Plumbing With Sharkbite Fittings

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you know man this is the deal here my tub the shower faucet in  the hall bathroom is leaking outside my first stop   today is going to be the Home Depot of course  in the plumbing section right where they have   the sharkbite fittings because today we are going  to build a tub and shower system only using shark   bites not soldering copper pipe gluing or anything  minimal tools it don't get any easier than this   okay we're back from the store and I'm gonna lay  everything out on the table and we're gonna get   started this here is a half-inch sharkbite ninety  or elbow I hear you and I get it this is the how   to plumbing channel my name is Claude Taylor to  all my subscribers and friends welcome back and   if you're new to this channel and you'd like  what you see give it a thumbs up also become   a subscriber and hit that notification bell so  you can keep up on all the latest videos coming   out thank you I'd have to say knowing what I know  and if I wasn't a plumber this is what I would do   if I didn't have any money to fill me a shower  system and the package I'm opening up here this   is going to be this is a shark bite they call it  a wing 90 l 90 these are gonna be used for the a   spout the tub spout and the showerhead so we're  gonna have two of these then we're gonna use now   back to our story and also inside the wall and  it's starting to destroy my wall actually it's   destroyed actually the backside of the wall  and the other side and it's starting to get   on the floor and I don't want to damage any more  of the house but right now I just don't have the   money to call a plumber to come and change it out  actually I did have a plumber come and look at it   and give me an estimate and it was now if you look  closely in the inside you see the little insert   the little plastic insert and the sharkbite keep  that on the side those teeth are what grabs the   pipe and hold it in place and there's a rubber  washer that the pipe squeeze through and that   seals it and that is the process of a sharkbite  fitting in how it works now back to our story a   little over a thousand dollars and I'm a little  shy that is there any way that I could go into   this wall and rebuild this shower without now the  pending of the tub and shower valve that you get   it's going to be either it's gonna be threaded  more than what's likely that's what we're using   these for the shower valve tub and shower valve  that I have here is it has male threads so what   I did is purchased female sharkbite adapters  so it goes from sharkbite to iron pipe that's   what they call it iron pipe meaning the pipes with  threads on it and if you had one if you're talking   shower valve had female adapters you would go  with opposite of what I'm going with here and   you can see these came in a set of four these  was a contractor impact the good thing about   buying it in a contractor's pack is usually  it's bulk and it's much cheaper than buying   them individually back to our story learning  how to solder copper pipe which I would love   to learn how but time is of the essence here and  I'm sure you understand also I am interested in   gluing any pipe and I am limited on limited on  tools I would love to run PEX pipe actually but   at this time I can't afford the Tex pipe expand  if there is any way possible that I can put this   shower together even if it's temporary to stop  these leaks and stop the water from damaging my   home more than it already has okay that's the  end of the story let's see what we can come up   with for anyone that has a limited amount of tools  maybe a few pipe wrenches or channel lock pliers   screwdriver whatever have you and someone that's  not interested in learning how to solder copper   pipe just yet our can afford more of the expensive  tools to run PEX pipe and this galvanized nipple   here I just bought this is a random size once  you do put the tub and shower valve together and   in the wall that's when you're actually going  to want to take a measurement to get the right   size nipple that you need so that when you go  to put the tub spout on it will match up with   the wall and what I'm doing here just showing  you that the the threads on the inside are the   same as the threads of the galvanized pipe and  that's why it's called iron pipe - - sharkbite now this is a this is a delta tub shower  valve I actually wanted to find a Toby   shower valve that had the female threads  on the body of the valve itself but this   is all they had at the time so I grabbed  this and deltas are good it's a good tub   shower valve I am a Moen guy I really like  the mowing products moans pretty easy to   work with and as far as repairs and finding  parts for them and this here is a universal tub spout and universal meaning that you can  use it to where to go into the iron pipe right   there that's laying on the table there or  you can slip it on to a piece of copper   pipe right there in the back right here  and then squeeze down on it and it will   stay in place but we're not going to use the  insert part I'm just putting it in it back   in right now we're actually gonna go straight  to the iron pipe and you will see at the end and this is the discussion and when I  do say ass cushon ass cussing meaning   the chrome parts are the decorative parts of  the faucet itself and it hides a lot of the   imperfections behind the wall and behind  it itself and it also protects the valve and of course you seen I pulled out the  showerhead and this is the shower arm and again this is one of the sketches and  this will be for the shower or in itself and of course these are the escutcheon screws  to screw it down to the valve itself and one   thing I'd like you to keep in mind this is a  force this is a single handle tub and shower   valve and there are no videos out there that  I have that are tub the shower valves