Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi Interview With Mohammed Hijab

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- bismillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah European tacola market any right Ohio Sabbath and ahead dollar become Raja welcome Robbie Sullivan can be the Messiah attendees at altameyer ebowley why do telly Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato and welcome to another episode of the green room we're not in the typical studio setting but we are joined with one of the legends of the Dawa we're talking about someone who has more degrees than a thermometer with well we're talking about the one and only yes of Karthi look so how are you I'm just a lemon guys how you do I'm sitting in my had no idea you were so tall Michelle and you're sitting down you don't know how tall you are I thought you like mini giant walking up six four six six five foot six so a good one I look up to you but well I'll have to say the same about you actually find a different way I'm an away what I found really interesting is that obviously like we had the conversation before we started this work we're having this class now and obviously you speak fluent Arabic first question that just came to mind actually what why haven't you thought about doing down in Arabic oh because I think is not my mother tongue mmm I cannot speak Arabic fluently the way that I speak English and I would feel very awkward to be honest you seem completely fluent firstly secondly I you know one of the things I always preach is that people of knowledge should concentrate on their own cultures and societies mm-hmm 1r7 another student 11 for me leaning them wait a minute Holmwood way nothing with a column sorry we should concentrate on the cultures we know best why should I get involved deep dive into Arab cultures and societies about the minutiae of stuff about this is I don't agree with this right I know I'm a critic of outsourcing or Fatah WA yes sir you know we should not outsource a fat hour to scholars of any other culture in every culture every civilization every land should prioritize its own rhythm and then if the ad in himself or herself needs to go further up that's their job to do but they are me the person on the street asked me the fatwa should not jump to another civilization but you know the one thing I would say though is that to be honest with you now from what I see in the chakra outside the Middle East region a lot of people look up to the West and if you because of your level of training in the in the Western world as well as in the Middle East I think it would have a lot of stock going today if I were to give a generic talks never I would in mind that specific and the issues of how to move the dial forward of what to do in contextual circumstances I'll give you a simple example the the Babri Masjid the you know the verdict that came out in India right yeah I tweeted about that that is disappointing and I'm hurt and it's a sad day for Muslims and whatnot right and that's a generic statement one from Indian Muslim tweeted back and said what do you advise we do and I said that's not my position to it right as you specifically what to do I can speak a moment general floor that this verdict that the Supreme Court gave is very painful it's a sign of Iran you know the Muslims being more marginalized this is a generic statement okay now what should the Muslims of India do even though ethnically my grandparents are from India even though I visit to the land you know 10 times or whatever but it's not my job or place to go specific so I worry that if I start speaking in Arabic I might my culture is the Western culture my land is America I concentrated in that I feel confident so I appreciate your suggestion yeah take a bite okay ask another question now on the point of knowing your own culture and your own paradigm the general advice what do you think we need to prioritize in terms of moving the dal afford that is not a general advice okay very it depends on who's asking you the question and who you're talking to right okay the number one issue I think that every diary should concentrate on wherever they are Kim is to increase the rouhani Hakeem on yet of the people they're talking to but the number one crisis generically is a lack of conviction in Iman right it's just a weakness of Iman so every day the mote the emphasis of the tower should be to increase the amount of the people they're talking to yes that is across the board and across any country they're living in so the issue of making the Athene and the the fickle in allah subhana wa tada the belief in this religion strong the issue of their love of allah strappado autonomy our problem as you know one of the main problems is and the alarmist and materialism is just the love of the dunya from the dunya I mean the issue of not sacrificing something for the Deen even if Muslims here at theoretically believe they don't actually do so number one issue across-the-board increase that Iman in a lush Mohamed Atta as for after this I would say this is based upon who that there is what their speciality is and what the context is mm-hmm well I want to ask you a question now based on the fact that you mentioned a few key words that one of them was that one of the things anywhere in the world which would be kind of a constant if you like his Eman yet raising the e men a point of controversy as we said we would talk about one of the points of confidence that last time you kids UK you had a podcast with 21c and there was one point where people are talking about I know what you meant I know what you meant a lot of people because they have sort of done and they don't know what you meant they completely I would say you have it from the claim a more di they've completely distorted what you try to say when you said that basically that there's been a development in the creedal schools of thought in other words for example if you look at even Tamia was early or a bacca bacca learning or whoever it is who is seen as mama still blessed me if you like of the whoever stranded upon then what they come with is not necessarily let's say for example to entertain me it's not necessarily you not claiming that this is a quality cell of the pure untainted there's you know Creed of the Muslims and so on and so forth that is hasn't gone undergone developments because there's my cell there's issues that he had to deal with that the Sahaba does not have to deal with and we can't say for sure that the Sahaba would have answered in the same way that he would answer we can't say for sure so this is am i right in thinking yeah yes but the issues the controversies that develop later in Islam yes and we have to be accurate and fair and say well when our scholars and they are our scholars responded to these claims they did so upon the fool or the paradigm of their predecessors yes but it's not necessarily the statements right yeah this is what you meant so it so what you were talking about development because a lot of people will say okay the development narrative has found that other religions for example the development of the Trinity so the idea is that well for example in the case of Christianity the Holy Ghost and become good until 381 for example so when when the word development is used in conjunction with theological matters a lot of people have the idea that all what you mean is that the Huq wasn't realized until it a Mia came along so that's not what you meant no I didn't mean this yes yeah very deep questions yeah the problem comes with these types of questions in you need advanced students of knowledge to contextualize and understand you're asking in podcast interview and it's like asking the average Muslim about Hanif Issa yes like what do you think how difficult or do you think Shafi that came from they don't have the tools demon under to deal with a more academic response when you say did henna if you feel to develop of course it did yes was even much truth Hanafy what was the process of course not