She Took Her $1,200 Stimulus Check And Started a 7-Figure Business | Anthony ONeal

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ellie anthony you you bringing in seven figures a year yeah you've been consistent with that for two years could you date a brother who work at walmart now what's happening [Music] the number one rising entrepreneur in america today is a black woman a black woman who may be single raising two three kids starting a business working a full-time job but she says hey i have to step up to the place so i can provide for my family and live the life that i desire for myself and since i'm doing it by myself i'm going to set up something for my kids so they can have a legacy brothers we got to step up to the play and handle our responsibility but queens you all are winning and today's show is dedicated to you and if you're one of the queens watching this and you're saying yo i need some encouragement lock in get locked in get a pin get a paper get your ipad get your ipad pin and write down some notes because today we have a young lady on the show her name is ellie i've been following her for about a year um and i've had a lot of people reach out to me and say you need to get ellie on the show you get ellie on the show and y'all know me i'm very careful about who i bring to the table because number one we keep it real relevant and relatable and i have to make sure that this person can be real um that the information they share is real okay and it's relatable for us and it inspires you how can it influence you how can it impact you so you can go out there and produce some income on how you were influenced and impacted so i'm extremely grateful to have this queen on the show today uh because she is a beast so welcome to the table l.a give me some love you're looking good girl got a little brown old brown on brown okay then ellie said ah skin popping oh i'm liking this shirt though i think it's good it's pink i like pink real man wore paint i'm listening remember pink listen i'm feeling it now you can't see what i got like some sweats and some blue shoes but it's all good but he's looking good i'm in my house um so let's get straight into it uh because i've been following you for about a year now and man your journey has really been something all right so let's let's start off from the very beginning uh you're 30 now almost almost 10 30 in june in june and june my sister's birthday is in june when it's june what what day she's june 4th i'm june 21st okay okay so you're close to me because i'm july 1st oh yeah yeah i need some birthday gifts oh we're just 10 days apart yes you got to have a joint birthday party you're i mean you're in my home city we may make it happen um if it's a if it's us together all i'm gonna say is a lot of money that's all i'm gonna say and the majority of mine will come from her not me yo yo so you're 29 turning 30 this year let's fast forward or rewind 10 years ago you were when were you married i got married at 20. i met him at 19. he met him at 19 got married at 20. okay yeah why did you get married so young you know in hindsight right um [Music] i thought he was the one okay was the one okay thought it was the right time i wanted to kind of get my life situated early i knew that i wanted to just make moves you know get a really good job start building okay and he was cute you know when we're 19 and 20 what's important right how does he look yeah does he have the right talk i didn't listen to my parents they told me to wait was money a play in the game no was he making money like good money i mean of course he was making money no yeah but not good money okay it wasn't that at all it was just like we're both young let's do this let's build together i can do this we can do this and i just jumped you just jumped i just jumped you know so young didn't know any better didn't take the guidance i needed to okay and believed i could just make life happen yeah yeah just doing what i wanted to do love it love it okay all right so fast forward yeah um from 20 to now um you out of that relationship you got you got four whoa four kids and the last two are twins the last two are twins you have four kids all four kids by what age by 27 28 or 27 i gave birth to the twins 27 with four kids yeah where were you at in that season of life like income-wise job-wise like were you in a good healthy place when you brought in four kids into this life into this world so you know i've always had good jobs i worked in corporate america i was making six figures by the time i turned 24 25. okay um so i've always had good jobs the problem was he didn't right so everything was on me i got you i was taking care of the husband birthing the babies breastfeeding the babies yeah going to work bringing in the income getting promoted birthing more babies taking care of the home paying the rent i mean it was just doing everything everything and where were you living in um so at first i lived with my dad okay then we got our own place um in florida okay what part of florida tampa tampa okay okay yeah and i just i did six years in jacksonville oh wow yeah florida is an interesting place it is stuff be happening absolutely you know yeah tampa is it's the truth though some good looking girls out there oh my god okay back to the story back to the story all right so you lived in florida yep so florida then moved to la la is where i got i would say my best job that's when i started making six figures out here okay but if you know la a hundred twenty thousand some thousand dollars that's nice it's pretty much still sixty thousand or five thousand dollars so at that point i had my second child so i had two kids by then i was like 24 25. okay um then moved to texas yeah yeah around 26 27 that's when i was pregnant with the twins wow right before the pandemic got laid off from the job gave birth to the twins and then i asked for a separation two months after the time whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa flag on the plate i'm using my home girls michelle williams flag on the plate flag pandemic hits pandemic hits right after you move to texas yes basically so pandemic hits right after i moved to texas in the midst of the divorce because i got divorced finalized february 2020. okay pandemic hits what was that march so you asked for the divorce the pandemic kid pandemic hits you then you lose your job correct you're now you're a single mother and i live at home at my mom and you live at home with your mom yeah i moved home to my mom with four kids with four kids in texas no in l.a you move back let me tell you something when i moved back to la it was just me and all the four kids anthony i want you to picture me with four kids going through the airport with five luggages four children two of them in a stroller taking periodic breaks to go breastfeed the twins alone alone i had to make the journey alone how did you get to the airport because it's a struggle for me to pull too listen people saw me and just started helping me literally that was just god they saw me with these kids and these bags and were like what what's happening and i'm just like i need to get back to my mom's house and they helped me i'm curious allen yeah how were you emotionally then moving back home with your mom four kids 26 27 years old yeah not married the last five years of your life you've been carrying this workload it seems like huge how were you internally how were you emotionally you know it was it was a tough time it was a tough time i think the only thing that got me through in those moments was god yeah you know i'm muslim so i pray five times a day i'm so connected to that source