Shane Dawson's "Not Cool" (2014) is Highly Offensive! 😬 Full Movie Commentary

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well it's been a rough month for famous youtuber shane dawson and i have to admit i am not here to help matters last week we went behind the scenes of his feature film not cool that he directed and starred in in 2014 and by popular demand today we're gonna look at the film itself yup i just watched this movie for the second and hopefully final time of my life i feel like i just crawled out of a septic tank carol baskin realness i've cut down this movie into just the pertinent clips that tell you a little bit more about shane's flawed storytelling style and maybe we'll pull out some funny moments that made me sick and puked but edited in such a way so that it's tasteful and classy like me i have an aloe plant here nature stay tuned because today we're diving into the worst movie that i think i've ever seen in my entire life it's called not cool and it is not cool [Music] hello television viewers my name is nick thank you so much for joining me once again on my channel for another clip breakdown you know i love to do it last week we looked at the 2014 reality show the chair which shane dawson featured in and if you're back from that video it's so good to see you thanks for coming back make sure you give this video a big thumbs up if you want to see even more clip breakdowns on your favorite creators but most importantly if you're new to my channel i would love to have you click that subscribe button right down there that way you never miss new videos from me i upload two new ones every week so turn on post notifications and you will never miss them so like i said in research for my last video i had already watched not cool and basically right afterwards i felt sick like i actually started to get strep throat and i don't think that the movie literally put the streptococcal bacteria in my body and made it incubate i'm not crazy but i do know that this movie weakened my immune system by exposing me to garbage it's like if you sat in a garbage can and just breathed deep every morning you're eventually gonna get some microbes on you this is what happened so today i cut it down into let's see lots of clips oh god so many clips i spent all day looking over this movie you know there's no story the editing is shoddy done by shane himself for the most part there's a couple actors that stand out but it's almost all eclipsed by shane's terrible acting as the lead role as well as to smaller roles there are so many cringy moments in this room just like no do it again better so let's just get into it but i will say you can check out this movie and all of the chair on amazon i'll put my affiliate links in the description below check out my other clip breakdowns if you're new here you'll love it we start hearing our main character tori she's giving a voiceover while she's at this thanksgiving party and i guess the idea here is everybody's posting something different than what they're actually doing like the guy saying i like dark meat on a turkey but really he's dancing with a black woman right off the bat there's text on screen that's problematic and not what i would put in my movie as like a joke but hey other things like this girl is having groups i can't say group this is going to get demonetized that girl's having a intimate party in a bedroom these gay guys are kissing but he's tweeting about having a girlfriend and the larger woman photoshops herself into being thinner and says hashtag no filter just some examples of stuff that's really hard to catch in that first scene and i remember it took them all day to shoot this like tracking shot going through the house just for this opening where they're like showing what the teenagers are at a party lying online then we finally land on tori our main character she's definitely not fully fleshed out but it doesn't matter because we did that whole opening shot and then she gets puked on that's supposed to be like the start of the movie then it goes into her backstory the uh facebook picture tori gillespie needless to say high school sucked but here's the thing about high school it ends it's just like a bunch of facebook pictures being like i was a loser they called her tori the hoary ironically because she was a nerd who did not have a lot of intimate experiences they were swearing every line like shane just really thought the more curses you add the more funny it is and it's actually just adding time so tori says she was tori the horry in high school but then she went to college and nobody knew that she was this freaky weirdo and she made these new friends but now she has to come back oh it shows her gay bf which he comes up in this movie but only in an after thought type of way so she's like oh i finally came out of my shell in college but i guess i have to go back for thanksgiving she's like all down about it which brings us to our first clip look at my side want to switch lives i have some huge news oh what my train crashed and i'm actually in hell right now so as you can see tori's one of those girls who watched daria a lot which was me by the way fully me i loved daria and i was like i'm this person she just has like the wednesday adams things to say all the time people will be like oh i like your suit and she's like oh you mean the one that i want to kill myself in and it's like yeah that's the one so we get it like we've seen this trope before her family is super upbeat and peppy and she's like you know wears black and has straightened hair also her sister in the film is played by real life shane's girlfriend at the time liza or lisa i know i'm gonna mess up someone's name yeah lisa schwartz don't tell me her name's pronounced lysa now i won't be able to take it she's like the well-to-do super perfectionist sister and the joke is that she's so good at all of these things yet she's unable to see she's blind and they play that up for cheap laughs so much this movie