She Is A Housemaid the Animal Loving Emperor Wants to Marry

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before we start the name is at the top right of the screen the sound of birds chirping and do drenched shimmering leaves clear clouds with the warmth of morning sunlight shining through Siana thinks how nice while the other Maids are complaining about the laundry being so much that their arms are about to fall Siana listens to one of the maids declaring that she has been exercising a lot lately and she believes her biceps are thicker than a blacksmith's Siana checks her own muscles to see if she has deved veled any the maids decide to take a break and rest a bit if they go back early it's obvious that they will go around looking for more work a commotion catches their attention prompting them to turn and witness the other Maids discussing the princess's exceptional Beauty as she passes by in the distance they can't help but think how wonderful it must be to have an Emperor as a father they also think how she can wear whatever clothes she wants and eat whatever her heart desires they bet it's like Heaven Siana says it's not necessary like that but they ignore her talking about her dress and how heavy it looks they bet it could be at least 20 kg but Siana says how uncomfortable the corset must be underneath the dress she adds the most painful part is having to smile as if nothing is wrong she turns to the maids whose entire attention is now on what she said she asks them if they still believe being princess is nice one of the maids asks her how is she aware of all of this she smiles shyly at them and thinks it's because up until a few months ago she was a princess herself she was born with a mother who was a queen and a father was a king as a princess of a small Kingdom Siana believed she would live happily showered with plenty of love like any other princess but when she turned 10 years old her mother passed away and instead of cherishing her mother's memory together her father immediately took in a new Queen She reveals she missed her mother and felt lonely but she still tried to be a faithful princess to her new family her stepmother was determined that in place of the late Queen she will turn the princess into the most elegant and beautiful there ever was our female protagonist reveals she was really abused in the name of Education the stepmother scolded her that she just won't improve no matter how much she practices she grabbed a stick causing the princess to tremble uncontrollably in Fright she announced from now on every time she cannot greet properly she will give her a beating with this cane the princess's body shuddered in trembles as she realized it was already the 100th time she also couldn't breathe because of the coret and the dress was too heavy she felt like she was going to die but she convinced herself that as a princess of a kingdom it is a matter of course she kept learning under her Stepmother's supervision but the Mother wasn't satisfied she scolded her and warned her she's still such a disobedient child she told her she was lacking and wondered if she was really a princess she believed because of her his majesty was humiliated she lifted her cane in the air with the intention to hit her and told her not to blame her too much she's doing this for the sake of the kingdom and for her his majesty stepped in unexpectedly the Queen's eyes widened in Surprise as she tried to explain Siana looked at her father with expectant eyes begging him to save her but her father turned a blind eye to her and encouraged the queen to keep doing this justifying the abuse by saying if talking won't work with a child they must be taught even by force later she thought to herself if it was all her fault she just wanted to be happy she just wanted to be a princess who fitted in with her family she really hated it and in the darkness of the night which was the Silent Witness of her tears she fervently wished for the complete disappearance of this detested family she reveals that was what she thought but she did not know it would actually happen one day at the age of 18 the castle fell into the hands of the Imperial Army in half a day to the bloody Crown Prince who conquered the continent he was the first prince of the level Wan Empire Rashad looked bored as he reminded the Old King there was no reply to the letter recommending surrender so he came here personally he stood up and asked what does he say would he surrender now C thought yes this is it if they surrendered they might not be killed but to her shock her father declared he wouldn't beg for his life from Invaders like him and preferred to be killed the new king smiled and executed him within a moment without an ounce of hesitation he knew his desire was to leave behind a record that until the very end he never bowed to those who invaded his kingdom he said he would let him have such records as he wants see Donna's eyes widened in horror as she saw he was coming her way now she thought to herself it wasn't a particularly happy life but she did not want it to end like this the moment he came within her reach she started begging him to spare her promising him to do anything he silently whispered anything he wanted he asked her if she wanted to be his woman this made her more scared apparently as she tried to convince him that she was far from being charmingly beautiful moreover she did did not even have a cute side she told him she was not some great Beauty she actually looked so boring that sometimes people asked her if she was sleepy she told His Highness that she was sure he would not be interested in her however she