabulous job of that and that's you know very much down to him he's got a really good eye and gets all the little bits nice and I mean to be where he is up the front there I ain't doing bad in a in a car that old but anyway again you see does the car himself so he knows all the little angles tries to get it all settled on the road nicely experiments with tires you know it's all good stuff the other thing that happened I met this young chat you can't believe it had driven the thing 1,200 kilm to Goodwood racing it and then he was getting in it and ging his mate and leaving it with his friend so he driven it all away he raced it and then he was driving it a long way back and it was absolutely chucking it down with rain when we left so I don't know where he wait for the rain to stop but good on him what a good blo so was that and of because when you watch the Telly you only see the front VI you see you see um Julian and you see Duncan and you see Mark Walker you know Mark Walker wor seeing anytime he was flying and the Man in the 100 I can't remember the name Susie knows his name but anyway they were very good but we thought well we show you a few more people down the field so [Applause] Telly you got a smile [Music] [Music] have a good one boys keep it safe yeah [Music] nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today this is the owner section here oh yes the owner we need a little red piece of string look at us we're riching if only we spend all our money on the cars not our clothing Tom m time I don't think he' featured on the film at all if the tire end to come off cuz they don't see to go down the field it's all at the front but I be I can understand why cuz it's bling exciting right so what happened on Sunday morning now it raced on Saturday with this tube on with the original wheel on no trouble at all but Sunday morning the tire was flat we checked the pressure had 10 psi in it so anyway we've now taken that off and the problem was it was leaking out of there in fact you see it to spit on it no no I've actually got some SCU to squir on it but there's your problem so that let the tire down right so now we' got a brand new wheel brand new tire brand new shoe never been used unfried front offside front offside that we had to fit to the car so we put it on blew it up to 60 PSI Julian was saying we ought to make 80 psi but anyway I've never had any trouble at 60 PSI so we P up 60 PSI now in the race the tire went bang the the the and in came off when we looked at it it definitely looked like it had been pinched to me and Julie it been pinched so I think you know it been pinched cuz when these when the be these tires go on it's very easy to get the T in but what we have noticed since then cuz now we're being critical you can see the marks look where the smokes are yeah now when you look at the tire you swear that there's no chance that that can happen we don't put a r tape on um so that's common practice you don't put a rim tape on a beaded Edge yeah I think so yeah well certainly no one's ever mentioned it to me but you see when that edge there goes into the rim there you think there's hardly anywhere where it could actually pinch pinch but anyway let's find the that's not on the wheel now the thing is so this is the the tire that came off this is the tire that came off now you reckon when that's on the tire on the car and that squeezed in there's hardly any Gap there I mean they're probably sort of like that now the spokes more or less look like they're on there but if you look at that tube you can see that that much of that was showing it on both sides if you look at the cube there a little bit there little bit there yeah look and one there so You' got that little bit there and you got that little bit there and you got that little bit there so our room tape would obviously help that so I'm going to speak to Julie to see whether he put I don't think he does but I'll find out whether they put Rim tapes on you probably can't even get a rim tape for this so but we're definitely going to do something about that I'm not just going to put it back and think oh well that'll be all right cuz the minute it starts to work that eventually will give trouble and um as Junior noticed straight away cuz his his tubes are nickel plated the valve stem the valve stem is nickel plated and that's BR so it wasn't one of his tuunes so so that was the one that went down with the slow pun now this is the brand new wheel you say brand new wheel the wheel that came off the wheel that came off this is the one when a tire came off now it's hardly damaged it at all in fact it won't worry me to clean it up and put it back but a demonstration why we don't like powder coated wheels in fact if I have any more wheels made I'm going to say to the people don't paint [Music] them so what it does if you look at that under coat it's totally and utterly smooth yeah so that that is not stuck to it so that's obviously you can't blame anybody for that I mean that that's totally running on the road blah blah blah you know it don't work and I don't reckon it works on chassis and I don't reckon it works on suspension bits I don't like it John don't like it he's had a motorbike done exactly the same way a frame and he said it's the only what bike he's got with a frame that he's not happy with so when we get if we have any more wheels made we they don't paint them cuz they might chip easier with paint on and everything but it don't all come up everywhere so that's that's my opinion of powder coating so if it was me and I had to put up with powder coating I would put that on let it dry and then probably just give it a whisk around with a blaster so that it's got a bit of key and then and then obviously that would stick better but you know but we don't never do it we never do we if we going to paint s we paint it I mean you know all that powder coating and every oh it's powder coat if we like stick powder coating I don't reckon it much and I thought it proved my point that to such an extent I thought we'd just show it you know if you hear a door slamming it's we're on the mini we we start to look at the wheels we've Ed the studs from um mini spares and the wheels are in h primer so it won't be long before there be in color um anyway you'll see it we're making a video of it but I'm telling you so many people said we have some video coming on we're on it so all we need you to do now is to subscribe tell all your friends to subscribe get all your family to subscribe I don't care who subscrib so long as I subscribe [Music]
Views: 12,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: original cars, the _ivan_dutton, Bugatti, ferrari, shed_racing, motorsport, Car gatherings, old school mechanics, national legend, Ivans glorious shed
Id: BartCCjgeJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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