SharePoint Basics Advanced Tutorial

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hello and welcome to sharepoint fundamentals with learn it my name is christina tedesco and i will be your instructor for this course if you're enjoying these videos please like and subscribe if you have any questions you want answered by one of our instructors please join our off-site community the link is in the description as well as always if this course has exercise files you will find them in the video description below welcome back everyone all right so up until now we've done a lot of work in this library right we're in our sales contracts library we talked about a lot of things in here we know how to change the view add information add an approval process customize the view settings everything along those lines so that's great but there's another option that sharepoint has to allow you to hold information and review it for yourself and your team members and we're going to talk about that now that's something called a list so in addition to a document library sharepoint has something called lists that allows you to input information to see very easily and in a very organized fashion the type of detail or the data for an item or group of items that you may be looking for so let's create a list and show you how it's valuable to you in your sharepoint site so i'm going to start here on the home page okay where i can be at my highest level to create my assets on my informations for my sharepoint site and you see right here you have the new option so right underneath that list over here where we would be able to make another document library if we wanted to a page a post anything like that along those lines we're going to create a list from here so let's just start here to make a new list and you have a few options right out of the box so we can make a blank list we could actually import data from excel and we'll look at something like that in a later chapter we can also make a list from an existing list or sharepoint offers some out-of-the-box templates out here that are fairly common for organizations to use to give you some predefined settings and pre-defined columns to kind of give you a jump start on your list so we're going to start with a blank list okay so we're going to create everything ourselves uh we know what we want to do you know so we can we can handle it on our own so let's just start there very simply to start off what you need to do is make it a name let's say this list is going to hold all of our parts or items that we're selling in our organizations that our salesmen are doing okay so this is going to be an inventory of our parts that we have in our company that the salesmen are selling okay let's just say it's that so we're going to call this name parts inventory and the description is inventory of parts available for sale i like that available for sale all right now you have an option here to show your navigation over here on the side i'm going to say yes because that's going to make it much easier for my teammates to find what i'm creating for them and i'm going to click create okay so out of the box here's what you get it's not much but we're gonna add on to this so this is my new list everything's blank i got nothing in here so far a title column is by default something that's required for sharepoint this column is the primary column that's used for searching and indexing so it's absolutely required now a title is not a good description for the column so you are free to change this to be whatever you want it to be to make it more relevant to what you want to put in here but it's not a column that you can remove from your list okay so let's use it to the best of um advantage so we're going to rename this to part name okay that makes more sense to me all right and i'm going to add a couple columns here to get some more information let's say i want to add every part's got a number so let's put a number against that part okay and it tells you some defaults you can pick here depending on the data type i'm just going to keep everything default and just keep it simple all right let's add another column i'm going to call this the part description okay it could be a single line of text and you can see this process that i'm going is exactly the same as we did in the document library so this should be fairly familiar to you if you listen to our other chapter on modifying views in libraries okay i'm just going to pick on my defaults here and i looked at two more columns i want to know when it's available from and when it's available to because let's say not all parts are available throughout the entire year so i'm going to make this a date and time i'm going to say available from part is from this date and uh yep i want to take time i don't want the timeline here i see the date no default values i'm fine with that and then we're going to do another column i'm going to say it's available all too let's say part is available to this date okay default value okay that's cool i'm happy with that okay so now that we've created our list let's put some records in this list all right so we're in here we're in the right spot we're just going to say new part name this is a widget part number is 0001 let's call it one zero zero one part description is widget widget widget very descriptive it's available from first of november to the end of november save that another part this is going to be a wonkit part number two zero zero two part description won't get for wonkit available from and this is going to be available from the 14th to 17th and one last one you guys got the idea here it's going to be a thingy part number two let's make this for four part description thingy available from november 30th to the end of the year all right cool so you can see right now you have your items here and you can you know make some modifications like for example this part number maybe i don't want these commas in here right i mean i don't want my numbers to look like that it's just a regular number so let's go into column settings let's edit this and let's go into more options and let's take that away so that looks better there we go that's more like oh well going to see everything else looks okay i like my dates i have my description this is all the information i need to see so this is good also what you can see here are the same options that are in the library we can sort this we can create groups we can edit this view we can save the view so you have the same options here that you had in your library to be able to customize this view and see this information that's easiest for you all right so in this lesson we did two things we created a list and we added records to a list we looked at other list templates that sharepoint has to offer out of the box we started with a blank one we created our columns we customized our columns and we added in our information all right thank you very much for joining me in this lesson and i'll see you in the next one welcome back everyone okay in the last chapter we talked about lists and how to create them and add content i want to show you one valuable feature that sharepoint has called linked lists that's really handy to put in a set of default bookmarks say for your organization or your team to make information really easy to find so we're going to do that in this chapter so in my communications team site here starting from the home page to create a link list that's already predefined by sharepoint it's a little bit different than making a new list this is actually an app okay so we're going to add this app into our site and create some customized bookmarks with some urls to make information really easy to find for our team members so from here we're going to start in the same spot we're going to start a new and we're going to actually pick app and if you remember in prior lessons we were here before and what we want to do is go into the sharepoint store and start from the classic experience to see all the applications that are available to us so in the site contents in the your app's default page you get here again the list of apps that we can add so what we're going to do is we're going to search for the app called links there we go and right up here here it is basic links this is going to give me a list with columns that are already set up specifically for links all right so let me click on that and i'm going to use this for making bookmarks for my site so i'm going to name this bookmark and i get right in here it's added to my contents you can see here the type of information it is it's a linked list it's called bookmark let's go in here and see what's going on so i have two columns here by default my first one is url my next one is notes and i can add in any more columns that i want to now what i want to do here is add in a few items or a few urls to make some specific content really easy for my users to find so let's just say i want to let them do searches on the internet and define for them you know the search engines that are the best for them to use let's just say that so we're just going to keep it simple and we're going to put in google give it some alt text and give it notes which can be our description uh search with google and i'm gonna save that i didn't like what i typed because i probably didn't type it the most correct way that i could so let me make sure i do that and i'm actually going to paste the url in here there we go it likes that okay and then right here it's a link right away it links to google and let's put in another one we'll do microsoft bing on here and i'm gonna get smart and i'm gonna paste it in from the get go okay search with bing actually link to bing and search with bing boom there it is okay so now right away in here from this list i can just click in here i can get to exactly where i need to be get right into the landing page that you want your users to be able to get to really easy way to create a url linked list in here by sharepoint now something like this is really handy to have like on your home page for your most relevant content that you want to show your users we'll be creating pages and adding content to those pages in future chapters and this linked list is one web part that we'll be adding in there all right so i look forward to seeing you in the next lesson and thanks for taking this one okay in this chapter we're going to stay on lists we're going to talk about another type of list that's actually very useful called a task list all right and you'll see the difference on how this comes out of the box from sharepoint as opposed to the links list and custom lists that we created again this is something that's very useful to help your organization organize content and kind of track a to-do list with the things that you have to do for your team or your group so let's do that so in my communications team site again starting from the same spot this also is a predefined application so we wouldn't do this in list we would do the snaps so we were just here i know you're very familiar with this process so we're just going to click right into the classic experience and we're going to search on task it's actually right here right up top so it's kind of one of noteworthy apps as sharepoint calls it one that's frequently used and most popular that users frequent to put in the sharepoint site so we don't have to search for it it's right here this is exactly what we want so this is great okay so i'm just going to click on this and i'm going to call this um my salesman's task list let's say these salesmen have to do some specific