explained that she was quite healthy and she had a talent for beautiful embroidery she also added that she was good at doing fragment tea with narrowed eyes he asked her so she asked him hesitantly wouldn't it be perfect if she were just aaz after he remained quiet for a little bit of time she was scared if she ended up blurting out some complete nonsense but then his lips curved upward resembling something similar to a smile he told her he wanted to see her so she lifted her face slowly looking at him with wide eyes which were filled with fear and uncertainty but her eyes widened when she saw his handsome face she wondered what's that beauty she heard he was an unrivaled swordsman in this continent and he probably went around roughly slashing his enemy it was also heard that he took advantage of the moment their enemies were captivated by his face he said it's just like she said just like bread that was made only using wheat flour her face was round and Bland she wondered if he meant that she failed but to her surprise he said all right and per her wishes she was allowed to be a maid at the Royal Palace he ordered his man to untie her robe she couldn't believe she was saved and that she survived from this help she bowed in front of him respectfully expressing her gratitude she added she would never forget his kindness he thought to himself it seemed like he picked up something cute and that is how she became an imperial Apprentice maid back to the present she cannot believe that she a princess has become a maid in a foreign country she thinks she could cry over this unfortunate event and fall into despair but with every moment Brad is baked dirty clothes are clean and the garden becomes beautiful it's completely different from the time when she was a princess the time when she had to smile like a doll while wearing a very tight corset all day she believes it's a lot more fun and comfortable being a maid is really great and that it would be nice if she keeps living as a maid for the rest of her life suddenly her foot stumbles and she falls on the floor another maid scolds her that here she again is doing a task no one or ordered her too Jean asks her if she's that desperate to earn the high ranking maid's favor and she should know her place she further comments that it won't change the fact that she's just a slave from a defeated country she tells her she can never be an official maid she thinks what is with this girl and sees the other two Maids with her and thinks that these two girls are sticking to her just like a goldfish and its poop she thinks that perhaps she is pulling a prank on her suddenly another maid rushes to her side and interrupts Jean questioning if she's bothering a maid that was just minding her own business again the maid wants her to cut it out and she should help her instead Choo warns her that if she keeps this up she will complain about her to the high ranking Maids Jean says to her friends she just went out of her way to give advice because she was concerned but these two unfortunate girls who own nothing should just play with each other she pushes the bucket of water causing it to spill onto the floor with a splash and tells them to go do the cleaning that they love so much to their heart's content after that she along with her friends practically bolt out of the place Chuchu mutters what a nasty attitude and then turns to Siana telling her not to just keep quiet and to go beat them and they keep bullying her because she does nothing about it Siana asks was that bullying Chuchu tells her that it's right and is surprised that she calls it a question the former princess who grew up abused her entire life by her stepmother the queen those kind of mischievous acts might be nothing but cute Tantrums to her Siana thinks just as she expected Jean really was pulling just a prank on her chuch Chu reveals that considering Jean's background it won't be easy to confront her and she is doing this because she's something to back her and since she is the daughter of a wealthy Merchant it's practically a completed deal for her to become an official maid she further reveals the two girls with her are also sticking close to her to see if they can sponge off her in return Chuchu is frustrated because she cannot believe a girl who cannot even do her work properly can keep rising to the top just by relying on her backer she thinks gosh what a damned World they live in now Siana thinks Chuchu is just like her she's a maid apprentice and thanks to her big build and her great strength the maids rely on and have big hopes for her Chuchu says they can't say for sure if they could ever become official Maids since they don't have someone to back them like her she asks Siana if she truly has no one she can rely on she is doubtful because still for a foreigner to be accepted as an apprentice maid is unusual she inquires she probably has someone helping her right Siana thinks of the person who helped her well indeed she had one it was this Empire's Crown Prince she thinks it was this Empire's Crown Prince he made her from a princess from a Fallen Kingdom to an imperial maid she believes the reason for that was because she forsook her honor as a princess and begged him to spare her with her head on the ground she thinks he probably did it because he found her either pitiful or funny however she only tells Chuchu it was just a favor someone with abandoned power gave her on a whim out of pity and there cannot be any other Grand meaning behind it she tells her she has no one meanwhile Rasheed asks asks his guard Saul how is the girl doing Saul thinks the Crown Prince rashed a man who is so