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welcome to my channel Angel Beats and P Mana don't forget to click the like share and subscribe button on my channel unrealistic scenario get a grip I am the only person alive here please open your eyes why or it why did you save me it is useless even if I say it now I can't call myself a family I ignore you yet why do you risk your life for me because it's too late to regret the eldest daughter of C the lanes Lumina de lanches he produced a he he produced of a heartless and strategic marriage that is me because of that after my mother FAL my father welcomed the son into the family he further out of a redlock with his beloved mistress as people attention was focused on the favor son of the Patra I naturally became a scape goat I was treated as someone who did not belong to the family then one day my father and my stepmother died in a carage accident please sympath with the endless frag life we have gathered here to hold the feral of count and contest lates I returned them to God embrace it was a carage accident right I heard that Only the Young Master Ed must survive both of them are still young so who we take on the RO of the head of the family well it must be Lumina you should be the head of the family at the funeral was near East End a man appeared claiming to be my mat's uncle they threw ha with the real tradition isue not not a little boy like Ed more but what will happen to you if you pass on the position of the head of the family like this they treated you as if you were invisible after your mother's death but now it is clear that they are going to try to deal with you first I don't want to see my knees sted unfairly I'm saying it for your own sake please consider it I understand what my uncle want to say but it's not up to me to decide don't worry just press and follow me this is something only you can do something only I can do I have been living trapped in the shadow of my diseased mother being treated as a failure until now those word was enough to shake a 12 years old child since then many things have been lavish upon me like rewards money that seems inexhaustable overflowing attention and the freedom to do anything taking advantage of my sudden we for my uncle Joseph took me to GLE Den take advantage of the moment when I couldn't get my bearings what happened to EDM how the family was FY I had no time to worry about these things I quickly fell into indulgent and pleasure as Joseph intended and soon I began to suffer from hallucination and become in increasing sensitive on a way that I was destroying myself time passed quickly and before I realized it I became an adult let's go of me no no no no she's the finest Jey of L she should be handled with care what if the value gets lower if you crou her uncle what are you doing we agreed to strategy marriage just as you wanted Lumina you're a legion after all Legion a being that manifest powerful Ability Beyond human limits that is no different from an ordinary home person but changes in physical appearance occur when using abilities however I you knew it too didn't you even my sister didn't tell me such an important thing before dying well considering that Legion is Manifest their ability before the age of five you probably still in dominant state so you are so you so you are be a powerless leer for now still it's fortunate that you are being sold for so for much more than a average for this marriage you know the financial situation of a family don't you so you're going to so you're going to sell me out now you you think you can do this to me and get away with it quietly I'm the head of the family the head yes the head a m fard of a head it been agreed upon by all the relative even if you disappear there will be no one to worry or care about you so don't worry about anything even if you're powerless your new master will treat you well oh by the way don't plan on dying in the meantime I need to escape I need to get out of f right now my strength hasn't returned since earlier it was really a good idea to drug you all this time it's quite amusing to see you unable to control even your own body properly what handle her properly without any harm is is a is despite itself what is happening all all of a sudden am I going to die in vain like this what have I been leaving for for for up to now in this helpless Darkness the only one who came to save me was what are you run away quickly I can never be confused with another person even though the time has passed away a lot run away to a place where no one can find you we this my duty to protect you as a family is fulfilled end the person is my half brother Ed the moment my life CLE loses his Vitality I awaken my ability as a healing Legion to think that Uncle I chose betrayed me and the brother whom I ignore saved my life I resent myself for not being able to save him if only I could turn back time I would want to tell him not to save someone like me the wounds I was observing to save anymore are now hunting floating back through my hands with with pain just when I thought I would lose Consciousness too to think that the legitly healing Legion which had only remained as a legit actually exists it seems he had been exposed to poison for so long that is already irreversible your brother is already serious in you but ordinary with his self healing ability he could have save his own life what is he talking about more if he had this level of power you could have saved my son too although is although it's all too late now does it mean you still does it mean you still can't rest peacefully do you want to leave I want to leave I want to save Ed who lost his life because of my foolish choice and if I can seek revenge on the screw and betray who betrayed me it looks like you still have determination in your eyes then I'll give you another chance at life but in but in exchange I have your heart give me your heart it's poisonous yeah is this a feral pal isn't that Miss ban the ballerin what could her daughter