things right so i want to make sure that this is organized and i'm keeping track of everything that everybody needs to do so i'm going to call this salesman task list and i'm going to create okay so again i'm defaulted to my site contents and down here you can see the salesman task list was created type is list it's got its own specific icon in here because it's got some specific information already predefined for it so let's take a look and see what that's all about okay so you can see this looks a little bit different right i have a lot of detail on here that i can see right out of the box so by default i have on here a timeline that i can track tasks against i can search in here to find an item by default i have the task name the due date and who it's assigned to now if you think that this view looks a little bit different than our other lists and libraries you're right this is actually what's known as a classic view in sharepoint and this application was created with the classic templates that sharepoint had before it went into the modern sites now that's okay we're still able to use it in our modern site we just see that extra detail that was created for us when this application was implemented by sharepoint so let's add a new task in here okay so i'm going to click on new task test name is going to be upload latest contracts okay because it's something that i need the team to do to make sure that i have all the information for what they're selling and i want this person to start this on monday and i'm going to ask him to have it done by friday okay now who do you want to do this task you have to sign to someone i'm going to give this to tony right and when you start typing in the name the user has to have access to the site obviously so the resource will show in the drop down when you start typing for what the match is select them and i'm going to say save all right so here's my due date here is who it's assigned to and here's what the task is i also want to make a task for myself and that's going to be to review contracts okay let's say i need to make sure that i set myself a reminder to do that and i want to make sure i start that on the 15th and i'm going to need to really finish that by the 18th okay i'm going to sign this to myself okay now for some reason i'm not coming up here in the assigned to list that's okay we'll just leave this blank and i'll fill it in when i'm able to get the right address of the right person let's say we'll say it like that okay okay so i have two tasks here so this is great and i want to add them to this timeline so i can really see very simply who's going to do what when so click on those action buttons you see some detail who it's assigned to how many days it's due from right now you can open it to look at it you can create a subtask underneath that'll give you kind of a hierarchy if i want to get more specific let's try that really quick and i want to say upload tgy contract let's just say that's a company that i really want to make sure that he sees that and i want this to happen sooner than six days from now i want best to happen let's say on the fourth and tony's gotta do this also all right that's great now like you can see here it's a subtask underneath the major one so it's something else that he has to do that has a shorter time frame so i'm going to add this task to my timeline i have it on there and i'm going to add this test to my timeline also so i can see when that one's due as well so this one's giving me an error message uh probably because it says it was due on thursday and today is the sixth so it's a day that's before the day is that i'm creating this so i can see right away that there's something that i need to fix okay fine we're gonna give tony until the ninth to do that all right sharepoint likes that much better that's great that's very helpful and i now have an accurate date to get for my list item that's underneath the main item that tony has to do for both of these tasks all right okay so some more options that we have on here is we have a calendar view this is really handy dandy to see in a calendar view what the tasks are you can click in here and see the details what the dates are that they're from or two so that looks great we can also see here what tasks have been completed if there have been any we don't have any completed yet so i don't see anything in there also but this is really a great out-of-the-box setup that sharepoint offers to let you create lists specifically for your resources to show tasks they have to get done and then keep all your information organized now you can see here for some reason my date change didn't save now that's okay we'll just make sure that we do it right this time so let's edit this item and let's go back in here and put back in the ninth and make sure we save it and good now we're good to go all right so we talked about lists we created a task list in sharepoint this is a really great feature that they have here to make tasks really organized and easy to find we talked about making the task list in the site we created some tasks we looked at the calendar view to show how you can see when the tasks are due based by calendar date and we added some of those tasks to the timeline so i hope you guys found this useful sharepoint again has a lot of really great out-of-the-box applications already built to organize information i think this covers everything that we need to know about tasks for right now what we'll talk about next is pages in sharepoint how to create pages customize that information making sure again you're showing the most relevant content to your user base thanks very much for listening to this lesson and i'll see you in the next one hey everyone welcome back all right there's actually one more thing i want to talk about on lists and sharepoint one way that we can create a list is to upload the list from an excel spreadsheet or an excel file and that's really handy since you more than likely have the information you want in a list in an excel sheet you just want to now put it on your sharepoint site so you can share it with the rest of your team so let's talk through how to make that happen starting from the home page in the communications team site that we have we're going to start in the same spot select new and we're going to go into list this time to create a list from excel okay so the options right here up top it's very easy to find now before we do this a couple things you need to know to make sure that your excel spreadsheet is set up correctly so i'm going to show you here the sheet that we're going to be uploading i'm going to put in some customers for my salesman on my site here's my sheet i just need to make sure it's formatted as a table all right because sharepoint is going to upload the information in a table format so right here on the home ribbon for my excel i'm using excel desktop you can see right here format as table it gives you some formatting options we really don't care i'm just going to pick this one yes my table has headers and yes i'm confirming the range that i want to make it into a table i'm going to say okay you can see the view kind of changed a little bit and now this spreadsheet in this customer's workbook is set up as a table perfect that's exactly what i want so i'm going to make sure i save this and i close out of here and now it's ready to be uploaded as a sharepoint list so let's do that so from excel it's going to ask me to upload my file and it's loading the tables here's my table and here is a preview of the information i'm just going to scan it make sure that it looks right you can see up here it defaults to the data type right on top of the column header if you wanted to change it you could you can see right here the very first column is always going to be referenced as the title column remember we talked about title column it's the one that sharepoint really needs it's going to be the search and index column for your list so it's using customer id which is perfect that's my unique identifier for this spreadsheet so that works out perfectly if that didn't work out perfectly you can change it so you can change that title to be another column reference in your sharepoint spreadsheet generally best practice you always want to make it the first column in your spreadsheet just fyi okay all right so i think everything else looks good these are single line of text yep i'm okay with that and that looks fine postal codes i could change his number but yeah let's leave it as text for right now phone number again same thing maybe i wanted to format this as something else i have a couple of options here i'm going to let it upload as is and then make any customizations i need once it gets into sharepoint okay all right so i'm good with this so let's just say next here's our name so it kind of gave it this funky name because it made like an online copy of this so we want to fix that right so we just want to say customers i just want to call customers that's it and i'm just going to call this active customers and i do want to show this on my site navigation so i'm good with that so let's create so depending how big your list is obviously it may take more than a few seconds here it is i'm right here in the list right when it's uploaded hey this looks pretty nice right i like this i have my titles here's my names my contact names my addresses this is my all items view i have everything in here this is fantastic okay so boom that was really easy okay right i went in here i found my spreadsheet i uploaded in here's all my columns i have all the same options to sit there and sort it and group by i can edit it i can format the column i can do everything i can do in a regular list all right so i hope you found this helpful here's a really easy way to create a list with a predefined template or table in your excel workbook so this makes creating lists much easier thanks very much for listening to this lesson and i'll see you in the next one greetings everyone and welcome back okay in this chapter i want to talk about how sharepoint integrates with microsoft office programs so one thing that microsoft does really well is talk to other microsoft programs really well so the way sharepoint works is everything you see and capture in your sharepoint site you can also use seamlessly with your office 365 applications we're going to share that in this chapter okay so let's take a look at one of our sharepoint sites so starting here from my home page in my sharepoint collection i'm going to look at this site i have here team stect so let's just go in here and see what we have not a lot of content yet just the default setup and that's fine over here on the left hand side in your nav bar you can see a few predefined links for communications and collaborations here right on the home page of the site now you can see here if i go into conversations and i click in there i'm automatically taken into the web version of outlook to pull in what kind of communications i have in there so when this comes up this is going to show me all my emails and all my groups and links to my other office applications here directly from the sharepoint site now you can see here i have a group that is the same name as the sharepoint site sharepoint integrates with groups and teams to make sure the same resources have access to the same information across all of your office 365 applications so you can see here if i click in here i have this one email in here that just was an alert that my group was created and you can see here if i look in my actual desktop office application