beautiful it gets on his nerves he bewitches everyone he crosses paths with he has an Angelic face that even captivated the enemy troops on the battlefield he thinks they grew up together so that is why he is aware and thanks to that it might be why he's the only one immune to him and the fact of how foolish people become when they see him he assures him Siana is doing great as and that she might be a bit clumsy since she never did any manual labor before but she's learning the ropes fast since she is earnest and clever he also informs her however it might still take a while before she becomes an official maid he then questions his Prince why is he so concerned about her he replies because he is sorry he trampled on her country and even killed her family Saul knows it is nothing new for him to slash many people so why does he suddenly care now Soul says he should be honest he questions about what he replies they both know he has always had a soft spot for them the tiny creatures with big eyes ones that are harmless to a fault to prove his words a hamster appears on his shoulder lending credibility to his statement accompanied by another one a bird is flying too Saul thinks that's right Rasheed who is called the bloody Crown Prince a man who is beautiful and merciless is actually a huge animal lover he thinks it's always baffling no matter how many times he sees it rosid thinks after hearing it he realizes it's kind of true she's a bit similar that is why he guesses he's taking a liking to her he states he better appoint her as an official maid and assign her to a nice place Saul wonders if he plans on keeping an eye on her in secret he reminds His Highness that he cannot turn an apprentice maid into an official maid he replies that it's right but then in order to see if she can become an official maid they just have to test her skills right Chuchu is mad because there is not any meat today as well while Siana wonders how they should eat their food in order to look elegant she then realizes they don't need to think about what type of conversation they're going to have and she cannot believe they are allowed to eat however they want she thinks this is like heaven suddenly a voice comes mocking her maybe it's because she came from a ruined country but she seems to eat this type of trash well it is Jean once again Siana thinks she's bullying her right now isn't she but is that it or is there something more she wonders what is up with this girl suddenly Cho Chu bangs the fork loudly against the table startling everyone in the room Jean seems unfazed as she says she lets her off the hook a few times and now she doesn't even recognize her Ally and is interfering in others business she says it seems like she doesn't know her place because of her size but she is the leader here they start arguing with each other and Siana thinks they look like a bear and a hyena fighting suddenly the headmate of the apprentices enters and asks what's wrong with the atmosphere here did they fight they both deny it in Union she says she doesn't care if they pull each other's hair or get physical she just wants them not to cause trouble for her she then shows them an envelope and informs them there's been a sudden notice from from the higher-ups announcing that there will be a three party in a few days they want them to greet the guests when they walk in they are surprised that they The Apprentice Maids are going to greet them she reads the envelope alow for them that when serving people they must follow the strict etiquette rules and must not make a mistake she adds this is usually a role that the best Apprentice Maids get before she can continue the maids Cut Her Off inquiring what kind of people will be at the Tea Party a noble elegant wife or maybe a beautiful foreign princess but to their disappointment it's the people who grow fruit to be supplied to the Imperial Palace she says the fruits that those women would bring to the Palace were always exceptional and in order to praise their efforts they decided to hold a tea party she declares they will be having training until the tea parties so they should make sure to be on time in the mornings Jean thinks she almost got excited about the Tea Party she angrily slams the mop onto the floor frustrated she Huffs why does she need to serve those women she says to Siana that this type of job is perfect for someone like her and when will she ever have the opportunity to act like a maid if it weren't for those people Siana thinks since the guests are not Nobles but workers they are using The Apprentice Maids because it will be a waste of time for the official maids to do so but it is still a bit strange the next morning a maid tells them to day she will be teaching them tea etiquette she reminds them even though they are Apprentice Maids they are still Maids of the palace so they should be sure to listen properly and not cause harm to the royal family Chuchu seems excited about it as she expresses how lucky they are even when they aren't official Maids yet they are already doing their work Chuchu is determined to do well but unfortunately passion and skills do not always go together the maid scolds Chuchu and asks how many times she has to tell her that she must not let the tea Splash when pouring it into the teacup Chuchu apologizes but her eyebrows are drawn together in anxiety and tension is thick in the air Jean and her friends make fun of her saying to look at that muscle head Jean bets she's never had tea in her life black tea she taunts more like beer which people like her father liked the maid then asks Jean to come the maid compliments Jean after she is done