Doing the equipment shuffle moving into the next big job with a very tricky entry drive 😬

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all right guys here's what we're gonna tackle today has unexpectedly rained all morning so we're gonna switch gears a little bit and do the old equipment [Music] shuffle [Music] all right guys here's what's on the agenda for this afternoon so i think for the first time ever we're going to have the 140 and the 120 on the same job in the same place so that's going to be pretty cool looking forward to that and then we got to get the 850 moved in for jerry we got a pretty good-sized job for farmer chris we're getting ready to tackle but before we do all that we got to get this beautiful piece of equipment off the trailer we're actually gonna leave it up here at the shop i hold it in the other day i may or may not try to do a little dirt work for mrs dirk perfect's fire pit so let's get this thing unloaded and then uh oh we got uh we got some shuffling to do just stick with me i'll show you as days like these guys i absolutely love these speed binders whenever you're holding multiple pieces of equipment chaining and unchaining several times these things these things are absolutely awesome if you guys remember from my previous videos um we got the toolbox on the truck set up here still got the inverter charger and uh chain and battery storage in here that all has been working absolutely awesome all right got that girl all unchained let's go ahead and get this truck fired up so let's build a little bit of air while we're waiting [Music] beautiful see if we can slide this girl off the trailer [Music] i always hate loading and unloading equipment on a wet trailer ice and snow is even worse it's so easy to slide and get yourself in trouble real quick and in a hurry but it's also a good way to make a rainy day productive so do what you got to do i guess all right backwards we go [Music] i made it all right got the truck all folded up and ready to go i think my plan is instead of going all the way up to weights i'm going to try to turn around right there i don't think it's too wet that i'll get stuck we'll find out [Music] all right guys we are turned around heading out the road we are actually going to head down to the lot or to the office and switch trucks we're going to hop in the c8500 with plan b go up to captain cleeman's place and uh grab the 120 it's up there it is uh i'm not gonna say you can't get this truck up there you could but it is not worth the effort in the fight and i've got the other truck and trailer so we're gonna go up there with the c8500 grab the 120 bring the 120 back to the lot which is like a quarter mile trip then we're gonna switch it and put the 120 on this trailer because we got to go like 45 minutes away and on the other end we got to load the 850 and the 850's got to be on this trailer it's a big old deal hopefully you guys followed all that so long story short we're off to the lot to switch trucks to go grab the 120 so hammer down hopefully this pesky rain wins [Music] well let's see what kind of move this little girl's in see she'll start come on baby iron hole all right while the uh truck's building there we're gonna get this deck swept off real quick real quick if you guys uh you guys follow captain kleeman you know that he bought a brand new broom for the lowboy trailer and i kind of ran over with the tracco so good news i was nice enough to go get another one and replace it for him so we can protect all the windshields now all right guys just because i'm lazy and i can we're gonna grab four speed binders off the big trailer put on the small trailer i am just not in the mood to deal with those today and uh we're coming straight back down and transferring here we're going to switch a few over i could probably do two at a time if it wasn't holding the camera but i'm in the mood for one time so we're gonna do that can't forget the drill that'd be bad let's roll check that out captain put some new shoes on the old girl we shouldn't be able to go anywhere now so [Music] [Music] i think i spot us a 120 see if we can get backed in there and get the old girl loaded good to see you captain have you even cleaned it out for me a little bit it's not jerry level though no it's not jerry level but i'll take it every time i get in this thing i just feel like i'm back at home now if i'm just getting on the trailer without falling off almost got it come on baby there we go this trailer is not bad to load on but it's definitely not near as comfortable as the big trailer [Music] so we're out of here okay have a good day you're a man a few words today i'm tired man for the record you brought that machine here it already had mud on the counterweight are you trying to say you scratched my counterweight scratch your counterweight and some trees thanks for adding character [Applause] [Music] real quick guys i'm sure some of you have already commented every time i use this truck and give a shot at the rear end everybody always comments oh my goodness the rear axle's about ready to fall out of that thing that is not true i promise you this has what they call a hendrix walking beam suspension and it does just that it walks around and moves around all over the place there is a big bushing down here it does have a little bit of play in it but as you guys can see nothing is rubbing everything is still in spec and honestly that suspension for a dump truck is awesome for just that reason it allows the axles to move and do whatever they want and keep equal pressure on all tires at all times and on a short truck like this whenever those axles move around like that it actually makes them drive a lot better because you're not you're not fighting that friction of that going back and forth so that truck uh is still in pretty good shape eventually it will need a rear suspension re-bush but we're a long ways off from that boys and girls we are a long ways off from that so let's get this thing boom let's get this thing unloaded and see if we can get that grease fitting to take grease get it greased up we may go ahead and