SHADOW OF WAR All Cutscenes Movie

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you I heard a family want a wife this is beautiful and a son I buried them along with everyone what is something silly like that you're banished from death just a drift between the worlds of light and dark who are you right I shaped the history of middle-earth I crafted the Rings of Power branwall brightest students sullen deceived you into making the rings tortured a few angelcakes perhaps should have died with my family I thought you wanted revenge there is only one way to close the circle to defeat oozaru the time has come for a new ring [Music] the world of men is empty I have seen it [Music] I have felt it in the fires of Mount Doom arranger and a race bound together in their craft the one thing that could challenged the dark moon [Applause] I'll line those who see it and even the strongest bombs can be broke the future I have seen cannot come to pass a broom or death calls to you again Ranger how do you answer [Music] Italian this is beautiful where did you find it I still have a few friends left and go no what's wrong with her past is the past nothing can be changed we must leave this place we can go [Music] [Music] the Wraiths calls to you I call to you [Music] Kalibak Thalia Thalia I will find you Spyder does not crave Asia [Music] I called you here for a reason I called you you will return him to me now [Applause] who you are prayer for a man but it is not your sword that will save him how much are you willing to sacrifice suffer I have given up everything knows everything yeah you want the ring he would give me the ring for the ring and find myself beside him in your web I am Shila and I deal only in truth I wouldn't give it up either [Music] wait [Music] [Music] and then presto must mean something to you go to your puppet before he dies Italian manpower was fast before and now I've given her mind my life force into that ring [Music] [Music] or you came to fight is not here the ring is lost so look to Mina see and the Dark Lord's armies that surrounded - the polenta until all of the Middle Earth is tolerated the polenta must be protected [Music] me merciful I must know if she loves vision holds true the spiders showed us the truth gondor's last fortress in Modoc cannot fall [Music] [Music] the plant here is our concern we must seize it before it falls into sarang's hands with it his armies will be unstoppable the fate of the city matters not I will not let them be slaughtered like my brothers of a blanket [Music] we need to do something taking up a captain should buy the gun Dorian sometime and they could lead us to the pelant eeeh we must find a worm and make him talk right Johnny it's the grave Walker what thought he was dead he's it doesn't look good for the guard audience we have to help but volunteer is a powerful artifact if we were to possess it we could turn the tide [Music] why are you are too loud my raiding party was trapped in the lower City overnight how many of you were there not enough heinous evil still stands we're about to lose the middle city Ranger we'll be closing the gate if they haven't already we need to get up there as fast as we can I'll be right behind you wait what is your name Hydra darling don't fall behind we've lost enough men today [Music] fregley wonder the gate what are you doing I will be long go have the archers provide support we've lost the middle city we make them pay for every inch of ground but they now hold it when our Freight will be decided here our inner wall is our strongest we doubled their Archer logs for their numbers all ferocity how our people have held back sarang's forces before but some things were lost forever yes of course they were go to the Great Hall secure the relics my place is here make sure they are taken to Hannifin is that an order you must understand who must protect what is most precious at all costs yes that is an order then I'll see it done but I'll be back on the wall before their next assault Ranger from the Blackgate I thought you were all dead you heard the truth if you've come to fight for ministry field Ranger report to captain Baron not come to join your army but for the Palantir and it's safe cable protect the city and the plenty will be safe however our raiding parties are targeting enemy captains in the lower city you wish to spread terror Andaluz yes it's about the time we reached it feel we need to secure the pelant er now the city is weak and it will not hold for much longer we cannot leave the GaN Dorian's to their fate customer is right by protecting the city we protect the Palantir look the towers there is mark those were my towers once now silence corruption spreads beyond the borders mortal amongst me they give him sight not without the Palantir he's hydia about dark imitations of the pelant eeeh but we can turn sour arms low craft against him these towers can give a site we will purify them and make them ours yeah we see it has been lost that will be lost if his corruption is allowed to return the city is built on the ruins of my kingdom yet some things remain those are my barrows still a hidden from Sauron site there I will show you why we must retrieve my ring if anywhere in Wardour is safe from sorrow it is fallows like these reminders that even the Dark Lord's reach extends only is so far in a bygone age my army marched no more door we buried our honored dead in battles like this one my greatest warriors are preserved here protected by powerful magic and we swore our hearts to bring the virtues of the elves with us as we March and you have the wandering yes with anti fortune army and led the charge against Oh [Applause] [Music] the new ring power is not marred with his shadow dis perfect the ring is lost for now but we can still secure the pelant ear then we will go to the Great Hall they drill is there she may be able to help us there's no time we can only take the most valuable we're taking every a dream sacrifices must be made sacrifice our past to fear oh there who are you they're not this is the Ranger I was telling you about you spilled much blood for me to see food we didn't even know your name Italian Gondor thanks you tell me but we need all warriors of the gate look seek the pelant's here they will not stop until it is this where is it my father has hidden it there's nothing safe hidden all of them fools will tear this city apart to find it these are desperate times but we will not surrender and we will not fall we cannot city can take much more I'll handle the Seas beasts there's no one I can manage here [Music] we were smooth quickly this should help push them back for now another attack will surely follow we should return to the upper City check on Israel and the others it's not enough for them to destroy us to wipe away our history at least they don't have the seeing stone the gates are holding these relics were my life father was right we salvage what we can and leave you have a valuable weapon the same stone gives you sight over your enemy use it it is too dangerous the volunteers poisoned two men none can withstand its influence I can men before you have thought the same I will fail as they affair but if I'm right we win this war [Music] then I'll find my father sweet she will hold you to your oath Ranger you put a lot of trust in her give her time until then we should return to Shilla I need more answers we are not charged on Dolan and why would you save spider lose the strings we share a common enemy and sorrow and you can't always choose your lines you don't that wasn't just a troll they are Olek I wore trolls they're smarter faster and immune to sunlight sauron's forces are more powerful than ever like how you tried to crush my head with the rock the last time I saw you now that is yet to be seen [Music] course bombers I know are you here return what you're still silent free maker you forget yourself stolen you begged me to have it and what of you tell come here for meanness either you seek to save it even though it may already be lost there must be a way there is truth in your vision another to what end foreknowledge to dominate well you don't have to tell me here is your truth the Reich's you go to Cael get noticed killer face the bigger the talkies the hi guys [Music] Indre she dies many will pass before sorrow mister fidget this knowledge can guide our hind of Achilles assassin perhaps the future will not come to pass she can be saved she will live or die with honor and it will not shift the tide of war because castamere who must be protected if he falls victim to this assassin we will lose the pelant er the assassin must be stopped golem you know where to find him if we find the Uruk bodyguards he's targeting will find the assassin but first only a Morgul blade could have caused these wounds were on the right track he's been dead for some time we'll need to move faster if we want to catch up with the assassin as the assassin kills his way up the hierarchy he'll continue to seek bigger targets like customer yes castamere is the only one who knows where the Palantir is he must be kept alive at all costs wounds from a Morgul blade just like the last one this kill happened more recently than the other we are getting closer golems should know where the next target is I found another Luke he hasn't been dead long we're getting closer [Music] just hope his death has changed but she loves softened vidiseo you know she filled will go the way of all flesh we only need the seen star how much of your soul was lost in that ring [Music] Baron or the cards have run out of Orcs in the city there are a few left but were hunting one in particular the last bodyguard of the war chief leading the siege I think we're after the same walk and the way to a war chief is through his bodyguards you sound like you've had some experience in this I've heard enough I'll follow your lead I almost feel sorry for the war chief Will Hunting you'll be lonely without his bodyguards you'll join them soon enough mawashi baron our seats is just one of many and they will continue their attacks on meanest evil there our path is clear we have to kill them all and need help from the Khan Dorian's to do it you put too much face in the spider what she wants tell me what you wish to see Lina's evil still standing Oh is so selfless we saw some troubling things last time didn't we don't know my fate with a hospital be careful what he was porridge with prophecy it's just I know what you fear tell him she not vision is not cast in stone the witch-king it is the power of domination the ring can enslave the minds of men what can be done sacrifices must be made and many will be lost we must hope to our purpose no matter what the cost lives can be saved if the Warchief from my vision is the same one baron honest men are hunting they will need help one war chief makes little difference right now this one wall sheep is the most immediate threat to municipal I will not stand by while Baron honest men risk their lives to take him down Bernal I'm here to help this war chief here after he's not going to be taken lightly we brought down war cheese before Ranger but I won't turn down an extra sword we shall take him down together I'll take out his archers first your men move in after I've cleared a path I had a lovely smell a man feels