SharePoint - How to Publish an Access Database to SharePoint

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in this video you will learn how to publish an Access database to a SharePoint site I'm using Access 2010 and SharePoint 2010 for this demonstration so let's go ahead and take a look at our SharePoint site again with it I'm going to click on all site content and take a look at the list that we have as you can see I don't have any list called restaurants or cities I'm going to add those two lists to the SharePoint site from an Access database so I'm going to go ahead and open up my Access database now I'm going to click enable content and allow it to be a trusted document you'll see that I've already created two tables in this database cities and restaurants next I'm going to show you our relationships that we've created under database tools if you click relationships it will show you the relationships that you've made I've linked my city ID in the restaurants table to the ID in the cities table this relationship will carry over to SharePoint when the lists are created there so I'm going to go ahead and close this relationships tab and still in the database tools tab I'm going to click the SharePoint icon now it's going to ask what the URL for your SharePoint site is so I'm going to give it that URL and click Next and SharePoint is going to begin creating those lists in SharePoint our tables have been created I'm gonna click finish what this is done has created lists in SharePoint for each of your tables and link those tables together it has also converted your tables and access to SharePoint lists so now when I open up restaurants what I'm looking at here is actually the SharePoint list so let's go back to SharePoint if i refresh this page you'll see that I now have a city's list and a restaurants list I'm going to go ahead and open up the restaurants list now and you will see that our data has come over from access next let's go up to the list tab and select list settings what we're going to do is add the city and state to this list you'll notice that we've got a lookup column under city ID I'm going to go ahead and click on that now the city ID is a lookup back to the city's list what we're going to do is add the city and state to our list so that it shows up click OK you'll see that the city ID and city and city ID state columns have been added if we go back and click on our restaurants list now you'll see that these columns actually appear in our table let's go ahead and add an item to our list if I hit enter you'll notice that it goes ahead and updates our city and their state from the city table let's go back to our Access database you'll see that it's not here but if i refresh it goes out and pulls in that data it is a two-way street you can add both in SharePoint and an access this is just one of the ways to share access databases in SharePoint look for more videos in the future
Channel: Byron Bennett
Views: 131,259
Rating: 4.8009048 out of 5
Keywords: How, to, Publish, an, Access, Database, to, SharePoint
Id: cutjdCTdLQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2012
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