SHARPENING DRILLS with Vevor Grinder #844 pt 2 tubalcain

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hello once again it's Mr Pete your YouTube shop teacher and this is tips number 844 which is part two of a two-part video on how to sharpen drills with the vivore drill grinder so before we get started let me just say that you really need to read through this booklet that came with it there's a lot of good pictures in there the text isn't real great and then you will want to watch this video and the previous one part one that's number 843 where I lay all the groundwork and basis for this little machine here which I have grown to be quite fond of so let's get started here first of all talk in just a little bit about safety also before I go too far here a special thanks to the ore and Iris who works over there for uh donating this for the good of the cause again this is not a sponsored video however I did receive this item free I'm not paid to make this video also if you have not already studied at least some on the basics and geometry of a Twist drill you really know need to do that so that you understand what's taking place here on the tip of the drill bit as you grind it very important now in regards to safety remember this is a grinder albeit one that doesn't produce a whole lot of Sparks but make sure you wear your safety glasses and there is a guard here on the end make sure that you have that closed when you use it I may have it open from time to time for photographic purposes so be very careful with your eyes do not forget that also another thing there is some fine dust that if you would want to wear a respirator if you have a problem you may want to do that also use it in an area where there aren't a lot of precision tools because there is a very fine dust that is produced by this and you do not want that to get onto your machine tools or your Precision Instruments I am doing it on the bench here simply because I need an area that is has good lighting for the purposes of photography go through all of your drills and look for dull or damaged ones look through your indexes and all of your other spare Bits And if you do not have any keep your eye open at garage sales because often you'll find an entire Hills Brothers Coffee can loaded with dull bits that you can buy for a dollar why don't I start by showing you this half inch drill bit that I sharpened during rehearsal because it's pretty much perfect as it would be if it came from Cleveland so the actual cutting lip is right here that's where the cutting takes place and the lip relief or lip clearance here that is the angle from The Cutting Edge to the heel this is the heel right here has to be oh eight to ten degrees and that can vary a lot there are books that will show you the exact angle but you're just going to shoot for it so it looks good like this one so now I'll show you the book and then I'm going to show you a whole series of bad drill bits that need sharpening because you need to determine whether or not the bits are dull and that may be difficult for a beginner okay the actual angle of the point of the drill should be 59 degrees like on this gauge so that's an included angle of 118 degrees that we're looking for now you don't have to worry so much about doing that because this drill grinder will produce that automatically but I think it's important that you know that and there is the Chisel point on the end and if you grind it correctly the angle of the Chisel point will end up being correct now I have made several videos on this over the years but they're older videos I will put the name of those on the screen right now so we can look at them and I do hope to make revised videos on Jill drill geometry in the future there again is the point of the drill 118 degrees included angle and the Chisel point will be approximately 123 degrees plus or minus 5 from the lip I do not worry about that you will get that automatically with this machine and there is the point clearance that I was just talking about and we can call that lip clearance or lip relief all kinds of different names for it and in this chart you can see that you need more lip relief for small bits than you do for the larger bits we're going to start out with a half inch bit which calls for approximately 11 degrees if you have badly damaged drill bits or a broken drill bit like this either throw it away or you're going to have to amputate the end and rough grind it into the approximate shape this drill grinder only does a finishing job so do not torture yourself with broken bits throw them away okay here's a drill that needs to be sharpened when you examine it you're going to see that it's kind of worn and shipped right here and the other side is actually ruined right here in the area where the cutting takes place probably caused by running the drill at too high of a speed and if the drill bit is burned on the the end overheated either cut it off or throw that drill away here's a drill that I found among my junk drills that someone had ground off for whatever reason and again shape that on your rough grinder so that it looks approximately like this before you actually start to sharpen it if you run across drills that have been sharpened many times and are shortened considerably you may not want to deal with those because as the drill gets shorter the web gets thicker and then you're going to have to thin the web which we'll talk about possibly in another video so you can see how thick the web already is on this now that will drill fine if you drill pilot holes first but it will have trouble starting without a pilot hole quite often you're going to find drill bits that are badly sharpened from the factory especially if they're Imports so if you look at this one on the left here that drill has excessive clearance on the lip and probably will dull rapidly here's one that has hardly any clearance and will not cut properly so it's almost straight across as you can see here's an example of a half inch drill that has way way too much lip clearance here's a silver and Deming drill that has been improperly sharpened there is zero relief here actually a little bit negative when