Shake "Keeps It Real" Then Gets Roasted At the Love Is Blind Reunion

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alexa please shake it off by mariah carey shake it off by mariah okay no tunnel alexa turn it off we can't actually do that i'm gonna get canceled so please alexa stop alexa stop alexa stop hi i'm 16 leo and i was making a joke about shake and now probably got copyrighted oh hi everyone it's me again and we are back with a reunion i'm back with jessica my pillow who is probably more of a girlfriend than i've ever had in a long time and we are watching the reunion of love is blind season two and particularly we're focusing on the parts that sheik is in and sheikh who is abhishek who is dating deepti or deeps was a douchebag and i don't know if you've seen the original video that i've done if you haven't you should watch it now but love is blind is a show in which people go on expecting to fall in love with a personality shake was the complete opposite he is a man who is absolutely obsessed with the way someone looks so right off the bat he shouldn't have been on the show he then fell in love with someone called deeps and she has a beautiful personality she's a beautiful person but for some reason sheik did not seem to like her and like i said many times i think that's okay however the way that he went about it was really bad he went so far as to say that she looked like a family member and looked like his auntie and said that he didn't feel any physical attraction towards her except he didn't say that to her he said that to everyone else but her and at the altar she said no and chose herself because she realized she didn't want someone who thought of her that way so that is pretty much the summation about it the reunion show has a lot of fireworks because everybody is mad at shake the part where you say something really bad things are shaking up and yes the puns won't stop until you subscribe we need to get to 500 000 so i can make that plaque and once i make that plaque i'm gonna hang it on this wall so if you subscribe and get a friend too that would be great while you're at it do follow me at 16 leo underscore on instagram that way you can message me and tell me how you like these videos did you like the shake series are you liking it do you want to see shane and what else would you like to see just message me and let me know and i would absolutely love that so like i said reunion show is happening everything is happening it's been a while and now shake and deep tea are not together here is where we pick up quad factor y'all good [Music] so that's the host vanessa vanessa lachey and her husband nicholas shea more like nicola bay and yeah she really does talk like that we are gonna have to deal with those two as hosts nick lachey and vanessa lachey by the way ncis and some single so they married each other if love was blind i would have met you on the street at a bus stop but i had to meet you by having a successful career but hey i'm not here to berate the people who made the show just shake [Music] do you ever hate the reality shows have that weird melancholic music that is just so tragic whenever someone's had they have like a goal being like love is war and it should have been worse than what it was before and then whenever something's happy they have like those folk music that's like everybody was looking for love all of the above what they need is a rapper they need someone to really shake things up what a terrible pun where do you get those pun not intended you know what i mean when something goes wrong you're like oh [ __ ] bust that nut maybe i might bust the cat up your ass [ __ ] like that i would really like it so love is blind season three can you get a little john there can you get a couple yeah yeah i would just really like that okay welcome to the love is blind season 2 reunion i hate people who talk like i hate welcome to the buffet why don't you shut the hell up i know vanessa vanessa please oh stop there's two of you as well it's like double the problems all right season two of this experiment certainly was one wild ride that's right six couples fell in love and got engaged sight unseen in the pods five couples ended up at the altar and two said i two that's a horrible success rate considering most of the people from the first episode didn't even make it till the second episode there was like 30 people out of the 30 people five of them got to the altar and two of them got engaged 28 people were like [ __ ] this love is indeed not a blind it's it's fully focal love needs optokinetics bro love needs 20 20 vision please and it proved yet again that love really is today we are joined by the entire cast to answer every burning question that you're dying to know no topic is off limits anybody nervous my boy shane in the blue over there is looking like he just came off a 30-day bender he looks like older jake paul just constantly sad i know this video is not about him but every time they have a long shot where he's in it his face is like constantly like oh man i committed tax rod i'm nervous about how we get edited that's what you're gonna lead with that's what i mean hey i'm gonna say what's on everyone's mind can we just rewind that i'm nervous about how we get head okay he was nervous about how he was going to get edited so i edited him to say that shakes main concern with the reunion is how he's going to get edited and i would like to go out on alum and be like damn shake is being all stupid that's the first thing he wants to talk about but i think there's some validity at this point we're meeting sheikh who is less for the show and more for himself shake is going to speak his mind and it might ruffle some feathers well it will