uh man the uh convoy's heading out of the lot here we got a crew renting the lot putting in fiber optic they got a dredge and or not a dredge i got a knife i got a cable trailer cable trailer board machine set up there's a few bucks rolling down the road anyways we got sidetracked let's get this thing unloaded i want to check fluids get it greased up make sure she's in good shape so because uh she's got a big day ahead of her tomorrow probably not the best idea let me see if i can take the boom and adjust these ramps just a little bit before we head off this thing that should work flawless playing here we go so made it all right guys this grease fitting right here is the one for some reason they quit taking grease on me i got one of those um fitting busters where you put it on there and put a pinch ring oil in it try to hit it and that didn't seem to do the trick so i'm going to take the fitting out and maybe try to clean it out with that drill bit and put some actual penetrating oil down in there and see if we can get it to see if we can get it to take grease it just stopped taking here recently i don't want to run it too long without it taking grease especially after all the work we just put into this thing so if we can clean this hole out see what's down in there sometimes if you can get the grease out of there and fill that hole there itself up with penetrating oil and then put grease in behind it it'll take if that don't work we have to drive the pin out find out what's going on [Music] fill the hole down in there oh i got some cheap pb blaster whoop watch your eyeballs [Music] i do have this thumb this is on the thumb the thumb's down on the ground holding this up so it should be uh keeping pressure from getting on we should have as good a chance as possible to get grease to come out of this hole let's put it that way tighten that back down i had a salesman stop by a while back and he dropped off some of this uh trc grease and guys i'm not a greased scientist i don't know a whole lot about it i've used a bunch of different brands over the years but this does seem to be some really good stuff where i noticed this stuff really shines is down here in the boom section if you're digging in the mud or like pond dredging or a lot of stuff like that it don't seem to get washed away near as bad all right see what happens still not taken all right i think what i'm going to do i'm going to take these bolts out right here and see if we can drive that pin over just far enough to see what's clogging that hole up there's a chance in there that bushing may have spun and the holes not lined up no more i hope not i think i'm going to take that fitting out the end of there so whenever i hammer on that i don't mess that up let's see if it'll move if i got to take some pressure off of it it's going but i think we can make it go easier let me uh reconfigure here trying to get that bucket and thumb configured just right it's got as little pressure as possible on it so hopefully it'll drive out pretty easy you gotta go oh yeah i'm moving with these now all right see what we got so i can immediately see what the problem is the grease hole is right there the grease fitting is over here so this bushing somehow has turned just a little bit so how do we fix that all right guys i think i may have got it and i think this may have been a self-induced issue if you guys remember from the install video on this but this is actually two bushings there's an inner and there's an outer and it's got holes drilled in it i don't think i got my holes lined up from the beginning can you believe that i think the grease it was originally taken was where the two bushings split if i got enough stuff in there it didn't work i was not able to turn that bushing but i was what i was able to do is actually get a new grease hole drilled into that that lines up properly so let's put the grease hose on here that i've got nice and dirty now hold on i'll put you guys down all right moment of truth you ready to see if it comes through still nothing you know what there is one thing i didn't check i'm gonna be really aggravated if that's the problem that's the grease fitting itself all right i took the grease fitting that used to be in the end of the shaft right there it's actually the same one put it up here see if that works oh hold on need more hands look at that oh all that work for a bad grease fitting good news it's working let's get this thing back together it was a fight but look at that we got her all right guys i'm going to take the time real quick go ahead and grease the rest of this machine check fluids get it loaded up we're going to head on out of here all right guys we have finally got this thing greased and all checked out and i believe we are in good shape ready to go so let's get her let's get her loaded on the trailer and head on out of here that took way way longer than it should have i guess that goes back to the old uh the old saying of check the uh check the simple stuff first oh boy oh well at least it's fixed that's the main thing come on baby teeter on there you go this trailer is definitely much nicer to load on but you can definitely get in some smaller tighter places with the other one all right around and round we go hang on hang on here we go all right i'm gonna set you guys down i'm gonna get chained down and we are gonna hit the road [Music] all right guys we were officially on the road that was an adventure right there trying to get that thing to take grease but uh we're heading out stopped in the derby market got the essentials pepsi snickers absolute lunch of champions we're running behind so you guys are out driving around this summer what a cool place just to stop by for the heck of it swinging into the derby market man we got some cool stuff in there some great ice cream and even got some dirt perfect and longer wade stuff but we got about a 45 minute trip to where we're going we'll get up there and get unloaded and then we got to shuffle the volvo and the 850 up there so let's go made it guys we just pulled into where we're going here it's going to be a little bit