and i click on that same group that's already integrated into outlook because it's been created on a sharepoint site that i have access to i see that same email right here now i can communicate through either one of these application interfaces i can send an email here from outlook if i'm doing my emails or i can come in here in the outlook web client that was initiated through sharepoint and do the same thing okay now if i send that off i pretty much just sent it to myself so if i look in my email from my outlook client there it is i can see it here i got it and this same information is in the sent folder here that came from the web client that was opened up through sharepoint now if i wanted to send it to the group i could do that as well so this is two this is the team here's my test do a quick refresh there it is there and then in my outlook client obviously i have the same information okay so this is a very very simple demonstration on how outlook it for communications is integrated into your sharepoint site through the conversation link that's on your default home page now another handy feature here is for the calendars in outlook also so if i navigate back to my sharepoint site and let's see if i have a calendar application set up here yes i do great if i go into my calendar that's managed on my sharepoint site and i sync this to my outlook by just creating the sync link from the calendar ribbon in the application on the sharepoint site what happens is in my outlook application the information is synced from when i enter a new event or a meeting in my sharepoint calendar to what has to be shown or what i can see in my outlook application so super simple example let's just go in here and add a test event and i'm just going to save it here okay so that's for today which is friday november 12 at 10 11 that's a test event let me go over here to my outlook and let me just do a quick refresh some connections may be faster than others oh there it is it was hiding okay so there it is there's my event that i created from the same calendar that i did through sharepoint on the website so this works for more than just outlook for calendars and email messages the same integrations hold true for excel in word and your other office applications and i decide i want to get back into my sharepoint site so i'm going to go there for my calendar and let's get back into our team ste sites what else do i have going on in here let's see i want to go into someone else i'm gonna do my little approval here okay now if i go in here i have some documents in here i have this workbook if i open this up obviously i get right into the online version of excel right i can go in here and i can do whatever i want but also if i go into my regular excel on my desktop outside of sharepoint all right so i just brought this up and if i want to go into find something here's my sites right here okay so here's my onedrive here's my website if i click on that here's a whole list of teams i have access to which is another microsoft application that works with the collaboration feature in sharepoint i can pick the site that i want there it is here's my documents folder i go in there and then here's my same workbook so i can click in there and get into that workbook make any changes that i want in here outside of sharepoint it's all going to be good it's all going to get saved to the same spot it's saved automatically i get out of here i can show my changes right here on the online version that i'm in i see in here also here's an audit trail on who did what when so that's very handy dandy if the worksheet is open in more than one with more than one person at the same time so you can see here the very seamless and detailed put together integration that sharepoint has with its other microsoft products this is extremely handy in a collaboration environment and always ensures that everyone is looking at the same information the latest information and everyone has the same access to all the information that's in your sharepoint site next we'll dive a little bit more into editing in microsoft office both online and desktop apps so you know where to find information like this in the review tab where it says show changes and you can see what's going on when so thanks very much for taking this chapter and i'll see you in the next one welcome back to sharepoint fundamentals in this chapter we're going to get a little more involved in editing in office 365 applications through sharepoint okay okay so let's just go to where we were in the last chapter and if you didn't take the last chapter or listen to it that's fine we are going to start in the same spot here and talk about how to edit in microsoft office applications through sharepoint and through the desktop now if you did listen to the last chapter what you saw was different ways sharepoint integrates with microsoft office so let's just pick up where we left off i'm going to go into my documents section in my team sdect site i'm going to go right here into my workbook that i have right in the library from sharepoint now you can see here we're kind of messing around we have some irrelevant content uh going on here so i'm just gonna clear that out of there and start from scratch okay so i'm in sharepoint i'm in my little workbook i can do in here whatever i want to do and that's all well and good right i'm you know i'm doing my work i'm getting my tasks complete now since this is on sharepoint and it's assigned or it has access or many users have access to this it is more than likely that at some point in time another user is going to be in here trying to edit the same document that you are that's okay you're going to be able to see everything that they're doing and likewise they're going to see everything that you're doing so first let's talk about what we can see here in excel online so you can see right here it shows you exactly what you're doing you're editing now if you remember or if you look at the chapters that we did on version control and approval requests this will change if there's a another person in the document that has it checked out and you're only able to view it you're not able to edit it and you'll see this as view and then your options will be limited and what you can do obviously and you'll get a notification when it's able to be edited again or you can send a notification to the person who has it locked and say hey i need to get in here can you get out let me do what i have to do and then you can get back in so you have a few options right up here you can also write from here open in your desktop application so some people like to work online and some people like to work on the desktop the desktop if you have some custom plugins they may be more readily accessible to you if you want to use those so it is actually a common occurrence that you people will go in here and just open it up in their desktop application you're going to see you know a few little notifications pop up to let you know confirm that this is what you want to do i'm going to say yes i want to open this up here and what's going to happen is my excel is going to open up and i'm going to come right in here here it is so i'm actually able actually to have this open in two locations now i'm the same user okay so that's important to know right now i'm the same user in both applications so i'm the user of my desktop application and i'm myself here in the online application now i'm going to say resume editing here so i can show you what happens when you have the same document opened in more than one location okay so i'm in here and i'm making an edit and you can see here my little tag pops up to show who's actually making this edit here in the document because sharepoint knows that this document is open in more than one location now if i showed you my desktop window here i got to share some real estate so let me make sure i can show you the cells that you need to see you can see simultaneously what's going on and who's doing it so if i do something here i'm going to see it on here if i do something here i'm going to see it on here and you see exactly who is doing what when there is an edit being made may take a second or so to get through to the other application that's receiving the information but you will always be up to date in what you're looking at now a few other things to note on here back in the review tab you remember here where we saw that information coming in on the side if you click show changes you can see exactly who did what like maybe you came in late and there's stuff already gone up here there's already you know three people in here doing stuff you want to know what went on over there no problem just click show changes and you'll see that information over here on the right hand side you can filter as you need to here now up here on top also there's a button here called catch up it'll tell you if you're up to date or if by some means of who and when this document was open you're not seeing the latest information so this is like a refresh and it'll make sure that you have the latest information that you're looking at up to date with all the changes that are being made by the other users now let's do one thing i also want to show you what happens when i am in one application as one person and the desktop application in is another so i'm going to log out here and it's going to take a second and it's going to ask me to log back in so i'm going to do that and i'm going to be tony online and i'm going to be christina in the desktop application now i'm still open okay so i still have this open here on my desktop just so you know okay cool so i'm back in here i'm tt i'm tony and tony's gonna go on this application now okay so now i get a little bit more information right so i got all the same options and visibility that i had when i was the same user in two different locations which obviously isn't how you would normally edit something but just for showing you all the features that it has here we wanted to make sure we viewed that transparency status and you have here right off the bottom it tells you you can go to review okay and let's let's show changes let's see what happened in the past we know all that that's great now you can see up here ct ct is doing stuff so it tells you right here here's who's doing the work and here's what they're doing they're right here they're editing m6 and you can also see us look at my little tag down here now if i go into myself in as the desktop person i'm i'm ct in here okay i see tt tony he's got his hooks in here also he's over here doing whatever he's doing and i can see that over here on my desktop application now if you go into review on the desktop application you'll see here you don't have that option to show changes like you do here online there's a few different steps you can take to track changes in your desktop application it involves really just going to the ribbon through home more options and customizing the quick access toolbar now this also depends of course on what version of excel or office that you have so follow your guidelines for your version if you don't see exactly what i'm showing you here in this chapter but you get the idea and you can add these three options here through the commands you're gonna select all commands and you're gonna look for these three share workbook track changes and compare and merge workbooks to enable full sharing and collaboration on your excel version on your desktop to coincide with the version that's on your sharepoint now regardless if you take those steps to do that or not it's still the