just an area there's a development that's taking place now is how if you feel that all these the average Muslim of these questions are no concern to them yes I have said very clearly they should follow the school and it's hounded enough that's fine they're not expected to reinvent the wheel yes but the intellectuals and the advanced students in every Dharma and the scholars should understand and unfortunately in one strand at Islam they don't have an even theology who has had fine tuning and development yeah just like the madad 50th yes Allah did not reveal the hanafi madhhab did he and so frankly he didn't reveal the books of event ami items uh-huh right and it bent Amyas discussions analogies methodologies are extrapolated from the past that they are not revelations from Allah so absolutely it's all what so what you're saying so what you're not saying is this to be vertically you're not saying is that the closer we get to the source it's likely to be less developed in other words would you agree with the premise the overall methodological premise that the further back you go the pure of the sources the pure of the sources but also the less discussion taking yes fair enough the less discussion therefore since they're pure yeah you you do have the potential to think about what an alternative track might have done that's a very deep point what do you mean can you explain here the problem comes to go into depth here you'd this is an advanced class so yeah what would have happened in fifth let's say right if some of the other sahabas positions became more mainstream then maybe even mystery oh I see your point but let's can I differentiate between because obviously no sulfur clear to say that what they call the cold sahabis the most l-fatiha there were other or school that were existent in the time of the setup here some of which flourish others but that's it if we say al Qaeda if we do if we did a French energy yeah generally speaking even handle a safari upon the between all of the door and winter surveillance window yes yes yes the the details that have come we don't find explicit statements from the Sahaba for most of these very advanced issues of art either human that doesn't mean it's wrong I'm simply pointing out a fact yes that controversies came in the second century in the third century in the fifth century which didn't exist of us yeah the scholars the antecedent Allah said after checkers we look have a Forsett knowledge right they are looking back and they're trying to extrapolate what would they have said yes and in this extrapolation in the third century times we've had a bit of a diversity of opinions yes okay yes and within certainly Islam yes and this diversity of opinion eventually became Orthodox versus unorthodox there was a time when it wasn't worth it outside Orthodox and I'll give you a given example in my madame Luke's podcast last month yeah the controversy over Imam Abu Holly statement of the Quran oh the Hulk grunting yeah okay right yeah statement yeah again to not go into too much detail hmm the reason why Behati became unpopular in his lifetime mm-hm and though Hadi became popular because Authority was quoting him a Muhammed against Mahadi uh-huh remember this right now nobody was quoting Imam Muhammad and he's saying Buhari his mantra Imam knew him and who do you think honey is against the Imam Muhammad the the lion and the giant right and of course later historians we are taught that all this and that and we just gloss over it and in fact to the matters body is pushing the boundary yeah rouhani is rethinking deeper and finer could say the same thing about Ahmed and his acquirable honey furs oh I would definitely awkward Javier may Allah forgive the both of them your mom let's position again you have most people don't even know this issue yeah I don't know I don't really yeah I one of the problems container said this again is the democratization of knowledge is it access we're really advanced topics which should not be discussed online or in YouTube no unfortunately are being dismissed I'm I'm very conscious of this some of the people who criticize me or others they're criticizing aspects that are very advanced and I don't ten for them to be public anyway I might have said in a private audience or an email list for example and people who don't have understanding or the healthy or the Darris after what not they take the earth spit and they make a bigger deal there it's not my job to confuse the masses but I wish I could take an advanced group of students yes in a penis yes and go over very these issues in a much more advanced matter my only point why did I say this in public was very simple in dear average Muslim don't hate on another Sunni Muslim who disagrees with you in the finer details about it that's really the point I'm trying ok let me specify the question for example V Bab a less Nazi fat and in terms of smell and see fat of allah subhanaw taala the attributes names attribute of Allah would you say that would you recommend or say you accept that a methodological stance which says that go back to for example in Columbus going back to Autobody see what not best as if the Senators are here for example when he's describing a loss of Hannah Tyler would that be an acceptable recourse for you or would you say that if not best is not as good or potentially is as part of them as part of plurality of opinions all of which can be accepted I think it is historically clear a small sip at the earliest Muslims who ascribed themselves to the Sunnah yeah affirm the attributes without thinking about their modality yeah be lucky I think that's very clear yeah in my PhD dissertation I talked about over 100 pages the genesis of the acharya said he divided yes earliest you know manifestations of that yes and i mentioned that for a period of time this division was not even cleared mm-hmm because it's within the same strand right you have people kind of gravitating this way people are gravitating that way and it wasn't a clear-cut division even taymiyah himself mentions this right and again later scholars have their projections and colorings event alien himself says that the achiara and the sunnah or the earth theories were essentially one until the fitness of Fischetti took place in the end of that ring they were considered one against the more desert it was these were simply strands within generic Sunnis mm-hmm these strands became more pronounced as time developed but Elbe 1/2 they did not view himself as being of a different strand and Madame de Hamlet for example right and we even within the HIV strand there were multiple understandings and by half days one even photo cos another image ie is another human a Jew a nice trying because of his student society hmm came the more prominent one but one join he was alive these were all variant strands within a schism which was itself kind of sort of attached to a tourism right there wasn't this clear-cut division yes we later half right and I'm just trying to point out that in my humble opinion especially given the current world we live in there so we need to minimize this sectarian divide between your average su for your average selfie stop fighting and hating upon one another these differences you find the genesis of them in the 3rd 4th century of Islam its contemporaries the Mojave and why Cebu is very popular in its night yeah my mama didn't like him that's great or could we understand we love him a madman but Mojave was alive and preaching at the time of Imam Muhammad which of the two is more obscenity than huh that's right yeah it's also a preacher and teacher no we might prefer I'm saying we might not offer them to happen over mo has to be but let's be fair they were cannot chronologically at the same time and they're both preaching versions slightly different that eventually become to larger strength even taemi another's ID for exam huzzah D is much more Mojave type any bit a Mia is much more even hammer type hmm but the Genesis is taking place but no one will take either of them