Shashi Tharoor interview: How British Colonialism 'destroyed' India

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[Music] Britain destroyed India through looting expropriation and outright theft all conducted in a spirit of deep racism and immoral cynicism a blistering critique of our colonialist past by a man who was once one of the world's leading diplomats Shashi Tero now an Indian MP he's just published his latest book on the iniquities of the British Empire and its themes have Echoes today shashido is one of India's most outspoken politicians he's an MP and has been both an ambassador and an under General of the United Nations in his latest book in glorious Empire what the British did to India Tero argues that the British Empire was more about Britain than about India the great symbols of empire in India such as the country's rail system were built for the benefit of the British rather than for Indian citizens he argues too that colonialism in India was more akin to theft often leading to death and destruction in a post brexit world the UK is looking to commonwealth countries with whom we have had deep historic ties for future trading opportunities India prime amongst them next week's inaugural meeting of Commonwealth trade ministers being held in London is Testament to that in any case teror judges that in trade talks the UK will have to be open to discussing allowing more Indian immigrants in both students and workers Shashi TR joined us now now I mean Empire does it mean anything to Indians anymore not really John I think um people have largely forgotten it and Indians are very good at forgiving and forgetting so they're forgotten as well which is what I object to let them forgive but let them not forget well of course it it still has some resonance here in that lots and lots of people wear lots of medals which have the word empire in them is that in any way offensive to you oh no I think you know that's part of your history you're entitled to it so is it a British problem or an Indian problem no I think it is a British problem first of all because there is so much historical Amnesia about what the empire really entailed the fact that you don't really teach Colonial history in your schools uh children doing a levels in history don't learn a line of colonial history there's no real awareness of the atrocities the fact that Britain financed its Industrial Revolution and its Prosperity from the depredations of Empire the fact that Britain came to one of the richest countries in the world in the early uh 18th century and reduced it after 200 years of of plunder to one of the poorest all of that is really not known anymore this is difficult stuff because we're just about to try and do a big deal with you uh we need your trade uh are you going to hold this against us not at all I don't really think this is about today's relations which are between two Sovereign equal countries John I mean we our economy is as big as yours now uh and as far as we're concerned I think we don't need to have a chip on our shoulder when dealing with you but I think we do need to be aware of History because as I often say to young people if you don't know where you've come from how will you appreciate where you're going to what extent do you think India is even cons conscious of brexit and its implications oh we're very conscious of it and not least because a lot of Indian companies who established themselves in Britain not just for the UK Market but because it gave them easy access to Europe while being in an in a comfortable english- speaking environment so there's some real questions going on will they up sticks and move off to Ireland or somewhere instead uh are some of these issues are very much there will there now be the possible free trade uh agreement with Britain well what about immigration because Indians feel very strongly about that not least the fact that Indian students have a real problem getting here to University and we've raised that issue I believe in our bilateral contacts um for some time now we're very concerned about conditions for Indian students as well as the temporary work permits that many of them require after their studies to be able to gain some practical experience I think I see the kind of um deal which would have to be struck which would be presumably one which would talk about movement free movement of people to some extent well I mean the the real issue is exactly if if you don't really want a lot of foreigners in this country what exactly are you going to give India in return for uh selling your goods to the Indian market I think you will need to accept that India's strengths are in providing services in providing people in providing exper expertise in in areas like it and software which is amongst our strengths and where where you can use all of this but that does mean U uh opening up to to human beings coming in here visas students I mean uh is is a significant deal possible I think only if there's real give and take in a negotiation it's just not going to happen automatically and certainly not because of Any Nostalgia for Empire John really I mean surely we have a special relationship as Mr Trump would put it if you keep losing to us at Cricket we probably will consider that a good special relationship worth maintaining but no jokes apart I think there are obvious affinities which will continue and which are there but they're not enough trade negotiations are hard-headed realistic business propositions and there will have to be some give and presumably not done overnight no and that probably can't even start officially until the EU brexit is done which is still some time away isn't it it certainly is well Shashi too thank you very much indeed for coming in to talk to us uh the book sounds a a pretty heavy read in the sense oh no it's it's light and impassioned I promise you your readers will enjoy it sounds positively blood curdling thanks very much
Channel: Channel 4 News
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Keywords: Channel 4 News, shashi tharoor, shashi tharoor interview, shashi tharoor colonialism, british colonialism, british colonialism in india, colonialism in india, colonialism british, britain colonialism, shashi tharoor new book, shashi tharoor news, shashi tharoor on british rule, shashi tharoor debate, shashi tharoor british colonialism, shashi tharoor english, shashi tharoor empire debate, shashi tharoor british empire, shashi tharoor england, shashi tharoor uk debate
Id: 1giYXrofZYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2017
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