pouring her tea her friends also say she's amazing she pretends to be humble in front of them saying this is nothing but thinking to herself of course she is since she got taught by the town's most famous etiquette teacher she thinks she is not the type of person who should remain as an apprentice maid she will become the head maid and serve her majesty the empress Siana thinks as an apprentice made the best of the best were carefully chosen in her Empire and the minute they made a mistake they would be punished by the queen right then and there and those Maids tried their best to be more elegant than any other Noble lady and serve as calmly as possible in order to not get on the Queen's nerves however she thinks that compared to that everyone here is too clumsy next is Si's turn to go and try serving the tea she tells herself that is enough she is no longer a princess and she doesn't want to stand out by doing something unnecessary she convinces herself to just do it and keep it thin and long a little clumsy and crude that's how she wants to be here so she must stay quiet everyone was excited because they were going to greet the guests for the first time but after training in the mornings they had to go back to their assigned places and finish the task that they weren't able to do in the morning the tasks were cleaning keeping the fire lit laundry and washing the dishes there's also a snack made up of leftover bread a daily delicacy for hungry Apprentice Maids Siana accepts the snack with a smile and a thanks and thinks this is why she works in the kitchen she's so relieved that she was assigned here but she notices something's a bit off today and Chuchu is also not very talkative today she asks her if she's not hungry she asks Siana in reply how is the stuff they are learning right now is this difficult Siana is relieved that she did not get caught and says not really but she didn't get in a lot out of trouble the other maid says really she is jealous now that Siana thinks about it Chuchu got scolded the most during the tea lesson today this is her first time seeing Cho Chu who always gets praised struggle so much with something she recognizes this as chuchu's first hardship Chuchu mentions that It's upsetting but as Jean said that she never drank things like tea she states that she also does not have the ability to be good at something after only learning it for a while she continues that everyone must have known what she's the worst at they must be worried that she'll worsen the mood of the customers Siana Ponders that the Crown Prince is the one who made her a maid but the only person that stands besides her is Chuchu who is also a maid like her she thinks that is why if there is anything that she can help with its right for her to help her Siana asks Chuchu if she wants to get special training from her Chuchu questions special training Siana states that Chuchu is going to practice with her during every break every day and by doing so she'll definitely improve her skills Chuchu asks if Siana is saying that she wants to teach her she suddenly hugs Siana telling her that she's so nice Chuchu states that Siana has only been cleaning like a mad movement with a calm expression so she thought she was thoughtless Siana wonders if that is a compliment or an insult since then every day and every night they do their training after dinner in the maid's kitchen heat the teapots and cups and boil as much water as you need add a spoonful of tea leaves the process itself isn't hard to learn after putting the leaves pour it all at once filter it out with a strainer and it's done one needs a lot of practice to master it Cho Chu nervously looks at it as Siana tells her that she did really well and she improved a lot she did not mistake the steps so at least she won't look like someone who is making a fool of herself in front of the guests Chuchu asks if she really did well Shana responds of course as this time she didn't even spill a drop of coffee Chuchu tells Siana that this is all thanks to her as she is much better at teaching compared to the other Maids Siana tells Chuchu that it's all because of her hard work as she is a very diligent person she is aware that as she was teaching her they became much closer than before Chuchu means that she came from a mine Village in the East and her father is a miner but he has to feed all his 13 kids so he always works without any rest Siana questions 13 kids knowing that is a huge family she mentions that her family is loud and harmonious but it's hard to make ends neat she wanted to help so she applied for maid and ended up here she heard that if you become an official made your wage is pretty good Siana responds that she sees mentioning that she's a very kind daughter Chuchu questions that as a kind daughter isn't it obvious that she wants her Young siblings to eat as much meat as they want she asks Siana how did she end up here as if she had come from abroad then she must be having more complicated situation that she do Siana responds that is true she know that stating that a while ago she was a princess of a small Kingdom would only create things more complicated she states that his Excellency the Crown Prince assigned her as a maid because he pied her who is sad because she lost her country Chuchu asks if it is the the Crown Prince then is she talking about the Crown Prince rasheid that Bloody Crown Prince who has never lost in a battl Siana tells her yes as Chuchu asks if that's true Chuchu is astonished as senia Ponders that she heard the other Maids gossiping so she's aware of it but he is really famous she mentions that she heard that his