from Anderson og man in my yeah that actually is very clear but the idea is that no it's good that you mentioned the fact they so you don't believe in a development narrative where the fine-tuning and also the the the more detailed aspects of theology and these detail aspects are generally not talked to the average Muslims of hoodlums right yeah the more detailed aspects are discussed in the more advanced textbooks in these advanced textbooks obviously they're being written at a time in a place far removed from that of the actual restaurant also happen okay next question either want to spend too much time on this because I want to ask you another important question to do with kind of Muslim relations in the West yeah she's a big question which we do need your consultation on but this question is just because obviously it's become an area of controversy or Jewish question I'm sure you kind of suspected this I mean I think the area of controversy is that I don't know if you said this or not but it seemed like what you were saying is there's an impossibility of a group of people behind the wall but if you really think about it it's not really an impossibility it would it be if if you think about it being it's not mahalo claim and it's not like a squared circle why would you have referred to as an impossibility and it's not actually an impossibility for there to have been a group of people out behind the wall for there to have been or for the holder to continue to be J okay the whole issue honestly I think an Allah knows best but along most and what I don't like defending myself for getting involved in criticism back and forth you need to each his own the the entire issue is quite simple are we required to believe in the existence of tens of millions of people called the ajumma Jews who are currently alive at our time but is it tens of millions well is there anything that says that sentiment is so the hadith mentioned that for every one of you there's like 999 of them the hadith mentioned that they are you know beyond number the the the the issue comes up their you know their their main Kulii hide opinions saloon is in the Quran but that's in the end of times right yeah so well one could very easily extrapolate from this yeah I see yeah there's there's tens of millions or hundreds of millions did you say that have also cleared I mean let me finish this and then we're going to do again may Allah soften my hearts and the hearts of our critics and also grant us a cloth sometimes I feel that some people are just hunting for mistakes and just wanting to to just you know find a reason to sit down and it's true anyone said I mean it's it's just it's there it's there to say this but may Allah guide me and guide them and make us more productive my eye keep on saying this your main focus should not be criticizing other people I don't think this is a snob yes once in a while we need to correct mistakes in a very you know gentle marijuana but even then we look at the pros and cons of course anyway said that's their business and they have to answer to a lot in this dunya people will judge them and that's their business but from my perspective I just want to say the the question that I asked if you listen to the lecture with an open mind not trying to find faults here and there are we required to believe in the existence of tens of millions of people currently alive I said if you look at the Quran yeah juju Medusa's something in the past and the future not current right though God main in the past and then in the future they're also called the anujan ma'juj it doesn't necessarily say that there are currently alive right now there is a group in the past and it is possible that a similar group in the future is called you do Jim outreach as well like we call a room and we've all believed that a room of the passes current Western civilization even though there's not an actual biological line it's just the same thicker are the same thing so the Quran doesn't say that they're currently alive in the hadith as I mentioned all of the hadith of a hydrojet marriages are about the future except for one narration which is intimately which I said I'm not the only person a number of other than that in 500 there so I about the one about the yeah yeah so I said honey we are not from an authority perspective required to believe in the existence of the idea I do currently I never denied they existed I never in the data they will exist now if the Quran and Sunnah had obliged us to believe in their current existence somewhere in our wealth I'm here and we obey okay but now that we have come to a conclusion a possible conclusion that we are not required to believe in them what then do we make of these narrations so I've said there's a number of things that can be said all of them I quoted this year called my shellfish a facade right and again my I have to gently say the critics may Allah guide them in us in their overzealousness refused to do their own research to even know that sorry I didn't quote him as it is I don't chef Tsai they said that they are they are the Romans in the Americans and and he said the Americans and the Russians are you Jim I do wrong Bishop's I said right and his the rhythm of his time was I'm saying Bureau yeah it reaches on this right amount of his time complained to the king he was called to a court trot mean at a court remedy King trial yeah it was called to the old king I'm the disease and the ulema and him on one side and he defended himself from an sulie perspective like I'm not denying the poor on it sooner well I don't believe that I do g-major are currently behind a wall and might have seed is that it as you can disagree with it but you can't kick me out of Sunni Islam right there and he defended himself yeah in a manner that none of his critics could then respond to that's exactly what I'm humbly saying as well I have no problems people the people rejecting the opinion that I have or making fun of it in their own way that's their business to do but to kick somebody out of a sort of sunni islam say this i have your say this these people don't know sort of some news that's for them to do this true i'm sorry they have to be explicit or they don't know the all sort of scenario if they did they couldn't have done this yeah you have every right to reject and criticize driver now the irony by the way which i said in their attempt to reclaim the narrative that they believe is orthodox i can reinvent the narrative so they say for example what if they're under the ocean or what if they're hidden in mountains none of the classical arminianism i said this or and another point believing that yet huge images are currently alive is not found in any of them or to Nabokov it's not an after the issue but these people made it an operation but would you agree that like for example if you Holly Tyler favor Jared Leto childhood that cat what kind of other Robbie how could it could for example these verses which is possible you could you could never I never discussed it as being legitimate yeah and this was the well of the it was the equality with most of our rhythm there's no question about that yeah right but again and again it's it's up to you as I said if you want to believe this that it's not Mahad a plan and every set is Mahakala but I said from what do we know that the world geologically mmm you do not have tens of millions of people on the surface of the earth anywhere that we don't know about but you could interpret the hadith there 999 to one whatever is as much as in the same way they do with if you're willing to start opening this door why can't I open my door because the cellphone that one did not say 999 it's not you know the 52 like for example in the lost end of days if they Adobe 50 women to one man so I've seen some equality not sort of like like the seller but there is selleth so my point is there is an inconsistency then in this like people are willing to change their own narrative fit their own paradigm when I try to do something somewhat similar