Sharing a Powerpoint in Zoom - See your students, your presentation, your notes, AND the chat!

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hi this is karen hyde and i would like to talk to you a little bit about using zoom and keeping things visible while you are using zoom so one of the challenges of the zoom technology is that it tends to want to take over your whole screen now if you are just using video or you are just wanting to screen share and your not wanting to look at anything else at the same time then that's not that big of an issue however when you're teaching a class session often times you need to monitor multiple channels or multiple modes of input and output at the same time and so that can be a little bit of a challenge so what I'm going to show you here is how I would use zoom to share a PowerPoint while still being able to see the cameras and the chat and I'm gonna do this on a single monitor so usually I use a double monitor setup but for this purpose I'm going to use a single monitor because I know that's what most people are working at s'right working with right now so I will say one tool that I have that makes this a lot easier is a tool that I got through the Mac App Store and it's called better snap tool and it allows me to take Windows on my screen and drag them to one side and they just popped where they're supposed to be I have that because this is an older OS on this machine I'm not sure if some of the newer Alexus might allow you might have that embedded or built in if you don't have that you can always just manually resize things like I'm doing right now but what I would do is let's say this is the presentation that I would like to share with my students and you can see that I'm in a zoom meeting right now this is just a little private room that I opened up and so I'll leave in turn you see that'll let me do this here there we go you have to see so many of me at once so um so here's my camera I would see students Amazon here at the same time and excuse me let's say I want them to see this presentation but I also want to monitor the chat and I want to see everyone's cameras because for me it's actually really important to see their facial expressions and all that stuff so I like to see those two so I've resized my presentation so that it's kind of over here to the side and I can make it whatever size I want it to be now for a PowerPoint presentation you can you know do it just like this and you can kind of click through if you want this to be the way your students see it you have some different options with how your students view this so if you come up to slideshow you know you can hit presenter view if you do that oops there we go if you do presenter view it's going to it's going to kind of try to take over so I wouldn't recommend this if you want to also see your zoom stuff at the same time no you can also if you hit play from start eight you're gonna see the same thing it's going to want to take over your screen so I would recommend not doing it that way I would do it just like this okay it's not ideal but it's it's better than the alternative so you're gonna have this right here where that's going to show what your students are able to see okay so I can just kind of make this whatever size I want it to be I've still gotta zoom over here on the other side now watch what I'm gonna do in my zoom window I'm gonna come down here to where it says share and I'm gonna click share and then up at the top I'm gonna go to advanced now I could just what most people are doing is clicking this to share the PowerPoint but you want to go up here to advanced okay then you wanna come over here to where it says portion of screen you want to click that and then you and wanna click share' okay and now it gives you this little box here okay now I know some stuff disappeared don't worry about that we're gonna get it back in just a second okay so I'm gonna take this to where I want it to be and I'm just going to resize this and what that means is that this is all my students will see okay they will see what's in this green box and that's it so that's what's happening right now now all I need to do is since my zoom stuff disappeared so I'm gonna go down here to my menu bar and I'm just gonna right click and see how I have a couple of little zoom windows here I'm just gonna find my zoom windows that disappeared and you may or may not know which one is which and then I'm just going to bring them right back in you can also if you click back to meeting it will take you right back to your screen and then if you want to still see your chat at the same time come up here to the top that's more okay now I can move this around wherever I want it take so I will have my cameras up here and if I had a bunch of students in the room with me you would see you would see it like Brady Bunch style there'd be a bunch of little cameras sure and I can have my chat here I can bring up my participants window I can just kind of have whatever I want to have available when I'm doing this I like to have my chat visible so that I can monitor that I like to have my participants visible that way I can see raised hands if I happen to have so many students in the session that I can't see all the cameras this allows me to see who's got hands up and then I can just kind of move stuff wherever I want it to be on my desktop and so I share and now as I go through this PowerPoint anything that I click on that is in this green box is what my students are going to see when I'm sharing so I'm going through here and you'll see that I have you know my slides appearing right here in this box so my students on their end would have the ability to see cameras they could see the chat they could see just what's in the box and not what's around it this is really handy also if you have notes if you have like shared notes that you want students to be able to see but be aware that if you resize see how it moves so now my window is no longer showing what I want it to be so if I do that I need to move my window and resize it but I can do that while I'm sharing so okay now it's gonna show that and maybe if I have a whole bunch of notes down here now my notes are still only visible to me but my students will see this so hopefully that's helpful um i'm when i click stop share you'll see kind of goes back to my little view here where I can see myself that I can see my chat and all of that stuff so if you have any other questions about this or you would like to ask for any additional support don't hesitate to let me know how we are working on trying to give you the support that you need here in the online learning collectives so definitely ask us for the type of content that you would like to see and we will do our best to create it for you and get out there and or find things that will help to resolve the issues that you might be running into so good luck everyone stay safe take care of each other and let us know what else we can help you with
Channel: Higher Ed Learning Collective
Views: 182,812
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Id: KpFEkaq5AWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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