Shaina Snyder Jingle Special Contest Honoring College Graduates at Pala Powwow

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before we do that I was sitting here visiting with Lorenzo and Shana and Shannon asked me to have this one on over to their dad and talk a little bit about this question how it came to be and it dude so Lou Chuck D is single here on the backside she tapped me and she said Ruben I had a gift for the Snyder family she's gonna have a very sweet bass and one hundred dollar bill she can only go to the fat would he do har me along with it I was very moved tonight with the introduction of all these contestants kind of demonstrating all these native scholars and main women and she said to demonstrate for the crowds of the nominated people that me as installers are making waves in the country and Lucia's a recent graduate of civil engineering she said a very honor a woman witnessing tonight on behalf of this hydroponic solution and given us $100 and ready to see me back to the rental well Sam Ariba Lorenzo said I would like to honor tonight Lauren and Puerto Santa Rita he's up already so said I'm going to give this $100 bill it is very sweet guys - too bad parents because without our elders without their mothers traditional others it looks and ahead and all the prayers and all the leadership role model that Lauren and Pearl represent I want to give this gift to them Lauren broke nice model except this one we have the satyr family also only half loose ideas so the contest area typical thank you sure yeah a rental saviors yeah it's not Lauren's not ordinary is she up in the bar yeah let's just read what there's a gun what some of the antique not shot look at their table a whiteboard space for their fine University of you thought in but the University of Iowa in time bachelor of science and biology Doctor of Medicine your love your surgeon 17 years just stop well here don't know what they're gonna say not fair or not isn't name when he was a rental Snyder and that oh come on you tell back way to the University of Utah here oh gee I wonder why Solars whiteboards I hope you found them a writer on the youth of a hot guy I'm also a dear logic circuit board certified I promised my kids that I would put them through college I promised my kids you do whatever you want but I want that education first we paid for it we've had several respond port and it's coming to pass everything else to me is a huggie if you have your education you can do whatever you want your life that's the way I believe that's the way I played that's what I raised my kids all of them are high school graduates but you college graduates going on the masters got three more in college but I'm proud of home tonight I want to say I'm proud of my daughter Junior Benson would leave on whoops that's her name my dad I asked him to come down hey he couldn't he's he's snicker we can be regular and he couldn't make it but he bring yesterday morning we're hurry he's bringing in this morning the ads that I find somebody in this arena take care of that we're sorry' i want to thank you photograph those we're back home right here this arena and I'm carrying it forward though the Sun will come up again tomorrow the son of put it up next year we are sleeve grandmothers over the best year even with both slabs and simulations all of my relatives that keep going my mom she said keep going my wife's long said keep going amen come on bárcenas long to keep burning so that's why we're here so I want to say thank you in this circle well company around our sons our own goes around like that but I want to say thank you from the doorway back in here all the way then she sat back there were we I just want to say that I love my my kids I love Jeana I'm going to sing our Indian parents please honor honor your kids wait for them support them even when they get married and they have kids continue to support them you know it takes this whole audience this whole village to raise our kids not enough that me is my family and embrace the education so that's what's important to me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] communication to the job I believe that first pot was supposed to be a straight song for sex and then select find consolation and then the top five were supposed to get food - it was a little bit of Education who took us around the outside don't find that first Abigail were set for hangry - it just took them on this side advice would you give to your community and younger generation [Music] [Music] I this that actually ask is what advice would you give to your community and younger generations yeah [Music] we put it [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] pay the same question what advice would you give to your community and also to the younger generations one motto that I kind of live by right now is to learn a little about a lot so in my experience in the past 10 years my educational journey my professional career I've been in a number of arenas and it helps to you know educate yourself and be aware and include you know and build relationships and of course knowing who you are as a native person me as a Lakota Weah I have been involved in culture and ceremony at dance arena since I could walk and I I want to give that all the praise to my women in my family they taught me Who I am who I need to be and that goes for any community is that if you know who you are as an Indian person you're gonna be able to be comfortable in any space we don't live in two worlds we're not one person in our professional career and one person in power arena we're always the same person so I would just like to encourage our you to always be proud always use your voice and always advocate for your people and future generations what will I talk about Thank You Tongji I like to call Connie Starr blanket up and the same question goes for all finalists what advice would you give to your community and younger generation as a native educated woman Iggy's nicosia pasukan easter blanket I talk to soccer taco patio Cheon good evening everyone I like to give thanks to the creator for this beautiful day please forgive me for all my older people that are here and I'm speaking