Shark Fishing on Penn & Teller Fool Us - With Anna Ferris Simpson

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i'm anna farah simpson from london when i was a baby i had a hip disorder that meant i had to be in a cast for about nine months up until my first birthday because i was immobilized i had to find other ways to get what i want so instead of crawling over to a toy i would have to get the toy to come to me because of that my mind definitely grew faster than my body i'm trying to put some energy into the field of mentalism by jumping off things or swimming while reading minds i find it hard to sit still for more than 10 seconds and so i want to put that untapped energy into mentalism for this trick i'm not jumping out of an airplane just attempting to control your mind pen teller can i make you think what i want you to think guess we'll find out please welcome the young sharp mind of anna ferris simpson choices choices choices chocolate strawberry yes or no to be or not to be hey pen or teller did you know that every day the average adult makes 35 000 decisions and each comes with a consequence for better or for worse so how cool would it be if we could influence the decisions made by other people we could get the job we've always wanted go out with the boy or girl of our dreams or hey just get a yes to everything we could ever ask for well tonight i'm going to attempt to be in full control of the decisions made by pen and teller to get the outcome i want a fallout trophy coming down from the sky you ready let's go here i have three decks of picture cards a musician's metronome and a large die but first of the cards as there are three decks and we need to narrow it down to just one pen tell her i'd like you to think of a number one two or three don't let the number on the die influence you penn what's your number one and tell her what's your number two one and two so we'll get rid of those two decks leaving deck number three by giving you these cards you now appear to have full control over them there you go thank you now pen and teller know this but maybe you don't lots of magicians make their living out of giving innocent audience members what appear to be free choices but actually aren't watch this pen i'd like you to take the elastic band off of the cards split the deck in two and give half of them to teller face down meanwhile teller i'd like you to point to any member of the audience and if it's you please stand up hiya what's your name stephanie hello stephanie okay shall we use pence half of the deck or tellers tell us tell us penn and teller please swap parts of the deck and again shall we use pence off of the deck or tellers tell us tell us now pen you're actually holding tell us half of the deck so tell her can you put all the cards you have in the bin so we can continue brilliant you can sit down thank you so much now this next choice is possibly the hardest to control as there are about 20 cards in there and i need you both to choose a specific one now to do this i've created a brand new technique i like to call a time force catchy name i know so in order to do this what i'd like you to do pen is deal the cards face up onto the table and tell her you're just going to indicate stop when you see a picture card you like the look of however for a time force to work there has to be some sort of timing device so i'd like you to deal the cards out to the beat of this metronome you guys understand i believe sir awesome let's go off you go chicken octopus chick cow fox fish sheep a platypus shark stop shark and now i'd like you to put all the other cards away leaving only the shark card out holding the shark card out okay question do pen and teller end up with a shark card due to the decisions they made or was i able to influence everyone penn i'd like you to read what it says at the bottom of that card i will i influenced you to choose the shark now i'd like you guys to ask is this really enough to prove i've been in control the whole time i don't think so so i'd like to refer back to the decks that you both rejected at the start as you'll see they both say rejected i'll give each of you one of these and now penn what i'd like you to do go through every single card in that deck you can fan them out on the table and show everyone what's on every single card they're all shark and now some magicians have multiple ways they can end a trick for example teller's deck could be filled with a completely different animal in case that's what he went with so tell her can you two show everyone what is on those cards uh shark on every single one of them that is because the entire time i knew that you were going to choose the shark card and hey if that isn't proof enough there isn't even a number six on my die just a picture of a shark and one last thing peng can you read what it says at the bottom of my shoes uh teller will pick the shark thank you hi so nice to meet you thank you and you wow how long have you been doing this i was first introduced to it when i was about three because i used to suck my thumb and i used to kind of stroke a silky or lens cloth and when i was about three my dad took my lens cloth put it in his hand and made it disappear and since then i've always wanted to kind of create that wonder that i felt to other people so do you think that mentalism will change with young women getting into it i really hope so because a lot of the time when you think of mentalism you think of a man in a suit getting your card and i just kind of want to take it away from that and really diversify and so things i do are just like i hang upside down and i i bungee jumped while doing mentalism and stuff i'd really want to make it exciting and show that no matter what you do there's a way to incorporate what you love into it oh my goodness yeah that's very impressive okay all right well let's go to pen and teller and see if they know how you did your trick hiya hi hi anna you know if we had our way uh many many more of the magicians on the show would be more like you and less like us my uh daughter is uh 14. she studies magic all the time and she has so few role models and thank you so much for coming out here and giving her another one thank you and let's talk about your mind control anna do it cause you really really really wanted to convince us that you were doing a force you really did you want us to catch you many steps of the way but you didn't do a force that's our whole point and you all did something that is so sneaky and so underhanded and almost to the border of cheating and we would not have caught you if we hadn't done that same thing ourselves before okay um there is something on stage that is so common to us and so often on the show that we don't even think about it but we also know that when you're trying to bust a magician things you take for granted are the things that are most often going to take you down so i will tell you you would have fooled us a hundred percent if we hadn't built the same kind of thing that you built right here and have right there in front of us so we think that there's something on stage that was doing a lot of the magic that you didn't want us to even think about and we think that we thunk it is that right i think they've definitely got it yeah well thank you so much penn and teller will take on more magicians before they take the stage themselves stick around
Channel: Anna Ferris Simpson
Views: 122,687
Rating: 4.8593836 out of 5
Keywords: #pennandteller, #foolus, #lordofthering, #annaferrissimpson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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