have done to deserve this I don't know let just leave it alone she's the other daughter of a Lal family what on Earth happened could it be a dream after that man's last word I have no memory kid are you serious why are you there dream me anyway why did a kid like you come from I even the ants who slap who slap you out of nowhere the eyes pretended to be worried but actually just spting it's all like the same FAL when I was 12 years then maybe could it be I really gone back in time anyway a kid like you could come to your senses only if you are heat don't talk about to your ers you're making me laugh you you right now what is this what if I have really gone back in time you are saying I will come to my senses if I'm hit it seems like evil Auntie need to come to our senses I won't be obedient anymore and Van always hated me she convered the family F greedly so she must have been involved in my death She's Not The Only One all the other here were Blended by money the life of an innocent girl as if sending me to hell he just say walk to the park for you do you think anyone would just accept being treated like that without a word you're truly insane yes indeed if you knew I was crazy you should have you should have avoided me in advance such a Dre true life once is enough ha you act like a scent with your childish face you think you are you the family you must have been nearby are you listening to me do you think you can live well without our help even if you come to your sens later on and bake on your knes won't help you help those Dreadful beans we don't need them Auntie watch us watch us live without your help until the end finally we meet andore it's not the best time for belting WS huh you see mat for your age but still being only 10 years old I I witnessing the accident you must be deeply troubled they wen't the best parents to me but they must have been exceptionally kind parents to Edmore from now on let's take care of ourself knowing each other's circumstances so well pretending to be someone you are not not we we only a heart speed to the city streets we begin to feel the fire We rise like tall buildings as the chemicals it take us higher the night's young and it's just be that she puts her hand in my we want to chase the name want to dance to the light pull St from the sky just two hearts running wild never sleep never stop as we sh from the top we're going to we're going to be two hearts running in Wild now the morning there the afternoon we lay awake in day last so loud as the hours pass we're going to do it all again [Music] we want to chase the thing want to dance to the light pull the THS from the sky just two hearts running wild never sleep never stop as we sh from the top we're going to we're going to be we're going to we're going to be two hearts running wild the moonlights the Summer Sky it was the best we ever had and we stay on forever forever have C we want to chase the name want to dance to life pull the starts from the sky just two hearts running wild never sleep never stop as we shout from the top we're going to we're going to be two hearts from why we're going to we're going to be we're going to we're going to be H and time the powerless Legion does not have the unique intive ability but it has all the external characteristics so it just sometimes traded secretly as a high price to we the people who likes rare things I was also sold off my sister died without telling me such an important secret there is no way she would have said anything my mother the only one who knew about my B didn't even tell my fatheris the father that I am a powerless Legion oh mother there are many beautiful flowers blooming the garden Lina even when I was holding you your father called into the C house he's he married again how could he do that Lina I you seen the child his mother gave birth to his pretty image of him why don't you look like him subs subs in that situation maybe she wanted to hide the fact that there was something wrong with her daughter liia that voice is yourself Lina this is the perfect timing can you talk to this Uncle for a bit definitely no even though the fineral was over the relative did not leave The Man Show they said they will stay for a few more days to more the disease but thinking about what happened in the past who would have who would have take that L LLY where are you where are you where are you in such a hurry to go my goodness what is this outfit it looks like you borrow clothes from a passing Burger let's just enjoy it for for now I expected it somewh I expected it somewhat after my sister died but it seems like they count his wife don't care about it after all it is the only clo you have are you really that poor I have something I wanted to talk to you about why don't we go to a boutique together what do you think Lina I love it is it really okay since you since you use me to your advantage in the past this time I should just suck you dry and leave you I like this dress and that one too and this one too and that one too this young lady has a really good eye how much is all this Lumina this is a bit are you sure you're not going overboard because of me since I'm with my uncle I guess I let my girl die I'm sorry ah no no no need to to be sorry my dear we family so think of it so it's as easy if we can just grab the gold opportunity we can the family up this dress is nothing you must be thinking that but who will give me the money I'm so happy as expected you the only one for me Uncle wake up from your dream and prepare to go back up Uncle there is no one else I have here a few times so I already know where the back door is I I've also emptied my uncle's wallet I need to find the heart if F before I get caught R has it that is somewhere around here I I finally found you where have you been who [Music]
Channel: Angelbeatsenpai_manhwa
Views: 207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: okt9aMdOeq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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