all of a sudden and it becomes a alka the issue so much idea how much that HT Heidi and I have no problem you believe what you but also by the way you know people need to understand we have different battles that we're fighting and my primary audience with these types of things are groups of skeptical you know secular generation Muslims who are having a long list of shiva Hoffman how can I believe in these things yes one of the Shabbat and I know this for a fact and even after my talk I got so many emails that okay she's a clerk for opening this door now how about these other issues yeah in other words it's now making them think that okay this has now I understand where this is coming from now can we answer these other issues as well so my point is believe it or not and I believe this is successful in its own there are groups of people this interpretation will actually make them closer to Islam make them understand okay you know what our religion is not just a bunch of mythology they think that is right there's a bunch of mythological issues you have to believe in because I have been asked this point-blank by people that are skeptical of the faith not just this a whole long distinct loading evolution Darwinism and including at you Jim I do so we have to present now if the Quran is totally yep surrender want honor and you know it I do not believe in human evolution I've been very clear about this right I do not believe because the Quran is hotter you cannot reinterpret the Hanuman we're gonna have too many evidence right but my point is yeah you Gemma Jewish currently being alive is not not like okay it's not even something that is explicit in the Quran so that was my point okay but you would agree that this is the bulk of the opinion of the horse's girlfriend some of our brothers may Allah guide them they apparently don't know English they consider the word medieval to be derogatory and again it's from 407 where do you even be they betray middle-aged man yes there's classical there's medieval there's pre-modern there's much you might see this antiquity I mean these are terms yeah it's like what they betrayed their own anyway lack of anywhere a long mustache yeah let me be cautious with my words here and may Allah guide us and me and forgive me and them in any regard again I continue advise the brothers you're the bulk of your output should be possible to serving the people once in a while if you feel somebody's amazing mistake there's a time a place in methodology a language to make these Corrections and the Sun that's a lot if you lemma is that their contributions positively far outweigh the row dude yeah unfortunately there are certain people they feel that row dude is the essence of Islam and I just advise them look to history this is not beneficial they won't be they will not they will not be remembered and they're not contributing to the over anyway that's up to them if they want to continue do it yeah they may Allah guide us and it's not my business because you've got very limited time I want to ask you one probably last question here and this is probably one of the most important questions I'm gonna ask you anis to do with our interaction political interactions with other groups of subgroups in the West obviously in the West we have the left-wing who in many ways are political allies of the Muslims all they want to ensure that Muslims have their rights or Muslim rights when short and on the right this is a very crude right this is a limit of truth and LM just stereotype right so what does not say was that especially in regard to the LGBTQ issue the question is now especially we look to you like America we look to America we see that there's Muslim activist and mullah mention names and I don't like mentioning name so there's Muslim activist who for example they would side with the LGBT QQ community to the extent where by it I would say the lines may be blurred between mas what is acceptable political compromise which you've spoken about like with her they'd be and stuff like that and ideological compromise so now that in the minds of the masses as we speak about the masses a lot of people think okay what is there a morality in for example man having sex with a woman having sex with woman if that's even possible from an Islamic perspective so these things the question of is it moral has become a question in the imagination of lots of Muslim people in the Western world how my question to you is how do we move forward and engage politically with different subgroups of the Western society in a way which doesn't compromise our own teachings in an ideological way your question is one that cannot be answered in five minutes and it cannot be answered by one person or we will find a spectrum of opinions right and I will try my best to summarize and again to the audience once again this is a short brief summary please don't take on a phrase and then extrapolate my my full meanings there is any misunderstanding listen to my other lectures about these issues is a short interview we all have a role to play and odama are not the same as politicians right and the ulama have a responsibility in the eyes of a lot to be much more for lack of a better term pure much more clear-cut but there are other people who Allah who are a part of our community and they don't represent the theology or the or the legal rulings of our community but they consider themselves to be a part of our community and they decide to go different ways right they don't really care much about what me and you have to say about the topic because they're not representing the faith as a tradition they're representing the community as a person of the community we have to be mature enough and I'm being careful with my words to understand that even if we disagree with some of their stances yes we actually end up benefiting from a lot of what they do mm-hmm okay even if we disagree with some of their stances and even if me and you as people who inshallah are more a part of the scholarly tradition would never do what they're doing even if we wouldn't take that path or form those alliances and loyalties regardless of our position the fact that they do that comes back to us and benefits us as a community and gives us more political rights so this is the conundrum that we have we can criticize as much as we want and to a level we do need to criticize but even in that criticism we need to be mature enough to understand that our prophet sallallaahu seldom said sometimes Allah helps this religion with a with a valuable treasure armed with a fadjen right it doesn't justify the pejorative the fudging right but what do we do when we end up benefiting from what this community or this group of activist or this politicians do it's a very nuanced - here's a question I have by the way there's not a justification to be very guiana but I'm saying in our harshness and beating them and punching them in metaphorically make sure and I say we don't like you guys for I'm talking about the Muslim activist not the other committee because my words here the the allies of that community from our ranks right we're so harsh on them fair enough but we also have to recognize we benefit from what they're doing but what all will ask is that there's this is a game of mufflon so that everything isn't it so it's we're looking at the most Lahaina master then that's why we're trying to weigh up okay is the most law is actually more or less than enough said about the question is that what from a dowry perspective if someone comes and says we'll look at these people they are claimed to represent the Muslim community and they're saying that they don't have a problem with I don't know abortion issues or yeah homosexuality issues or whatever in a way that no Muslim would agree with EXO they're using to pay excellent let me worry we're here if a Muslim says that Islam allows these things aslam allows what is clearly not applicable right this is something that we need to have zero tolerance and compromise for me and I have no problem saying