you look at this side can you see that the heel is actually higher than the lip no good at all needs to be sharpened and to repeat myself here is a drill properly sharpened and will cut beautifully all right let's finally get down to sharpening some drills shall we I believe it'll start out by sharpening this bit it's not particularly dull but it does not have enough clearance so I will select the half inch collet but let me show you here since these are in metric and I have the caliper set for metric so the half inch bit is about 12 and a half millimeters so I will use the largest collet and these are ER collets this was all shown in the previous video but let's do it again and put the knurled nut on there make sure you keep this thread clean then put the drill in Point first like this and just snug it up you do not want to tighten down you want the ability to move it back and forth like this first of all we have to set the drill to the correct angle in the collet using the alignment base and this is the alignment scale or adjusting knob they have funny names for for some of these parts but if you do not do this correctly you will in no way get a properly ground drill notice that there are two Flats here on the collet holder and there is a flat right here as well notice I've taken a little piece of red tape and put it on one of the flats and a piece of yellow tape on the other side that's optional but it might help you and you at least it will help with the instruction of this device here so again what we're going to do here is to place the round into the the hole right here like that and turn it to the right and there's a stop that's as far as it will go and then Advance the drill bit in as far as it goes until it strikes the block and then rotate it clockwise up against the block now I'm going to give you a better view of that and then tighten it down so let me show you that from another angle but before we go any further let me talk about this adjustment here this is very critical they call it the web diameter but really it refers to the diameter of the drill in millimeters so it's starting with a three millimeter and going up to 13. now this is a 13 12 and a half or 13 millimeter drill that's in there the half inch so what they're telling you to do first of all is turn this all the way clockwise until it stops and then rotate it in the other direction until we get to the 13 which is half inch now I have found my practice that isn't does not work at all it does not give you the correct relief and you will need to experiment with this in case some of these machines are not exactly the same as others so I'm going to increase it by actually a full turn so I'm on the 13. plus a full Revolution we'll see how that works out now let me show you again from the end here what I'm doing very important and thank you to mark for giving me the idea of shooting this angle in the video so when I'm going to move the knob all the way down can you see that the block is moving down now so that's as far as it goes and then again I am backing it raising it up to the 13 and then another full Revolution and then we'll take the drill that's in the holder bring the holder into place so it locks to the right like that and then the drill can still be moved in and out of the collet easily enough and rotate it until it hits the block can you see that and that's the point at which I will tighten it and make sure it doesn't slip on you I'm holding this knurl and I'm turning the other neural clockwise you don't need to overdo it now we are finally at long last ready to actually sharpen the drill as noted in the earlier video part one I have already set this for 118 degrees that will give you the 59 degree side angle on your drill so that's essential and you probably never will move it from that adjustment and you'll see there's two Flats here now I'm the one that put that white mark on there you may want to make a mark on there or you may not want to and that is as far as it moves so I like to have the white Mark toward the top now take the entire assembly here and I like to start with the red side but it doesn't matter at all nor does the color and move that right in until the flats align with one another and then we are ready to actually start grinding and we'll do that by pushing in gently as we grind and rotating it clockwise backing off and repeating repeating until all grinding stops on that lip of the drill bit and then we're ready to rotate it 120 degrees and do the same thing on the other side you will be able to hear and feel the grinding and when the grinding actually stops I will be giving you several views of this grinding operation so this is the bird's eye view this is the wheel and now I will move the the drill and the the holder into this hole notice the red mark there and the white mark and I'll move it up against the wheel and when I turn it on I will be rotating it like this I will not be talking it might be too noisy so here we go safety glasses on [Music] [Music] and done now here's how to remove the drill from the collet loosen it up now it's not going to come loose this is a piece of copper so use copper aluminum brass or oak or Maple or something like that tap it like that and then it will lift right out and now we can examine the tip and you can see that it's just beautifully ground see the relief on it and I'm going to show you this on the optical comparator at the end of the video if you can take it so let's that's a half inch bit Let's uh do it with another half inch bit and I will show you another angle of what I'm doing I think that helps a lot if you can see various views I have removed the guard from the end of the machine do not do that it's only been removed for photographic purposes this is a different drill this is a another dull half inch drill bit already mounted and from the looks of the previous drill you probably will realize that I have adjusted it correctly at the other end of the of the machine that I showed you already so and I'm normally looking down this hole where my finger is That's How what you're looking at when you are drilling you can use exhilarating if need be so starting again