Thunderchild Cree Nation Powwow 2021 Men's Traditional Special SNL

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so my uncle richard thunder charles and his boy mitchell are going to be dancing one start in honor of uh faith wayne and then we're going to ask all the traditional dancers to come on in this is the way it's going to shake out their traditional dancers we're going to be going one song that's a straight song and then second song is going to be a sneak up and then they're going to pick ten third songs gonna be a duck and dive and they're gonna pick five and four songs gonna be a trick song and there's gonna be three places and two consolations that's how it's gonna shake out pound will be asking you to have those songs standing by but we're going to go to our first song here right now and richard and mitchell are going to dance the first start on their own again in lay in honor of the late wayne thunder child aha bone maker [Music] [Applause] uh hi [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] so once again you [Applause] [Applause] put your hands together ladies and gentlemen that's traditional its finest get a quick drink of water you know someone lost a breeze cloth or something i'm coming around take a look in here you recognize this i'd rather get it to you now than later [Music] all right water runners come on out again we're gonna go to uh sneak up and then we're gonna pick ten sneak up and pick ten so judges make sure you're paired up and together thank you very much for that uh first offer [Music] so after this song we're going to be going to a tough time [Music] all right looks like we're ready to go pound maker stay good [Music] all right uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh uh [Applause] [Applause] so uh [Music] all right we're gonna get 10 top top 10 anyway we're going to go to so judges pick a dancer and bring them forward pick a dancer bring them forward bring them on up here pick your adventure [Music] come on up here dancers once you're chosen come on up this way and then pound maker we're going to be asking you to be standing by with a duck and die top 10 dancers come forward come forward [Music] bring up your top 10. [Music] what do we got five six seven eight nine three [Music] one more [Music] one more [Music] if you want or if you don't it's understandable thank you very much let's pay these traditional doctors on with a big round of applause ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming on out here to honor the memories of late wayne thunderchild as we know it as family uh time and time again for many many years they've taken time to honor this powwow circle they travel to pretty much every community right throughout the summer to support powwows all over indian country we thank you for honoring them [Music] [Music] salt we're gonna be picking five out of the top ten after this uh song the judges are melvina lorinda doris rhonda matins novina larinda doris there's a couple single ones here they actually wanted this special about one two o'clock in the morning for single purposes [Music] all right looks like they're watered up palm baker duck and dives hey uh three so well put your hands together ladies and gentlemen yes thank you very much paul maker singers that was a good one so we're gonna go to a top five now so judges you're gonna pick your top five one dancer a piece and bring them forward [Music] all right there's your first finalist ladies and gentlemen come forward this way number two number three number four [Music] five come on up this way fellas a little high fiver and get a drink if you need the other five please come forward ladies and gentlemen let's pay the other five off with a round of applause here as we get into our final here for the late wayne thunder trial memorial special [Music] the prom maker we're going to come to you for a fourth and final song and that is gonna be a trick song so three places are gonna be chosen with two consolations and once again as again i mentioned earlier [Music] when it comes to these trick songs a big part of it is the honor system so you know yourself if you've overstepped or under stepped you know as soon as the drum stops so if you over step or under step whatever the case may be we're going to ask you to honor that and walk off if everybody laughs then there'll be three places and two constellations so palm maker we're gonna ask you to get that song ready we have uh supposed to be three judges but i just know it jeanine raylene and jocelyn is that right [Music] and there's a trophy for [Music] a first one okay bigfoot's gonna take fourth and percy [Music] all right looks like we're ready to go palm maker songs ah [Applause] [Applause] wow [Applause] okay one more try boys come on back in let's go [Applause] [Applause] i want a big round of applause for these dancers though ladies and gentlemen they are honest they were honorable that's why that's the way boys that's the way [Music] all right so with that we're gonna go one more so get it drink the water if you need that's the way to show it boys so that's the way that's traditional [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] april snakeskin first day come over here april snakeskin right on put your ass together good job dancers good job and thank you very much for those that come out to honor the dancers we go in first place first all right first place first [Music] janine who to your champion [Applause] [Music] second place hunter blasting game there's your second place champion come forward here fellas come forward third place howard that's it howard roulette come on forward this way we got a couple consolations there as well come on forward [Music] james sutherland [Music] here's our two eggs
Channel: Peigan Powwow Productions
Views: 7,903
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Id: 0up-DYLOUCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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