in addition to being really homophobic really sexist really racist is also very ableist it makes lots of jokes about people with disabilities just because it's a punchline that's where we're at there meanwhile shane is at the same train station but by the way this shot preceding this was actually if you watch my recap of the tv show the chair you know that a lot of actors didn't want to audition for this because of a scene where a character eats human waste and that character happens to be a homeless black male in the film so what a lot of people had problems with this in the final cut of the movie a lot of articles were written about it because it's just so tasteless and it was gross it wasn't funny i'm not gonna show the joke but you can guess it's gross so anyway more gross stuff is shane's um girlfriend i guess whose name i can't remember but she's blonde and really ditzy and promiscuous she meets him at the airport and is like let's go hook up in the bathroom and so that's what happens uh i don't know if i really want to you oddly resemble the alice in wonderland cat right now like that joke was just poorly written workshop that a little bit right like you oddly resemble is not well phrased at all and then it's the cheshire cat from alice in wonderland like you can tell that shane wrote that one and nobody corrected it that sounds like something he would say in one of his videos anyway bewilderingly even though she was just all over him the girlfriend is actually doing this i'm sorry scott it's over and i'm already confused you know because like scott we haven't done anything to establish his relationship with this woman who seems awful right off the bat like in from the minute she approaches shane he seems domineered by her he seems a little put off by her behavior just like everybody else but then she breaks up with him and that doesn't even jive with how she's been behaving but she says no i really wanted there to be a wall between us she wasn't even planning for that wall to be there okay and he seems so sad about it like he seems genuinely upset and he spends a good portion of the movie trying to get her back and it's just unearned there's no part of this that makes it seem like they need to be together i don't buy it it doesn't pan go to an acting school give me something more and shane dawson said more i'll give you more you want me to play more characters in this thing and everyone's like no we just want you to direct the film properly you got it i'm going to play this girl in a dress and i was like that's the last time i've ever the cafeteria lady again bye grow stupid kidding not really so i saw the decision-making behind this too shane was like wouldn't it be really funny if i played one of the mean girls and we just beefed up that part a little and by that clearly they meant we'll just have him scream aggressively in the middle of sentences there's like already so many things that take me out of watching this movie for example the bad story writing to see shane with just a wig lazily slapped on and tight-fitting female clothes like you're not even trying to do another character in this like look let's look at other people who went into drag to play multiple characters in their movies jack and jill by adam sandler eddie murphy in the club you know what i'm saying they're bad movies sure but at least they put on prosthetics and they do a lot to differentiate themselves this is just him like choosing to put himself in an additional scene because he thinks it'll get more laughs i'm not laughing are you laughing anyway we're at the high school now where his sister still in her senior year of high school and this is also where we meet drew monson who's coming back first winter break like everyone else i'm gonna be helping your dad out at the vinyl vault this weekend and it's gonna be tough to box up that whole place by monday you know why are you boxing it up because your dad is closing it down which i'm guessing he wanted to tell you himself so basically scott and his sister's dad owns the vinyl vault which is a record store there in pittsburgh drew monson's character his name is joel works there that's all just had to establish that for you because it's so important let me tell you guys it's so important later on here's chain being disgusting with his dad character also i met someone anastasia a stripper what i mean with a name like that she's either a disney princess or a turtle or she's the tsarina of russia that's a beautiful name anastasia or it's the name of a successful makeup brand that defined eyebrow artistry it's just like such a dumb joke it's such a dumb joke boo dumb joke so that's the reason that dad gives for selling the vinyl vault he wants to retire move to florida because the vinyl vault is doing fine with online sales oh we should look at tori she's in her family's home and this is her gay best friend back in college that she's speaking to girl why don't you go out tonight get your mind off things the only way that i could get my mind off things would be to join a cult and get myself brainwashed i joined a cult once because they had red track suits and i wanted a red track suit the amount of innocent i saw slain it's not worth that tricks so again that's just a shane dawson joke right through and through it's like don't write that joke so long make it funny this guy is a good actor he's probably the most competent comedic actor i see in this but i really just wanted to show you that he's wearing the same exact scarf that he is in the facebook picture that we see in the beginning why are you wearing the same scarf bro what because he's gay he wears a scarf i'm gay i don't even own a scarf you know how cold my neck gets in the winter blah blah blah there's a scatological joke from the parents there if you guys watch the full-length movie you're going to be like wow nick really glazed over some of the most filthy disgusting things and you're right i did that to help you i had to watch them you think i