but at the same time he's got a point a lot of these reality shows edit things in such a stupid way that it makes you seem like you've said stuff that you actually haven't like for instance i like three women and i hate burgers that only certain people can make if you're six foot three or older and i hate ones that i made but i liked it do you see what i mean do you see what i mean reality tv always does that we're not supposed to fight dude fight with right all right so on that note it's good to stand up for the right thing though thank you shane you you went straight to it you went straight to like a victim mode right away i'm not a victim i'm not a victim baby baby i'm not a victim baby i'm not a victim baby i'm a hero baby i'm the man god damn i'm the [ __ ] [ __ ] man shake is really coming in with that heat today i genuinely thought they would be friends i thought at the reunion everyone would be like sort of cordial with each other every single person hates shake they want to shake him away like wait you just shake it back and forth i can't believe i just did that i'm sorry if you're going to say something you're opening up the platform this would be ridiculous fine if that's the case let me finish what i'm saying we'll clear the air today oh my god he's doing the thing he's doing the finger talking trust me when i tell you we got a couple seconds oh my gosh he's doing the finger talking yeah but calm down oh my god let me just say what i'm going to let me just say one thing i've got something to say i will be honest with you let me just say it okay this is dedicated to you my friend i'm sorry can we just say off the record well it would be on the record since it's filmed but hey [ __ ] it i don't know it's your world i'm just shaking in it the drive to continue on the show was a driving factor i think for for shayna and kyle maybe sometimes it's okay if she if you do not remember getting mike today either there's no offense that guy's never going to get a chance to talk trust me i don't even want to hear him talk about appearance it would have looked way more better on my side if i said totally if you had just said no it would have saved so much trouble so you're right man i just can't believe the words are coming out honestly i can't it's it keeps it real no that's not real i keep surreal son 305 402 911 [Music] oh is this man you guys stopped i'm gonna tell all i'm gonna say what everyone's thinking at home well someone probably is thinking it but it's very unlikely that many people are thinking it shake has now embraced his villainous role he is now the villain role slash troll the red pull engineer the pure the chandelier dropper panty picker-upper because she puts it back on every time she sees his thong you know he's got it going on like donkey kong but his ding dong isn't that big so i'm sorry i don't know why i said that i went on a horrible tangent but yeah this man is basically the villain and he is embracing his role right now do not put me in your words no you stay out of this okay because you're so unbearable and you think everybody thinks the same way as you and that's the problem i know that he was supposed to be like mean but saying you unfollowed someone with that aggression just seems so passive aggressive i unfollowed you because you were so mean and i don't listen to your posts i unfollowed you i defriended you i blocked you for a day loser at this point everybody's ganging up on shake and i feel like i have to defend him just a little and be like you know you should still allow the person to talk even if you don't necessarily agree with what they're going to say i feel like it's quite immature and childish to not let the person still express their emotions without piling your own stuff on top of itself no one thinks the way you think i wouldn't go that far i think there's like a happy medium no there's really maybe like a one percent right you know i hate again i hate to stand up for shane here but your husband said literally nobody thinks that way and then the wife was like no but maybe like one percent which is a lot of people because that's a ton of people if the world's population is seven billion at the same time i know for a fact there is a lot of people who think like shake red pool society case in point what's that podcast that sucks fresh and fit i call them fresh and fat that's the one if i may i'll say one statement and hopefully i'll just shut up after that wouldn't you like that i think we'd all like that i think we would all like it if i just shut up after this statement he didn't have to say it three times i think we'd all like it if i shut the hell up would we all like it if i shut up would you like it if i shut the [ __ ] up say it i was hoping to just for a moment say mine and then i know man but you're interrupting a lot of people and hurting a lot of people right now i feel like you're just trying to break people down i'm not trying to break people down i'm trying to put it out in the open because what i've seen before what i've seen before i've seen okay so now again the guy's all ganging up standing up for the goals and while i do appreciate the fact that shake is coming off as a ding dong head i still feel like the fact that nobody's actually giving him space to talk sora is making everyone else who's right look bad because you should still let the damn person talk even if they're wrong you should let them talk and then be like okay do you not hear how stupid you're sounding but sheik is now going on a rampage and he actually touches shane's arm and just the reaction is so funny he looks like he's about to murder him i've seen shut up shane what i've seen is a bunch of people that were so real the amount of