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hello and welcome to shark simulator I was scrolling through Steam and this game popped up enough for let's play a stupid little shark simulator game today is absolutely 100% free on Steam so I never the know I'm gonna be thinking about this kid to be I decide that I'm always a little bit skeptical when a free game comes out especially if it's gonna be good if it's gonna be just hilariously bad we're gonna find out so let's click play let's jump into shark simulator alright so this is me I wouldn't objective on the right this is kill 50 people all right everything looks to be good so far there's not a lot going on in the ocean and I'm absurd I'm already loving the mechanics of this is crazy alright so space the jump it kind of just froze his head of power isn't really doing much to just here weak are just getting a little bit of that not much all right what's this hold II to open your jaw again hideout make sure you like this video and subscribe okay right I'm gonna let's play seriously nice place you say we're gonna aim for a map just shows where we gonna be oh my goodness what is this about alright so its Edie we are at the shark apparently so me and Edie look it it worried okay we're here the big old Sharky boy in the water we have missions this reminds me like GTA this is like a GTS shark we've got a hat shop glass shop barber shop costume shop pet shop weapon we are weapons start oh my goodness alright let's go let's go ahead as a guy you can we get queers to get on land how do we get on land it's to to stuff in a whale of a time right now maybe we have to actually go on the beach first okay here we go don't mind me just a casual shark how do I do it oh my goodness I am literally flying through the air alright me it's time to get eatery all ready for this [Music] where what did I've got my tail step no okay if I actually go up to a guy does it just automatically eat him like how does this actually work are you better it away ma'am coming how does that kill him that is like it's like near my junior roll it about on the floor come on me I'm just oh my gosh did not minimum tasty green pants all right we got two people when we still got this guy my mouth oh my goodness he's stuck we weak where you can actually um you guys be take people with you in the water and then you can press E again to throw them see you let em it all right I like in this game this is pretty good we got one star okay we have like a one star rate and this is literally GTA let's go see what we can do I want to try and go to like the weapons shop I am literally a flying shark right now okay let's just eat this guy no no no no see you later mate let's just fling you in the air yeah tree get out of my way and make it out of my way alright let's check the mini-map let's see where Sharky buy is oh we just come past the hat shop where's the hat shop hey how are you doing oh my goodness is police in this game with the written aware now wait can I just get a hat quickly hold e okay bug kill me privately money about 300 that buys nothing okay we have to kill my people gets a steal all the money hey stop stop stop stop stop stop stop come back here oh my goodness they're still gonna kill me ah did we get them all where's the last guy shoot from what is he showing from weight-loss pill I can't need to go this shocky boy needs no God [ __ ] ah try this again all right we know that place apart all right we still got our 11 kill so we could still do this and we've got $560 which means we can get ourselves a nice fancy hat and you know that might make the public eye cos a bit more it might you know make the police not kill me like that could be a good little thing going on there all right could we try get on the large no we got a girl from the beach okay I'm ready to go I'm ready to what kill more people at the police the police are still after me so we just got to we got to do this as soon as we can okay I've got a whole texture okay that's one come on don't you run from me boy ha ha ha ha what's swimming are you mad are you actually mad you're gonna go into my domain okay come on in come on in I'm trying to lunge at this woman but this is proving quite hard to be a lunge get to it come on to the place here at every fit all week rub the police admit it okay I'm getting out of here shots fire guys and be taking a couple shots here good taste the ankle I have killed more than in the ice at 17 I was gonna say I kill more than 11 people I'm gonna need to go to the hospital guys I'm a bit of a bloody shark here any treating we've grabbed anything on our way this game is amazing what I think I need to do is kind of step my step my ammunition up here we kind of need to get ourselves some guns I feel like that's how are we gonna revolve it's always a good flopping about the street eating people but can t need to step our game up here so let's take a look at the map where's it where's the nearest goods store okay literally right around the corner the music is really adding to this game I'm a Sharky boy that's two please let love I did nothing then I just literally brushed yeah well that's a good star present its drive to go to the please start to get the to get the guns with the police stop what's the police ah secret do I have to go to the police to get guns where's the good shot hey no I didn't what no hey come on me okay I need to get away from these so cuz I need a good myself it's a bank there no there's loads of them No maybe go to dip get the out of the hairdresser's