like having things in my brain that i can't forget so we're at the first big house party of the thanksgiving weekend this is where the movie started where tori got puked on like the beginning of the movie started with a time jump to a part of the movie that's only seven minutes in like that's confusing to me why do we start at the party just to go to the train station to come back to the party within a span of seven minutes bad writing but i can't even blame the screenwriter of this script john shader i think because a the script was mutilated on set and then b is the editing was left up to shane here we go thank you my friend i hope you're enjoying the delicious liberation atmosphere i just grew up in this genie bottle that's my grandmother let her out man let her out this guy i don't even know what he's saying delicious delicious libations and jovial atmosphere but he says it to the wall behind him also this character is racist they had a hard time casting an actual east asian actor of any type in pittsburgh they are lucky to have found this guy but why why do they make it so racist why does he have to be that race and why does he have to have the accent and jokes stolen from mean girls or something put that down so joel and corey are at this party that's drew monson's character and they're apparently friends we're just figuring all this out there's a lot of characters interwoven here and the piece was originally meant to be an ensemble piece but obviously with shane dawson starring in it it's gonna be just starring him really this main actress though somebody told me in the comments of my other video that she now does anime voiceover that's cool joel is telling tori how he's still got a thing for janie this is my last shot before she is out of my life forever she was not into you in high school she's not into you now you know i feel like it's time we move on so that's the first conflict of the movie is joel is trying to get janie it's his last chance to make it happen cause he's been obsessed with her forever even though now he's clearly like over 18 and she's not because of he's been in college so i don't love that they don't get too clear on any of these character ages try not to worry about it but i said it before i'll say it again drew monson is probably one of the funnier actors in this when he's improvising things it actually kind of worked where everywhere else in the movie that you think they let an actor improvise you're like boo stick to the script i love booing things now that's going to be my new thing boo please stop doing that did you spit yes this is disgusting don't where did the straw come from my backpack see that's solid improv that was funny i laughed and that was it i laughed once what's that you wanted more of shane's character playing this girlfriend of janie oh this party is hashtag lame i've only been like twice tonight i mean what is this a bar mitzvah [Laughter] come on where's the funny when you put it on camera like this and you have the lights and the cinematic framing it really highlights how it doesn't work because it's a film where i want my time to not be wasted it all reads really flat blah blah blah janie gets a drink knocked onto her by joel so they go up to the bathroom to fix it and joel decides he offers to help her study because she's like oh you go to cornell i could never go to cornell because i'm stupid i'm failing at class 8 o'clock on on friday sounds good good i think so too yeah okay i love the girl who plays janie she's so sweet her acting is good not that i'm like the judge of all acting you know i don't know anything actually that's not true i don't know nothing about acting okay i went to nyu film school i graduated in 2013. okay sweeney as far as my directing experience at work i've directed commercial shoots short form beauty advertisement anyway that's my credentials the thing about the main character tori in all of this is that she fails to be likable the entire time like from the minute she's on screen i'm like i don't like your attitude ma'am and then she's never nice she never justifies why she's not nice she just is never nice and they all indiscriminately make the rudest jokes about each other like this this is the first time i've drank but i feel totally fine oh you look totally great not at all like a rhino who's been shot with a tranquilizer gun how dare and it's also just like such juvenile humor so tori gets puked on so she has to leave the party and shane's walking home i'm just gonna call him shane throughout the rest of this you're gonna get it that his name is scott in the movie i don't think it matters so he's trying to reach heather who's the name of his promiscuous ex-girlfriend and this is what happens next the stars align fate crosses over look i'm sorry but you came out of nowhere scott do i know you we went to high school together and middle school and elementary tori the horry and we're back why wouldn't you just say your name why would you just say three types of school you went to together and also she looks exactly the same as she did in high school like clearly those facebook pictures of her in high school were taken the first day they shot this movie so i don't buy that he doesn't recognize her i just don't also this is one part where you can really tie not cool to hollidaysburg which is ana martin muchi's competing film from the reality show both involve somebody getting broken up with during a moment of intimacy at the beginning and this car accident part where they kind of meet the script makes it out of nowhere seem like shane dawson is some heartthrob who everyone was fawning over forever and like he's cocky and somehow knows about it just needs some time to think she must be in a weird mental place to dump you mr perfect with the amazing hair think of amazing hair oh my god you know you're attractive it's annoying does anyone think that he has amazing hair in this i'm not seeing it also if the character of scott is such a heartthrob then