this is beyond the redline we cannot support or endorse anybody who is basically wanting to change the religion of Allah Japan Madonna it is more problematic and more nuanced and I'm not saying right or wrong or not promising a verdict but I'm saying we need to be mature and brave enough to differentiate between that person versus the one who says I'm not speaking as a Muslim I'm speaking as an American as a British or whatever it might be right and I'm saying our country and its laws should give freedom to this this this this this mm-hmm and the person happens to be a Muslim or a hijab' or a brother by the name of Mohammed or Sadiq or somebody like this okay yeah and they're saying as a citizen as a politician as a mayor let me allow freedoms for all of these people they don't bring in a lot in His Messenger mm-hmm okay I think we need to be brave enough to differentiate between the two because there is a difference between the two now I'm not saying what they're doing is right yes but the first category is clear you're saying that if they go against some of the primary principles of Islam where and whatever tongue they speak in but that's unacceptable so for example if they say that homosexual sex is it's morally permissible permissible oh that was definitely crossing the red line yeah but if they say that the politics of this country should not interfere in the personal lives and the bedrooms right this is a language that is much better yeah then the first one yeah and even if I don't like it we can't we have to be brave and mature enough to say that's not the same thing I get why why is it that we find that lot Christians in America in the Bible Belt and so on Republican Christians neoconservatives they're very open about what they believe in and Muslims they take out more I described earlier with you I disagree with you on the the LGBT issue even amongst the right wing's in America is basically now it's not a cause amongst them and you do not find the mainstream that the Republican Party this issue is now now fizzled or the same as as the Democrats by and large right so this issue is no longer a major issue now you will find some small fringe Christian groups but mainstream Republican Party mainstream right-wing the LGBT is now similar to their left-wing by and large Wow it is not look at pence and all of these they look at all of them then you know they're their sons and daughters whatever it is some of them it's a this is the way now it is now it is now not something that is taken up by any major party so our position especially in America becomes even more compounded remember and you guys are a much larger percentage you guys are three four five six percent we in America are less than one percent right less than one percent so again my gentle advice to the British Dorrit and critics in a way of not lose stick with your own group yes we have different Masada in the facet in America mm-hmm you don't know what we live in let the American do art and especially the dog not just some kid in the street in this computer room who things yet no and that the dog and the preachers who are active criticize each other they know but with respect though there's a lot of what happens with you guys in know in America had effects on us in England but then you criticize though this is how it has an effect on within your camp you figure out your own ways okay we in America have our own masala Hellmouth acid because our different region is different mmm our situation is very different yeah and we by and large amongst our scholarly community amongst the active do act yes have taken a stance about specific individuals that it is not in our mas la to go from them okay it's not in our Muslim we gain more by them being with us and we are hamdulillah are very clear that we do not agree with them on these issues yes we are very clear okay but to cut off from them and to warn against them no we benefit politically with a lying with certain people but we don't tell them to give hug bus we know tell them to give our fate our yeah of course my so we're waiting the Mossad ahead of us now we could be right or wrong but in the end of the day if you know you're oh so this is an HD howdy matter and you cannot make 2d run initiative a matter of course not well we're not in that we're not in that extremist of the youth are a bit quick in here so to be clear anyone who miss interprets the religion of Allah yes intentionally yes and says that Allah allows Hummer Allah allows Allah what Allah allows Calcutta we say this person there's nothing to do with this stuff we cut off from me so would you I would we ever see a time I'm not gonna mention names but like where let's say the scholarly class is represent by yourself and I'm Solomon these individuals are doing great work we gave us your time we're yeah you make it very clear by name and mention those individuals that they are this in your country that they said this XYZ this our stance this is the Islamic stance we this is incorrectly Muslim respect would you ever see that kind of of course we have I have done this multiple times even here in England I did it there is a famous American activist I want to mention it's but a hijab' well-known very very you know positive politically representing Islam but some of her alliances and views and whatnot are perhaps somewhat problematic here we've had me and herself we're actually friendly and we have had public friendly back in force I'm not gonna call the debate where I have publicly said look I a who stand well the interview they're all coming so actually the you're right this is public so it's Linda Sarsour here and here in England we actually had a nice sandy conversation about this like okay I said I understand what you're doing and I disagree with these issues because you do you do give an ambiguous message when you say politically we don't want the American government to get involved and you never bring outside she can we know that she never brings intous Nam she never says Islam allows this she never says this right so I said I appreciate that to Joe and she herself you know she's not wanting to reinterpret the faith that's not for a job a role but she's saying politically I want the government to not get involved right the private issues between men and women or whatnot this is not the government's role to do their freedom was our freedom basically their freedom to do whatever it is our freedom to do that I say I understand this but it is also please understand that we also find issues problematic with this and of them is you do send a double message to our younger kids exactly right so we said this publicly on stage in America and in England and what was her reaction to that I mean in the end of the day she's not a shake horror atom and she doesn't claim to be as a political activist yes so she's she in her mind she believes she has a role to play and she thinks I have role to friend she said this on al Jazeera by the way mano Jazeera she said if you have any fat to where you want about these issues go to Jeff now so she said this okay so she knows what she's saying well just go to you that you could repeal everything that she said on the issues of this religious perspective right she's saying I'm not giving fatwas you know what I see from a political angle now I'm not talking from from from the religious I think we've covered that I think you've really done well to cover that but the point is I know this is probably the last thing we'll talk about from a political angle I think this could be a boomerang because what could happen is that especially the neoconservative right-wing enemy can say look what are the agreement yeah yeah that's why I'm not a politician through it right but it's easier for mashiac and Raimondo out to speak the truth yeah it's easier for us because we're not running for office or not trying to push politics and I'm very skeptical I'm a person who's very very like skeptical of the efficiency of probably the senior running for office now don't worry it's