give us up a haircut maybe there were recognizes this guy looks a bit down let's just eat mMmmm I got met now you got something to be doubt about ha ha what's wrong with me turned into a monster when I become the shark come on squid that's it it's just the hill you can do it just flop along yeah we go I don't know what's up here but hopefully it's gonna be a lot better than town there all right let's check them up I think things are calm down right about now we hope sorry love it's just whacking him in the head I used to get to get points for you see like hitting the cars maybe so cool all right let's check the map we're all the way up here what is this the paint star but what can we actually like get a paint job I wish the mini-map was like on you like in the top top top right corner okay it's up here and then to this side somewhere paint the star yeah boy wait could we become a different Shack maybe that like gets the thing offers we became a green shop but we still two stars now I'm just hey stop stop stop okay so I'm it I need to get out of here no I need some guns I'm gonna flip off the edge oh wow so sick everything's green but what I'm a barbershop I'm stock Jackie boy Chucky boy this is not a time to bury your head in the Sun this is a time to go are you serious game I broke the game guys literally cannon fodder now I'm literally pedigree Chum I'm rich the whiskers this is brands of cat and dog food by the way if you know you don't know it kind of get out of here I'm Stock is there a respawn I'm gonna check the controls cuz the police is just like shooting at the car can't hit me right now all right here we go controls this just ever lets just slow it down a little bit slow motion freeze time Oh screenshot tools unstuck shark you guessing it happens a lot then guessing this is a this is a common thing for the Sharks to get stuck there we go I love probably budge they added that a die we are back on the mission and we are tie we need to get some goodness guys it's time it's now time to get some girls odds just destruction everywhere isn't there okay no messing about I need to find a gun shop where's the gun shop weapons store okay second second second left so it's the first one she dodged some trees there's an extern in sorry I'm sorry alright I'm a big chunky boy okay with three stars now I've done nothing wrong it's just I'm just a big shaggy boy I can't help my sizer for London a few people it's not my fault so I know okay where is it now wrong left guys up here somewhere check it the rock left but it's the barber shop it's a good stuff good stuff good stuff good stuff is that it then come on forward a little bit squid yes weapon stuff hold what now got enough money are you joking me I spent my money on a fancy green you know what get out of here get out of here I'm not playing around now we need some more money okay I need to I need to go I need to go quick I'm gonna die yeah don't kill me yes we made it hospital what just feel like a million dollars made kit how do you make it straight to the controls you make it F okay cheers guys thank you all right back to the drama is used to make it let's go I should kill this guy sorry man right we just get on the pavement or the sidewalk and just create some more havoc we need to carry on causing destruction we still got to kill 50 people and then we might be able to afford some layers of beams something I don't really know you get you get yourself a really cool weapon um and yeah I'm up for it I'm not forgetting a really cool weapon I feel like it I met this just give a lot more fun just going around and especially people in fed we got ourselves a car as well you can actually use it to gain some decent height all right let's should we attack next there's a woman running got my eyes on her name it them there we go she's gonna throw away all right ten more people just sucker over here I think I'm gonna head towards the beach this is a good good shot guys good shout go go go go go please gonna catch me for the over up I need to move fast they're on my tail this shooing no to the beach there's a tree oh here we go seven people left the music this is epic I can do this guys believe goodbye woman here we go six people this shark has a dream yes you know what please guys I'm taking you all out yeah take some of that oh they're still after me could we get this guy here we go I would go come on two people left well we did it yeah George of $50.00 decided by the big sword but how much was it I think I was like mm okay we need to kill some more people and then we could buy the big sword okay come on mr. green shocked you boy yeah it's on a roll here I let go of him let go of him and let's go get some more people this guy there's two people running here I'm coming for you and then I'm off to the gun store I want to buy myself a tasty big sword good start straight ahead here it is it's literally right here this guy's just standing still sorry man I need the extra change okay quick offer me the big sword yes we got the big sword all right how do we equipped it yeah look at the back hold yo this is crazy this givers instantly just got a lot better oh okay we're off to the beach violet I am literally a bear blood right now okay back in the ocean I go up Islands shark you boy needs a break why is this game this is literally the best game ever all right we're gonna bite 50 cars these guys are gonna shoot what are you what are you doing please car are you okay you can't type with sweeties girl there's so many police could we take all these guys