yeah um but it was extremely challenging you know when you have an idea of what your life is going to be yeah and when it takes a completely opposite turn from that in a quick period of time yeah you feel like your life is in shambles i mean i felt like here here i am with four kids i'm i'm thinking these people probably think i'm somebody's baby mama they're probably like you know oh this woman doesn't have her life together you know and i felt like do i not have my life together because i went from being married to what we praised as a great thing to now being unmarried when i knew i was getting out of an unhealthy situation right but it felt like i was going from one unhealthy thing right into another now living at home with my mom's at 20 26 27 years old with no job it's not cute it's not it's it's it's it wasn't cute i can only imagine that you know what i'm saying and and i really wanted to start at the at the base of your story yeah because that was one season of your life now you're in it completely completely different season and um sometimes you see shows they'll start off with all the glam all the crap but then they don't really spend time in that season uh because there's some of you all watching right now right and i feel as if i wanted you all to meet ellie and really understand her from the the where she was 27 with four kids you know had to move back in with her mom after being married after making six figures and doing well but she carried out a workload and had to go back home um you know some of you all are watching this right now saying i relate to that man i understand that man i'm i'm in that right now what i want to encourage you is get a pen and paper because we're about to give you some wisdom and some knowledge on how to start switching uh that season in your life on how to adjust and how to move from the season you're in right now to a whole completely different season and and and and here's the thing i want to be honest um it's not gonna be easy uh but you have everything on the inside of you to get there you know um ellie reminds me of me just um a different version of me you know i she went back home i went to the back of my car and what pays us now is the gifts and the talents that are on the inside of us and so you know we about to get into it we about to get into it so all right allie uh i just saw on your instagram that you just bought a mercedes g wagon oh you know her name is moolah moolah yeah [Laughter] you just bought boolah so you went from being 27 four kids living back home with your mom um having a job because you still kept your job right i mean well you got a job eventually so now you you're you you make seven figures a year you know let's let's go there um how did you how did that happen like how did you go from making from being there to where you are now i mean you walked in with a nice person i don't know the name of that purse but i know it was expensive you should hold yeah you coming here with a whole entourage i'm like that ain't cheap you know what i'm saying she you cutting payroll checks um how did you go from from there to where you are now what what's the secret ingredient to to start making seven figures a year wow well the the number one ingredient is faith okay and prayer that's just number one i want to make sure everybody understands none of this is possible without that solid foundation right because when i had nothing back at home with my mom on ebt yeah cash aid you know that that was the income when the job left it was like okay let me manage this 750 a month in food stamps oh wow um you know so but knowing at that moment even though that was what my reality was i knew that that wasn't permanent i had to believe that that wasn't permanent and that's where my prayer came in so from there the next step is to really take an inventory of what you know how to do and figure out who will pay you for what you know how to do that back then to start making income yeah no do an inventory on what do you know how to do and who will pay you to get the information on what you know how to do exactly what do you know how to do well so uh my list right so everyone needs to make their list my list i'm really good at sales okay i'm really good at coaching you know i worked as director of sales that's my whole thing wow yeah okay that's my corporate background that's your corporate background i'm really good at financial literacy i'm a life insurance broker as well okay um i'm really good at really creating systems whether it's operational systems sales systems just ways for people to put organization into their business because i worked in startups yeah and help it to flourish yeah so when i made all this list and cooking and you know looking good all those other things but all right brothers we are here you know i knew i knew she made money no i know how to cook and she said she looked good i look good wait are you are you single i am single okay i don't want to give you no trouble are you single i'm like single single nobody can tell me i'm somebody's girlfriend you can cook can you clean cook and clean i got four kids what i mean you got to have a clean house no you don't oh yes you do well for me you do and make the home she says you look good and i look good right so i had all these lists but i said okay let me look at what someone can pay me for that's directly related to what i've already done successfully so i make my list you also as well want to make a list of what you've actually accomplished with that so when i was director of sales i helped the company i worked for scale to four million dollars in revenue so i really knew what i was doing and i said okay this seems like close to where i might be able to turn this into something so i said how can i take what i used to do for this company and i can't get i applied to 50 jobs i tried my yes i tried my best to get a job anthony this is right around like right around the panel okay couldn't get no jobs cleaning the job with this long resume i could not get a job so i said okay since no one's hiring me for this skill how can i take what i do know how to do for businesses but give it directly to businesses so this is how i created my coaching and consulting so so that's what people should do they should look at okay what do i actually know how to do what do i have a proven record in yeah how can i give it straight to the people that need it yeah that's your business don't try to do something that you don't really have any experience and start there then you can always expand later you know what i'm saying so practically how did you start so i know one part of your story is you got a stimulus check i did and how did you flip that so stimulus check money right ah 1200 hits my account well really i got mine and then enough for my kids but the kids money we don't touch that that goes somewhere else yeah so my 1200 dollars i knew it was coming i said okay this is my opportunity because cash aid is not going to give me this much right right this is my opportunity to take this and do something that i might not ever get the chance to do at least not right now okay so i put money on a ring light bought a ring light from my room yup um bought some domains for my website you know yeah purchased my llc okay upgraded my phone okay upgrade upgrade you know daddy get a new phone how to get a new phone to make sure you know it was getting the best as best camera quality as we could it's a little deposit yeah um and i put a little bit on the side just to try to run ads you know um and that was my startup money into my business so the first thing i did with that ring lighting with that phone i