like it's a corruptive force yeah her ups and it corrupts you now this is the way soon it'll I feel at the end then we located the calculated up so do have a diversity or is it alia availa throughout human history generally speaking even in our own dynasties when you look at it right they don't stop romanticizing what did our own people do they're right when they when you're in power you have to go after your enemy going after your enemy eliminating them that's what happens right at home did Allah we are not in power politics almost all of it is filthy and that's why the qualifier are you doing are the qualifier Russian and they're the exception yes they're the exception that's why we are Grand Eisen and even in the last of their times amongst the Muslim Civil War happened right so by and large I am somebody who wants to avoid all of this but those of us that are outside the field we need to understand that there is some benefit for us when somebody does something in that world and you know in order for them to do that yes they have to live very differently a saver differently than we do so I'm not supporting yes let you never find me becoming a great enemy of the PDS it's a fine balance it's a fine balance and that's why if you look at my Twitter and Facebook I've never ever look as long as a person wants to benefit to the Ummah as a civilization right I can't take that person as an enemy even if I disagree with specific issues that they have there are issues important issues yeah but I'll disagree theologically early yes but I won't cut off and take that person as an when they're in the long run in some way directly indirectly benefiting the humble we have elected politicians and again here I can be public this is public the only Moorhead generic on Graham will Hanuman right I strongly disagree many of her stances on transgender and LGBTQ strongly disagree right yes but in the end of the day her presence in that auditorium and Hall is a huge huge blessing for us as a community right and it comes at a significant cost of our I mean it comes with a significant Yan a benefit of our political presence right okay okay let me uh yeah she's also taken on the weaker cause she's also supported you know Turkey and some of issues that they've done she is also the first person to publicly bring in the issue of of the AIPAC Lobby which has opened the doors no politician before has been as blunt and after she came it opened a whole door now a lot of care has come agreed now in my humble opinion yeah and I'm not supporting what she's done yeah she couldn't have done that fair without that evil that is also because she don't if I say that that here that you're talking about could have been done by a non-muslim but it wasn't nobody Jeremy Coleman here well but we don't have them it was not number one number two the fact that she is a mahadji but in and of itself and is representative of our of our community in the sense she's a member of our community but it doesn't do that means justify the ends and the sense that is it okay for you to do this why I'm not it I'm not a politician right you asked me no no but I'm not running for office am i right I was already there yeah so she does it doesn't justify the ends but we're talking theory and abstract let's get to reality she's there Mar we benefiting or not yes we are you see what I'm saying here so next time she runs for office should the Muslim community boycott right should the Muslim community vote for the non-muslim Gaia just because she has a view that is really wrong but she's done all of this good for the Muslim but then that's the question is now it could because we have to look at things from a dolly perspective as well if she's kind of muddy in the waters and making it seem as if Islam or something which is that's her muddying I'm very clear and anybody can watch my videos yeah very clear and I can say publicly I don't support her in these issues but overall his her presence better for the community or not that's the question for me if I was of like a vote man in America I would vote for a left I'd rather vote for a left wing non-muslim than that because if that left wing non-muslim can do this thing without being theoretical when we have somebody running for the same seat that is giving the same positive and not muddying the waters of Islam hmm if that were the case maybe I agree with you yeah what if the one running against her is a hardcore fanatic anti-muslim bigoted okay is most likely the case yeah the Republican Party right now what if she's the Democratic nominee and we have the other guy who wants to eliminate your mosque yeah so again be promised beeper and leave the Messiah and the fastest to the people of the exactly let the people of the locality designer and that is why none of our mainstream to heart of the of the West have taken these individuals as enemies even if we publicly I just said yeah right I disagree but let us decide the Messiah Ava and guess what we might be wrong guys we might be wrong but in the end of the day it's our each to have to do in our localities I'm not telling you to vote for Jeremy or photon or Eleanor saw that puts your business to do I'm not telling you who to vote for but I will tell you as an outsider as an outsider you're Muslim mayor has had a positive impact on the presence of Muslims in the heart I can say but I'm saying we're the number than one before I would I think with even birth might have been better for the city but the the presence of Islam yeah in this community that's all I'm saying yeah I guess the other thing is that I'm not gonna like yeah you know Allah it was a pleasure and I'm sorry if I came across as a bit polemical but you already you're known to be problem look anyway so you didn't just come across you al-hamdu and HMDA this also shows and I know that we agree on many issues and we agreed interests you donor shoes and I want to also make this this explicit point to the audience is that look our religion has always had a diversity of opinion from year one the earth and the true Mormon and Muslim who loves Allah and His Messenger and meets another person who loves Alana's message' finds a way to see what is in common before they see what is different and even if we disagree about some issues that should come from a perspective of love absolutely yeah and and having the lab and this is the point and I was with some of the Michelle yesterday I should hide them and others were there I'm gonna we agree to disagree but many issues we met with other to act as well I mean you know a camera the way I'm by the way there's I disagreed nothing from chef Alchemist of yet masha'Allah he is my chef and your share a hundred we all we should all understand that people have different menage that are within mainstream Islam and my perspective FA look at the good and Constitution on the good and we ask Allah to forgive our is that all of us have been led by the way of course I will have my mistakes public and private even my fifteen and maybe even an opera that you should maybe I'm wrong in some issues right still look at the positive and negative that's a beautiful message to end as well I look at everything that the person does and this is my philosophy as well with other people yes concentrate on the fear that they give you'll saying this after twenty thirty years of research and going through all of the bumpy roads how can anybody claim to have arrived at the house with a capital ha yeah how can anybody if we try we try we do we ask Allah for here data and ask Allah from alfetta for Zelda and sure but to keep our hearts United and to always be and it would have been a filler in this world meeting by the way but in humble of we we click to my shoulders Allah bless you chef episode of the green room we have to we had to meet the legend of the Dawa and someone who's was a pioneer in this field and hundred I want that all don't make me that always when I'm 70 you can say these words but when I'm 48 someone who preceded you by a decorator to it that's