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the shapes that you use for your Lego designs can have a profound effect on the viewer from a psychological and a subconscious standpoint in today's video learn all about how the various different shapes in logo design have various different psychological relevancy and how to utilize that relevancy to target an audience as designers is important to have a website to show off a portfolio of work bookmark copies the most straightforward and quickest way to generate an awesome website without even having to write down a single line of code and all completed in a matter of minutes check out the link in the description below to learn more about bookmark and design your website today welcome back to Satori graphics we're continuing this series of psychology in graphic design and today were diving into the wonderful world of Lego design something I personally have a fond passion for and at the very end of the video I'm going to give a quick tip on how to use psychology to target the right audience and end up with awesome and relevant Lego designs firstly let's take a look at circular shapes now these tend to generate a positive response within the emotional centers of the brain when a viewer is looking at a design when people see a circular shape within a logo design they subconsciously related to a community friendship or even love the Olympics logo is a prime example of this as it's the coming together of different groups of people in one unity and now I don't mean this logo design here it's probably best not to talk about this one that isn't to say that every single layer that uses a circle is trying to evoke a sense of love or unity circles also show perfection and also a quite attention seeking in nature moving into a slight variation of the circle we have the oval shape which can suggest sturdiness endurance and stability which is why a lot of car companies like Ford & Kia actually have their Legos enveloped with the shape of an oval you will notice that many car companies utilize this shape and that's one reason why because it is sturdy and it is stable there was a study back in 2015 that cited 50 top brands of the time and also the later designs of which 20% utilize a circle as the main focus of their logo design so if you want to evoke a sense of togetherness unity love or maybe perfection you can experiment with circles how subconsciously this is going to work for specific types of audiences the use of squares and rectangles in logo design creates the perception of power and strength I take a look at the adidas logo you can see connotations of power and strength are so fitting and thinking of a sports brand because the consumer can buy into the nation that they're achieving such states within their performance and their bodies and doing this by simply adhering to the brand as a consumer shapes and straight edge lines found in squares rectangles and triangles suggest professionalism efficiency and stability all appealing to the left part of the brain of an audience they create a balance of practicality and combined with colors like red or blue they can avert a perception of dynamic modernism now financial logos such as banks and real estate agencies will utilize this to a huge extent just take a look at Barclays and Chase which really does define stability and practicality for the logo design vertical lines impact the mind by creating a subconscious association with strength masculinity and also energy the SoundCloud logo uses vertical lines and yes they do represent audio sound bars however match with the color orange which is a very energetic and positive color psychologically speaking the overall feel of the logo design is very high energy orientated if the lines were horizontal the logo would give off a very different emotional response to the audience but yeah horizontal lines tend to create a sense of calmness and Zen tranquility they project a natural sense of balance that can be used to influence audiences when used in logo design horizontal lines can help make your customers feel protected and settled and a great example of this is the IBM logo that massive blue that connote a very strong sense of calmness and tranquillity [Music] I'm good lines represent a feeling of energy and dynamic movement and so again I drew your attention back to the adidas logo because the lines here are kind of on a slant which gives the impression of motion and speed something very strongly linked to sports and athletics as you obviously see movement in various different forms so as you can see these small psychological tricks are they're out in the open to be seen and they do resonate with most of the audiences if they realize it or not so lastly curved lines have a more feminine reaction suggesting happiness generosity and a sense of the rhythm they're more free-flowing and they evoke pleasure and if used together with some angular lines they can represent an innovation such as the Nike logo and the swoosh so that's all well and good but how do I I and how can you use this information in your very own later designs now before designing a lego for your clients write down a list of words and feelings that a logo should convey this is why so heavily post the research phase of a lego design that is really really essential you need to know the client inside outs as well as their audience but once you do have a list of feelings and words associated with a brand message you would be able to look at how to match this up with no any logo shapes but also the colors and the typeface is - it is a process and the logo design should be super relevant to the brand and the audience to maximize its effectiveness the shapes used if any at all are a key factor in this process so there were psychology on shapes in logo designs I hope you better understand it and go ahead and make some relevant Lego designs in your workflow subscribe to my channel for weekly graphic design content and of course like and share my videos on social media if you want help out at aura graphics and until next time design your future today peace [Music]
Channel: Satori Graphics
Views: 54,353
Rating: 4.9714084 out of 5
Keywords: psychology in logo design, color psychology in logo design, logo design psychology, logo design colour psychology, shapes in logo design, logo design shapes, shape psychology in logos, shape logo design, shape logo design illustrator, shape meanings in logo design, logo design meanings, logo design hidden meanings, satori graphics, satori graphics tutorials
Id: wDjegoLSwg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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