with two   and three handle faucets and tub valves and the  reason that is because those have been outlawed   going back into the 80s actually and there's  a lot of people who don't know this even some   plumbers they're not familiar with it so most  single handle tub with shower valves they come   in posi temp meaning that it keeps children and  older senior citizens from burning themselves   and that was the problem with the to handle and  300 faucets kids would just turn the hot on and   get straight hot and burned themselves but the  new faucets that they have come out with have   been designed to prevent that so that you don't  get the scalding water and they will have to mix   now children and senior citizens who can't burn  themselves it's just something to keep in mind   so try not to find you a two and three handle  valve and replace it now you see the backside   of this where the you can see the male threads  that are coming out and if you look real close   you can see the letter C and H and this here is  the sharkbite removal tool and that's another   great thing about the shark bites they're easily  to remove especially when you have this tool here and this is a half inch sharkbite removal tool let's see sharkbite half-inch and if  you're going to do something like this   I think it's a good idea that you go ahead  and pick this tool up now here are the tools   that I'm going to use to build my sharkbite  shower system this is a six way screwdriver   and of course I have a measurement tape  and back to the six way screwdriver six   ways because they have six different types  of tools and of course we're going to use   this here my pipe cutting for a copper  pipe tool and a pair of channellocks channel locks is a brand name you would call  these pliers gooseneck pliers but in the field   most people just say channel lock channel lock  pliers and this cover here actually if you're   having this installed and someone's gonna come  behind you and install drywall and tile and all   that good stuff if you can't put this part  back on it helps guide them to where to cut   the drywall and they want the car drywall to  fit around that and that piece to come out a   certain distance and then once the drywall  and tile is done you can remove that plate I don't know if you could see it it's kind  of hard you see that letter C and another   H right there H for hot and then the cold  hot is always on the on the left so when   this turns around the hot is going to  be on the left and cold is always on   the right some tub and shower valves have  an indication where the tub and shower it   end is this one don't but knowing by the C  and H I know which end is going to be for   the shower and what n is going to be for the  spout and we're gonna use some pipe though now that we have the pipe dope on here  we're going to put our female adapter so now this has been converted from  iron pipe to sharkbite and by the way   this is what you might call a transition  fitting it's transitioning from one type   of pipe to another and in this case is  transferring from iron pipe to sharkbite okay now that we just about have all of them on I  am going to start tighten it with my channel lock   pliers and the reason that I didn't pipe dope  them all up at once is because I didn't really   want to get any this pipe dope on my hand so I  just pipe dope it one at a time okay now we have   it all together so now it's ready for any type of  half-inch pipe that will go inside of a sharkbite   fitting and that would be C PVC copper pipe  are PEX pipe any one of those in half-inch will   go into a sharkbite fitting and we're going to  start this one off we're going to use copper pipe and this is going to be for the UH this is gonna  go from the shower valve to the showerhead and   if you're curious of what the size is that I'm  cutting that I measured that out to be leave a   comment in the description and I'd be more than  happy to tell you if you don't have a pipe reamer   a lot of times some of these a lot of the copper  tubing cutters they do come with a little piece   on the back you see and I just pulled it out  that's for reaming the inside of the pipe out because usually if you're if you don't ring  the inside pipe out there's a little ledge   that hangs over so you want to remove that  ledge so that anything going through the   pipe doesn't catch it and stick onto it now  most people are familiar with the sharkbite   fittings it's fairly simple you just want to  get the pipe in between the plastic insert   and the wall of the sharkbite so they'll  squeeze right down in there where the sharkbite teeth are and the reason that I'm  turning it so that it will go in and line up   with the little plastic insert there and once  you turn it makes it a little easier it works   it around and works it up in there and from there  once you get it right you just kind of push and   you'll hear the little click click like that but  now we're going to do is morning we're going to   pull this 90 back off of here and this time we're  gonna mark okay now what I'm going to do is I am   going to use the park sharkbite tool so that I  can show you how it actually works it's fairly   simple right now I'm trying to give you a great  focus on the camera so when I do go to push it off   it's going to go flying there's a better way to  do this I can get it off easier than that but this   makes it easy for me to show you and if you've  noticed it pushed up on the little sleeve there   and once it pushed up on the sleeve it relieved  the relieved the shark teeth deadener sharkbite   teeth that are in there and kind of push those  out the way so that the pipe and slide right out okay we're gonna we're going to put this back  in here slip it right back in spot again but   this time we're going to put we're going to put  a mark on the end of the sharkbite so if we know   the so we'll get to determine the depth of how  far this