okay keep me in my place you know the Sheikh has clarified lots of things a hamdullah which I'm really happy to have done with him and and we've talked about so many issues here and make sure insha'Allah that you keep tuned for addition of the green room Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh good and I need to literally go and already I said you can see the discussion on the political points that we made someone could argue right obviously be polemic or whatever you want to call me right someone can argue that okay well look actually voting for someone like alien I'm not or someone like that it's more problematic because you're like you're doing your toy you do Holika other a quality health go free our highly healthy free you're pushing her towards what she's saying would you understand this and I'm not negating it I'm not dismissing it there's an element of truth here and that's why it's awkward right here this is not a fault of health and battle about whether we should vote for people on a spectrum of opinion here and again the bottom agreement with American to share the aisle in the valley understands what is clear-cut and you have converted and what is a great area myth and this is one of those gray areas where you will find a number of opinions and we should be wise enough to to tolerate and understand even if we appreciate one over the other so those who say that it is problematic toward for these types of candidates fully sympathize with that and fully at one level agree with it the opposite side is those who say well the alternative is full-on and food on wants to ban your presence the alternative is nothing and nothing is XY and Z and they say in their position in mindfully that is the lesser of two evils that also has a heart and a correct paradigm who will decide in the end of the day which of these masala and Memphis it outweighs the other it really is HT Hadi in the end of the day weighing masala and the facet is not up to you you need just one D if I was asked now if there could be a slippery slope in a sense that this person say for example I'm not in the hell I'm not particularly good I don't know how politics too much or Linda sauce or whoever I don't know I have not done it's the curve that well yeah but what I mean is some someone like this because right now one of the controversies is that some individuals I'm not sure if it was demo no they came out with a quail about the hadoo dove Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and and like kind of doing in car of them or something like negating the penis of punishments in the in an outright sense not in a little sense like in a solely sense if someone said okay well it's not applicable today it's not applicable now it could be conceived otherwise all of those things I fully appreciate if they're coming and attacking head-on in that manner and now we have the religious class backing those individuals it's almost it's not an endorsement because you'll be clear that okay we don't take that position but it's kind of test gia it's kind of like encouragement for them to continue in their course of in a sense muddying the waters from a doubt with respect and i agree with this and i sympathize with it again here and i say again what you're saying is valid and right i flip it on and say the other group is going to say sure but the alternative is that another and still in spite of these ideologies or arrests or whatnot for the Muslim communities of our cities and countries and lands that we live in this particular person is still beneficial despite this aspect of it early recovery or whatever that might be so hey the muscle has to be defined because now when we say beneficial I think what we're talking about is political benefit but the question would be then what is of what's a higher muscle aha the muscle ha of because you like in the books of aloof and stuff they actually do Taksim of Muslim - Muslim well we're all like dunya we must not have verses go we must have so so one could argue all the okra we must la Hache and I sympathize with it again I say this is a spectrum the website is of what use is this debate if the Muslim community is no longer existing in the country yeah the flip side is if they're gonna ban the immigration of Muslims they're gonna want to shut down our massages they're going to criminalize is it that is that leave you thinking in America like that would you think you'll ever go down try to do some very radical things he was successful in some and not in others but the point is this trend if we don't check it now it'll be it'll be continued to exacerbate the situation and we do not want to go down that route it's been only one generation one generation when the japanese-americans were rounded up and thrown into constitution gaps in America and in America I don't think British people are aware of this and in a 1940's right every single person of even 1/4 Japanese heritage was literally rounded up in the middle of the night the police camp this is people are still alive from that time this was still World War two those as within a rural context yeah still still we are terrified because Allah knows that the point is these types of things you know they they are potentially possible our point is many of us say we need to fight to thin before it gets to that dramatic stage we need to fight right now when things are a little bit better so that though they don't get worse so for example if somebody says the new pop band is trivial as long as it don't go for the hijab we say no then the club if you're gonna ban that it's not good to do because the next step is you're gonna keep doing I've got another question sorry okay can you say look I'm not endorsing her as a candidate by the way yeah I haven't voted yeah because I really if I have my own reasons I don't think it's how I'm to vote but I've never voted you know but I just died I say Muslim states where every vote is essential I would vote yes but I've never been in that circumstance mhm I mean the demographics are too large and the states have been in it's very clear-cut majority I've got a question Jeff like for example what I've noticed an American dollar that a lot of people came before and they made very clear that their position of taqlid like for example Hamza Yusuf like he was Maliki Muhannad now the language of taqlid or following the scholars whoever may be like in okay so obviously when you came out of Medina it was more Saudi scholars obviously now that's changed but with those other individuals needs to be talked lydian other men heavy forms now we're moving away from the language of tuck lead and following the scholars to the language which they had my only issue is that now who determines who is the most ahead in the in the American context let me flip it around who determines who's them which they hit in the Muslim context there's always yes contesting of authority here always happens look at Pakistan look at Egypt there's it won just because the governor appoints the Grand Mufti to say everybody's they think is the Grand Mufti and we all know that sort of CIC so the same issues that apply in the shuttle that a lot of a find the shuttle as well we're we don't have a agreed-upon hierarchy like a magisterial which we thank your love for we don't want what happened in the cosmic year but if it I'll have a one person or what we don't want that yeah there's a healthy diversity of opinion and in the end of the day every Muslim will gravitate towards that spectrum and that group of people and their Messiah that he looks up to yes there's no problem with that that's the way it's always been and so the same goes for the hot yeah for the shock this the same goes for the shock react but what I say was that so now in terms of because like you said before this the democratization of knowledge and so on and so forth anyone can come out and say I'm a hilum every a Mufti and so on and so forth how do we ensure that the right people I mean what methods would you advise for a layperson in order