went to instagram and started creating content started creating content so you took the message that's on the inside of you yes went out there and made a small investment you didn't go out there and and rack up a whole bunch of debt to get cameras no this and that you took the means that you had yep turned it into what you could afford yeah and then you went to work went to work so no excuses none and this is what the kids there at the house four kids and you still live in japan and i'm still at my mom's house so she's like why are you always on your phone yeah i'm like mom i'm trying to build something i need you to understand but you're always on your phone you got to take care of these kids the babies are hungry i need your help because i think this can become something was that difficult oh you you you and your mom dynamic how is she now i'm curious seeing seeing the success yeah seeing you winning i mean you you got two vehicles one for you and your kids and one for you you know and one for the nanny too by the way but you know what i mean hey god is good all the time this is all within the last two years this is all within yeah the last two years i mean literally i started the business officially july 2020 okay is like my start date that's when i really started posting that's when i formed my entity that's when i really was like i'm in business yeah yeah um so yeah where are we we're february 2022 so yeah you know so so that's what you're saying about my mom i mean she's really proud she's really proud i think now her worry at first her worry was my daughter is 27 with four kids what's gonna happen she's living at home with me and she's on her damn phone all the time now i think her worry is my daughter is a multi-millionaire with four kids is she protected is she safe is she keeping a head on her shoulders is she spending enough time with her kids because i travel so much you know um but ultimately she's proud i'm so grateful to her because if she hadn't opened her doors i don't know where i would be right now you know if she hadn't watched the kids while i was going live and tried her best to keep them quiet so i could deliver the content deliver the value where would i be where would you be you know i wouldn't be here that's for sure so that was such a foundational time and that's really when i you know like you said went to work no excuses got up before my kids went to bed after the kids created the courses throughout the wee night hours you know to make sure i could deliver this educational value to my audience that started at 300 people yeah and here we are at 300 000 people wow all because she just focused on what was on the inside of you yes and then what can you do that other people will pay you for exactly i'm curious yeah you're not the only person who do what you do i know i'm not did that not scare you like did it not like be like well she's doing that or he's doing that like or did you just say you know what cool i'm going there and just do it and just see who just rocks with me you know i love that question because when i was looking doing my market research before i decided to start i looked at all the other business coaches consultants just people who were doing something similar and thought about okay what are they doing or what are they not doing that i can come and kind of fill in that gap i'm really grateful to have taken that moment to observe the surroundings and observe the market because it allowed me to lean in more into my voice and i know that that's why certain people will come to me versus them because of the fact that i am a mother i am a single mother i have this you know testimony and i was always very authentic in my delivery you know i could have gone into debt to get a beautiful space right an office right et cetera but i didn't move out of my mom's house until after i had made a million dollars wow i did it all right there because i felt like someone's either going to rock with me because they see me right teaching this business and giving them what they need at my mom's house or someone's going to knock rock with me for it and i chose to only have the people who were really going to see the value in it and go forward so i never felt intimidated by the competition because i believe whatever business you're in there really isn't any competition it's all about perspective and you and i could do the same thing but we'll both have a different way to do it and there's going to be people that buy from you there's going to be people that buy from me there's going to be people that buy from both of us yeah yeah you know and so we're not competition we're just both in the same lane in different cars yo listen man ally over here dropping some jewels you know what i'm saying she she dropping some jewels and i hope you all are taking taking copious notes yes is that the proper word yes it is you know what i'm saying a lot you see you see what i'm saying that's a big word for me you know but but i i think that um ellie one of the things i love doing at the table is giving people some practical steps on what to do i love that and so i have five questions that i really want to go through and you already know um but i really want to give like five practical ones yes and then i love it in these five y'all know we're gonna have some conversation about this single life oh lord you know what i'm saying we're gonna we're gonna get there let go we'll get them but let's get to the practical one so those people watching right now um later this fall um i am releasing a mastermind around how i've been able to build you know what i've done right so i'm going to be teaching people how to really turn what god has put on the inside of them uh in the way that i do it you know what i'm saying yeah and so i love that i can't wait because i'm only going to open it up to like a very small group of people uh but i want to ask you a question because you you're doing this now how do people like if you're sitting down with me at the table right now right now you know and and i say yo ellie how do i start a business but for me what kind of business should i start so like for those watching right now they're saying okay cool i have a full-time job yes i want to get out of debt so the majority people of mine are looking to get out of debt and looking to build wealth good so my method is hey keep your nine to five but then on the side get a small business um so that way you can get one the tax write-off produce more income but they're like okay cool what should i do right how do i start it yeah what's your thoughts i love that so i agree you know if i had the opportunity to keep my nine to five it would have been amazing but i was just thrust into it and it was like we either gonna stay on ebt or we gonna get this money absolutely you know what's it gonna be yeah i think that for those who are looking to start a business while they're still at their job the first method i shared of making your list of what you're good at what you already know how to do is key and you know go straight into consulting right so while you're at your nine to five look at okay what skills am i already using here that i could again be paid for outside of here and start making money teaching good you know boom that's right there yeah in addition to that if you have a hobby right maybe you love to make shea butters maybe you love to do hair maybe you love fashion set up an online store get into this ecommerce game ecommerce game is the truth right now true set up an online store either selling your own stuff or set up a drop shipping store which can run for you in the background and you're not even working