in front of you back home I've always been taught to live in balance and that's my advice I would give to all younger generations all my people back home you have to respect yourself first respect yourself in the four ways you have to respect yourself physically as a person you have to keep yourself healthy you have to eat right you have to give your body the exercise that it needs you have to balance yourself mentally you have to challenge yourself by going to school and getting an education you got to challenge yourself by thinking outside the box thinking critically as young people when we went when I was going to school I was taught that the only way we learn is by a textbook but that's not the case for our First Nations people we have always been taught to with our our learning comes from oral tradition our learning comes from the land our learning comes from our people so I always encourage you to balance yourself and keep your mind open balance yourself spiritually by praying to the Creator praying to whoever you need to to keep your body and your spirit healthy and finally take care of yourself emotionally whichever way that you do that whether it's by journaling or whether it's by talking and letting your emotions out remember that emotions are part of human beings we are human we are allowed to feel these types of things my what I want the young people to know and understand is that we have to learn from ourselves first in order to be open to learn to everything around us when I went to school I was always scared to leave the reserve and I was always scared to experience new things but that's where learning comes from do not be afraid to make mistakes because that's where we learned we learn with our hearts we learn with an open mind so again for all the young people my advice to you is don't be scared to go out into this world and experience these new things we're here to experience we're here to love we're here to keep our mind our body our spirit our emotions and balance so please remember to do that I like to thank you for all taking the time to listen to me I'm an educator by trade so I could talk forever for an hour if you need me to but the game thank you very much hi hi Thank You Connie right so as we get down to the final two we can kind of put a timeframe on them now and I hate to say that because we let the other ones kind of go but thank you thank you - Dominique and and tunxi and Connie so we're gonna try to keep it short ladies now tiata as I know as an educated indigenous woman how's that as an educated indigenous woman what advice would you give to your community and younger generations minute-to-minute somewhere on there all right hello everybody the advice I'd like to give is to remember that there's no right path there's no sequential way that you have to come about and go to do things you can go and live life first and experience things and go back [Music] but I told them to cut the cord and I start talking but just to remember in no matter what you do try your best remember that there are always others looking up to following your path like these ladies I'm dancing among some of the best women the best and smartest most intellectual women I can go and talk to these women and get advice from them about I'm currently in my graduate degree and I know that I can go to some of these women ask for advice ask for study tips you know asked for the same thing making relations and no just keep going educate yourself be mindful respect to others and always pay attention thank you thank you Giada in our final contestant here Lea same question goes to you as an educated indigenous woman what advice would you give to your community and younger generations Don say my name is Lea kalmius oh and I am from the Samson Foundation and Moscow cheese Alberta Canada I am an educator I've been teaching for nine years nine years my advice to the youth is to continue with your your your education and to listen to your elders all check what do hello okay - listen to your elders into the older people I encourage you to learn about your culture get to know who you are get to know your history or background because that's gonna help build a foundation for you and so that's something that you can grow upon advice to my community is because I work with you if I always encourage people to get involved with our youth everybody has a story everybody has experience that you can share with them and our youth are always willing to learn they want to learn they they crave for that and so I just encourage that while from my community to become more involved with the youth so thank you um hi hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was on the one and I will call upon inhale for outside set to start [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] the final five the top I love it is live right here $2,000 second place when we were seated 1,500 third place 1004 to the fifth will each receive $500 apiece maybe we had some t-shirts around for the top five and also the champion will receive the Sark luck [Music] that's nice yeah Lake City a $500 let's are put lombardi but if you didn't hear that little there that's our fifth place dark t-shirt and five dollars Laer Oh Ethel poor place [Applause] [Music] Hayes will also we're seeing a thermal heater and $1,000 Bissell and we've been banding good clumsy point my third step receiving $1000 of suck well and now our separate ways also receiving circle t-shirt and 1500 $1500 second place champion goes to the other record labels inside our accessible receiving $2,000 your champion pony start again he receives a mountain championship envelope and in always telling these contestants were judged on their dancing there sa and public seeking right on those three components while dancing your personal essay that you submitted and your public speaking so what that means in our template receives a goodie bag let's see your box the fountain teacher $2,000 and shams younger brother [Applause]
Channel: Cecil Gray
Views: 16,847
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: zrELesay_Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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