emotions that shane processes i'm not i think his brain can only handle like three four things at a time so he was like shut up shane touch me angry shut up oh butterflies what he just comes off as that type of puzzle what i've seen is a bunch of people that were so real in the beginning turn fake as [ __ ] as we've gone through this you've been the fakest [ __ ] you've been the biggest person i'm the realest jared i say this i keep it 100 just the image of shane looking aimlessly into the world while shake is like talking beside him jared jared you suck jared you and jared you like jared you came on here for all the wrong reasons and you know that and everybody can see through how shallow you are you think so yeah i know so absolutely yep i know so yeah you think so i know so i don't know man what was this energy when you were laughing about the fact that shakes said deeps was like his aunt i do i'm not physically dragged it feels like i'm with my aunt or something like like don't like like dunking like i don't mean to be on sheik's side but this is some crazy [ __ ] that everybody's like you're fake as [ __ ] bro but they were the ones laughing and trying to help him i'm not on his side because i wouldn't side with that man in millionaires but it's kind of hard when everybody else is giving me no reason to be like yeah shake is being a dick since we're in the business of shake right now let's move on to our next couple okay shall we so the whole point of love is blind is to fall in love with someone based on who they are on the inside let's drop the illusion for just a quick second the fact that shake is on the show actually makes the show watchable right guys from love is blind because if he wasn't on the show you just have happy couples and if there's only happy couples on a reality show and there's no drama it's not really a good show is it if you didn't have a shake and a shame with someone else who was really polarizing in the fact that people could watch him and be like oh he is disgusting you wouldn't have a show now would you so as much as you want to lie and be like this this is not the show that you want to be on kind of it kind of was necessary that he was on the show so a task not everyone seemed to understand and yes i am looking at you jake yeah so let's take a look back i love buying clothes for girls yeah what's your size would you like to work look how happy he is at this god damn this is a real villain right there he's like i did ask about her size damn i did say that didn't i high five me you don't even like me all right deeps even said it she was like i get along with individuals that work out you see how he's smiling right now he's so happy with himself he is a little too damn happy about his walk quality here i feel like i'm with a family member sometimes so shake i mean right out of the gate i think the question that i have to ask and probably a lot of people are wondering it is your hair real or is that a carpet no sorry ask you a question i am looking at you jake why did you do why did you doodoo nah but really what was the question i know i'm not the most liked person on this show but i'm going to keep it real with myself and i think this is my chance to talk so if i may please you it's not that different than making a huge purchase maybe by if i may i know it's funny i had to giggle because it's marriage in a purchase okay mayor think of it as the ultimate purchase well no jessica don't listen to this okay you don't want to say that you know sheik you don't want to be like marriage is the ultimate purchase you're not buying a wife you know what i mean bro that's so 1642 no let's not do that buddy i want to make sure this thing works i wanted more than anything for this to work and for me that meant i knew at least a certain physical body type to get me in the ballpark i'm not talking about she has to be 5-2 this this this this i'm talking about i want this [ __ ] to work i if if i were to marry somebody and and you know there was a big weight discrepancy it would be very hard for me to get past that oh he's saying if she fat you can't marry her if you're gonna say it i thought you were gonna be 100 i thought you was gonna be 100 with the crew why don't you just say it like how it's meant to be said if you can't fit through the door you can't marry me no more okay all right lady i'm sorry lady if the number isn't on the scale then you fail just say it shake if you want to say it say it you're well within your right to say i don't like you because of this i don't like you because of that that is what attraction is not everyone likes everyone that would be chaos but at the same time you went on a show called love is blind you literally went on the show to avoid everything you're talking about and then you're bringing it up and in the worst way possible so you know to you and when i'm in a situation like that i want to get past that i was ready to get deep i wanted to know i was ready to get deep i was in too deep but i wasn't in deep if you know what i mean because she looked like my auntie you know what i mean my auntie's a nice gal but i i wouldn't you know if if i had the chance i wouldn't you know if we're gonna do this i'm gonna make sure i do everything in my power to ask my questions i want this [ __ ] to work nobody wanted it as bad as me despite what you may think i think you were on the wrong show and what i mean by that is there are shows where they're based on their looks yeah love island jersey shore keeping up with the kardashians keeping up with the shake weights let's do it but what i'm saying is you need to open your heart to a bigger picture because at the end of the day what if she's dismangled in an accident what if she