Shed destroying tree trimming Hyundai HX210Al doing some work for local church

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boys working to be on our best behavior this morning let's not tell everybody we're working at church yeah [Music] all right we are in downtown bransville the village of bransford the one and only home of mr millennial that's what the only claim to fame around there yeah found the prison up the road i live in the top of the hill they caught they called me a bunch of names because i lived top of the hill and i said no no i'm none of that crap all right this video is getting off track real quick in a hurry so we've actually done some work before we're down here working i guess it's the branchville christian church now correct gotta get the name right uh i guess it was it two years ago we tore down a little on the other side and they got really interesting and about knocked out all the power to branch still yes that's actually i told the roof i'm like go left and it's like no i'm going right i'm like you can't there's a telephone pole there yeah but the ricochet worked out great you just took that telephone pole down today i did and now now the telephone's up it's in the back of a dump so anyways actually we uh back in the day we had the construction business we actually built the church so we've done a lot of work here in the past but what's on the agenda for today they actually purchased the neighboring piece of property for some extra parking and they want to get it cleaned up got a handful of maple trees that are going bye-bye we get a couple sheds we get a smash with the 210 which is going to be exciting because i need to relieve some stress after working with youtube and uh apparently there's a rock over there the size of great britain the small rock it's got an orange dot on it someone gave the wrong guy a campaign where chris's dad come down here with orange spray paintings and everything you paint goes and he had a dot on matt's house i don't know what the deal was with that i don't know who turned him out first although he turned him losing the orange spray paint but thank goodness he ran out so before he's done we're gonna need an air dumpster so all right it is supposed to be ridiculously hot today and we gotta dispose of these trees so i'm thinking to save you guys some sweat equity i'm gonna try to trim these with the excavator the best i can and i like the way you're thinking minimize the chainsaw work yeah i'd hate to see matt do too much cutting with that chase i bet you really would yeah i don't believe you for a minute so i don't know you want to start off with the trees we got called in locates water line ends over there we do have a fiber optic line that's running right down the edge of the road but i don't think we're gonna be don't think we're gonna be damaging it i think we're pretty much uh good to go on ripping and tearing so we do have some overhead power lines we've got to watch so everything's got to come this way all right who's ready where do you want me to stand out of the way tree trimming lessons 101. [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so we're gonna play a guessing game on how many trees will fit in the uh bubba duff [Music] and you're driving bubba dog well there's a tree number two i bet you can't fit tree number three in there [Music] i know i know a good operator could fit three trees in there got a good operator do we have a good truck [Music] all i can say is i know the cameraman thinks you can do it three getting ready to go on the truck [Music] yeah matt you won't get that i'll take care of the camera i feel like every time we use bubba dub bubba dumps just thinking oh no here we go again [Laughter] clear yeah i see 8500 just saying thank god i got a load of dirt on me traffic clear on traffic got a truck coming not coming [Music] one passenger vehicle coming that'll be about 40 more seconds they'll come in straight in front of you there [Music] [Music] white [Music] how's it going pat yep when you're on my nickel i want you to swim oh you do yeah that ain't part of my contract it never was [Music] hey so far he's been watching his mouth [Music] [Laughter] so we're on the church ground here oh there's about like me pat it's a little tougher than the rest of them [Laughter] short and stout [Music] [Music] so i know you couldn't hear pat but pat said that that tree is a lot like me short and stout a little tougher than the rest of them this is where i see trees is a lot like humans yeah mr dark perfect mr millennial and of course the tough one right here man behind the scenes and now we've got somebody trying to tell dp what to do that has no clue what he's talking about all right get him out of here let's get back to work give a little push against it see what happens [Music] [Music] mr [Music] kevin i'll take it well i told you that tree was a lot like me [Music] because they'll stay there i don't know why i'm worried about like this [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] don't worry about heights [Music] you're done here it is [Music] i figured we could have fit at least one more on there make it hey make it quick enough we can catch him before he gets out past us all right matt took off to dump the trees we're gonna dump them up here around the corner just kind of tuck them up in the woods for some animal habitat let those right down we cannot do the same with these things we need to load these guys up in the dumpster and get them disposed of properly uh this is what we'll do while waiting on match come back yeah how's that just try to kick him down go ahead i want to see it i'm just kidding i got bad knee remember [Laughter] all right we're ready building number one [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] that was not a very nice way to do it yeah i like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mobile transport i like [Music] [Music] hey is this going to be part of the next excavating game challenge [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it is i could probably grab it from the back and slide it over it's on the roof now yeah that's true [Music] [Music] i all right guys we are moving along pretty good here matt just got back with bubba dub we got two trees hello two trees left to load in there they're both smaller ones so it should be a lot smaller load heading out here on this one got a little bit of a mess to clean up over there where we tore down those buildings and then down the very end of the property they got a really awesome natural spring we got to do a little bit of work to it they're one to kind of develop it and turn it into uh i think an outdoor baptismal thought as i can all right let me get these last few trees loaded and we'll go down there and see what we got on the far end well boys trees are out sheds are gone took our shade man what's next rocks or sister pick your poison so you explain what this is this is actually a man-made spring that has been here i don't think it's