same here if i'm in here and i'm ct and i'm making changes to this document and i am in here as tony or vice versa i am still going to be able to see real time who is changing what and i will be able to always see the latest information and everything that i do on the desktop is going to get saved back to the online sharepoint that is in turn going to be on the sharepoint site i'm sorry the online excel that is in turn going to be on the sharepoint site real time regardless of if you're doing it on the desktop or on the web application you guys get the gist of what i'm trying to explain to you here so it's always real time collaboration always real-time communication and always the latest information in your shared documents okay so i hope this was useful um it's definitely easy to see who's doing what in any type of document this same process works for all of office applications with sharepoint so you can always see real-time information thank you very much for listening to this chapter i hope you found it useful and i'll see you in the next one hey everyone welcome back to sharepoint fundamentals in this chapter we're going to start to talk about pages so we've talked a lot about content and navigation and security and how to manage information in your sites one very important part of your site obviously is your pages and all these pages have a purpose so we're going to talk about in this phase of the training is sharepoint pages in your site what they're primarily used for what kind of content should be on there how to create a page and change the look and feel of your page and also change the type of information that's accessible from your page now i know up until now we've talked about the navigation bar over here on the side and when you're on the home side or when you get into the site you have the bar also that's on top that gives you some more shortcuts to find additional information depending on the template that you picked to have your information already laid out for you now sharepoint is always going to give you some kind of default template right so i made this team site and here's my default home page and you can see here all this information has already been set up for me i didn't do any of this so out of the box you have a pretty good starting point with sharepoint now what you can do is you can change all this information that's in here each one of these different items are called web parts and we'll walk through how to create those web parts change those web parts and really customize all the content that's in there we'll also talk about how to change the look and feel of your site so this template really doesn't have a lot going on here there's a lot of stuff in here but there's not a lot of color and things to really catch the user's eye so we'll go through how to make those changes to make the site look exactly how you want it to look and have the right content available for all your users fingertips and walk through how to update and modify that information so meet me in the next chapter we'll start getting into the details and let's get learning hey everyone welcome back to sharepoint fundamentals in this chapter we're going to talk about adding a page or creating pages to your sharepoint site now out of the box when you create a site using one of the standard templates pages are already created for you with a very basic template what i'm showing you here is the basic landing page or cover page for a team site that was put together with sharepoint so the point here is that i haven't done anything to this page i didn't configure anything i didn't develop anything out of the box i already have web parts which is what these sections are called that have specified content already laid out for me on this home page so let's talk through this a little bit so by default for a team site like this the web parts that i created for you are going to be divided up in a few sections that have the same type of default information so for example on top the section here is news sharepoint is mainly used for a collaboration and communication platform so news is always something that's highlighted or showcased at the top of sharepoint page by default below this i can see the activity that's happened recently on this site now if you are with me any other chapters this content should look fairly familiar in our last chapter we worked on the shared documents before that we were in outlook sending emails so this gives some high visibility onto some of the actions that were taken recently on the sharepoint site now over here on the right by default here on the bottom we have a link to our documents library the documents library is one of the most popular sections of sharepoint so again that's another area that's usually showcased on homepages by default now keep in mind you can make any changes or customize any of this information at any time this is just the default settings that sharepoint sets up for you out of the box now for a new team site over here on the right hand side you get two quick links and these are worth looking at so if i click on these just to see what they're about you can see here some very basic information to give you some directional content on the type of information that's shared on a team page using a modern site so this is worth the read this will give you some additional information and direction to show you where to go for any customizations that you may want to make on your sharepoint site and then your other link here shows you how to actually create a page so there's a few steps in here that you can walk through and follow to follow and guide yourself in the process of learning how they lay it out for you to add pages and change pages in your site so these two links are really worth looking at it's directional information we've been in the microsoft support documentation in previous chapters you should have this bookmarked for reference to be able to come here and see what you need every time you want to make some changes all right so let's get to it and let's create a page so creating a page is extremely simple i'm the site owner so i have access to all this information to edit whatever i need again make sure you check your permissions so that you have the ability to do what you need to do if you don't just contact your sharepoint admin or your it admin and have them upgrade your privileges so all i need to do to create a page is right here from the home template setup click on my new option at the top and just go down here you can see the third one down right here is page so let's make our new page now by default you have three templates that you can pick from you can either start from scratch or pick any of the two standard templates that sharepoint has defined for you again keep in mind you can make any changes to this at any time so let's start with the basics and let's pick blank okay so here we go here's a very basic page looks pretty plain right we don't have a lot going on here so we're going to customize this content add some color change the look and feel add some additional links and have this be something that's really worth looking at now the first thing you need to do is you need to make sure you have a name for your page okay that's required so let's just call this um the new ct site oops news page all right let's call that i'm fine with that all right and then this looks pretty blank up here so i want to add some color or some images to make this be a little more eye-catching for the users when they come and they land on here now each one of these sections are called web parts okay so you see here around each section there's a border that tells you the size and the shape of each web part we can change these sizes we can make this be more than one column we can customize this again to however we would like to see it and we'll go through all those steps as we walk through the next couple of chapters all right so what i want to do here is just kind of add an image get some color here on my top banner make it look a little bit better for people to come on let's just see what i have available here i've got some stuff in stock images this looks pretty good all right that one's kind of neat let me just grab that insert that one right here okay so now i got some colors this looks a little bit better okay now so i kind of have a banner here now in the real world you might want this to be something that's more informational um this would probably be something more aligned to your company logo or you know some more information that's branded to what your corporation or your organization is all right but for default we're just going to stick with these stock images now down here in this section this is just a text entry section all right so we're going to keep it basic for right now in this chapter we're just going to save the sections that we have in here and then the next chapter is we're going to create new ones and change these so you get some different types of content so for here all i'm going to do is i'm going to say um you know let's just make this a little welcome banner welcome to our new home page for news and our site okay obviously i'm not a copywriter but this will serve the purposes for what we need to do here today all right let's just stick with that now down here i don't have anything so this is just blank space so i've landed with just two default web parts in this blank template now if i wanted to like i said we can add content and put more information in here we'll do that in future lessons right now let's just talk about the look and feel and making sure that we create and save this new page okay so i have my areas updated here that looks good enough for me right now i'm just going to take a peek over here my settings icon over on the upper right hand side and i think maybe i want to try and see if i can jazz this up just a little bit more so i'm going to go down here to the bottom link here the very last one that says change the look if i go in here i have a couple of options i can change the theme okay so let's just start clicking on these buttons and see what happens here anything going on okay i'm not seeing anything that's giving me any updates to what i have and that might be because i put an image on here to save oh no i see i see what's going on here okay so i'm clicking in here and i'm going through the themes and i'm trying to make some changes so things don't look like they're happening right now here we go okay so if you click on these buttons what you're going to see is changes that come to the default template based on just some color schemes that they have here defaulted that you can pick from to make it more look like whatever your organization's color scheme or branding might be all right so let's stick with uh you know what i think i'm just going to stick with this it doesn't look like a lot went on here but if you look closely you can see the highlighted covers over on the bars or the sides of the page have changed and there are some slight differences in the color scheme for the links and the icons in the links used for the default page so it's a very slight modification but it really allows you to customize your branding okay all right so let's make this okay let's keep this like this that looks good now you have two options you can either save something as a draft and you can publish it if you publish it obviously it's going to be visible to all of your end users if you save it as draft it's not going to be the page that's published as a cover page for all your users who come in to see your site