gains weight [ __ ] what are you talking about at the end of the day what if she's dismangled in a car accident what if this pretty girl becomes an ugly piece of [ __ ] what if her limbs fall off and she is just a goddamn potato would you go to the restaurant or would you go to the hospital would you order a potato or would you kiss that potato and be like oh my god look at my spouse no limbs still love him love is blind and so is my spouse ever since that accident but i still love her she's gone off the [ __ ] deep end who would even say that that's that's a weird gaslighting thing if your partner just walks up to you and it's like if i lost all my limbs and you know was begging for life on the support machine would would you still hump me like dude what if she loses her hair her legs and her arms are you not going to laugh what the [ __ ] are you saying what if she loses her hair legs and arms i was joking i didn't know that she was actually going to say if you're a limbless potato this lady if she lost all her limbs if she lost her money if she lost her job would you still like her this is love is blind would you love a woman who looked like danny devito in disguise hello would you you sat there and berated every single one of these women physically and then went through the process with this beautiful soul over here so now now this is what happens when you have a reality show run by people who don't really know how to do stuff without bias we have the hosts parading the contestants which i've never seen in the show before vanessa's like this is what you do shake this is what you do to everybody here and she now starts taking sides which i didn't i just didn't think that was a thing on a show like this but she now calls deep's a beautiful soul and now we get to the problem that i have to again defend all because you wanted someone that you wanted to [ __ ] not fall in love i didn't even do that i didn't even do that point so if if you think that's my goal then you're gonna you just said that babe no i didn't hold on hold on hold on jessica whoop hold on did she just call him babe then you're here you said that babe was that an angry babe was that what was that she was angry and i should call him babe listen babe oh vanessa okay if i didn't know any better i'd think you were coming on to shake because he's ruffling feathers and you like that don't you why don't you you you twisted that around i did i'm sorry i'm heated let me change the subject okay well that happened very quickly shake calls out the host and she's like i actually i fully twisted all your words try to gaslight you i mean if i had a match this whole place would be a [ __ ] arson palace so oops sorry about that my bad never seen a host do this before i just lose it like that in fact nick lachey is so he looks like he's so puzzled in holding in a fight at the same time oh whoa oh it's still on you babe it's still on you she said it again she said shake was like hey it's still on me and she's like oh it's still on you babe i'm so sorry babe she probably likes the fire in shake's belly i ship them vanessa shake make it happen shake vanessa the what you're looking for sounds to me like the conventional dating world no so what were you missing in the conventional dating world that you felt like you could find here that is the only good question nick has asked the whole show i agree with nick i 100 agree with nick i don't really know why shake came on a show like this i don't fully understand what his motive was being on a show that focuses on the personality i want the emotional connection everything that we know the show is supposed to do but there's also certain criteria there that goes beyond the emotional connection what this show establishes is purely blind to me great but then that's what i said but all i said was you're on the wrong dating show that's all i said but i want it to be partially blind i want it to be love is blurry love is blurry [Laughter] come on that's good love is blurry that's a hilarious show love has an eye patch love with one eye closed love if you're half stevie wonder come on man love from a distance that's funny in fact it's so funny that i actually went onto his instagram where he literally says love is blurry podcast coming soon and when you click on it it's actually his own page that says the truth only offends those who live outside of it so it seems to me like this man is trying to start his own fresh and fat podcast i looked at the most recent post and it says shake is starting a controversial podcast called love is blurry and it sounds interesting he said it won't be politically correct but it will show radical honesty so i would really like to see this man create a podcast i think it'll be a almost monumental failure to be honest with you but that is why i want to watch it why don't you start love is blurry i'm going to get netflix on the show spin-off i guess all i'm trying to say is my friend this show is love is blind it is i actually watched this and i thought i started to see a change in you there were really there's no change what i want to see is a show called love is broke where some broke-ass people get with some people who have money and they're like do i really want to date you bro i actually was like oh [ __ ] is he really looking inward is he really seeing maybe what his faults were and what he wanted and what he needed i'm doubling down actually on the beginning so so you were lying through the middle of the show i we all have our physical preferences listen every woman here is beautiful i think you're all beautiful i'm not attracted to all of you unfortunately the only one i'm attracted to is vanessa and it you know damn look at that bombshell drop i