Excellency the crown Prince's face is more than beautiful than a sculpture his hair that shines brightly when sunlight hits it his violet eyes that are as bright and Vivid as The Milky Way she heard that his features are unrealistically beautiful Chuchu really wants to see him as Siana mentions they is right she thinks that the rumors must be true Chuchu states that unlike his good looks she heard that he is very clear and asks if that is true sa mentions that is also very true as he killed an entire family Chuchu mentions that she's sorry as she shouldn't have said that she didn't know that such a terrifying thing happened Siana thinks that if she tells her the truth before stating that it is all right and she doesn't care anymore as those family that she called family has only tortured her her entire life Chuchu begins to cry as she questions that how could Siana not care when her family was killed she hugs Siana telling her that she should be the one killed for mentioning it it turns out that's all Siana is thinking as she knows that if she tells Chuchu then she will react like that Siana tells her that time has past so she is all right now and so Chuchu doesn't need to worry about it Chuchu mentions that Siana is saying that just so Chuchu doesn't feel bad about it right she places her hands on C's shoulder mentioning that she is a very kind person she hugs Siana telling her she's very kind Siana Ponders that since that day chuchu's actions towards her has completely changed afternoon during cleaning time Aid approaches Siana to bully her and ends up crossing paths with chuch who gives the maid cold glare telling her that she should try saying one bad thing to Siana and she will stretch that mean mouth of hers like a cheese and tie it to that pole over there the maid turns around to leave as she states that she just wanted to ask about what time it is and tells Chuchu she's very funny Siana pers that not only that but Chuchu also gives her food Chuchu gave her a candy telling her to have it as the maid gave it to her Chuchu states that she's big already and a small acorn like Siana should eat it she should eat a lot and grow up well Siana eats it as she Ponders that one doesn't grow by eating candies she's Amazed by the taste as she mentions that it's sweet Chuchu mentions that it's very sweet and better than some rotten bread Chuchu curses the Crown Prince thinking that how could he un alive the family of such a sweetie she finds him a psycho killer she hopes that he accidentally poops his pants mistaking it for a fart Sia can hear chuchu's inner voice knowing that it's very obvious Siana P that she kind of feels guilty for making her hate the Crown Prince but it feels nice to have someone by her side she thinks that if he is that bad of a person he must hear these curses a lot of times on a daily basis she thinks that it's fine to act like she doesn't know anything His Highness is informed that baroness Appleton has sent a letter to him the Knight asks why is His Highness acting like that he responds that his ears are itchy all of a sudden he thinks that someone might be cursing at him a Superstition in the Empire is that if your ears itchy someone is talking behind your back he is informed that if that's the case then his ears won't stop itching and his ears would have been itchy all year around that you would roll on the floor scratching them His Highness grabs an apple mentioning that it looks tasty the Knight states that as he thought Appleton's apples are the best the Knight responds that he agrees but no matter how good the Apple tastes you won't call call the farmers to the Palace just to compliment them he asks to guess and questions if he is trying to test Siana with that apple he responds that is right and states that the price is he'll give him the honor of being able to play with his little kids for half a day the Knight refuses as he thinks that it is worse than not giving anything His Highness States that's unfortunate as he cannot understand how adorable the kids are His Highness opens the letter mentioning that he is happy to attend the Tea Party and cannot wait for tomorrow on the day of the tea party because the Imperial family's status should not be reduced due to lackluster preparations The Apprentice Maids who had to wait on the guests were much busier than usual tidying up the uneven lawn early in the morning placing white tables according to the number of guests on top of that placing the hydrangeas that were trimmed this morning so the table was not too plain she finds the flowers very beautiful as chooo questions if she heard it gu guu Whispers to her turret turns out not only the workers that are coming today but baroness aolon the owner of the orchard is coming too seia finds this atmosphere very Lively apart from welcoming the first guest the aim is to impress the noble baroness Chuchu finds Jean so beautiful as even her hair pin and makeup are amazing she wonders is noted too much as in most cases less is more Saia questions is that why she's being like this just so she can impress the bareness she tells Chuchu that rather than for that she is her first guest as a maid Chuchu responds that even if just for a little bit she wanted to do something to look pretty as well she mentions that it's a wonderful way of thinking it would be great if her service is just as good as her attitude seia tells Chuchu that she should not worry as she is sure that she will do great as a great teacher taught her Chuchu Smiles mention mentioning yes and of course because she's a great student siia wishes good luck to Chuchu just as the front gates open and the guests enter