needs to be pushed in when we go do the   other ones okay so we're going to mark it here  and once with Marco pull it back out and we're   going to get our measurements and that way when  we each pipe that we have we can just go ahead and   put the measurement on there and once we push the  sharkbite in we know that we are in far enough now   it won't go flying all over the place because  I can control it and I'm not trying to focus   for the camera right now okay there is two marks  along here the first one is when I didn't have it   in far enough but well once I finally pushed it in  further I got the second mark which should be the   actual true mark and so we're going to measure it  and right there we see 7/8 about 7/8 right there   inch and 7/8 I know that I'm measuring it from  the three inch mark but a lot of us do this out   in the field it makes it a little easier to read  rather than trying to go to the end sometimes now   this should slide right into the second mark which  it did so now we know that all the other ones that   we push in we're going to want to measure 7/8 and  push it in to 7/8 and we know that it's in solid the scene ate cold hot it's really not that hard pushing these in  okay well you see we have it in there it's   a little difficult for me right now because I'm  trying to give you a angle shot with the camera and this is going to be the bottom part for  the tub spout and this is a very important   part right here when measuring this because you  don't want it to you don't want to measure it too   short to wear it with the it would conflict  with the escutcheon if you bring it up too   high it would be in the way of the discussion  and you won't be able to get the discussion   on are the tub spouts so you just want to make  sure that you have the measurement to where it   will miss the discussion and the directions  will be in the box itself I've been doing a   long time so pretty much know the measurements  are going to be and it's going to be six-inch   center to center from the center of the valve  to the center of that wing l so if that's going   to be six-inch that I'm not going to cut a  six-inch piece that mean I have to make it   Center to Center 6-inch so now from there  I will measure the piece in the middle it's   which I'm not mistaken was um there's 3 and 3/4  something like that when I measured the first time but don't go by my measurements  please read the directions I know some of this might become redundant  but for the viewers out there that you know   there are people out there to actually  want to see they want to catch the what   they might have missed or they want to get  it a different aspect because sometimes even   though it's redundant it's not exactly done  exactly the same way so I do understand that okay now we're going to we're going to get  seven eighths and seven eighths on each end   of this small piece of pipe we're measuring  those pieces so that when we slip it into   the this is the three and three-quarter  inch piece of copper for the tub spout   okay we have we already have our marks  on here so we're just going to push it   up till we meet our marks and we know that  it will be in solid and connect it properly one thing about sharkbite fittings when you  do push the pipe up into the sharkbite itself   the sharkbite needs to be as straight as  possible any pipe that's crooked will leak   on you so keep it straight okay now this will  give you an idea of the how things are gonna   go with the tub spout all this is gonna come  back off right now I'm just showing you guys   as much as I can show you because I know everyone  doesn't understand like everyone else everybody's   different so hopefully I can cover everyone and  reach everybody that I could reach with this okay most rubbish our valves are gonna have eight  inch spread that means from center of the hot to   the center of the cold is going to be eight inches  so we're not gonna make this any different we may   be a little off because of the sharkbite fittings  are a little longer but what we need to do here   is we're going to cut two short pieces and after  measure them they're gonna be we're gonna have to   use what we call closed nipples so close piece of  pipe and a colles people's a piece of pipe means   that the pipe is really short and it's just enough  on each end of the pipe to go inside the fittings   and the fittings would actually the bet up with  one another so we're going to cut two closed   pieces for this and the closed pieces for this is  going to we already know 7/8 go in one so we're   going to take seven eight two seven eighths and  we're going to come up with inch of 3/4 so we're   going to cut two pieces that are inch and three  quarters slip them in there and read it together okay now we have the two closed pieces cut out and if you're doing with this  with copper be very careful the   copper the ends of the copper could be  very sharp that's why you see that I'm   pushing it down here on the table  but yet I don't want push to you and once we get the two pieces buttered  up we'll know that we have it in there   nice and secure now you can't even see  a piece of copper but on the next one   I'm gonna tell you right now somehow  I cut this piece a little longer than   the other so you will see a little small  piece of copper but it's not enough to throw us off too far from our eight inch spread  as a matter of fact the eight inch spread actually   don't apply too much anymore because that  was back in the days when they were using   two handles and three handle tarnish our valves  and in some cases with the older ones they even   had a leavening spread so now that was there as  far as it'll go so the only thing I can come up   with is I did cut that piece a little longer than  I needed to and what I'm going to do here now is   just cut some random pieces this shower is not  going to be hooked up to anything this is just   for demonstration