at home you're not even working that hard i was watching a show um i forgot the name of a show but there's this young lady on here and she sells female products and she made two million dollars okay in one year just from getting products for females stuff lady things and just selling it online yeah while she's working a job i'm telling you and i'm like i'm telling you i'm in the wrong business listen listen bait goodies yeah i mean it can all be sold online we have an unprecedented ability right now to be able to access people nationally and internationally simply through social media and the internet absolutely so you can literally be at your job running up twenty thousand dollars a month either consulting or an e-commerce so that would be the first thing and make sure like you said form that llc absolutely so if you're going to do e-commerce make sure you do an online retail llc if you're going to do consulting get you a general consulting llc that way anything you do have to spend is a tax write-off as you know yeah your home office i mean you know there's just way so much around so so many amazing things you can do but that can be your first intro into business and what i tell people is you know the first business you start doesn't have to be your forever business right you are just starting with what i call the path of least resistance so if you know that you're naturally good at for me coaching or sales that's my path of least resistance so i'm going to start with that i'm going to build a solid brand of foundation around that now when i want to go ahead and start my cooking channel because i love to cook when i want to go ahead and do you know my fashion line because i be looking good when i want to go ahead and do all of that guess what i already have because on my nerves i already have this solid brand built so people will well why you would you watch my show would you watch my cooking listen i'm gonna keep the buck with you and we talked about this already i will watch how i say this respectfully i will watch any good looking woman cook as a single man see i'll be right there like see all right so okay cool see figure it out so exactly your first business doesn't have to be your forever business start with a path of least resistance and then once you quit that nine to five once you get that business up to five six figures a month okay then you might say okay now i really want to get into real estate now i really want to get into whatever the case might be so so i know some of the hurdles when i first started right when i started my my own business because i transitioned from my mentor and um and good friend dave ramsey out to on my own right yeah and i was so excited right now and i was like man this is good nervous but excited yeah god um gave me the opportunity to to do this but man i hit so many hurdles that i didn't know i was going to hit like what one of the hurdles that i hit was being doing it alone and having to be everybody everybody yeah i had to be my i had to be the producer i had to be the editor i had to be on up on youtube watching how to do my own graphics for a while like i remember for the first two weeks of really starting this thing i did not sleep i lived on celsius energy drinks and and um mountain dew wow because it's like yo i if this fails it's because i didn't do it i'm curious when you first started your business what were some of the hurdles you had to get over to get to where you are today and still at our level yeah we still got hurdles oh yes and some of these hurdles are even higher because we're our our careers are higher yeah but when you first started people who are just now starting out so all right cool i'm gonna get this llc i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that what are some of the hurdles that they should expect and what are some of the hurdles and what are the ways to get over those hurdles absolutely so i think for me one of the biggest hurdles i first faced was growth online yes and consistency that's so good those are the biggest ones for me and i think for any new business owner especially now that's going to be what they're going to face you know so my top tips for overcoming or really just pushing through the growth so good are you know you have to look at okay when i'm thinking about what my business does what value it gives what problems does it solve i need to be creating content that speaks directly to that every single day and posting that every single day that's what's going to make people grow because you have to think about it an audience is going to determine if they're going to follow you or buy from you based on what's in it for them so your content should always be showing them what's in it for them hey my business will show you how to do x y z my skin care will clear up your whatever my food will whatever right that's what's in it for them beyond that the consistency piece the consistency piece child it's hard it is hard consistent it is especially when you don't know what the outcome is going to be like we don't really know if this is going to work or not we don't when you start this business you don't you're like i mean i hope i'ma get some money but and after your research research shows that it it should work right you know but life still can hit can hit so it can be hard to be consistent when you don't know what's going to come to fruition after but i think for me what helped me to craft that consistency is to always have a list of goals and look at that every single day and say you know what there has to be a consequence for my inconsistency so if i don't show up for my business today if i don't post if i don't go live if i don't get on a coaching call whatever the case is i won't be able to have x y z in three months that's real you know i won't be able to to buy this for my son's birthday i mean we have to create the same way when we don't go to work yeah we get written up or whatever yeah what is going to be that that for us for us what systems are you putting into place to hold you accountable for the choices that you make exactly and i think the system that you put in place hold you accountable for good choices and for bad choices good choice i showed up i i went in my room i got in front of my ring light i got in front of my my um my phone uh that i did not um have to go rack up a bunch of debt for it and um you know i did content today yeah you know and so because of that my reward or my consequence is now i can post it and it's going to build my tribe exactly well i went out on a date it was a real good day slept in and we forg i i didn't we didn't show up for our business exactly what's the consequence now you just missed out on impact and influencing people and now you're not building your tribe and i think i love how you said hey identify growth and um and identify you know just really being consistent yeah that's hard for me still today it's it's it's like man i jesus like all right you gotta anthony you need to schedule a whole week to record content okay and i got to get with my team all right cool then we got to be real good on social media alright cool great but here's the thing though that growth part is going to be something serious yeah because if you're consistent you're going to grow fast you will and if you're not prepared for the growth that's a good problem to have yeah but how quickly can you put systems in place to maintain that growth and that's so key because when i started to grow quickly i was doing all my own customer service up until 3 a.m answering dms answering emails fixing things and it got to a point where i realized okay i'm probably effectively