SharePoint 2013 - Facebook style Discussion with Like Button

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hi guys my name is daya and I'm a chef an expert in SharePoint 2013 Microsoft has introduced a lot of new features in discussion board lists and today I am going to show you how to configure it to have Facebook style like button for all the posts in discussion board so let's get started so let's first create a discussion board list discussion board in the net the create button my VM is slightly slow but it works fine okay now you can see the discussion board has been created let me create a new thread new discussion we have 1 2013 the discussion is you features 30 so in this discussion for we can we can talk about the new features of SharePoint 2013 ok let me go to this discussion thread shape 1 2013 and this is my first post let me reply reply and why user interface reply now I can reply to my user interface apply I'm so basically I can reply to a reply fly you mean my custom user interface reply and you will see another reply coming over here okay now you can see that there is no like button by default over here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to configure the list so that we can have reply so that we can have light like button in our threats in our comments let me go to the list and from top I'll select this tab and I will go to the settings in the list settings I will go to the rating settings this is a new option in the settings and in allow items in this list to be rated ELLs like yes and I was like likes so instead of star ratings as like likes and I will hit OK now you will see that like button will appear or like link will appear next to every reply and every discussion book in all the discussions there you go let's go to the discussion board all right let me go to my tread there you go now you can see you like button in part of every post so I will hit like button over here and you'll see a smiley face appearing there you go you can see one like and I can unlike it and I can light it back and you can see that I can like all my threads or sorry all my posts to be the net thread and then at the end of the discussion I can actually slightly best apply and best apply will come right under the start of the discussion and that's how you configure the list configure the discussion board list to have like and unlike buttons all right thank you very much and have a nice day
Channel: SharePointing
Views: 25,494
Rating: 4.1764708 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint 2013, Discussion Board, Facebook, Like Button, Software Tutorial
Id: I50jTRmLr5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2012
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