with the red into the flats now I'll turn the machine on put the safety glasses on and I'm ready to grind I will not talk now there may be times when you need to grind twice because you can see now that this did not quite clean up because the angle was that far off on the dull bit so I will readjust this in the collet and then come right back and we'll grind it again and here we go again [Applause] notice there's very few Sparks produced by that wheel and there it is perfect grind ready to drill this is a 3 8 drill which is about 10 millimeter and it's in the 10 millimeter collet and I have set the adjustment knob here for 180 degrees or actually 360 past the the 10 millimeter and I'm adjusting it now bringing the drill in rotating it against the Stop and tightening it and I'm ready to drill you see that can be done very quickly I made it sound complicated but it is not here's a slightly different view with a 3 8 drill and a perfectly ground 3 8 drill hard to photograph because of the reflection and the last drill bit I will be grinding is a quarter inch which is about six and a half millimeters so it's in the seven millimeter collet I'm not going to show you how I set that up on the other end because you already know I put the guard back on now since you're looking down the blowhole here as you are grinding it helps a lot to use a light as you see right here and it really illuminates the tip of the drill and the grinding wheel quarter inch drill perfect grind every time okay let's test one of these one half inch diameter drills that I have sharpened I'm going to drill aluminum and the reason I'm doing it in the lathe I think you can see the chip formation a little bit better now there should be two equal chips coming out if both lips are ground equally okay it's drilling nicely and you could see that there were two chips coming off the end of the drill okay this is a 3 8 drill that I have ground there's a little bit different angle maybe you can see the chips coming out they should be about equally sized on both sides now what that proves is that both lips have been ground pretty darn near equally my only criticisms of this machine is that setting up the drill here is a little bit fiddly and you will have to experiment you cannot go by the actual numbers here or what it tells you in the directions and I believe that the instruction manual is not very well done the pictures are are well done but the way they word things in another country just is almost comical and it is not helpful at all when you're trying to understand it so I think that this video probably picks up where this leaves off if popular demand warns it I may make a third video where I show you how to split the point and that's all about again setting it up and putting it into the hole like this and you can split points grind split points on your drill not something that I really have ever done or have a need for but this machine has that capability well that just about wraps up the video but I have two or three hundred more drills that I need to sharpen here I won't bore you with that so setting that aside be sure and open up the guard from time to time take this out in the yard or someplace open it up and blow out all of the grinding dust there is nothing to lubricate now I've used this for three or four hours including all of my practice runs and I find this to be really an amazing machine over the years I have used just about every kind of machine for grinding drills that you can imagine at the school I had two little black and Deckers uh different models they were absolutely worthless I had an atlas that attached onto a drill it was an attachment attached onto a grinder it was pretty good but there was a big learning curve there there is a learning curve on this too you will need to practice I also had the Lyle grinder one at school and I had one here at home and I did give that to Adam Booth A-bomb last year so I no longer have that it was capable of grinding larger drills I would say that the only down uh point on this machine is that the range is from 3 30 seconds up to half now that's the most common sizes that you will be using so I strongly recommend this for 270 dollars and considering inflation that's pretty darn cheap for what you're getting here it is a quality machine this is not just a cheap Gadget as you have seen with the good doctor and so on that it's heavy 7 17 pounds not five pounds so there's a lot of as I said before a quality to this thing so do consider this all of the links are down in the description at the end of the video there'll be a lot of still pictures check those out again study up on your drill geometry and uh stand by for just a little extra credit where we go out to the uh Optical comparator sometimes called a shadow graph and we'll just take a look at the Angles and see how well it it really lines up with the 59 degrees and you're going to find it amazingly accurate so thank you to Aviva and Iris and thank you for watching my videos this is Mr Pete saying so long and I'll see you next time stay tuned for that extra credit though we are out in Studio G and this is the sheer to Michael Optical comparator sometimes called a shadow graph and on the platen I have placed a drill that I had sharpened as well as the drill gauge also notice that there's a hypodermic needle laying there for comparison and the shadowgraph will increase its size on the screen by about 10 times and this is the screen of the optical comparator notice the hypodermic needle right here for comparison this is the drill and the dark part right here of course is the drill gauge and you can see for reference here that I am virtually right on 59 degrees it's again very difficult to locate the work up there on the platen when you've got two different pieces and the tiniest movement is exaggerated on the screen so I hope you like this little demonstration of the angles on the drill
Channel: mrpete222
Views: 17,336
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Id: 4TGon_xq80M
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Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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