a man-made spring they made it come out of a pipe as well they didn't make the water come out of the ground though it's going under the ground so it's a developed natural spray there you go yeah it's a better use of words drought of 2019 drought of 2012 and then i think the last one i experienced was 92. i was going to that's not right i was going to say today and today 2022. it runs constantly so back in the uh day a lot of the locals used to get water from here right here i'll show you a local that trusted this this explains a lot when i got five gallons up for my grandmother for every week she had me check the temperature up one time it's 56 degrees oh it's cold it's coming from beep somewhere i agree with that so all right so the church wants to develop this a little bit farther i guess is the plan a lot of this structure here is gonna go bye-bye it actually feeds the neighbor's lake over there you should take the camera up in there and show them the big hole can you get up in there i'll take it up in there come on people let's go if we find a copperheaded rattle moccasin don't worry about it we got the footage yeah just don't don't lose the camera hey man what after he removes this big rock it'd be a lot easier so you guys can see the water running across all the rocks there's a cavern up in there right there that big rock is actually surrounded by water so you think maybe this is why my uh lake didn't hold water maybe anyway that's a good view for you guys to see the big cavern in there all right so what we got to do we got to take this big rock which is uh i don't know 10 inches from this pipe and get it out of here without messing this pipe up no problem sir professional operator who said it's just a little rock i guarantee that's the length of the counter derby market we're gonna measure both oh good that's gracious all right so we got that and we're going to take out these things here yep and then the neighbor this spring feeds his pond so the neighbor's going to reconnect it so they'll keep feeding the top all right and we got an old cistern here i guess i used to store water in this yeah so that black pipe used to go to the bottom of the old rusty pipe and fill up the cistern for the home that was sitting here gotcha well let's uh let's pull this out first that way i can get up in there and get that rock a little better sounds good [Music] we would lift it off there [Applause] ruining it that my friend would have been a yeah that would have been a great hot tub until you've done that it is stainless oh getting ready to lose it so be careful he's screwing around and there's just one tooth holding that whole thing jack you can have it now [Music] looks like there's actually a stainless liner in a metal container you think he's that good or is he just getting that lucky the way it dropped the way everything fell right in 100 luck i know what they don't have [Music] be careful with that pipe that one's got to be safe [Music] oh boy i figured he'd drop that sucker and throw it all over so the goal is do take the big rock don't hurt the old pipe hmm gotta cover me up with trees there not a very good view bud [Music] [Music] easy [Music] so [Music] nailed it [Music] well we successfully got it out of there let's see if we get her loaded up without any incident here [Music] a lot of work just fine all right let me get these last few loaded up we'll get that out of here i load that metal back up the uh metal the back c8500 take it off the scrap and get our mess cleaned up all right brought a little dirt with us this morning aaron's gonna dump a little bit of it here we're gonna dump it a little bit at the back here we took our sister now that that's good let me get out of your way and i'll show you where to back up to you over there straight all back that's good right there [Music] uh back back up i was gonna clean you out real quick [Music] well it is a little bit of dirt out the bed it's been stuck in there for a while all right you're clean go ahead down i'll throw this metal in you we're gonna throw this little bit of metal in there [Music] later [Music] through my absolutely filthy dirty window but it started raining on us here a little bit which is a welcome aside because as you guys can probably tell from the dust we are dry dry dry dry dry right now so i'm going to try to get this fire right down it wasn't going to get a whole lot of rain you guys have seen this fire right before i'm not going to bore you with that so let us get it done show you what she looks like oh man behind the scenes i didn't uh i didn't turn out too bad for a quick little power egg job and a no nascar pit crew repair on the fire storm rolling in we got a little bit of rain we got another big storm coming and guys we need we need the rain bad we're in a pretty severe drought right now these farmers are starting to get a little bit worried oh here's the thunder that's rolling in it's rolling in and uh somebody hit a rock over there and you know i totaled out the ruckus right but yeah a couple of three bolts i got down there i said look it's very falling too he's like where nothing's wrong i'm like this is like you're not the operator yeah you said it bent the frame it did maybe the frame it wasn't bad it just had broke the bolts off was it straight was it straight oh the bolts are broke the frame's straight we got equipment to move and we're fixing to get wet all right here we go guys it turned out it turned out awesome they're happy with it a couple routes sticking up one time through here at the lawnmower we're gonna toss a few random pieces out we're gonna hit the road hope you guys enjoyed if you did give a big video a big ol thumbs up but make sure you don't miss out on the next one which i think is going to be a pullback full fill pool backfill video so hot i can't even talk if not we're going to start on a big lake so anyways i'll consider subscribing that way you can catch us on the next one later there's a rock right there there's a rock right there he missed one you drugged that out when you were coming i seen it and i heard it i told you i said you need to grab that rock it's laying in the middle yard yeah i already had all the rocks picked up until you came back down through here i made it perfect no not almost perfect like your shirt no it's almost purple that was almost perfect so you picked the rocket now it's perfect
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 67,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hyundai excavator, hyundai construction equipment, excavator working, andrew camarata, construction, diesel creek, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mini, mustie1, out door with the morgens, skid, steer, trackhoe, welker farms, church grounds, hyundai 210 excavator, construction equipment, hyundai ce, land clearing, tree trimming, tree removal, land improvement, land clearing machine
Id: hyZmXm_TSG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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