to be able to distinguish between the Internet to kind of share which they're to be honest with you a lot of people who acquire their qualifications fully over the Internet and they just go like watch lectures and so on and then Hamas and and they can now become much tired and someone who's gonna try the endorsement of their peers by the endorsement of the people around them right look at a person and his circle of knowledge around him okay and I might disagree with for example a person on the sofa side but I will not negate their knowledge and the right to give her true I'm I destroyed that ugly the position that full term manicure had a fee but if somebody has gone through a dollar room they won course ten years become some of the here's every right to make it to the ad heaven if I disagree with it right for a person's iesson Mauritanian comes out to Maliki and reciting wash and anything he has every right to make it yet even if I don't agree with it but you will find me endorsing his legitimacy to give fatwa yes I know he will do the same to me and others whereas most of these internet attorney you know wanna be nobody really any there are not people up in all the January and so they're not but but the problem comes through me and you can say as much as what they're speaking style and their antics online we'll move girl we'll get the corner followers yeah cos let them look bro I've never any since my Medina days I've never made it a priority to defend myself or to get involved in these I've never made it a priority and I firmly believe that Fama's a Bidoof a that would confound us if I am good about one of my earliest teachers said this to me his advice I always stick with he said you be sincere in your own Dawa and Allah will bless it let's the detractors detract let the critics criticize you give your Dharma for the sake of Allah subhana wa ta'ala and allah azzawajal will take care of the rest and that has been my guiding philosophy for over 20 years of Dawa I have never and I never intend to make it a priority to get involved in polemics and in defending and in refuting Holly Holm the final Myesha and I have my doubt that I want to give I'm teaching the Syrah and I'm teaching the bottles of teaching a small the lives of the Sahaba and all of this that I've done there is no question that there are mistakes how can there not be I'm a Bashar man I mean I have thousands of hours you're not gonna find a mistake ha ha you're fearless how many over a hundred is like 105 episodes at each one is an hour in something so far along one hundred and forty fifty hours this human effort does not have a mistake in it of course it has a mistake or mistakes in it but it shall insha Allah the hair is always on that's minor right and even the outer that I hold yeah see every atom in human history has had a position or two that is Gani a little bit here and there you think I'm gonna be any different of course I have my mistakes or not the gold is insha'Allah : if loss taniel coupled with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and Toddie then what man fairness fm good for all you want to benefit the people with the most that you can so that when you leave this world the legacy that you have as a child a positive legacy that is the ultimate goal so if someone is left with one last question since we go to my the camera we had at the airport and I'm going to do my flight now so I would rather volunteer to drop a suckle of head oh well if you spend more time with me I was gonna ask him as a final question someone who now because we get a lot of people handling off the streets a lot of people into Islam knew and they just want to get started in a very basic way with learning Islam I notice a very basic question but what is that what the first steps what are things that they throw a bit there for a fact they can anchor themselves in terms of study on the first things that they should do there is to learn the basics of their shelia and their theology here and the tests heretofore on the theory three simple things right now how do you worship Allah start off with the base go to your local ship and whatever might have you has no big deal follow it and just learn the basics how did it will do how to pray that knowledge will bring about oh for sure and a sense of of a connection with allah subhana wa ta'ala the fears of the quran lures that you're reciting it's very important it is a neglected simple topic is tough sear you just read the Quran and understand its meaning and then obviously of course the basics of theology as well learn to build an en and again take your share if no problem but don't make your share of the cult of Islam yeah okay take a mess that's one of the issues that we do that is one of the ears that your chef becomes the end-all and Beall look we cannot reinvent the wheel in totality and I've said this explicitly if you become a Maliki if you become a Santa Fe if you become a Nash if you become a you know Lazzari and Sufi I don't have any issue you within the mainstream and hamdulillah but don't hate on other fellows and other groups that have been around within mainstream Judaism as for non Sunni Islam let the rhythm I deal with them and even then don't hate on the average Muslim of another group that is praying to Allah and loving the messenger right even then I say it's not the job of the average most to exacerbate the situation even if we disagree with the theologies of non Sunni Islam I forget my dream I got a question which will probably be the last question I'll ask you what all I might do you look up to now in the world yeah number one in my heart to show some aha a larger in release a situation strategizing he is my share how they plan what my doesn't I know him personally I visited in many times personally he knows me personally and he is somebody that I genuinely look up to as being the shareholder some of our time what would you think of someone like Mohammed will cherish and p3 and those indefinitely somebody I look up to and I love ya I respect immensely respect immensely and I do listen to some of his Futaba of Sears to Yanni you know one of the few people that I'm still listening to now because not because there are just no time some of the people that I still have time I make sure chef and wanted to do and I met him a few times I don't think he would remember me by the way but I don't maybe he does his memories amazing unbelievable unbelievable so he does remember I met him a number of times yeah and sure idea when I was there because when I was studying in Medina was studying in Rio of course senior to me and he was studying in rehab so in much a few times but believer and I have not met him since those days but definitely she-camels currently I have never met him and he's very impressive masha'Allah very impressive very impressive mashallah very impressive have you haven't made me how I'd ever mentioned it didn't it didn't happen any my would you held it for so and you guys in England have much more visits you know then yeah big drop-off I it doesn't lock la eternal fire Oh hurry and i'll in a feet Dona Ursula and world in her appearing laughs you saw Campina one more little Yama album being humble Leo attinger [Music]
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 99,920
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Keywords: yasir, qadhi, official, islamic, scholar, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Islam, Quran, Sunnah, Hadith, Muslim, Unity in Diversity, Islamic Knowledge, Lives of The Sahabas, Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Islamic Role Models, Prayer, Salah, Zakat, Hajj, Umrah, Islamic History, Islamic Lecture, Peace, Mercy, Love, Muslim Matters, Messengers of Allah, Makkah, Medinah, Battle of Badr, God, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi Interview With Mohammed Hijab, Islamic Interview, The Green Room, The Green Room Podcast
Id: hqWm1Cbcyfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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