nothing is sweeter together we will trust their new faces and dry them to dust together as captains in war chief united we will have victory together we take the city at dawn now is the time to strike I'd say we're even a good hunt less so for the war chief and his archers we should go hunting again it would be my pleasure so did we make a difference [Music] we cannot see all ends we must return to seal up the only reason to go back is for my ring enough this is about more than your ring all you cite may be what saves us all beware Italian you trust her too easily I cannot ignore which she was show Shelob can reveal sarang's weakness we need her but at what cost I have come to see more I know if you can see sorrows Fant tell us his weakness so we made a feat your vision is limited I would love nothing more than to see his torment to see him back before me my gaze is fixed upon the fate of middle-earth return what your stolen from me and I will bring sorrow to you in Chains why would I do that bring maker you inside [Music] it is what you seek bakeries and vittles she is not certainly not yours come to me see through my eyes [Music] - evil houses a traitor do you doubt her her visions have come to pass you and I have both seen it and menacing from this fighting a war on the two sides it's broke Martha real nerves how you can fine but take us to him zoodles Ranger not that way around [Music] wretched fate what brings Tara to our enemies is valuable to us the messengers the messenger fellers mass will take it from here stay out of sight [Music] but how many times have I told you all never speak of the traitor openly let this miserable dead Club be an example to the rest of you the next maggots to even whisper the word traitor around me will get worse this is the work of the witch-king he stalks us we must get my ring back and we will but first we had to deal with the traitor with administer [Music] [Music] he has his uses the orcs numbers have swelled beyond cut they're preparing for another portion known as senior policies last Bible I have men looking for new devilry is this which king himself comes to negotiate my father's plate by ourselves or church the party's defeat sure we turns refused and that is Sandesh you understand looks are incapable of mercy a father may already be dead ignore their taunts we mustn't allow that it works love spectacle if we can distract them in the arena we can sneak into their camp and find my father can I ask this of you give them a show to remember try not to kill him too quickly [Applause] they seem to like that champions chomps is and it must be sad he has size on his side true but you not supposed to well - well major needs more time should I dance for them we're in a manner of speaking to fight saturos champion I am still waiting I had upheld my end of the bargain and your champion pass up out here for fighting this beautiful enemy the Dark Lord promised mercy gaze now upon the bright Lord I make run to your master and give him this message [Music] the disappeared Rafael her father all that matters is the pelant er it cannot fall into the witch Kings hands [Music] my father's being held in the WarChiefs camp but we were spotted before we get attempt to rescue Baron or wants to wait till daybreak hit them with us more coming you want to go back now hello there's the way to suicide if I wait till dawn my father will be dead saying don't go [Music] the uruk's we captured last winter told stories of a grave worker half man half race a demon and what do you believe I believe you'd be lucky to have him [Music] baron and I overheard the dogs they took my father to a nearby encampment we'll go anyway not come here came for you this is not what I wanted you for any of us there are things we don't get to choose but we can still fight you are your mother's daughter [Music] come with reinforcements of the alive [Music] open the case general the seeing stunts I can use it Lunn tear say for it is the armies of Gondor will come soon the safe good come we've been waiting for ganda for weeks no one has come can you really use a stone to defeat them yes then I will find my CD we must return to Shilla she can show us the location of the Palacio de Polan tia is here the war is here we must weaken sauron's hold on meanest lethal it is time Sheila will show us the Pelagia only if it serves her interests Thalia the ring is lost but I will have my answers Sheila meanness evil is on the verge of collapse we need the Pilate the Palantir have I not given you sight over your enemies that is what you seek isn't it oh I will grant you your vision but how much are you willing to forfeit in the bargain you also that's hardly any theft I must know just a mere the final attack is coming the plant er cannot fall into the witch Kings hands who must return to Minas evil [Music] in the lower city where are the archers I want every man with a bow up on the wall now general customer pulled us off or to be held in reserve I wouldn't do that we'll be honest where is customary to find him as do I hasn't been seen hours gate [Music] shoes [Music] the city is lost save me [Music] you betrayed us I did this for you retro for your survival love to you means nothing I would give all of Gondor to save you there is no water in death customer [Music] she will deliver what was promised she will hold to our bargain my daughter's freedom custody no she's free sometimes with her people [Music] [Music] No [ __ ] - you're just too late [Applause] [Music] get off Ranger [Music] you will claim him today [Applause] [Music] you bring me to the green walls of the nostrils all of the [Music] so it is true you do bleah and yet