so just like regular web development if you're familiar with how websites get published online onto the internet you always have to make sure you publish or set the page to move to production so that your changes can be visible to all of you all of your users who visit your site going forward okay so always make sure you do that so every all the saves happen automatically in sharepoint when you make changes but you really need to make sure that you click on that publish button and you put those changes online so we're going to do that right now and then you have a few options here to allow your users to be notified that there's some new information on your site and again this is pretty handy dandy okay so let's just look through these so if you wanted to add this page to your navigation your global navigation list over here on the left you would click that okay so then that link is going to come over here and if you can see here over on the left hand side i have a new shortcut to this new site page that i just created i can post this as news on the site so this would qualify this as having an extra notification on your site page you can email this page to your users let them know that there's some new information they may want to look at you can communicate with them through yammer or you can say this is a page template so depending on the sections that you put in here you can save this as a reusable template that might be useful for you as you expand your sub sites in your organization going forward and last but not least down here you have the page address you can copy this link and communicate this in a different way than then is outlined here to your user base to give them the information that they need okay so right now i'm okay with just having this page as a link over here on my left hand side so i'm happy with that so i'm just going to close this and that's it i'm good to go one more thing i want to show you behind the scenes if you go into site contents and you go into site pages you're going to see here your brand new page that you just created so if you ever needed to look for pages or maybe find something that you couldn't find through the links or any other action through another page part if you go into site contents click on site pages you'll see all the pages that are in your site there all right okay so in this chapter we walked and talked through creating a new page for your sharepoint team site we created a new page we showed how to update the default template that we picked on there and do modify and alter the color scheme that we have for the page now next what we're going to do is we're going to update some of those content areas so we're going to create some new sections on that page put in some more specific content to make it more useful for your users so thank you very much for taking this lesson and i'll see you in the next one hey everyone welcome back okay in this chapter we're going to customize the page that we just created to add some more content and make it really usable for our users so i'm on my team sgct home page and since i just created that page i see it right here in my recent activity so i'm going to click on this and i'm gonna make this a little bit more useful all right so it looks cool but there's not really a lot going on here right okay so let's make something happen so i'm gonna go up here to the right hand corner i'm gonna click on edit and that's gonna put my page in edit mode and you see here what we saw when we created the page the separation of the web parts that are currently in here so let's look at this in a little bit more detail so if i click on the actual web part i see some icons over here on the left hand side that tell me what i can do with this web part so let's look at this i can edit it i can change the image i can set the image focal point which means if this image didn't span to the full column width of this web part you can place it in the spot where you want it to be basically okay or we can just reset to the default image if we made some changes we don't like them we just want to go back to default we can do that also let's edit this web part okay so this looks cool but it takes up a lot of space right and there's not really a lot that is valuable in this section so i'm going to maybe condense this a little bit so let's see what my options are over here on the right hand side i can change the layout right now the layout that is being used is the overlap layout so let's see what happens if we click some of these other options so i can click image and title so that kind of puts the title in the image already i like that better that saves some space and it kind of looks better so that's another option that i could change too i can make it plain so it takes out my image so if you don't want all of that color on there you have other content that you want below that's more relevant you can take out the image to again save more space and make it more condensed or you can do something like a block so that expands the image also takes up more space does add the color though it does have your title over here in the image but it's in a block format to kind of showcase it a little bit better if you wanted some additional information over here in the block that appears to be embedded in the image all right so we have a few options over here so i'm going to pick image and title i like that i like the color i think it's eye catching and i like having the title kind of showing in the image i think that looks good and saves me some space additionally you can change your alignment you can have that tie on the left you can have it in the center i'm okay with it on the left you can enter some more text above the title so if you did that you could have kind of a you know additional piece of information on top of the title if you wanted that you can place where that text block goes and you can change how you show the background gradient to kind of alter the perspective of the image all right so you can see there's kind of a shading there and that shading is gone i think i kind of like it like that actually and then you can enter some alt text you know for folks who are disabled or need some help you can just say this is cover image and add that on there all right so let's leave it like this all right actually i'm getting a little warning message here that this may be affecting some users not so great so i'm going to put that back to the default where it was all right so let's just leave it like that okay so this looks good i've also swept apart i'm okay with this all right i'm going to click out of it all right okay so i made my changes there so now let's go in here into our second one all right so i have a little banner here it says welcome to our new homepage again nothing really relevant here this really isn't useful it's been here for a couple of days let's say everyone knows about it so i don't really need this anymore right i want i want more relevant content on this page for my users to have so i'm going to get rid of this so again i clicked on it right so i have my three icons over here that tell me a few things first i can move the web part i can duplicate the web part or i can delete the web part now if i go out here towards the left i have some options that i can also do in the section that the web part resides in okay so we'll look at these also i can edit the section i can move this section i can duplicate the section or i can delete the section okay so now if i wanted to let's say change the section let's start outside all right so let me click in here and let me edit this section okay let me get out here and let's go here and you see in here we have a few options we can change the layout now what we're looking at right now is a one column layout that means that this section spans the whole width of the page if you want to put additional content in parallel but have it be separate information you can just add the number of columns that you have in that section and that's really what i want to do here okay so i can say two columns three columns i can have one column be smaller than the other one and i can reverse that and have the left column be bigger than the other one and then you can also in here add in some shading so i'm going to pick two columns okay because that's what i want to do i want to separate this content and you can see here you get an additional web part action icon here where we're gonna actually populate the content of this section okay so first let's work on the existing one that we have so now i have two columns instead of one column i'm going to go back here until the original column that i had so i'm okay with this so i'm going to close this i'm going to click in here and now i'm going to change this web part okay so here's what i want to do i want to get rid of this so i don't want this in here anymore so i have two options i can just delete this okay now i still have my section here okay so cs i've got two columns or i could have just changed it either way i would have gotten to the same area which is the selection of the types of content you can put in your web parts so there's a lot of stuff going on here okay so i definitely encourage you to look through all these options they're all grouped fairly clearly some of them is online content that you get from the internet some of it is content that you have here in your site and some of it is some custom applications that you can add in depending on what you want to do here on your home page now what i want to do is i want to add two sections i want to add in the list that we created earlier one of the lists i want to put those in here so that people can see it and let's say my next section is going to be just the world clock we'll put some time in here okay so we'll make this pretty simple so i'm going to have a section that has the time so everybody knows what time it is because that's relevant for whatever reason on the site i'm going to have a section to my document library so everybody can access the documents that we have on there fairly quickly all right let's just do that so let's start with the clock so we'll see how easy that is so i'm in my web part i can search through all the categories that are here or just kind of scroll through what i need i know what i want it's called world clock and i'm going to actually type it in here there we go and i have to enter in here a location um let's just say i live on the west coast los angeles california looks good i see the time right there that's perfect and i also want to know on the east coast let's say i have two offices in two different locations and this one's going to be in new york new york perfect that's actually what i want to see maybe we have a central office location what do you think maybe um something what's in the midwest illinois let's try that okay so it's 810 over there perfect okay so this looks good i like this i have my time zones easy information that's exactly what i want to see my web part that's it that's all that i have to do and i'm good to go now over here i want to link it to my document library okay so maybe the salesman depending on what time it is need to access documents it's relevant for my organization so i'm going to put that section over here in this adjoining column so i'm going to search for document and i can see right in here i have document library as an option i'm going to click on that and i have all the information here that's relevant to my site so i need to select a document library that i want to add to this page so let's go in here and i have