the maids welcome them with their greetings a woman is astonished as she questions if this is the Imperial Palace the one next to her states that for such a tea party she wore her best clothes the maids tells them that she will show them the way to their table when the greetings are over the maids go out one by one and they escort their guests to their tables seia wonders why is the one next to her not going she notices that it seems as if Jean wants to serve barus Appleton and she isn't coming seia thinks that it's not just Jean but the whole atmosphere is different the maids who serves the guests have an aristocratic Aura the main guests of the party are even intimidated by them they mentioned that indeed the maides of the Imperial Palace are different they are just like a noble as the guests are of the working class it is easy they are not important the Tea Party begins only when all guests arrive and usually at the end the protagonist who everyone was waiting for appears baroness Appleton seia finds it so Grand the maids welcome her to the Imperial Palace tea party Jean greets her and grits at other Maids giving them eyes to back off as she will be the one to take care of baroness Appleton she tells baroness that she will show her to her seat she notices a rich Rose fragrance and wonders if it is Angeline rose wine although it is a popular perfume among the ladies she thought baroness Appleton was of unsophisticated nobility with such a fragrance it appears that she is richer than expected the baroness stares towards her as she is astonished by her beauty the other Maids also wonders how is she so pretty they wonder how amazing it must be to be the wife of a baron who owns an orchard on the outskirts of the capital they also states that they are so envious of Jean for having such a pretty guest they suddenly becomes worried as they mentioned that they give that person came as well seia wonders why are they Whispering like this all of a sudden even though she can serve an ordinary person no matter if not a baroness the maids begins to state that they do not want to serve such an ugly person the tea party does not begin until all guests have arrived Saia goes to him and welcomes him the tea party does not begin until everyone has arrived which means that not even a single guest is to be left out she tells the person that she will guide him to the table and he should please follow her three to four sit at each table and one maid serves them after all guests are seated the Tea Party finally Begins the bell rings as the person states that she never thought she would be able to attend such an event in her life the other mentions that it is not just a tea party but it is a tea party that is at the Imperial Palace she continues that she thought she would die of old age after picking apples all her life but now she is getting to enjoy this luxury she states that she will be bragging to her husband about it as soon as she gets home and he is probably going to die from Envy senia P that their conversations are plain and they are simply being honest there's no gossip she is aware that it is not a conversation of slander for someone else and maybe that is why her stressed mind is so at peace she's aware that does not mean they have any intention of being before she appears with today's dessert they stare at it for a while as she mentions this is chocolate made from cocoa from Kana and they should just put it in their mouth and it will melt slowly they realize this is the famous chocolate the one that the queen and the princess age they find it so delicious that even a grumbling Prince would stop whining she find it a Fant fantastic dessert chocolate as well mentioning that she has only heard of it but she did not think she would get the chance to eat it she takes a bite and mesmerizes The Taste mentioning that it is like a huge wave called sweetness she finds it engulfing she yells that it just so sweet as the other one mentions yes indeed it is sweet she wonders what should she do as it keeps getting smaller she does not wish for it to disappear she wonders if it is their first time seeing chocolate as their reaction is understandable she knows what she's going through she looks around trying to catch a glimpse of the reactions of other guests but she does not find much she finds her guest staring at her as the man appears to be sad suia goes towards her guest and asks if she would like to take care of the chocolates that is over her hands and you can use this to wipe it as she gives her a handkerchief the guests suddenly become shocked and turns around as she she begins to feel nervous sunia asks if she can wipe it on her the other guests notices this and one states that she also needs a handkerchief the other also states that they want it mentioning that the chocolate is so tasty that they lost it for a second one questions instead of noble ladies and Princess is she embarrassed that she has to serve them country bumpkins instead she responds nervously that there is no such thing as she will give one to everyone she states that they are all precious guests in her eyes so they should enjoy the Tea Party peacefully they are touched by what she said she also tells them that if they would like she will pour some tea for them now as the tea prepared as Earl Gray from ingred she smiles as she tells them that if they want anything else they should please let her know they mention that they would like some tea as she pours it for them one of them smells it as she mentions that it definitely smells good and it is probably because it is a tea used by the Imperial family the one sitting next to her