She Met Chadwick Boseman And Had No Idea Who He Was

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[Applause] alright where's Wanda high-seas I was recently on a flight this young man got came onto the flight and I had to go to the bathroom so I was like oh god I gotta go bathroom this man is laying down what in the world am I gonna do and I had to step over him to go to the bathroom and so when I came back I apologized to him and he was asking me about my work and I told him about my work and I said so what do you do for a living he said I'm an entertainment business I said okay that's cool and he said to me that you may know of something that I worked in I said okay he said I've written a couple movies and I've done a little bit of acting and I said any movie that you've played in that I may know about and he said oh maybe Black Panther and I said oh and he told me who he was and I'm so sorry I am the last black person in America who do not know who you are the last black person but the name of the movie was Black Panther look I know a lot of white people saw black man was oh I've invited him to my house everything I had no clue but I fight him to my house because I was thinking he'll be a good match for my 26 year old daughter then when we look about to get off the flight he ended up giving me a picture a picture you have that y'all have the picture show me the picture wait a minute women wait a minute what went wait wait you are on a plane sitting next to chadwick boseman the star of black panther the Jackie Robinson movie James Brown Thurgood Marshall headon played every important black person he was just the regular smegal a person regular person yes plan to do 1 billion you're writing into your house I know if he married your daughter you set I invited him to my house cuz he looks like a nice guy have a question my question is have you ever spoke with someone and they had no clue who you were who I was yeah hell yeah I've been told I was elevated Memphis at one time and I'm on now I got well my dude was living used to people manage a big one big one was with me he's six foot three sixty my bodyguard bloomerang six sixty about 370 we stand on elevator it's older white guy gets on and he gets a lil he goes Wow Wow so I'm gonna say is Wow and he turns around and he goes wait a minute oh my god oh my god I can't believe you're on this elevator I'm going to man no problem thank you oh my god this is gonna be great Oh God KAV your autograph mr. Pryor [Applause] so my dude go this ain't no I said no not hold up man I said sir who do you think I know this who you are just sign the paper I'm not gonna tell anybody with you mr. prime such a fail I'm going down dog Richard Pryor is dead and so he goes no I know it's you I said no listen man I'm not Richard Pryor sir just sign the autograph I won't tell anybody issue just come on man please I know it so we're walking across the lobby he's just he's on me so my dude is got a man he said I said now I'm gonna leave him alone please please sit we got outside I'm waiting on the car to come around this dude but I say hey man give me paper I signed Richard Pryor he said man thank you so much oh my god thank you so much if you like that video there's more where that came from don't forget to subscribe and scroll down and hit that little bell while you're added to to get notified every new video
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 945,759
Rating: 4.9334378 out of 5
Keywords: STEVE, steve, comedy, funny, humor, Steve Harvey Show, steve harvey show, Steve Harvey Talk Show, steve harvey talk show, Steve Harvey, steve harvey, entertainment, harvey, Harvey, tv host, mustache, los angeles, Los Angeles, daytime, new, laugh, Laugh, NBC, nbc, LA, tv personality, celebrity interviews, hey steve
Id: XdVNpPlTiQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
Reddit Comments

i'm thinking who the hell is Chadwick Boseman?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lethbridge 📅︎︎ May 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Who is he?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wekiva 📅︎︎ May 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
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