making less money because i'm doing too much yes and and that's that's when you all will get to a point where it's like it will be worthwhile to me to bring someone else in to handle these elements so i can stay in my zone of genius yeah yeah which if your zone of genius is making the skin care you need to stay there exactly if your arizona genius is making the content which is mine i need to stay there right and that essentially connects my income absolutely absolutely absolutely because then i could just say okay this is your area of domain serve my customers let me go out here and bring more customers yeah yeah yeah no absolutely i think you're absolutely right uh when i first transitioned out of my own i was like all right cool i could do this on my own i could set up a camera and do all the stuff i know i said but i was like no i win when i can be the visionary and go after my vision i will win even better if i can put someone in that chair who can see my vision and like all right cool let me help that vision be better yeah that's why i brought on my boy cj he's been rocking me for years um i'm not the best writer right you know what i'm saying like i write like i talk i'm a great communicator i love talking but i hate writing and i've written a book that's sold over hundreds of thousands i know which i'm like wow but i hire a writer yeah you know what i'm saying so i have an amazing writer out of uh spain right now and she's i love her she is amazing that's my girl what up danny um you know what i'm saying and so what i've learned is like what you said is as you're growing identify your strengths identify your weaknesses and hire someone for those for those weaknesses uh because as we're growing with my team i'm trying to figure out how to get rid of you know what i'm saying stuff because i win when i can think of the ultimate vision and execute that vision and put people into place and i like that i like that too i really do and it makes it a we thing yes you know i think the misconception is we get you get rich and you get all this money alone but it's never like that it's really you get more the more people you bring in oh man that's one of my goals one of my goals is that everyone on my team eventually um as my income is growing as owner of the company yeah um i'm not the only one eating good yeah yeah i want to see my people making multiple six figures to even millions yeah you know what i'm saying absolutely i'm a multi-millionaire i better have at least one or two millionaires on my team around me i mean come on you know what i'm saying so so i mean that that's what we bought over here that's what we've got over here you know what i'm saying but aos we're making millions making millionaires and that's what it's about so my team we got millionaires then my tribe from the education and then from put them in putting them in front of people like yourself they're getting the wisdom and the knowledge so they can go out there and produce millions for themselves one of my home girls kezia was professor key she said something that was so good she said we have so many black entrepreneurs but we don't have black people who are able to employ and have create jobs for other people it's different she said the majority of us are entrepreneurs but we only work for ourselves we're not able to go out there and hire other people pay them six figures help them produce wealth and i was like yo that's different that's a whole nother ball game and that's what we're about over here yeah um so this this is good this is really really this is all this is so good um i would say about 40 of my tribe are black single mothers yeah these are black single mothers who are educated shout out to them oh my hands down and they have a job they have a small business on the side one of them that i really really really want to know is how do you balance being a mother um singleness dating life and entrepreneurship so you make the money yeah and every time i see you on social media you're in front of a lot of people and inspiring and impacting people you don't post about your dating life so we don't know what that is which is a good thing and we really don't see your kids we saw i saw a couple of videos of you like educating your kids which is great but how do you do you believe in balancing do you believe in priorities like what's your how do you how do you really just nurture all three of those things well i can definitely say it's not easy it is a big balancing act yeah um you know i think that i know one of my purposes in life is to raise great children yes you know and so you have four of them i have four of them so i got a lot of raisins to do but i think the way i'm able to balance it i have help number one so i have my mom she helps now i'm at the point where i do have a nanny who is full-time okay um but even beyond that i i tell myself that i have to make the time to be present yeah as a mother yeah and fit the business around that ah so priority is mother yes motherhood right now yes then you fit the business around being a mother yes try my best some days it's business yeah and fit mommy around that you know yeah but as long as you know what's important to you as long as you know what i want my kids to see me achieving i want them to see that their mom is working i'm always explaining to them mommy's traveling because i'm doing this facetiming so you can see what mommy's doing mommy's going to work so i can get this for you take you here give something to you know i'm always making sure that they're a part of this growth process so that they understand it's not that mommy's just not home no mommy's doing this so we can have xyz you know um but there's definitely moments where mom guilt comes in it's very real you know especially because my kids are so young but the way that i reduce that is to be grateful to god and know god wouldn't have given me this opportunity and put this on my plate if it weren't for my four kids i believe that the drive that i have and the success i've had is because god knows i have four mouths to feed you know so i think for the other moms who are wanting to build a business and wanting to get to this level know that your kids are ultimately your fuel they don't they're not i don't see them as a burden it's hard it's hard to do it with kids but it also sets us apart from any other type of entrepreneur because we're balancing at home and we're showing up for our business and doing an amazing job so if anything i feel more equipped to be successful because of the fact that i have so much more on my plate as a mother yeah so it's like i hear you talking about your mom and i hear your heart around your kids and it's funny every successful person whether that's man or woman their heart is with their family and then they all say like man but i still do have that father guilt or that mother guilt by not seeing my kids as much every multi-millionaire or every billionaire that i've been around who's built a huge business i know they've all said man i could have did a little bit better you know with our kids and i think one of the things with me being single not having any kids i think that's why i work as hard right now and one of the things that we're putting into place here within my team is how long are we working cj what did we say two weeks yeah so the goal is we were two weeks out of months oh wow we bust our butts for two weeks because he has a family yeah i'm saying and my thing is like hey yeah so well two weeks off is really more so if the team is off i will still work like three days that next week yeah um just to handle the business outside of the show and other