states that she does not see the difference from the tea she drinks at home it just tastes like black tea to her I think that they say that you have to consume good things often to know them they wonder how would they know as their attention turns towards the woman mentioning that they guess only one person would know that that is Baron Appleton the orchard owner study did not give the names of all the guests but questions do they not know how the baroness looks in fact baroness Appleton got married recently she has not been to the orchard yet so she has never seen her before also mentioning that she heard that the baron fell in love at first sight so she wondered how pretty she is and it turns out that she is really pretty the protagonist thinks that a person who has learned the adequate of honorable from start to finish she guesses baroness Appleton is such a person she is aware that Jean will have to listen carefully and make no mistakes she thinks that if she makes someone like that mad then the Tea Party will turn into chaos Jean feels proud as she knows that everyone is looking towards her because the person she is serving is in a different League than the other guests she borders that she is Jenna the daughter of her Diamond Merchant and this is the person that she should be serving not those bumpkins she serves the chocolate mentioning that this is the chocolate that is made at the Imperial Palace and it is a highly valuable dessert that is rarely found she asks the baroness to try it and suddenly the baroness asks the maid how long is she going to treat her like that the baroness states that her arrogant greetings and judgmental gaze that she even endured the sight of her dessert being given to her like a simple treat the baroness states that even her tea pouring skills are so poor and questions how long does she need to tolerate this rudess Jenna is anxious as she mentions that she will try to pour pour her tea properly this time her hands are shivering as she Ponders that she learned how to pour tea directly from a noble and she was also praised by the maids for being good at it she makes a mistake as the baron states that the skills of a maid in The Imperial Palace only amount to this and questions what should she do about this her hands are shivering as the baroness continues mentioning that it is said that a maid who does not do her duties well will be severely punished Bing can't all night long for her to not make a mistake again as her tongue will be taken out she Shivers in fear as the baroness questions what punishment should she receive she wonders what should she do as she is so afraid right there Saia appears mentioning that they're sorry she states that because of their insufficient skills they did not live up to the Madam's Noble standards and asks her to be kind as to forgive them the baroness mentions if everything was resolved by simply bowing and apologizing how easy the world we live in be the betterness asks if she wants her to tolerate more of this and questions why should she tolerate this Sonia tells her that this is a tea party hosted by the Empire family and if the tea party ends with the invited guests displeased would not that offend the one who organized it she stared so that she does not think Madam would like this to happen either as the baron is questions if Saia is threatening her right now Saia questions how dare she do something like that to appreciate guests like the baroness she states that as a maid this is her simple request to make the guest feel better the baroness states that if she fails to satisfy her then the anger was aimed at the one who deserves it will be aimed at her Sania responds that she understands she understands she thinks about her past where a woman states that it has been a while since she tasted princess seia tea and questioned does not her tea taste amazing his majesty responded that is right the eyes of a wild animal looking at its prey and that pressure the moment where even the smallest mistake was not tolerated it is something that was life and death after all this time she wonders why does she remember it now she is aware that what is important now is this moment as she tells the baroness that dirty that she has prepared is Earl Gray from ingred she asks if the baroness would like some she knows the most important thing now is to become the perfect maid tea leaves are important if they're talking about the taste of black tea what raw materials are used is vital but also the right amount because there is no way to wave the right amount with no scale that might make the tea too bitter or too plain the way of making it is to not overfill the spoon make sure the tea leaves are spread evenly with no clumps wait for a few seconds before serving it she asks if the baroness would like some tea she tells herself to lift the kettle high so as to let the Arma blend in with the air as this will make the aroma richer and be careful to not Splash any of the liquid into the glass so with a gentle movement the temperature of the water and the amount of tea leaves are perfect she states that if the consistency does not suit her taste then she should please let her know she knows that the state is a subjective thing she is aware that no matter how good the tea leaves are or how well they are if if it does not match fit her taste she begins to get nervous as the baroness picks up the cup the baroness finds it Splendid as she is happy that she did it she states that she is glad that the baroness like it and also tells her that if she needs anything then she should please let her know at any time baroness asks her to please take