better protect my girl otherwise shake might come after her damn jessica don't look him dead in the eye he might take your panties off with his gaze that's one of the most boring things i've ever seen going on a show called love is blind then hitting on the host who's married and her husband is sitting next to the host and vanessa didn't even look mad she was like oh my god the audacity yo nick lachey you better watch you better watch your neck nick because he's after your wife man jeez sheesh and i wish i wasn't and i wish i wasn't that the point is yeah there's the husband like you said you're attracted to my wife in front of me on a show that i put you on respect and i've done nothing but berate you this entire time that's a messed up relationship what i'm saying i don't want to so let's be better you don't choose it's nature baby we're animals we're animals no you treat animals we're human beings okay with the comeback nick lachey with the bun no you treat animals we are people i am nick lachey we are human beings and you are less than that i stand up for women's and i respect my dogs three one three what up to my black dogs snoop dogg nate dog warren g regulate i'm nick shea and this is my nicola bay that's her tummy it's okay i see not why you don't treat human beings oh oh damn nick that i'm extremely uncomfortable i mean you can't say that you're you're smacking up all the vets by doing this man next time you're going to take your dog to a vet and i'm going to be like nick lachey i heard you say that vets suck i heard you say that vets can't treat humans and they're like second-rate things oh yeah just by the way nicolas your dog is gonna gonna kick the bucket now nick you can't just a whole community of people just because one of them sucks that's the whole problem of this now you're gonna stop being like you're just like all the other brown people and then we're gonna have problems nick nick please this is my issue everybody's gonna pigeonhole shane and then everybody's gonna be like indian people are like this brown people are like this sheikh is the poster child for how brown people date other people it's not true it's not true i need to go on love is blind season three can you guys help me get on love is blind season three oh god i'm gonna have to date someone you're digging the biggest hole for yourself that committee is not gonna like that dude i i love a vet as much as the next guy but i don't like people who treats human beings like you do i love a vet as much as the next guy but you just treat human beings the way that i see you treat a human being you know come on bro you're a vet i'm a singer i have a degree in singing okay here's the f key it's wrong so you all love tea i mean i i saw that on the show and we all felt that what was it like for you guys to watch shake one thing i think you would seriously benefit from seeing a psychologist and kind of figuring out some coping skills to navigate relationships as a narcissist because i think you're going to continue to damage relationships it could very well be true honestly but it's probably not her place to say it i don't think you can just diagnose someone as a narcissist although he does he does very much so display narcissistic tendencies i will say that she's probably not wrong but i don't know if you could just throw that out there but she's not wrong deepti is hands down like the most amazing person inside and out that's why like i kind of like butt heads with shake it's just like out of all people in this entire world she doesn't deserve that i mean look at her she looks like a goddamn queen right now a goddess and she is better on the inside than she even looks on the outside here's my problem with the situation this is the only time i looked at it inversely and i was like if i was shake right now i would chop off my bum but seriously if i was shake right now in this position i'd feel pretty sad because people are telling me what i should like yes deeps is beautiful very attractive woman great but maybe not to him and that's okay he shouldn't feel the need to like someone like that and i think other people getting involved and being like look at her look at her why wouldn't you date that it's kind of like gaslighting in a way because if he doesn't want to he doesn't want to there's really nothing wrong however in saying that you shouldn't have grabbed her ass the first time you met her as soon as i see her it's gonna be two hands hi booty look at that booty and started kissing on her and pretending that you like her that is wrong and i can't agree with you on that at all so i'm not on your side chick don't don't do this don't do this to me we're buddies we're both brown i'm not on your side at all i'm just trying to be unbiased unlike these two narrators we have i just want to say it's okay to not be physically attracted to somebody guess what there's a million other people who are it's the way you go about life it's how you do it and how you say it that's extremely disrespectful preach it sister preach it's not about the fact that you actually aren't attracted to someone there's a million people in the world is how you go about saying it there's a difference between i still think you're amazing but i just don't feel the same way and can i lift you on my shoulders or will you break my shoulders if you're that fat i'm not gonna date you bro i'm sorry i'm not gonna date you you look ugly i'm only going for blondes you're the first brown person i've ever dated you look like my auntie wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong deeps is right man 100 you can't be saying that [ __ ] there's a right way and a wrong way to go about things i'm sorry man and i brought you to my family