a little issue there we go okay and in my document library i get in here the default of all the information that's in that section perfect that's exactly what i want let me click out of here okay so i have two new sections i have more relevant content in here already this page looks much better it's much more useful to my team members so this is exactly what i want to do and let's go down here on the bottom what's going on here i have a comment section comment section is something that sharepoint adds to the default template just by default and it's on if this is relevant and you want to use this for comments for a section for your users to enter comments in that's great put it on here it's really not relevant for you relevant for you you know what we can turn it off we don't need it it's not set up as a regular web part where we can just take it away but if we turn it off then then it will deactivate it so it's not usable on the page all right okay so this is good i've got my two sections over here i modified my top section already i like this page much better this is great don't forget our last step we have to make sure that we publish it out so that all the users can see it so i'm going to check republish up there on the upper right so i have my documents section over here i have my times my world clock section over there i can click into it and see detailed information right from that home page so i have my additional shortcuts and i'm good to go okay so in this lesson we talked about modifying a page we looked at how to modify sections and add sections how to find relevant content and update that information in the next section we're going to look at a specific news page so we're going to go back to the home page that we had which is a news page by default i'm going to show you how sharepoint handles editing and updating that type of template so thank you very much for taking this lesson and i'll see you in the next one hey everyone welcome back okay in this section we're going to talk about how sharepoint handles news posts and news links okay communication and collaboration is important to sharepoint obviously that's the point of the tool so they put some specifics in how they handle news information or content that's added to your sites via pages so what we're going to do is we're going to add in a new section to this new page that we've created and we're going to do two things to that section we're going to add in posts and we're going to add links and you're going to see how sharepoint handles those behind the scenes okay so let's go into our page that we have created here and going on here and let's make some additional modifications so i'm going to go into edit okay and i'm going to add a new section in here and i'm going to put in here my news section and i have that icon right up here it's frequently used i use this a lot so i'm just going to click on that and i'm getting this new web part in here that tells me where i can add a news post all right so this is great to start off with that's all i want to do i'm going to add this i'm going to click out of here i'm going to make sure it's saved and i'm going to republish okay so now i have a section in here where i can add some new news but there's really nothing here yet for people to look at so let's do two things we're going to add some links and then we're going to add some posts so we're going to start off with links so since this is a section this add button pertains to this section so let's add a new news link so if i click on news link over on the right hand side i get my little pop-up and i can punch in my url to get to the news site that i want posted on this page now let's just say we just want to use some commercial news sites to have on here just to keep it simple all right so i'm going to type in my url i know is it i know what it is because it's just real easy and if my keyboard would cooperate then there it goes okay so there's my link it's a internet-facing web page so it already has a title it already has a description that's great if i wanted to add in a picture here i could i'm okay with this for right now so let's just say post here's what happens now i have the breaking news coming in in this page in this part already set up for me so i want to add in something else okay so let me pick a new link to add to and let's just pick another site there we go all right same thing it's commercial it's online my title and my description are already set i don't need an image so i'm going to post that and i'm okay okay great so i've got two things going on here i've got two new links on here on my news site this is great i have more information and more content it came right into my site and i'm good to go i'm just going to do a refresh real quick and we're going to show that it's active it's live i can click in here and i can get right into these commercial sites directly from these links that are on the home page and i have more content that's relevant to my users all right that's fantastic now anytime you want you can come in here and you can add some more pages now let's look at what happened behind the scenes so i have two new links in here in this web part section if i go into site contents and i go into site pages behind the scenes you can see that sharepoint actually created new pages that hold that information for that section so let's just say for whatever reason you wanted to change these or get rid of these the way to do that would be to delete this page so let's just say i don't want this link on here anymore i'm going to select it i'm going to delete it i'm going to confirm that i want it deleted i'm going to go back home i'm going to look at my page and i have that second link no longer there the first link that i added is there i can go through the front end interface to add a new link i can go behind the scenes and decide contents to take that link away okay okay so let's now that we've added links to a specific section let's make a post now a post is a little bit different now even though that handles links behind the scenes also as a page a post is handled as a page also and there's more content that you can customize and put in there that probably pertains more to your organization right you're probably not going to want to pick links that are outside of what's in your internet if you are doing links it'll be something that's inside your organization if you're making a post it's new detail customized content for your users so let's do that we're going to click on add we're going to say news post and look where we get we get into that same part or spot where we were before we're adding in a new template or a new page that's what a post is a post is a new page that's really embedded in your home page or the page that you're adding the information into okay so let's pick one of these templates to make it simple i'm going to take the basic text template and i get this out of the box so i get this title i get all these sections already created for me i can put all my content in these sections so super simple all i have to do is select create post there it is i'm in my page okay let's just say this is my new post and this is some basic information to tell you how to navigate through these sections you can customize this content in here to be the information that you want in your post that's the idea okay so you have this setup in this template and then i'm okay with what i have here once you've updated all that content in these sections you're going to post your news okay great so now let's go back to where we were let's go home let's go on to our site and you can see here it's hard to tell because it really didn't make anything relevant for you to see the links are now over here on the right and the post they actually have created is here on the left so just like when you click in these links you're gonna get into a new page when i click on this new post here's what i did here's these changes that i did here's the actual post so the post is a page that's embedded in this section like a link is you can just put in here more specific content or customize content for what you want your users to see okay okay so in this section we talked about adding news links and news posts to an existing page so you can see how that information is added and modified in the specific web parts section news posts and news links are treated as web parts so if you wanted to edit it you could move the web part you can duplicate it you can make all the same types of changes that you can with a regular layout this is a two column layout you could change that to have it be one column or set up in a different way we learned how to add this information into your existing page we added links we added posts and we customized posts alright i hope you found this useful thank you very much for taking this chapter and i will see you in the next one hey everyone welcome back okay so we've learned a lot so far in sharepoint we've created content we've created documents we've linked to office 365 we've made pages we've updated pages we've really done a lot within our sites what we're going to do on this chapter is actually learn how to create a site itself so in addition to editing and updating content in existing sites more than likely you'll be creating additional sites for your organization as your organization grows or your areas in your organization use and get onboarded in sharepoint they're going to more than likely want their own site to communicate and collaborate with and share information with a higher level user base so what we're going to walk through in this chapter is how to create a site which is very easy how to select the right template depending on the type of content that you want to put in your site and post information that resources in your organization can look at and collaborate on so i'm starting here for my sharepoint home page okay so this is my highest level in sharepoint all the way up top i'm not in any subsite this is my collections page where i have access to all the sites that i currently have created in my organization now you can see here right up top i have two options i have create site and create news post so since news post is something that's very highlighted by sharepoint like we saw in the last chapter you can create a news post right from your collections homepage pick the site you want that post to be in and add your content from there we've done that in previous chapters so what we're going to do here is just concentrate on create site so if i click on that action item right away i'm defaulted to a page where i have to make a decision i have to make a decision on if i want to make a team site or communication site and it gives you a high level description here on what on what each type of site is really used for we've talked about this in earlier chapters but if you want to learn some more information click on the learn more link that's in there and read through the high level information that microsoft offers to give you some additional information to guide you on what kind of site you might want to create so it gives you some other options in here that you could select as well what you can do here also though is look at specifically what is the difference between a team site versus a communication site and what decisions should you make to learn which one you should pick so if you read through this it gives you really good directional information on what type of site is meant for for what the type of uses that you're creating it for in a nutshell a team site is for a small group of