care of her Jean is incredibly shocked the tea party which was full of tension and excitement ended with no issues everyone left as S's guests wishes her goodbye she apologizes mentioning that she could not be there until the end when she should have been she questions what would have happened if the baroness got even angrier stating that she was so scared that she could not even enjoy the cholish questions what would have happened if the baroness got even angrier stating that she was so scared that she would not even be able to enjoy the chocolate she states that she and all of them were able to peacefully enjoy this party thanks to her she than thanks her for understanding as she leaves the woman continues to stand there as siia asks if there's anything she would like to say to her the woman states that she thought about it a lot and she can see how she looks she questions if she is not the only going to hear bad words when they were Palace she was scared she states but still something completely unexpected happened she mustered up the courage to come here she remembers the words when she said she will guide her to her table T the woman states that she drank fragrant tea aids with chocolate and had fun talking with people and she will never forget this day for the rest of her life she thanks Sonia for giving her so much memories since ancient times till now amid has never shown any personal feelings to guest they are just supposed to be polite now it is so hard to hide these feelings the baroness is listening to their conversation as she is hiding behind a wall once the tea party was is over the daily routine of the maids Begin Again preparing for the banquet from early in the morning serving the guests in the scorching heat of the Sun and after that cleaning up until the sun set this is the life of a normal maid in fact the life of an apprentice ma is like this I have normal working hours killer workload horrible lack of Staff jealous of the full-time staff live alone serving but cleaning as well she thinks that it is already late in the evening when she is barely done with her stuff one of the mid states that everyone worked hard and they should take a break Chuchu mentions that it is nice to be able to have leftovers which is a good thing she is aware that as expected the chocolate of the Imperial Palace with the bitter cocoa and the Exquisite Taste of the soft butter she asks you too if she is not eating ju guu responds that if she eats such sugary things she will lose muscle mass so she cannot eat it the maid states that she must be having a hard time she states that when she started as a maid she was so anxious that she could not think of anything at all the other meets also agree with her as they know this is exactly the tenant they need for their Farm the big bicep that she has someone questions if she is planning on quitting being a maid to be a farmer it is seia as Chuchu states that they are not interested in her serving skills the other Maids tells her that she was amazing earlier and it is good how she dealt with it they began to ask her if she can teach them how to serve tea senia knows that they are the ones who ignored her when they heard that she was from a ruined Kingdom both of the maids begins to fight with each other mentioning that they said it first she is aware that they change their attitude in an instant and knows that they have to be that Shameless to be a maid Jean questions if all of them are mad stating that so far she has only been good at serving tea so how can they bow down to a slave from a ruined country she asks the maid if they do not have any Pride one of the maid asks Jean if she knows what shame is she questions what before the person states that she thought she knew as she stayed silent the whole time during the tea party also mentioning that the party was also mentioning that the party was almost ruined because of her embarrassing herself in front of the baroness and Siana was the one who took care of that shame Gan Sonia that they could all get punished because of her her and if unlucky they could get fired from their job as apprentice Maids the maid tells her that instead of apologizing she is saying such thing and she should be more aware of the situation she is in Jean becomes annoyed as she clenches her fist in anger and states that she guesses good luck with her pumpkins she responds that she guesses good luck with their pumpkins she finds it horrible as she mentions that the bananas was indeed on different level than the other guests and even her sitting position is different from other people the Knight is standing outside as he hears a voice and turns around to find the baroness like a sharp knife he tells her that if she keeps on coming to his Royal Highness room like this it will become an issue she responds that she is too scared what should she do before she states how can she forget His Highness strict etiquet like a princess Saia finds it a ridiculous idea
Channel: Manhwa Mayhem
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Keywords: manhwa capped, manhwa mayhem, manhwa recapped, miss manhwa, manhwa recap, manhwa recaps, manhwa, manga recap, manga recaps, manhwa cap, anime cap, the manhwa man, manga, anime recaps, recap manhwa, recap manga, mangas, mystery manhwa, seth manhwa recaps, aniworld, logan manhwa recap, romantic fangirl recaps, manhwa tower, manga secrets, manhwas, animal manhwa, emperor manhwa, she emperor manhwa, animal emperor manhwa, serve emperor manhwa, manhwa fresh, manhwa with morgan
Id: Mmcl1bUe5GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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