out instantly or do a chemo to keep my salt please a kippah salt yes yes here we go we really spawned it there's no stars which is really good I guess it's time to change it hi guys have a nice day let's just record it what if I just stand here and keep spinning do think anyone have actually hit me I wish this ordered spin like flat on the ground probably the soil as it kind of flies it oh yeah you want some come on spin oh my goodness I'm gonna die I am literally gonna die no this sword just the sword sucks I need a new weapon I think Sophie whoosh dude now he's worked towards the next weapon I kind of want to kind of want to go with the next weapon but I don't know what it's gonna be yet so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna like grind for like 5 minutes and a whole mine look at that and yeah we're gonna see yeah what other weapons Sharky boy can get and I think I'm stuck again there we go I should get out of it all right we're putting star yeah let's go and check it out I [ __ ] actually get to it that means shot come there we go okay we got a flail and the next one's 10,000 for her okay so shotgun or a laser sword yo hmm pink might go for the layers of salt alright I would do a little bit of grinding and I'm gonna try to get this laser sword no please oh my goodness don't kill me don't kill me oh wow well this is this is quite some fit isn't it but I'll take fall damage hahaha okay I'm landed on the bridge I missed the bridge and now in the water oh my goodness alright really quite a few more dollars I wish it was an easy way to get dolls could we go rob a bank or something I mean he seems quite hard to get quite a lot of but I don't forgot a stall ready everything do nothing so there seems to be missions I'm gonna see if you can earn like money doing the missions because he seems quite hard to get buddy from just killing people no no go off the pier no I need to get back on come on Jackie boy come on Jackie boy okay I just come to my attention that I'm probably just going to face wait I can I do this that's there Oh glitched it haha yeah so I think all right don't go off again dot dot dot dot what is this free to what would have to do Oh go Jackie boy good shock you boy this is my jam oh my goodness how do I go faster if this spaz around a little bit oh my goodness how am I supposed to do this how am I supposed to go fast do I have a run button I feel like I should have like a go pasta butter than this every gave me some speed now get me some good speed come on yeah see beginning come on I'm smashing this space bar come on okay we need to win this we're gonna get some dollar Idol just crushed to a rock this is hard okay I'm using my sauce but tried to use my sauce the green bar is in front but this green shot wants to win the cabbage speed we get in what's this last guy it's this last guy come on we're so close come on yes wavefront alright shocky boy all you got to do he's not messing this lead up and we should be good to go I enlisted just spamming this base but so much right now okay dog on the rocks talk on the rocks he's nearly the videos lines here go by Jackie boy give us big money's give us big money's we could buy fancy weapons come on game come on game yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yeah we got a thousand a nose that was wavy that was decent oh man it's any more missions mister fides where what's this guy these are please go into war what let's have a look okay can't really see but appreciate just all that go the war what idiot alright where's the next thing this is another mission is it the same mission do you think oh no this again I just dude this oh my goodness guys are you serious - look at the jet ski is they literally just can't sure fact along not jet ski is water skis oh my goodness alright this is gonna be easy I thought I'm already in third players we're gonna be catching up to these guys pretty soon look get out of my way look I just put them it's all the excitement guys there we go first place don't need to worry about anything all sort of a thousand in shocky bodies piggy bank and released we could buy some better weapons I reckon easy win for shocky boy again this is what I'm talking about all right I'm gonna try and find some some other missions I reckon there must be some other missions around here let's kind of a let's go take a look there we go I got of a thousand easy buddy guys easy buddy yeah probably the submissions at the the fairground over here let's go to the fair go this seems pretty it seems pretty good could we can we get on it can we glitch oh no we can't get on it okay we'd have to go around the long way boring still got police after me but so please have to MIT but I would have to have to chase me to the fairground I'm gonna dole forward no this is the worst part the guy is so hard to control like just good where he wants you kind of control the shaggy boy it does what he wants swims where he wants stabs people where he wants come on I'll tell you what it is it's this giant sword on my back can I take it off I need set this sort of how do I do this there we got oh it might be a little bit easy to control no okay let's go me a Jackie boy you're off to perfection yeah this is stupid Wow splat I'm actually stuck I like a logo for the the footing Feder alright guys house on stock I can up am a little bit awkward guys I'm still stuck there we go alright I see a mission let's go hopefully there's no police on here shark corner oh my goodness how dare they how odd shall dare they let's go see