people who want to collaborate and contribute information on a communication site would be for larger area of your organization or that group or the department might want to share communications for to have the rest of the organization understand what's going on so for example human resources is a good department to use as an example the human resources department would more than likely have two sites they're going to have a team site where all the members who are in the human resources department can contribute information on update all of their benefits packages information payroll everything like that everything they do in human resources and then human resources is also going to have a communication site where they're going to share information out to the rest of the organization your benefits are expiring upload 401k annual renewal all those things like that will go in the communication site and then the work that they have to do to prepare that action that the organization is going to take they're going to do in the team site that's where the team contributes and creates the assets and the information the organization is going to take act on or needs to know about okay so it's very common for a department in this example to have two sites one for them to collaborate on and one for them to communicate with okay so this is where you make the decisions you need to make to understand what kind of template to select in this example we're going to create a team site we're going to show you how to pick a template for that team site make sure your users have the right level of access for it and they're able to contribute the information they need to so let's go ahead and do that here so i'm going to click on team site and i have to give it a name so i'm just going to call it very simply hr team site and you can see right away here's a few things that happened with a team site so once you make a team a group is created for all of those members to have access to so the group email address that everyone in your team will be able to send and receive information from is called hr team site and the site address is called hr team site and you can see here the url that's getting created for the subset that's underneath the sharepoint collection for this organization and then all i have to do here is add an additional site description and i'm just going to say this is hr content information and here you want to set make sure your privacy settings are right by default you really only want the members that you want to contribute to have access to this site this is your internal information for your hr department you can change it to public if you want to for whatever reason but by default you're probably going to want to just pick private and then make sure you have the right language selected by default click next and then here you can add what additional owners and what members you want to be added to the site so this is important right so the additional owner is going to be the person who you're really going to want to delegate the administration of this site too now again i'm the admin on the sharepoint admin so i have the highest level of administration authority in this collection your team site someone else in the human resources department you might want to give them the ability to be the owner too to make sure that they have the same access that i do just for that one site okay so i would put that person's email address in here so let's give this to tony okay we're gonna make him my admin so i'm going to put that on there and let's see if we can add some members here so this uses the um active directory of the members who are in your organization so whoever is in here okay you know when you start typing in their email address or their name about pop-up is being registered in there as someone to be added to now if you don't find your person on there then that just means they need to be added in your organizational directory same rules apply contact your sharepoint or your it admin i'll get them in there so you can add them to this site okay so let's use these two peoples i've got my owner in here i've got my member in here this is great i'm going to click finish okay so here we go this default page look should look fairly familiar we've seen this in other chapters when we're updating and editing pages i haven't done anything yet all i've done is create this site and i already have all this information set up for me now if you wanted to you can customize this page or you can leave it the way it is and just edit the web parts like we did in prior chapters to just change the specific content areas that are already laid out for you here so i like that i'm going to leave this like it is i'm going to add in news and stuff like that when i get my additional information set up on here and i'm going to leave this as my default for my members now let's just look at a few more things while we're here okay since this is a team site this is integrated with microsoft teams now we've talked about office 365 integration earlier chapters where we can see and share information in office 365 through our sharepoint site another very important microsoft application is teams that's used with sharepoint also and you see over here on the left hand side from here you can add a microsoft team so you can see chat real time and you'll also be able to access this site in teams we'll look at that in our next lesson and then take a deeper dive in assigning permissions and access to make sure the right members have the right level of access for this site so thank you very much for taking this chapter and i'll see you in the next one hey everyone welcome back okay so picking up where we left off in the last chapter we're going to talk about teams now and making sure the right members of your team have the right access levels for your new site so when we created this new site over here in our last chapter we saw here over on the left-hand side you can add some real-time chat applet location information here and you can link this site to microsoft teams now this is something you're definitely going to want to look into just like the other office 365 applications microsoft communicates very well with teams that's designed to work specifically with sharepoint so i'm going to bring over my team's application that i already have set up here because you know i have microsoft applications in other areas and you can see here i already have a team set up for one of our other sites now what we want to do is add this new hr team site to teams to make sure we can link the site to the team so we give additional options for collaboration within our unit so we can do this a few ways you can do this here from the microsoft sharepoint site that you've just created or you can do it here from teams so let's just look at how it's done through teams so you can get an idea on how the information is integrated behind the scenes if you're in teams over here on the bottom you're going to see where it says join or create a team so if i click on that i have options to join a team with a code we're not going to do that in this lesson we're going to create a team that's actually from specific information so if i select create a team i have a couple of options here what you're going to pick if you're creating a team from a team site that you just created is creating a team from a group or team now if you remember in the last lesson when we created that site it asked us to customize if we wanted to our team name or a group name that was assigned to us when we created the actual sharepoint site now what that is is an existing microsoft 365 group so if i click on that there's my team right here so it's important to know that when you create a team site the link to have the sharepoint site available through teams is microsoft 365 group a team link is an option that would be used for a communication site okay for a team site you want to make sure you pick the microsoft 365 group option you'll see the team that was created for you or the group that was created for you when you made the actual site if you want to learn more about it again click in here you'll get into the microsoft documentation that'll give you additional information so if i click create here i would link the sharepoint site to this team now before we do that let's just go into the sharepoint site itself and see what our options are if we chose to link through here so if i go over here in the left and i say add to microsoft teams i get this little notice up here that is going to tell me what i'm getting to make it easier to have the collaboration applet over here in the left-hand side i'm very cool that so i'm going to click continue and it can also give you some additional options here if you wanted to set some tabs in your teams when you're in there to view additional information i'll show you what that looks like in one second i'm going to take the recommendations documents and the home on the home page if you had any more information in the sharepoint site and we click through here you'll be able to see that information here i don't have anything more on this site we just created it so let's just stick with the defaults over here i'm good with that i'm going to click add teams now you can see over here on the bottom left hand side it's creating my team it's printing my resources is doing a whole bunch of things and i'm back here in my sharepoint site now if you give it a second it's going to update okay i get into my site and you can invite new members upload files do more information here in the site that's great let's go look at our teams now and see what happened over here so here's my teams okay i didn't do anything but boom here's my hr team site here's exactly what i just did so i click in there okay and here's my information clicking in here you're going to see some additional detail when we upload files this will be linked back to the sharepoint site right here more specifically here's the link to my actual sharepoint site so this and this is the same location it's the same piece of information so now this is great so now what you can do is add to your sharepoint site or navigate to your sharepoint site right here through teams and you can also operate and update content here directly in sharepoint that'll be reflected in your teams also now if you remember also we said that we wanted to make sure we linked in the documents location from the sharepoint site into teams as well right so if you click on documents here i just have one folder in here called general that's also linked in here underneath the two more tabs that's underneath files when you click in there here's your same location this is the general folder i don't have everything in here yet once i put some content in here if i added a new document which we could actually just do really quick to show you the link this is fairly straightforward it's in here if i go in here and i click out and i click in there it is all right so you can see here the integration that microsoft has in between teams and sharepoint this is definitely something that you want to make sure you look at and take advantage of to make it very easy to collaborate and communicate within your team site now also what we want to make sure we do is that we have the right members in here with the right level of access all right now we've talked about this in earlier chapters also the process is the same when you create your new site as the site owner you're going to be able to go in here and add members like we did before right so you can find your