why can't they demonstrate that for me in the script you know like why didn't we see a bunch of girls spawning over him and being like oh how is college why when he got into the train station weren't there a bunch of girls looking at him or people being like oh you look so good at least then i can understand from like in the movies universe why people are treating him this way but they don't do any of that to set things up it's just like oh you're so attractive tori from what i can see in this movie as an audience member is the only person on earth who thinks he's attractive other than that heather woman who is crazy why are you so mean i'm mean i recall it going a little bit differently in high school she's basically like you were so mean to me in high school and again why couldn't we see that why couldn't we get some clue about that he didn't even recognize her why couldn't he have been like oh you're that girl that i punched in the face or whatever you know oh i was prom king i'm cool so that means i'm cool forever so maybe it's time you try something new try something a little bit different because obviously this whole they start hooking up right away and they make out they fully sleep with one another and it's like i didn't read any of that sexual chemistry at all throughout this whole thing and all of a sudden they're just like yup let's go for it i mean she kind of let on that she liked him but i guess i'm just not buying their relationships not exactly lady gaga and bradley cooper if you know what i'm saying i'm in the deep end i hate this movie the next day basically scott's like all like oh i like her i like her and tori is like that was just a game for me i don't care i hate everything it's so tiresome by the way i don't think anybody really acts like any of these characters but if there was ever a person who was just negative about everything and literally had something something rude to say to everybody that's the opposite of the person i would want to be with on my holiday it's like i don't see what he sees in her i don't see what she sees in him i don't see you we don't see each other janie and scott the siblings they're back at their families thanksgiving this is thanksgiving day by the way i get it like partying was a big thing over thanksgiving weekend in my town where i grew up as well did you guys have like a big party on the wednesday before your thanksgiving i truly wasn't invited i would go out to the gay club on that day still would choose that over hanging out with anyone from my high school no offense anyway when we meet up with janie and scott they are at the kids table for humor purposes hey i'm sorry you guys got stuck over here at least we don't have to sit with crazy aunt flo did i ever tell you about the time i got abducted by aliens their queen impregnated me and then it ate its way out of my uterus wanna see the scar see it's like the kind of humor you would put in your school play like if you had to do a skit for a school project you'd be like and then we'll do this like random thing that's so crazy that people will laugh it's not funny you're not funny i'm sorry you were put in this position that you had to try and read those lines woman also you can tell this is a character shane was thinking of playing himself but for whatever reason he's not he plays popular girl who we saw before and then a bus driver who's crazy that comes up later and it's like if you're gonna play the crazy characters play all the crazy characters don't just have one crazy aunt linda played by miss non-union actress over here that's not fair to her you remember uh tori the hoary the girl whose pimples used to pop in the sunlight it's the amanda show i just got it i just got what the humor is it's like all that from early nickelodeon like early 90s nickelodeon the amanda show was amanda vines sketch comedy show she would say things like this like on moody's point they would be like i wish i was elsewhere and it was hilarious back then it sticks out in my mind because i still kind of think it's funny so i really think shane is trying to take a lot of that type of humor which probably has its place in children's entertainment like you definitely see some of that going on in disney channel but then he totally fractures the tone by making this the raunchiest comedy that no one's ever wanted to see and marketing it basically towards adult or teen but teams don't even like this like it's not funny and now with all the shane dawson controversy people are like oh yeah i learned all of this disgusting stuff from watching his videos that i'm now like uh why did you say that to children same thing why are you saying any of this to a child audience tell me this isn't something you would see on all that i mean why do i need a doctor to tell me that i'm crazy i already have my voices in my head telling me that i can't kill them their family you know mental illness runs in our family right hey as long as baldness doesn't then i'm fine and the oscar goes to shane dawson for that hair flip have you ever done that move naturally in your life as long as you've had that haircut shane dawson no so why are you busting it out now when you're trying to appear like a human being on camera put that move back in your pocket sir no one wants to see that now we're at tori's house cause she has thanksgiving with her family too so remember she has the overachieving blind sister and her fiance but then she gets a knock at the door and she goes to see who it is what the hell we had last night did you feel something okay look i get it your girlfriend dumps you and then you randomly hook up with me but i think it's best if you just like leave me out of the equation all together so scott is like catching feelings for tori and it's really confusing it's like yeah they slept together once and he's like did you feel something it's like who asks that that's not quite how it works scott gets invited inside and they play dance central which i think is a real video