purposes and I will not be  taking the sharkbite fittings back to the store   if that's what you're thinking no because I can  use it for another project down the road sometime see that was supposed to be an 8-inch spread and  actually came up to about eight and a half inch now a lot of homes that are on slabs especially  down here in the southern part of the country   the hot and cold water lines coming out from  the tub shower valve are usually going to go   up or down but if you're up further the  Midwest up north whatever like that in   most cases the tub and shower valve the hot  and cold lines are going to actually go down   because most cases up there you're gonna  have basements and the good thing about   the sharkbite fittings we can just swing it up  or down either way we want to swing it and one   thing I would like to mention is sharkbite  fittings some municipalities in some areas   in some parts of the country some they don't  allow sharkbite fittings and some places they   do a lot of inspectors would recommend if  you are going to use shark bites that there   are in the area that person or anyone can get  access to in case there is an issue with the   sharkbite fittings so if you are going to build  something like this and put it into your new tub   and shower enclosure I'd recommend putting a  on the back side usually there's a closet or   our wall hopefully and in that closet you can  put a large access door to get to this stuff just something to think about okay  now this tub the shower valve is   is complete it's all put together with  sharkbite fittings so we're gonna take   it from here and tomorrow I will build  a small frame for it just a frame just   a display frame so that I can actually  you know show you how it would stand and right now I'm just kind of putting  it together here so that to give you an   actual view of what it would take to put  this together once you do get it into   the wall and we'll take it back apart  again this is just for visual purposes nope I'm not following directions but you can  see the tub spout and the escutcheon for the   turbine shower valve you see you could see the  distance that we have enough to get the shower   sketching on and also to screw on the tub and  shower spout the spout for the water and tub I know that some of this stuff that I'm doing  here may seem to be very simple but you would   be surprised of the people out there that it  may not be simple to and catch their attention   on something they may have missed I say that  to say this I would be considered one of those   people I am the type of person that would like  to catch and see as much as I can I know you're   out there and I hope that that can help you you  know one thing about the Delta tub and shower   valve I mean like I said Delta's a good product  I've just been installing more and most of my   life right now the this this handle throws  me off it doesn't seem to turn as far but   actually that's how Delta works that's how their  turbine shower faucet handle works the mowing on   the other hand you'll have seems that you have  a little more rotation on it okay so I propped   it up for now to give you an idea what it looks  like from a little distance here and like I said   tomorrow we will come back and we'll build a  little frame for this a little display frame all right it's Friday and I just got  off work got home as fast as I could   so that I can get started and build  this frame before night time hit me   and outside working in the yard so this  is going to be the frame for the tub and   shower valve and I'm on call so I'm gonna  have to work fast in case they called me in this measurement here is just my purpose  to kind of Center it here on this here but   if you at home most tubs and showers  most tubs let me say tub and shower   combinations the tub is usually 30 inches so  the center is usually going to be around 15   inches this one here is gonna be different  because I'm just making a display frame this is why we need the wing 90s so that we  can screw it down to some type of backing so   that the turbine shower valve doesn't  move on us on the inside of the wall and it would be the best if you  can use all three holes you know   screw a screw into each ear to stick it out wing okay here's the display and this is what  it's going to look like inside your wall and again for all intended purpose we're  going to simulate putting it together installing the discussion and the trim  this is the trim all the chrome pieces and this particular handle this is you  need it a you need a a allen wrench for   it and what I have here is a set of Allen  wrenches with sort of sizes and what size   I'm using right now I'm not sure I do know  that Moen has a handle dis similar to this   but Moen they come with the allen wrench  made just for there's just a note to Delta and now you can see I've taken it  apart and I've actually put in C PVC   pipe same diameter as the copper  pipe the outside diameter anyway and here it is we still have the CPVC riser  but that can be changed out to pecs as you   can see and use Peck spike again I'm Clark Taylor  thanks for watching and if you enjoyed the video   give it a thumbs up and become a subscriber  also hit that notification bail thank you
Channel: How to Plumbing
Views: 394,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plumbing With Sharkbite, Plumbing With Sharkbite Fittings, plumbing with sharkbite fittings, plumbing with shark bite fittings, shark bite plumbing fittings, sharkbite fittings copper, sharkbite plumbing fittings cpvc, sharkbite plumbing fittings, sharkbite plumbing fittings removal, sharkbite plumbing fittings copper, sharkbite plumbing fittings installation, sharkbite plumbing fittings copper to pex, sharkbite plumbing installation, Sharkbite plumbing shut off valve
Id: 1OyLmgVXBhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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