stuff like that but i want to get to a point to where we work two weeks monday through thursday we bust our butts yeah we're recording we're working we're traveling we're doing we got to do for two strong weeks with my whole team and then of course um after that um i want to be in a position to where i can spend one week and it's just all family it's just all kids you know what i'm saying i i take them to school i show up and eat lunch with my son at this school i can uh you know do this and do that so it's like one of the things i'm learning is i gotta maximize and stewart my single season well so that way when i do get married i will see the rewards and the fruit of me making those decisions so i'm putting into practice now what i desire tomorrow married life right and so so that way i agree with that i will have father guilt but it won't be as bad right because every parent who i've met it's like i could have did better over here but it's it's a learning you you learn as you go you learn as you go so i i listen to people like yourself yeah i listen to my boy cj i listen to my parents man i wish we did this like all right bet me right there let me write that down exactly and it's like i don't strive to be perfect but what i am saying is like yo ayo put systems into place now yes so that when you do have kids you're already you already have a system in place that is working for the family i feel like i'm doing that too i already have the kids but i'm doing that in preparation for marriage again do you want to be married again i do i don't think so i really do i mean you're young you successful you got money you know what i'm saying i got mula she walked up in here y'all with like six inch heels on and she's already like six two so with them heels on she's like six five you know what i'm saying i'm just like god dawgs but do you really want to be married i really do why why when you already have let's be real you're driving a cadillac escalade paid for you driving a mercedes g wagon and you just bought your nanny a car you live in a beautiful house you got money you know what i'm saying what can a man do for you that you can't do for yourself a man can help me steward all of this wealth a man can lead me a man can you want to be led yeah i mean put the camera on her cj i'm do don't lie to my people not you want to be led i do it's hard it's important i don't say this because every time i say this like oh my god anthony just being so no i think from the ladies that me and my brothers encounter who are successful most of them it is hard to lead it's hard to leave them right because they they have everything you know it's like they but everything has material oh that's so good that's either everything that you mentioned car house money yeah i have all that it's material right but you don't have love that and and legacy yeah legacy isn't built alone right the best way that we can serve god the best way i can rear my children is with a man so i feel like how you said you're preparing to to have that space right i'm preparing now to have that space for when he comes because i don't want him i want him and my kids to be my number one right now my business and my kids are my number one so i need to work work work get the business good so that he can be my number one focus what is one of the things that you'll learn in this new season single season successful single season for you that you're learning when it comes to dating man what is one obstacle that you're running into with men i'm curious and you can be real let's see an obstacle i'm i'm [Music] i think an obstacle i may be encountering is men who are perhaps intimidated intimidated yeah they're they're a success yeah they don't seem to be leaders they don't seem to be you know i need i need i need you to tell me what to do are men really that intimidated i don't know but i'm finding that you know i'm very conscious having been married before i know what it takes to be a wife i know what it takes to be in a relationship and i've learned a lot having been married so young i take accountability for a lot of my choices you know there are probably things in the marriage i could have done better maybe i could have listened more maybe i could have created more of an open space so many things so being self-reflective is key so now when i'm looking again for a partner i'm really making sure that they're bringing what i know i need but i'm also bringing what i know they need you know because i cannot ask for you to complete me if i can't complete you it doesn't work like that so i think the biggest obstacle so far is just not quite finding someone who i think is ready for what i'm ready for what are you ready for i'm i'm ready for a serious committed marriage and i think people assume because i have it all that i don't need anything but that's not the case number two you know i just like to ask the question yeah because i think i think i'm gonna do a show with men bring men to the table because i've been hearing a lot of ladies say that like man successful ladies hard-working ladies run into this issue when it comes to men that they feel as if men are intimidated and i do respectfully think that you all are misreading men but i do believe that there are some men who are intimidated but i think that some ladies are overlooking something very important and i think i'm gonna have a conversation at the table with men about that well what's the something very important you gotta watch the show oh come on you're not gonna tell me right now because i think i mean i think i think some ladies know it's not the man is you how are you presenting yourself that makes the man respond in a certain way that could come off as if he's intimidated no maybe you're just coming off a little bit too strong and masculine oh now don't don't get me strong don't get me wrong i'm not saying about you i'm talking about it ladies and gents from a general perspective right i think men love strong women right right you know what i'm saying it's like as a christian yeah as a christian that for me it's like when i look at like how god made uh uh eve for adam like she had to be strong to support him yeah so man we weren't strong yeah we want a strong woman yeah but there still is a way of presenting your strength that doesn't come off as masculine energy yeah and i'm not saying cause i know y'all gonna be all up in the comments all up in my dms okay i am not saying this is all ladies but one of the things i've learned in therapy is the common denominator between all of my failed relationships is me hmm not saying that i'm the reason why all of them didn't work but i played a role in all of them yeah so what i've learned is to look at myself and like our ao what is something inside of you that sparks these in these other ladies and i think sometimes do ladies really sit back and ask themselves that question true especially the strong successful career-driven entrepreneurial women like okay cool if you're having a problem and you're saying men are intimidated or men are not leaders okay cool great we have there's to me there's two things or three one you just have bad luck choosing men and you're just getting all the men are just horrible right two maybe there's something inside of you that's sparking something inside of the men that you're just not really sitting back and really analyzing um and three i don't know you know and so for me i'm gonna bring men to the table and just figure that out conversation oh it's going to be real cool you know it's like i've men listen meanwhile they love me but i like ellie boy she just keep it real i look good i can i love me they do so