game that sponsored this movie i will play but if i win you have to leave but if i win you have to kiss me sorry i just had to throw up into that plant as they're playing dance central and i saw the behind the scenes they worked really hard to choreograph this and it never once looks good it does not come together on camera i'm just saying up front they're having a conversation about the game but really they're talking about their relationship because they're in front of their families maybe i don't want a partner who's nearly average size and pays nowhere close to the attention to detail that one would expect congrats guess i gotta go now right happy thanksgiving oh yeah and literally this is the first time they mentioned that scott's an aspiring photographer i'm sure of it i know they don't talk about it once before this like i should have known that he went to photography school they just dropped it out of nowhere the next day tori picks up joel from the vinyl vault and they go to the mall on black friday so that joel can pick out dresses for janie because he's going to surprise her with a dress don't buy people dresses let them get dressed themselves also i know from watching the behind the scenes they shot a whole bunch of like crazy chaos on black friday like soccer moms punching each other and ripping stuff out of their hands to get you know clothes they had like a whole big crazy thing planned but all of it got cut and i can see why because already this movie's dragon like i'm only 27 minutes into this piece and i feel like i've been sitting here for three days hey tori crazy right uh-huh coming to your family's dinner last night i should have done that it was inappropriate you know what else is inappropriate stalking my instagram account and following me here no i was just taking pictures in the mall and i saw you through the window cause that doesn't sound creepy they do this a lot the joke where someone's like that's not creepy it's not creepy at all that wasn't weird you're not making this awkward we get it you learned how to use the italics key when you were writing this screenplay we get it you know what sarcasm is we get it we get it we get it it's kind of like the word that keeps coming to my mind is like easy low hanging fruit lowest common denominator not really words you want associated with your directorial debut i have to say the screenwriter noticed we haven't talked about scott being a photographer once yet so let's just shoehorn in a whole scene of that i like shooting all the black friday craziness for the most part it's just random people getting tasered would you send these to me black friday people don't get tasered that often they get trampled so i don't know why he's making stuff up to be funny also if anyone talk to me in the same pretentious way that scott's talking about his photography i would knock your legs out from under yeah you see how that old couple is sitting perfectly right between that trash can and that stained glass window it's kind of like beauty meets its opposite black friday and everybody's freaking out around them they found their little place to go and share a kiss what are you doing later i don't know why because we're hanging out boo that's what won her over he took a picture of an old lady between a trash can and a window also they showed us all of these like i guess funny photos of people getting tased and stuff on the camera but the way it's framed is like mostly her head and i cannot see what's on the screen of a camera at all so god i hate this movie i do hate this movie i rightly do speaking of tasers now go continue taking those creepy pictures quit stalking me stalking you now they went through a lot of trouble casting that guy i know for a fact like shane was really concerned about casting the right people in these bit parts and they just like it's also cuttable it's like we don't need that so when shane meets up or scott sorry sorry i have to respect the film when scott meets up with tori later she gives him the effort list which is like a bucket list rhymes but it's of things to do that are supposed to make him less of a regimented uptight guy which by the way he hasn't seemed super uptight in this movie he hasn't seemed like a heartthrob but they tell me he is he doesn't seem uptight but they tell me he is he doesn't have good hair but they tell me he does it's a lot they're really asking me to suspend my disbelief in ways that they don't seem prepared to do so here we go okay what is this some kind of bucket list yeah except you don't die anymore you're like so regimented so what i'm gonna do is just loosen me up a little bit oh he's so regimented that's interesting it's like she just decides that he's really regimented and then says it six different times the same exact way in the scene listen to how many times she says see that's your problem right there you're too serious this is what i'm talking about you're like so regimented that's what i'm talking about you're so frugal you know what this is this is exactly what i'm talking about you're so regimented we know we heard that from you tori thank you why do they have the same line in one scene three times in a row you have to tell me shane you're the one who approved this piece of crap and sat there proud of it two years later three years later he's still like it was a funny movie it's entertaining it's like it's not entertaining it's entertaining that you think it's entertaining i'm more entertained by the fact that you think any of this was worth showing to the world so then there's sort of this montage of shane doing a bunch of dares off of this effortless and from the trailer you would think that this is what the whole movie is about is like the bucket list but him doing crazy wacky stuff to get back his ex and falling in love with her throughout the whole time so you see him they go to an uh what do we call it intimate party supply store where they buy a personal device and they have him almost go to the