you live what does that like to die and live again do you feel pain do you suffer what are the City of the piloncillo the nos could have taken both they belong to the dark rule now DeNooyer failed if you keep fighting these reels the light of Galadriel he can't recover the ring your rings are the cause of all this elf world you can see I see who are you I'm the blade of Galadriel since when does collateral work with assassins great threats make for unlikely alliances you know this better than most now tell me more about this ring we crafted it to defeat Sara but it was lost to the grey spider Sheila the nazgûl will be drawn to the power of the Ring we cannot let it fall into sarang's hands don't light up the backyard give it to us stay your hand my knight will protect us but it will not leave my side we must move quickly try to keep up karma Ranger you must move quickly there's no telling how many nos between the center they must not forget my ring can the nose Cordy speak once so great a shield together they wield at terrible power even she loves brood theater than our school we must hurry she love has the power of the new only uncle Atticus but I shall be the one to wield it [Music] we are nearly there ready yourself and do not stray far from my side [Music] fools [Music] [Applause] [Music] why sacrifices must be made why no take the ring [Music] [Music] [Music] during rain has fled you must destroy this ring it belongs to us your legend holds true killer preamble he's different use it to defeat I strike down men corrupted by these rings do not become one of them when the time comes I will do what is needed perhaps get as far from here as you can the ring rates will return they always do our paths will cross again [Music] [Music] that is the forest of Kannan I'm not our concern Talya [Music] we need to build our man yeah that ain't got my knees full of lawyers what is [Music] we will also require commanders exceptional orcs who can do more than simply serve as fodder but what if this forest it calls to us we must not be distracted building our army is paramount none is overrun with orcs perfect for our purpose what became of authority the people queen Marwan II was she who first suggested in origami this time will be different we have the new ring alright enough of your mouth bruise so now I'm gonna kill you for all these orcs to say oh I said you were an optimist now on that is mine it's about sizing up a situation that's bloody impossible and saying here odd now have a god exactly the same way [Music] [Applause] I like him - skewer may that little swords good for a tickle maybe but you're gonna need more than that too tight made out [Music] run load our load same thing really and without me roughing spines out which I like to do anyway so either ways a win a fine addition to our army nice burst from here on out I'll be your shadow no one gets to you without my say-so don't worry about my enemies it will all follow eventually you want to fly your flag in Mordor you'll need to do a date there's a fortress near boy I said rule by 2-headed trawl breakers of deadly smart which because you have to be given the two hates you've taken their own that you send a message to sow on and get yourself to the north it takes is part of the bargain I'm not going to do this alone gather your troops will do just make sure you they made poppies heads off words yeah [Music] what creature haunts this forest Oh Kannan is no creature he is nature itself she calls us Italian we must move with great caution get back here you have some mercy she's picking us off one by one hundred stone slave it our rivers and trees I take it this is the work of God this is the forest of Kannan and she will protect it with the full power of nature [Music] this forest is possessed by death as much as love the two are bound together that is common why do these beasts not attack us they hear a song they are part of her as she is part of them yet they will defend she is watching us no she's drawing a scene miss Kannan has been busy cut me loose talk we'll we'll fight our way out and and then settle our differences in here and here we are just found I found it the tree sees the tree spirit of Carlin is tree and well that wasn't there before change it and unlike this fresh where is your rods your bad things do you go do you we dare no no my life let's be star you but no for you died and died but lifeless but dentists hmm Oh de Cali cannot defeat her what would you suggest I do return your sword and meal to this thing this is also make sure no CRA can you tell it to stop when does not reason with the wind well it seems this common business pun leashed to rise centrai ii mean our whole go you what have we unleashed the cry of the forest screw you of the river Great Spirit of God you came to approach could then crevice done till now what I hear the torch he stops is free forges cane is like kindling free during for your guitar burn you burn we fire for all it will Bailey what have we are woken Undead Rainmaker you're so you're woken by a comment and tell me we're here your call allow us to help yes you you finish we will find talk or off go now your Balrog waits here at CSUN doom shadow fight to death and once again you in fight soon and soon death in defeat it seems this ring has woken more than so on yes we must go to Gorgoroth and deal with this Balrog clean wounds they may never unsheathed their weapons this looks like yo Terriers work she is indiscriminate by the look of it some of these would have made good followers we must find her before she eliminates all our potential recruits though if she did we'd have little need of an army if you were