it's never been an issue i think the the key thing is just finding someone who's in alignment with my vision that's that's good you know because getting a date it's not a problem okay okay having someone to talk to not a problem but it's like are we ready for you ready to go there because that's where i want to go at the table that's where i want to go i want to be i want to be you want to be alive i want to be in a line i want us to get married i want us to serve god so i feel like one thing i've learned is okay i had my you know it's been two years now since the divorce so i've had you know i've gone on days god flew out have fun all that you know but now it's like yo ellie what is this question you make money have you flown any brother out to see you no would you ever fly a brother out to see you [Music] you got bread if you dated a brother who made less money than you would you fly him out if we're in a committed relationship yes no no no no we talking about dating dating i don't know you make millions you meet a good man who is a school teacher okay makes 75 000 a year but he's paying off his student loans he's focused on his vision and he's saying yo ellie i would love to come out there at la but you know la you know what i'm saying that's like gonna cost my life 600. get a hotel room that's going to run me i mean if i'm saying the whole weekend at la you know i'm saying i can run about 1500 and that's 2500 i could have put towards paying off this debt so i could be a better man you know what i'm saying what i would do because i would never want him to feel i would never want him to feel less than right i would never want him to feel like i provided a way for him to come you're beating around the bush no so i would rather i would much rather go out there i would much rather say hey you know what no worries i get it let me come let me come to you so you gonna fly to him i would much rather do that and what i would do is say and you'll pay for it oh yeah i would schedule some business out there meeting business woman business woman this ain't about you since you can't come to me we're gonna make this a tax write-off and while we made this a tax write-off imma squeeze you in no that ain't about him ellie no i'm not saying that you just said it i'm not saying squeeze him in but that would be a much better way to say baby i'm going to come to you let me make it easy no no no come there if if your boo flew to you and he turned it into a tax write-off are you looking at him differently what you mean like if he had a business meeting if he had a couple of business meetings so that was his way of justifying to come to you no but see that's different it's not justified but that's what you no no it's not justifying it's killing two birds with one stone it's smart i'm mad at you i wouldn't even tell him i ain't mad at you but i'm just like god no it was all right since you can't afford to come see me no see you're paying worse when i'm gonna do this in my mouth i'm gonna make it make sense so i don't look at you differently no i wouldn't want him to feel like i cuz some men can be sensitive we can't yes we can can be sensitive and if there's if money right is is in the mix and it's if it's aware if he's aware of the fact very aware that i have more than him i wouldn't want him to feel like i'm showing it by doing things like that maybe every so often right maybe every so often but i would want to create a space where you know he just feels comfortable it's like he i don't want him to have to tell me he can't afford to come out that i don't want wouldn't you know what about that but you know what though i disagree with that one yeah yeah so out there in la where you are right yeah um uh good friends uh torrey and sarah jakes roberts torre and sarah have created they've created a space in a place where they can come be on honest vulnerable and transparent with each other i love that and i was just on sarah's podcast a few weeks ago and i said man i desire that i want to be able to tell my woman hey listen i can't do this okay hey bae i i i can't i can't and not be ashamed to tell her the truth yeah i said because i think for me it's just for me just for anthony o'neil um let's say if i dated someone who makes way more money than me and she's like yo i want to get on the private jet and go here and that costs i wouldn't be able to say well i can't i can't afford that and know that we've created a space and a place to where she's not going to look down on me she's not going to judge me and she's not going to leave me that's all so i think for which is another question though because now you pose this question could you could you be with a guy i asked as a terry i actually said like a lot of ladies who are successful like yourself right um especially ladies who make anywhere between i would say mid because the average person the average black you want a black man are you open to dating black man so you so you love all people but you you only want to rock with a black man yeah i need a black man that's that's the muslim sister all right cool i need a black man i got you um so the average black man yeah not average 48 of them will make less than 38 000 a year mm-hmm so and only about 11 of all people in america will make six figures i know so this means if you want a black man about half of them gonna be making less than 40 dollars and the other half i mean we don't know they i mean they're gonna be in between like 40 and 70. yeah and you you may squeeze out you know a few who made six figures a month ellie anthony you you bringing in seven figures a year yeah you've been consistent with that for two years could you date a brother who work at walmart now wait don't start working at walmart and making less than 40 000 are different okay okay fair rewind ellie could you date a brother who makes less than thousand dollars a year i could i could you had to think about that no but i could i have i have actually gone on dates with someone i didn't say going on a date i could i said could you date pursue have a romantic relationship could you be on the arm of a brother in front of all your peers could you bring a guy that makes forty thousand dollars a year around your other multi-millionaire friends absolutely okay i believe i absolutely could and you know why why because when you meet someone their pay is not on their forehead absolutely their conversation their leadership their mentality their mindset yeah you know i was at a certain phase in life where i was living off a 750 ebt card if someone would have looked at me at that time and said oh i'm not going to believe in her i'm not going to love her i'm not going to rock with her whatever yeah because of that temporary moment they would have missed out on the millionaire who i am right now absolutely and the fine millionaire too thank you god she she's not arrogant she's just very confident in who she is and who god made her to be lord have mercy god is good yeah so so when i look at a man who may be in a season of making less than 40 000 a year but he checks off all the other things on the list he's a leader he's kind he's generous he's loyal he's fear he's god-fearing he's faithful why would i turn all that away because of the temporary pay he's making because if i'm really who i know god made me to be which is a woman who can create wealth how would i not create that for the both of us and if he's a leader of god fearing he'll know oh that's a good woman let me if i were to give him say hey start this business let's do this he won't be making 40 000 for long no that's right i think that that mindset is good i tell ladies and i'm not a