bathroom on his ex's lawn which is a really dumb scene that they went out of their way to shoot oh and then they have that scene from the supermarket which is actually the first clip i ever saw of this movie was on tumblr as a gift set and it was like the she's hiding a watermelon under her stomach and pretending that she's pregnant and then she falls and it splatters in the stupid cashier things that the baby splattered i can't even believe i'm talking about this do you guys see me losing the will to live i'm gonna change the battery on my camera and then i'm gonna change the battery in my spinal column because i feel stupid okay i'm back ready for more oh god none of this matters tori gives scott a weed brownie i think i'm high and then they go about a scene where they're like in the famous pittsburgh gondola and they're both mooning it but then this other homeless guy again flashes his genitals out the window and this shows full frontal nudity they had a really hard time casting somebody who would be willing to show their genitals on camera for this and because it's it's dumb no one wants to see like it's not funny it's not funny to just have an actor going for no reason because it doesn't seem realistic you know what i'm saying even crazy people in real life wouldn't be doing that and just not reacting to anything around them life is not a cartoon it's like he wrote this thinking of it as several different skits and not thinking about how it would feel to sit through that whole thing over the course of 90 minutes it doesn't feel good feels bad when joel picks up janie for for their study date he's like in a party bus and guess who's driving the party bus last thing i want to see is two underage semi-ethnic looking possibly native american teenagers making a mess on my brand new pleather interior not a good look for anyone but particularly not in this moment like why does he always go for the racial jokes he brings up several jokes about janie's race he says oh you're ecuadorian but not that nicely he doesn't say it no you stupid [ __ ] dumb ecuadorian it's cheap humor to say the least look how i feel like i'm on such a high horse these days i'm like a film critic of the lifetime uh the scene in the gym this i remember from the behind the scenes is like the most emotionally important scene of the movie and i've seen people show more emotional depth while mopping the floor compared to what shane does in this but anyway let's watch it this gave you a plain old brownie there was no weed in it jim where even even for what here we go hey i took that it's actually one of my favorite shots i love the way the light hits your hair you see the natural composition a little bit no that was my life that you were photographing i mean do you have any idea when that was taken the night that that who took my virginity decided to stand me up i didn't know but you still went and you posted the picture like it's just no big deal because you have absolutely no idea what it's like to be a loser that escalated quickly i hate this scene so much i hate it because all of a sudden it seems like tori has had some ulterior motive this whole time she brings out this picture and she's like you took this picture and it was the worst day of my life and so i'm like is that why you were asking him to take a dump on his ex-girlfriend's lawn or were you genuinely like that you didn't even think of this until just now like why did they give us no hint that there was any sort of bullying or whatever going on i guess they want to show that he's self-centered he was like oh the natural composition and it's like nobody would think that's a flattering photo so yeah i don't buy all of a sudden she's weeping over this i actually really like this main actress she does well with the material like she didn't write these awful words she didn't direct them into existence but she did definitely carry her part convincingly oh but you guys will maybe like this shane kind of gets into the meat of it all he gets into why scott is scott and i think shane put in some little sprinkles of himself in this so watch you let me know you know what i usually do on fridays and then i go to the fridge and i get a bunch of food and i eat my feelings and i go to sleep this whole time we've been having this conversation all i can think about is how happy i am to be in this gym so i cut out the part where shane talks about pleasuring himself for an extended period of time like such a bad joke but again i couldn't put every joke in here and just bleep them because it's like pointless but just know that they're there they're there plus many more but i thought it was interesting i actually was interested for a moment when he said yeah so i do that every friday night then i go to the fridge and i eat my feelings because i feel like that's something shane's talked about in certain i don't know where i've never read it myself maybe in his book people talk about him having that sort of emotional eating component to his story so i thought that maybe was some personal filmmaking there joel surprised janie by bringing the party bus to a fancy restaurant he had the fancy dress all picked out for her that she had already been on her pinterest board basically she realizes oh he's been doing all this internet social media research to figure out what i like and and make this perfect so i think this was promising i was like okay good this arc has like a proper conflict here you facebook stopped me what because it's kind of weird that all of your favorite things are the same as mine hell i wanted to give you a special time is that a crime am i in trouble are you gonna eat i said no i think it's really sweet you tried to impress me my first thought there was like okay they got over that really fast also if you remember from my previous video this scene was a point of contention between shane who was directing obviously and lauren who i erroneously called laurie throughout the whole video the producer lauren about the