tight i can unload on the road if i want to this is kind of a little bit of a blind corner i just soon get it back in here off the road if at all possible at least far enough to get unloaded so we're going to try uh we're gonna attempt to we're gonna we're gonna attempt it we're gonna try it all right i don't see any cars coming i'm going for attempt one put her in the ditch right there we're gonna make it [Music] by golly i think we might just get her watch out little reflector coming back coming back how about that for the win got it [Music] all right guys so here's the significance or the importance of getting this machine or getting this truck backed in here like we did these uh excavators have what they call triple grouser pads they got three bars across each track shoe and the only way they only weigh about 30 000 pounds so you can get away with unloading them on the asphalt without really tearing anything up the next thing we need to haul in here is the 850. it weighs closer to uh it weighs closer to 45 000 pounds and it's got single grouser pads on it and it will hurt the asphalt so if i couldn't have got back in that driveway i'd much rather attempt it with a lighter machine and something i can offload in a bad situation like an excavator and just go for it with the uh and just go for it with the with the with the dozer if i get stuck in that ditch i'm really in trouble so i did bring some boards as a backup plan in case we had download on the road we could unload on those boards but hopefully hopefully hopefully we won't need them and we'll be able to get it the same way there's only one way to uh find out let's head down the road and get the dozer well we got in here can we get out getting out should always be easier than getting in right it's famous last words all right here we go watch out little reflector oh we're gonna get it that ain't good take two do a little austin powers maneuver here oh we got her that time i drill [Music] up there horsey low all right the 850 is sitting over there sitting over there in the field this is the job when we cleaned all the uh this is the job where we cleaned all the trees off the county road there i'm gonna make this one pretty simple i'm gonna pull in this county road and we're going to back across the highway into another county road another county road is gravel whoop we got a truck coming hold on you gonna wait on me maybe he's gonna like [Music] another county roads gravel over there so we should just be able to load the dozer right on the road without making too big a mess that should work out let me just not firm get dozer behind trailer there all right good load thanks sir appreciate it jerry was out playing in the mud it's like you got the tracks uh trucks shoveled out pretty good we're only going about a mile up the road so it should be sufficient for that and i gotta think we're gonna be playing the mud up there too come on see if this old girl starts up she's usually pretty reliable come on baby just like clockwork this thing's kind of a bear to load by yourself because it's hard to see the uh trailer underneath you well those are slow and steady kind of wins the race type deals [Applause] so here's the question guys we're only going about a mile up the road do we chain her down or just let it ride of course we chain it down i don't want to be picking this thing up off the side of the road let me get her chained down and ready to roll and we'll head on up the road alrighty i got her chained down i threw some flags on i think we're ready to roll but i haven't spotted nothing's ever easy so we need to go that way this county road's in here at an angle we got mailboxes and signs here i think i can make the corner but it's going to be tight let's see well back up a little bit here first so i can kind of get over and get myself as much working room as possible all right see what happens i don't think we're going to make it but it's going to be tight i'm going to pull out here in the road a little bit like so i'll kind of jack knife her back and it'll give me a few feet [Music] i should be able to bring that blade right around from that mailbox in hang on here we go we gotta make it i'm not gonna make it if i put this thing in the ditch over here come on baby you can do it oh yeah seven inches to spare baby all right guys we are rolling let's head back up on the other end and hopefully we can get this thing backed in there without any trouble there's only one way to find out shove it reverse and see what happens [Music] all right guys i had to go down the road get turned around and get the right angle to get in here i think we're gonna have one shot one shot to get this thing back in here right if we screw this up i'm afraid it's not gonna be pretty it's not gonna be pretty at all so hang on here we go come on trailer hang on there baby come on truck oh we got a chance we got a chance across the pipes that's a good thing all right similar as last time so that's good i just need to get the front end of my truck worked over can't pull up too far on frame while i'm going over the hill here come on baby we'll do that one more time just to be safe no need to take a chance here there we go [Music] oh yeah oh yeah got it two for two i'll show you guys another thing i absolutely love about these speed bonders could you imagine the old style ratcheting boomer in here beating and banging around trying to get that thing tight or untight these things put the drill on there the runner loose no busted knuckles or anything like that we're good to go i really do love them things guys is where you can get them they're not that expensive i wish there was a promo code but there's no promo code uh but uh like i said we've been using them for almost two years now you parked this thing in the weeds almost two years now no issues uh minimal maintenance they have been awesome get the right angle there we go things like today whenever you're humping equipment they are a lifesaver all right let's get this girl unloaded and we'll go back after the volvo at that point it should be done today i go there we go two down one