relationship expert but i am a man yes and what i tell ladies is man listen never date a man for his potential date a man for the fruit that you see that's coming from his potential yeah so it's like if you see him producing from his potential that is a brother that you get with him and you rock with him yes and he will be that man that you desire because i remember being that guy there was this chick oh my god i thought she was the finest woman in the world i i was just like i was just mesmer i was just like oh my god and my my my uh my right hand man cj he he knows her and she would never take me serious because i was a youth pastor because i was only making like 38 000 a year then when she started seeing me all over tv and all over the road and doing this and doing that oh my gosh she became the most sweetest woman in the world but i'm like yo i was producing back then and you didn't give me the opportunity to show you the kind of man i can't become and listen i feel like that's what causes a lot of women to miss out on a lot of good men you know is we look at what's what's now not for what could be you know and and again i'm not saying date potential but i am saying date promise oh it's so good you can see women we have that ability we can see something that's brewing under the surface in y'all man and god gave us the ability i believe to pull it out so that you know that's why i know where i am right now i don't need a man's money that's not what's going to make me feel like you're leading my household what's going to make me feel like you're leaving my household is when i come home from making the money if you're there to make sure all of us are good protection and leadership and stewarding is not just money it's action it's mindset it's discipline so all right one last fun question how tall are you without without without heels 5 11 and a half and then with hills you are about six three all right cool so you you can date a brother who make less money than you can you date a brother who's shorter than you [Laughter] don't lie la la that's why yes you just lied not in life have you ever done it i have that's why i said yes i have how did you feel you know i felt you're at the table when i had my heels on it was a challenge i'm not gonna lie when i had my heels on it was hard because it was like you know what i'm saying and i and i like to wear my heels so that was hard but like i said same with the money the feeling if you can scoop me up hold me close hold me down hi you know listen hi and you say you're a single single i'm single single ah brothers i'm just saying height is brothers you know there's there's times where height don't don't matter yeah i better come correct brothers i better come correct all jokes aside such a dope such a dope show yeah such a dope show so much fun um you have a new signature course that you're launching which i think is very important um and it's called monetize you leveraging your knowledge talent and skills to build a successful digital business talk a little bit about that and how can people get a part of this course yeah so i'm really excited to develop this you know what we're speaking on earlier in terms of how do we go from who we are right now to then having a business it really is looking within yourself wow what are you good at what have you already accomplished what transformations have you achieved yourself that you can monetize by either turning into a course turning into a product turning into a service-based business and and start building your wealth um so yeah it's coming out it'll be released at the very beginning of march wow and it will be an opportunity a full course where people will learn how to create that list yeah then how to price themselves then how to market themselves on social media then how to get clients and then really how to scale and get more clients and put the systems in place so it really is an opportunity for me to create um a space to really show people how i did how i built the business that i have because i followed this exact framework essentially um but people can use it for whatever they happen to be good at and monetize their gifts yeah man i love it um so you guys we are going to put a link to that i'll be very honest with you all um i rock with her so i am an affiliate so when you do click on it she don't give me a little some something but it doesn't come up it doesn't cost you any more money at all yeah i like to be transparent uh with with my tribe because i really don't push a lot of courses um on my on my channel right um i think there's only one you terry's um and then um homegirl amy porterfields oh i love her and my my cpas yes so i have four so i bring on a lot of guests but uh if if it's not creditable if they haven't really built something yeah they don't get to push their courses on if they do talk about it i don't want to be connected to it yeah you know so i rock with you guys um i think that a lot of you all watching right now trying to figure out hey how do i start something on the side that can start generating some income and we learned today that she went from being a single mother four kids living at home living off of 750 ebt and now she's making seven figures uh driving her dream cars living in the beautiful city of la full-time nanny being a mother dating young guys not young guys dating shorter guys getting flown out and flying to people and so if this is the life that you desire as far as then just you want the freedom yeah the financial freedom to do the things that you desire yo check out her course um and i'm gonna get some wisdom from her and then later on this year in august man i'm gonna launch my thing too something similar to this um but yo uh we'll put the link in the show description check it out uh you guys thank you so so so much for coming by ellie you are amazing no you're amazing you killed it this this this the girl yeah i'll fly you out i'll take it i'll fly you out you're gonna fly me out i get a private jet you get delta one you something delta one yeah delta one you know what i'm saying see what i'm saying brothers yeah see themselves you wanna flush that right right guys need to be flown out though you know what i do agree like i would definitely i would definitely fly a guy out guys i wouldn't want to make it a habit because i wouldn't want them to every now and then every now and then you know hey trading places you know i got you a ticket come on out come on out come see me man listen here he'll get to never let me quiet we be quiet yo we love you all thank you all so much man for walking up with us you guys do not forget to hit that subscribe button do not forget to um share this video with someone this is a great show share this with your single ladies share this with people who are struggling to go from where they are now to where they want to go because this show will bless you all right peace out [Music] you
Channel: The Table With AO
Views: 1,027,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dave Ramsey, EYL, african American, anthony oneal, anthony oneal debt free degree, anthony oneal student loans, black, black women business owners, budget, culture, debt, debt free, ellie, ellie diop, hiphop, how to be consistent, how to budget, how to get out of debt, how to make money, how to save money, how to start a business in 2022, how to start a consulting business, millennial, money, personal finance, she took her $1200 stimulus check, stimulus check, student
Id: xusB3CRGpjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 6sec (3966 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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