i've never done that to for my dad and my mom to sit there and watch you say these disgusting [ __ ] things about me is so degrading deeps actually also only dated white people and this is the first time she dated a brown person so for both of them it was a new experience and she went to it head over heels and then she showed her family and he was like hey man this is a nice family but you look like family because you look like my aunt she's got a point you might as well be a blender right now you're getting shaken instead there's a way to say oh i'm not physically into her guess what your hand is probably dope as [ __ ] that's all i have to say yeah absolutely your aunt is probably dope as [ __ ] yeah i think about it all the time man ah baby my auntie all i need in the life of son is me and my auntie me and my auntie you have no problem acting the way you're acting thinking there's nothing wrong with it and that's fine that's that's a completely conscious decision on your part i guess but there's nothing wrong with saying it didn't work out that's why it's an experiment it's just it's just the way you go about it thanks nick you just summed up what everybody said in the last minute and a half you know you know what shake because because it's an experiment shake and and it's okay shake but because love is blind [Music] thanks nick thank you we yeah thank you buddy deep deep did you see more watching the show did you like did you know about the stuff that all your girlfriends were saying was happening behind your back you know he was straightforward with me i'm not physically attracted to you listen i don't give a [ __ ] if you're not but if you care about somebody and you're supposedly their friend you do not disrespect them on national [ __ ] tv 100 i mean it's sad it is a very sad conclusion it's sad that deeps had to go through this but like i think i said you know where one door opens another door opens and shake needs a person to only fit through one door because if she's taking two doors then she's too fat for him that wasn't the thing the saying was when one door closes another opens and i truly believe that so i think deeps is doing well and i checked her instagram she has blown up she's doing really well shake hasn't blown up as much he has blown up a little bit i think everybody who has any exposure to the show has now become a blue tick celebrity if you will celebrity in quotations but you know they've got some adulation so hopefully things are going well i don't want either of them to do badly honestly i just want everybody to be happy and then they say that was hurtful for you i do not care if he's not attracted to me don't care and that was the watered-down version so like yeah i i could have i could have handled that differently i agree you just don't know how to speak especially to women that's all i'm gonna say and that's the last thing that is said on the reunion about shake and deeps you don't know how to talk to women and he just does this which is pretty much code for that's your opinion shakes gonna be who he is he's in a quiet taste like ours i don't think that he needs to change who he is i just think that he needs to find a group of people that agree with him and like i've said many times there's a ton of people fresh and fit they have a whole podcast full of people who are like yes yes preach it king tell that girl that she is shot she is a botch who's shot you know what i mean so sheik is part of that red pool society and it's sad like i said this dude probably could have had a good future he could have had a good relationship he is the way he is and i don't think he's apologetic i don't think he needs to be but at the same time he's gonna go about causing trouble and i think he knows it i'm not sure how many people are going to take their dogs to him anymore but there is one more article that i found hilarious love is blind's abhishek shake cher's vintage newlyweds clip slam sad nick lacy shots fired again love his blinds abhishek sheikh called out the show's co-host nick this time using a vintage clip from mtv's newlyweds the video showed the 98 degrees singer and his ex-wife jessica simpson getting into their car in a parking lot you don't want to open the door for me jessica asked her husband no at the beginning of our marriage you were so eager to open the door for me simpson said lachey quit back that's because at the beginning of our marriage i got laid i guess abhishek wanted to cause some drama abhishek is a troublemaker a troll and a red pull pioneer at the end of the day we're gonna have to look out for his podcast called love is blurry while we also look out for deeps and hopefully she's doing well there's not much more i can say about this i think love is blind season 2 really gave us insight into what it is to be someone who is fully unaware of your surroundings not a self-aware person someone who is very narcissistic in many tendencies and also doesn't necessarily know how to talk to women even though the points that he's making probably aren't the worst like i said i wish them both the best i wish everyone the best and that is all i have for you today so if you like the video please leave a like drop a comment tell me who you want me to do next hello me and jessica are gonna go on a honeymoon now but if you'd like to recommend the new series or something else please do until then this is 16 leo saying brown people can get white pillows too [Music] sorry mom
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 321,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sixteenleo, sixteenleo comedy, 16leo
Id: 9t1y6ddTp9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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