email addresses that you need to add them in here and assign them specific levels of permissions so you can make them either the member or the owner over here and we can change any one of these roles here to kind of make them a different level of access removed from the group or upgrade the level of access okay so very easily right from the home page you can set the default settings for your members to have the right level of access in the next chapter we'll take a little bit of a deeper dive in there to show how you can give them an extra level of information beyond this and then we'll talk about navigating through site settings search capabilities and additional navigation options all right so thank you for joining me in this chapter and i'll see you in the next one everyone welcome back okay so picking up where we left off in our new hr team site we're going to talk about customizing the permissions for this team site now we've seen this in earlier chapters when we were navigating through how to set security and permissions and the same rules apply here for the new team site that you created so we're going to review them one more time to make sure you understand all the specifics so like we saw in the last chapter you can go in here and you can see your current members and you can modify as a member or an owner the level of access that they currently have you can add new members from your active directory to get new people into your site and give them a level of access now what you can also do from the settings icon up in the top is go into site permissions and customize that access a little bit more now if you remember we saw this to a certain degree in earlier chapters as well so here you can also add new members the same way that you could on the hr team site homepage and it gives you additional detail on the default groups that are created so here you have the owners the members and the visitors okay so you can add members to any one of these first level access groups you can also alter the site sharing and change it by default remember we've seen this in the past as well this is how they can share files and share information in the site okay and then you can also if you have to send some guest invitations to your organization most organizations don't require that but if you did you'd have the option to enter that information here in this section now if we go into the advanced permission settings you're going to see the additional options you have beyond those three default groups for permissions so you can see here are the default groups that have been created for you from your team site you have your team site members you have your owners and you have your visitors and this gives you again the permission level of access that these groups currently have now if you wanted to customize this you could by creating your own custom group so let's say within these groups you wanted to have a group that was responsible for designing new content in here you would make your group name make sure you have the right owner on there and then you can set in here what the settings are for this group so what you can do here is you can say who can view or change this group okay you probably just want to make it the group owner just to keep it simple you can define who's allowed to request to join and leave the group if the requests are auto accepted or not and then you can down here assign the specific permissions for this group okay so we get into a little bit more detail here other than just you know read write and share so to talk about this in more detail you have full control which is where they have absolutely full control over everything they have a level called design which is view add update delete approve and customize information okay so that's a lot so it allows them to really be the content manager if you will of what's in your site eliminating some of the administration options that are available to someone who has full control if you give them edits then they can add edit and delete lists and they can view add update and delete list items and documents so this takes the permissions down a little bit from the design where it doesn't give them the options to approve and customize content but they can modify list information and document information mainly in the libraries for your site okay so that's only what that pertains to now if you're gonna allow someone to contribute they can add update or delete list items and documents okay so that makes sense they can put information up there and they can take it away that's gonna really be what most of your members can do for the most part right they're the ones who you want to be able to put information on there update it and change it so most of your members on this team are more than likely going to have the contribute level of access or you can give them read so read they're just viewing pages and information they can't make any changes they're just there as a viewer for this site okay so it gives you some extra detail mainly here what this gives you is the ability to sign someone design or contribute access because remember we look over here and by default you can pick full control edit or read here just from the default permissions that you can add to on the members that's here read edit full control it's the same thing if you make a group you can combine or customize the access levels and add in that design or contribute option to get more definition and more specific in the type of ability you want to give your users in this team site if you really need to separate that out okay okay so i hope this was helpful this gives you some guidelines and some directional information on how to add customizations into your groups and permission accesses for your site in the next chapter we're going to talk about site settings on a broader scale get into navigation in a little bit more detail and talk about the search capabilities within your site so thank you very much for joining me in this chapter and i'll see you in the next one welcome back everyone okay in this last chapter i want to talk a little bit about site settings and show you where to find some additional options for administration in your site so we've covered everything on the front end so to speak and how to add all your different types of content and pages and informations like that but there's a lot that you can do behind the scenes or under the covers in sharepoint as well now to find that for your site what you're going to do is you're going to go into the site contents area and then from there you're going to go into site settings so this allows you to specify additional options for your site so you can really enhance and expand on the information that you have for your organization so we're not going to get too deep into these things because there's a lot going on here that you can see but when you get more experience with sharepoint and you want to do some additional administration settings and expand the functionality and features of your site this is where you're going to go to do that now this is broken up into a few different groups okay the look and feel up here are the options that you can make to your navigation elements and your quick launch toolbar we've gone through these in earlier chapters so this is the same area and the same location where you can make modifications to your navigations for your site you can change the order change the links and customize your information there the navigation elements is over on the left hand side again this is where and how you can enable the quick launch if you want to see it in tree view or just whether the quick long should be shown or displayed at all to aid in navigation so you have those options here as well here's where you can also change the look we've gone through this in other chapters also this gives you a more expansive view of the templates that are offered where you can change your sky your color schemes and really make this more along the lines towards the branding of your organization and you can see here the different types of sections that they have defined here for administration you can take site actions there's collection administration so if you wanted to make alterations or updates for the entire site collection for your organization this is where your sharepoint admin would do that there's a whole section here on searching in sharepoint searching in sharepoint is actually quite expansive and if you go in here and you customize or modify search settings what you can do is really tailor or define or confine the results that an organization or a team might find in their search queries this is definitely something that you want to look into what you want to look into is something called the microsoft 365 search center and in the documentation for microsoft you can see pages of information that can give you some detail and again direction on how to customize the search for your site depending on how you want to steer or navigate the results that your site collaborators or communicators want to see so there's a lot of value to looking into that and streamlining the behavior of your search results so that you know depending on what the definition is for that site they're going to get relevant content that's very important for searching insights so you can make sure that all your resources can find the accurate information you're going to see in here some other designer gallery options here and again some settings to really be able to optimize and update administration for your site so this gets fairly advanced so as you get more comfortable with working on your sharepoint sites beyond this fundamentals class you're going to want to look into these details and really learn how to optimize and enhance your content all right okay so i hope you found this useful thank you very much for taking this chapter what we covered here is where to find additional site settings in your site to be able to customize information there's a lot of information here and a lot of options that you have so i encourage you to take a deeper dive into each one of these sections consult the microsoft documentation for additional information and keep your site growing for your organization thank you very much for joining me in this chapter i hope you found it useful and i'll see you in the next one that concludes our program thank you very much for taking this course with us you learned a lot here we hope you enjoyed this course here at learn it thank you very much for taking it with us and have a great day thanks for watching don't forget we also offer live classes and office applications professional development and private training visit for more details please remember to like and subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments thank you for choosing learn it [Music]
Channel: Learnit Training
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Keywords: learn sharepoint, sharepoint, sharepoint tips and tricks, sharepoint training, sharepoint tutorial, how to use sharepoint, sharepoint help, microsoft sharepoint, sharepoint guide, sharepoint online, sharepoint for beginners, sharepoint file explorer, what is sharepoint used for, sharepoint board portal, sharepoint workflow examples, sharepoint server, sharepoint pages, sharepoint lists, sharepoint versions, sharepoint on-premise, sharepoint teams, sharepoint site settings
Id: B7RXGd_PQ70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 59sec (5879 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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