term facebook how often they were gonna bring it up in this shane dawson brings tory to the stadium clippers stadium i don't remember what the pittsburgh steel steelers no yeah i don't know football stadium the big one in pittsburgh i used to come here every weekend my mom's a big fan so this is usually the family outing never heard you talk about your mom before it was cancer right no actually she was a sagittarius what's your mom cut that joke out don't put it in never write it again undo it undo it i hate the way it sounds can we actually skip this whole how did it feel when she died thing i have done that with so many guidance counselors yeah no i i mean i was already getting bored so i'm really glad that we're moving on yeah let's just skip the whole movie actually move on that way okay so right after the dead mom revelation shane brings up oh do we want to do it again that is a very impressively smooth segway there romeo i'd say it's a touchdown yeah awesome it's not real without the dance oh okay there it is there you go yeah nice there are moments like in that wide shot where shane appears to be embarrassed of himself in the movie but never quite embarrassed of the movie it would seem what am i i don't know what i just said but i'm pretty sure i had a british accent for a second there was like as it would seem i can't this movie is melting my brain next something that i could relate to i mentioned this before do you guys remember the show degrassi specifically degrassi the next generation it aired on the end they play the theme song from it in this scene hit it whatever it takes that was my favorite show growing up it was my favorite show growing up too so i was like super surprised when i first saw that in this movie i was like oh that's relatable i also watched that show shane i mean i thought it was like funny that they would put that in then all of these problematic videos of shane came out on twitter including one which was like a basically parody of de gracia the next generation and they went in on those characters it was just distasteful i did not like it but that theme song just puts me in a good mood and that was funny okay that was funny i'll admit i'm proud to say that none of the things that i thought were funny in this ever had shade in them so while they were in that like gymnasium she was like i think now that you're broken up with heather you'll like school a lot more and you won't have an eating disorder when you go back great okay screenwriting but scott doesn't seem so convinced we need to go on a road trip i have classes on monday come on we can go somewhere awesome you know like kentucky you know you're allowed with your dog there oh don't talk about that don't talk about that don't talk about that tori and scott just slept together and then they woke up in the morning as though they just slept in a van all night like wouldn't you go to someone's house even if you're teenagers but he wants to go on this road trip she's like well in the gym we talked about you loving your life all of a sudden magically i fixed you you're not supposed to retreat back to whatever is easy for you you weren't that easy come on i was kidding no it's you know it's fine so she's like maybe you shouldn't come to my sister's engagement party i'm just gonna drive you home at the degrassi scene i probably didn't tell you joel tried to kiss janie and actually jamie kind of kissed him and then she like got scared and ran away and it was like a little awkward but she kind of explains why she didn't want to ruin their friendship in any way i don't have anyone to talk to what are you talking about you're like you're super popular yeah with people i'm never going to talk to once i graduate and for some reason you like me for who i am okay i can live with them oh jokey sorry that was funny i thought that that was funny because i think that those two actors they pulled their own weight for sure scott is convinced to go to this party that's happening at that same kid's house who was like delicious libations which was so bad i shouldn't do an impression of it either but there it is i hate the ableism in this you know there's like a lot of stuff that's obviously blatantly homophobic racist whatever like they waste no opportunity of doing that but like why is this funny and then they later refer to this character as megatron like it's not funny just because she's in a motorized wheelchair no one thinks that's funny i don't think anyone ever thought that was funny anyway he's at this party and then heather shows up she like wants to get back with scott and she basically pushes him onto the bed and like forces herself on him meanwhile tori's back at her sister's engagement party and she and her sister have this moment together punctuated just by a bad joke i was so close to fixing him he was so close to being just like you it's not your project tori you can't force him to be something he isn't you just have to accept him for who he is god how do you accept gil i drink a lot i'm actually not even blind i'm just in a constant state of blackout drunkness that's not well written either blackout drunkness is not how you would say that if you really think about it it's like someone needs to workshop these jokes other than shane we think you've done enough shane thank you for turning in your draft we're gonna burn it and put it in a fire so as i was saying basically shane again being the most passive character ever he's like being pushed onto the bed aggressively by heather and she's climbing on top of him oh my god which is right when tory walks in of course and it's basically like a recap of her prom photo that scott took but anyway they have a confrontation at the party that's not what it looked like heather basically me oh my god she weighs 90 pounds 87. that's so problematic because he's like she took advantage of me and she's like well she's only 90 pounds it's like that can still count as that that can still be assault victims can come in all