to go the uh volvo it's uh pretty close down there we just picked up this about a mile down the road so loop down there grab it real quick come up here and drop it off the real question is can we get out this time with one try and not two more all right so the 140 is sitting off in this little field here to the right uh i don't feel comfortable backing out in that field it's too wet from all the rain that's a little bitty pull off over here i don't know if it's quite big enough for what we want to do but i'm going to try to pull off over into here we'll just walk it straight across the road and load this would be better than trying to load out there on the highway i don't think we're going to have enough room to do what we want to do it's going to be tight but i think we'll make it work personally guys i did not get any video from this job the there's a power line that runs right through there and the power company come in here and they cut all these trees down about 14 feet tall they were all the way down through here it was raining it was nasty whenever i was doing it so i just kind of fold them over shoved them left shoved them right and then we put this uh entrance in here so chris can get his equipment in and out of the field this is the job i tried to do a live feed from the cab of the track home and uh just wasn't quite enough cell phone service to do it didn't turn out worth the crap so we'll have to try again later it was raining when i quit so i didn't clean tracks that's an embarrassment that's a shame it uh huh it is what it is i guess so but nevertheless this one's gonna go up the road too to the uh look at the wasp right there what are you doing you didn't pay rent you don't get to stay there get out little booger anyways this one's going to go up the road too to the clearing job up there i'm hoping the three of us me jerry and clemen we get a pretty good little uh pretty good little push on tomorrow i'll show you what we got we'll get up there [Music] all right up up and away we go hang on out there we gotta watch that power line up there i think it's high enough we won't hit it hopefully we don't make too big a mess going across the road here you guys see the ruts on the ground there just now i got my pickup truck hung up whenever i was in here last time it was clips all right look left look right we're going for it hey on come on baby we're off i always got to load this machine blade front because i put the boom back and if i load it with the blade towards the back i can't get the boom folded up tight enough uh to get it low enough to clear my 13 six i got in there and power line right up here i didn't think that through very well come on baby up up and away you go there you go nice and easy just like that all right swing around here and set the boom down get this puppy chain down and we'll be ready to roll [Music] so all right guys we are chained down and rolling with the last last load of the day let's go up here get turned around see if we get this thing back in off the road without any incident and we will be on the home stretch folks who will be on the home stretch all right i got this little county road right here it's about a half mile down the road it's a pretty easy place to uh back in and turn around we gotta get turn around facing the other direction so we get back into that field so see if we can get maneuvered in here real quick we go all right we're heading the right direction this is it right here can we go three for three fingers crossed here we go we're going far we don't have any cars coming come on buddy you got it come on well we got an audience we got cars that showed up oh yeah let me get this one with just one pull up nailed it i'm not sure what that actually looks like on camera guys but i can promise you one thing that is a game a game of absolute inches and uh i'm glad we won because it would have been bad if we didn't i'd hate to be stuck in that ditch especially with a piece of equipment on and halfway on the road on that blind curve that would uh that would not be good and not be good at all but i am running out of time i am running out of energy and i am running out of batteries so uh we're gonna do this one the easy way and there it is guys safe and sound all three pieces delivered i think actually i don't think i know i've owned the volvo for a year and a half now this is the first time it and the john deere have actually been on the same job at the same time over santa claus hall and dirt on that property they were on technically the same job the same time but they were in different locations they're in the same location this time so that's uh that's kind of exciting but the job we're going to tackle tomorrow as you guys look around here it's about as far as you can see see these random cedar trees in this film we're going to go around pluck them push them in a pile and burn them i got captain clayman and jerry coming tomorrow so that ought to be a good video try to get some drone shots before and after that all turned out pretty cool but that's going to be a wrap on this one guys i've got the trailer all swept up everything put away the only thing we got let's do is head to the house so hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to like subscribe and comment as always guys we'll catch you on the next one uh you
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 64,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trucking, truck driver, volvo, john deere, millennial farmer, equipment, excavator, loading, unloading, dirt work, equipment trailer, equipment operator, equipment shuffle, farm, 140, 120, 850, moving equipment, heavy equipment, andrew camarata, letsdig18, land clearing, hauling, trailer, transporting, moving heavy equipment, land clearing equipment, tricky, semi, heavy haul, oversize load, farm work, over the road, deere, work, transporting heavy equipment, heavy transport, dozer, excavation
Id: KhDqR8XVXmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 22sec (2902 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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