what this is about right of ride a horse and have fun this is an actual mission do I get anybody for this okay um sure [Music] why not okay I'm gonna get off this oh yeah how about salvation but apparently it is shark in the drifty oh no this is it's not looking good for shark you boy here is it okay we're gonna go up with the mission I'm gonna be haunted myself okay here we go come out yeah this is sick oh I suggest to get to go the roller coasters and stuff this is amazing yeah this is great Sharky boy Polaroid cos I was boiling as well I like it where do I talk money for this mission Eva I mean come on man give me give me some money now I'm just gonna go from the top of here alright let's go we're gonna go do bitterballen even though this is you know they're not you know get any money from them they still there's still good fun we had to do dog gyms I want to go for the ball and to be honest let's go for the it's got the ball in I can get round still leave the police cars in the background still trying to get me even I'm at the funfair criminals even have to have a day off you know alright threw yourself at those pins apart oh my goodness let's do it okay knees get the thing the sword how do we do reach 100 points did we do good six points what you threw me off this is scum I was also gonna hurt your pipes when you keep throwing me off oh my girl to get back up their armor come on yes clutch the clutch is really the try this ball in Milwaukee again you can't really say a mission fail when the thing actually threw me off whoa okay here we go we're gonna try this again ball in take two maybe it was the sod that did it maybe the sword made it so I just throw myself off okay we go got we got we got we got strike you boy going for the spare go for the spare here oh [Music] you just missed it with our tail I'm gonna try it with the sword again I can I need to there we go up it's looking good looking good we're gonna strike give me points please game points any points I'm gonna kinda lock them although I don't know what he's wanted me to do again maybe I confused it with a sod spare what's this strike what are you talking about it's Bolin's Riggs what haha there we go oK we've got two left to go this is easy easy guys easy easy easy easy easy wait what I didn't even do that you just gotta controlled itself yeah here we go again must be a strike boys must be a strike is a big strike there we go so I'm talking about we it should really line them up again I probably got a strike and despair we could easily get these okay I definitely need to remove this sword after I hit the ball after hit the pins it definitely doesn't like it whatsoever pick what [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god this game it doesn't like this game don't think we gonna beat your hundred points see you guys okay we're gonna have to go for the spare I don't think we're gonna get a hundred points but this is gonna be miss should fail guys here big old mission failed we'll have to see how's the strike as a spare nine points look 69 oh my goodness come on but here I was a fail Jackie boy come on just do something there we go it's gonna be a class on this okay nearly a strike it's one more over here [Music] okay the thing that's kind of weird is like normally in Poland you have two turns wait what wait wait wait a minute where many women let me just see if this is great to play off is it gonna count maybe your count maybe I can't in fee let's just get 200 we go up we're not going to fly it so I can't what it's seven yes get in there nice shaggy boy we did it oh my goodness is Kim's amazing I still love this game is its proper good I love it I love it the other mission is dowdy I wonder what this one's gonna be this one's over here maybe is this the mission I think it's in blue ah oh that was pretty close human cannonball jump on the trampoline to catch the flying human alright I'm not for it let's do it alright let's do it we where was the humans Oh My Goddess is there he went flying in cash do you at least three times you joking I can't even get on the Rosie here it is come on no this is so hard oh my goodness okay I could even see him oh this is crazy hard yeah you can see but I got him he was there you have to get so close oh come on this is crazy I'm not gonna to do this I could taste these shoelaces then all right where does he get fired from maybe I'm not looking properly okay there he is yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe it's all about the timing so you get a shot from over there so it's good the same time as it gets shot shock your boy duh oh my god I'm gonna go a quick and wave him here we go first time first time yes I'm done it's impossible it's impossible to catch the fly in human guise mr. Fowler David care whatever is it's impossible alright not doing it anymore look I'm stuck at the gut enough anyway guys that was today's video we did enjoy DC's shock simulate ha and he is free on Steam it's a pretty good game to say it's free I thought I'd check it I thought we'd have a laugh do something different on the channel there's be pretty fun of enjoy to me and Sharky boy I've had a good laugh today hopefully you guys have to there yeah see it's more of the video guys bye you
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 190,488
Rating: 4.9396935 out of 5
Keywords: iballisticsquid, squid, squiddy, shark simulator 2018, sim, steam, random, funny
Id: h5H9GhGbuPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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