genders so problematic all of the jokes that's not even funny if it was funny i would laugh i'm a funny guy i clearly have laughed during this video so i'm not just some sort of prude but tell me i can't find the joke jokes where so she runs home to the engagement party again there's so many parties like i just realized this whole third act is one party to another at different locations this must have been so annoying to film so many different parties need setups what are you doing this scott shows up to the party and he buzzes off a chunk of his hair they get into this in the chair he's like oh i straightened my hair and everyone loved it so i know it's been my thing with my fans and now everyone knows that i hate my hair and i'm tired of it but it's my thing so shaving it off is gonna mean a lot to my audience and i'm like when are you the only one who cares about your hair because i think that's more the case even after he shaved his head for this scene in the movie which like he wanted to hide from his youtube audience for a long time he wore a wig for a period of time in his videos to not let out the secret that he had made this movie until he was ready to announce it that is nuts to me i'm not wearing no wig for this youtube channel i'm sorry unless it's like oh actually that's not true i'll wear a wig for sure just give me a reason not for that reason though not to deceive anyone come on man i don't think his hair was ever his signature thing it might have been one of many facades and masks that he used to make himself appear more charismatic and masculine on camera but it's like a character that he's always been praying so weak sauce anyway this is shane's most emotional scene where he's on the verge of tears the whole time i'm selfish i'm self-absorbed and i suck pretty much all of the time i'm sorry about the prom picture i'm sorry about heather and i'm sorry if i ever made you feel like i was better than you or that you didn't matter because you do so much i know that hating everything kind of your thing i don't hate you i don't hate you either do you love it do you love that whole satisfying reunion where they finally kiss at the end my favorite is when he buzzes his head in whimpers [Music] oh it's so bad but 100 of people must agree that shane looks better with his hair shaped like this they get the invite to go back to one more going away party this time at the vinyl vault the vinyl vault i always do that the record store is having a party because they boxed it all up that was the thing where they cried a little bit and so here's shane at the vinyl vault with his new lady oh come on it's perfect [Applause] [Music] 100 that was the worst dance scene i've ever seen put on the screen it's like already so dark the extras are basically crowded so far in that you can't even see what their choreography is they worked on this a lot you could see behind the scenes and they never really got quite in sync with it in a way that they could show one long cut where they were doing the same thing but there's plenty of time for us to put a nice little bow on it wrapping it up in a message about social media that i didn't know this movie was angling at the whole time but hey that's what you want to give us for the last 30 seconds i'm just happy to be done with the ride sorry but the world does not need to know how i feel every second of every day as soon as we comment on the present we kind of lose it forever and the present is where things happen sometimes it's difficult but it's always the place to be because life happens in the present eight times chicago now morning oh that's the end everybody they play some bloopers that make this seem like the whole experience was still not that fun i can't believe how unearned that ending is they're like if you comment on something you're kind of not living in the present moment and then they go off to their separate colleges he's happy again as a photographer so the message was you don't have to share every moment of your life on social media which i guess they wrapped it up because the party at the beginning everyone was tweeting out different things and was actually true i don't know man i just missed that the story had nothing to do with that i were can we all agree there anyway they might want to not comment on things because it kind of makes the moment go away but i want you to comment on this video and tell me what you think am i crazy or is this the worst movie that has ever come out like i really hated it i'm sure there are worse movies but at least it they wouldn't be so offensive like i can't see the value in this whole thing and to know all the work that went in behind it it's sad but i want to know what you think let me know in the comments below how you think this affects shane's prospects as a feature filmmaker going forward just wanna hear all your thoughts on it but most importantly make sure you give this video a big thumbs up if you want to see even more clip breakdowns on your favorite creator movies like this but most importantly if you're new to my channel i would love for you to click that subscribe button right down there that way you never miss new videos i upload two new ones every week so hit the notification bell and you'll be in the know right away you guys are all the greatest i will see you next time
Channel: Nick DiRamio
Views: 1,270,007
Rating: 4.8211002 out of 5
Keywords: nick diramio, nick d, starz, zachary quinto, hollidaysburg, shane dawson, not cool, the chair, shane, shane dawson the chair, 2014, anna martemucci, chris moore, film director, shane dawson reddit, behind the scenes, worst movies of all time, documentary, low budget feature film, nyu tisch film, beautiful world of shane dawson, reaction, reality tv, drew monson, Cherami Leigh, Michelle Veintimilla, Lisa Schwartz, film review, full movies, shane dawson movies, karmageddon
Id: ZRgH29lr26w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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