looking for ring wraiths you're too late but before I engaged him he was speaking to an orc who was different than the others there are worms nearby perhaps they can tell us what is going on if we take them alive you don't decide whom I let live ring maker you'd both do well to remember that the nazgûl have dealings with special orcs what are they what is the purpose of the chosen secured idea is something to do the seen stone what have idea revealed only the Shriekers no the chosen kill anyone else who gets close the chosen where do they come from the Shriekers lake from is some kind of ritual and role very sacred know where any towers the chosen hold will be his prize then we must believe them the ritual to create the chosen where is it performed no one knows when a captain selected the Shrieker send a worm to tell him where to go this need not concern her we have our mission and she has hers her mission is the destruction of the enemy that tracks us the more information we share the better the witch-king is using the Hydra to track the ring they extend the Galante's range on the chosen card and the enemy may hope the Parvati but the idea themselves and now we dismantle it [Applause] you're not him he's not your TARDIS [Applause] my black speech is a little rusty that's not uh not a single wood which is a pine in the aspect that has it a case he sayd Reuben a die horribly mark on a black I will handle the yoga Lord you focus on the defenders to fine focus [Applause] this fort belongs to the bride Lord now but I recognize that boys right thank so much to catch up on where to start how about your death what you mean get hit by the hammer as a headache at most mean you want to kill in Newark you gotta take the head clean off does the job every time well most of the time I think I don't know never really been sure about that oh I'm quite sure as you all the time allow me the damage where's welcome man he's a friend the old log watch him make sure he don't do anything suspicious like you know kill me how did you end up here well it's captured by some slavers actually they weren't all slavers - were cannibals one was a necromancer one bunch they captured this old log oh he was in rough shape we were cage mates until I've sprung the Saturday oh no jumps out arms go flying and in here we are best of friends Nero nom Curie new rock Anouk oh right I should tell them about the poor thing thank you for that it's kind of a long story Ranger killed the old overlord now it's ours Ranger oh yeah I named him after you it's been nice catching up it right Lord of majors came by to tell you that the fort's house right Lord will you all come to it right Lord they arranged I've done with the Overlord game it's a right pain you got a feed your followers train your followers make sure you don't get killed by your followers yeah it's a right bother your worries your over because now almost no no no no no not you anybody but you whatever you need Ranger me and Ranger I've got you covered wait Ranger Ranger yeah it's a little confusing in it but the point is bruise cannot be over though super cute I'm working for these two I'll tell you they're on there that works out perfectly cuz we got no current openings for our play this squabbling fools and they have their uses you bear must choose our with care maybe you read my mind by my vicious what Oh logs friend we 410 still we stand there is a new power in Mordor you in the days ahead we will fight other battles and claim other fortresses but starting today [Music] the remaining Gondor Ian's must escape Mordor [Music] no survived but did you find me oh it was easy I just followed the trail of dead orcs the literal did she escape - Eva we were ambushed I lost her many of our brothers were captured some remain in hiding saurons armies continued haunt us it was resourceful but though it survives in Lord oaf alone we have a way out I just need to find her and whoever's left then we must find them all some of our soldiers were cited in this encampment tread lightly we must be careful you're right I might need a moment you cannot delay the finely drawn escape to the west the second chance in life I've already looked to live [Music] I was born somewhere near ombre hair attorney it is a long way from in a safer my order sent me the Gondor is a guarantee of peace but the haradrim had other enemies i was to return but by the time I was 10 we lost contact I lived a good life in many see film I was respected was happy [Music] a minute fell so now you commence your third life the only life that matters is the one with a drill but we have to find it first and that we will [Music] you don't use our soldiers as plate those are the lucky ones have you managed to free many of your brothers not enough some weeks we lose as many as we rescue captain Baron or Karis are there any others you drew she's alive we were on our way to the fighting late we were captured she escaped if I know a drill that's where she said she's alive she's a life dared hope we will find her [Music] we cannot save everyone tallien it drill may already be dead by my oath we will find her make sport of our misery and we will make misery of their sport I see it [Music] searched everywhere for you and are you come I was caught you to anything be safe there no I'm not leaving Mordor not till all of our brothers are free come now you will speak of this later my father sacrificed all of the meanest I fell for my safety I will not be protected any longer not by you not by anyone you drew you will die out here then that is my fate but I've stained go go reinforcements will be here soon we will meet again she's a true warrior she fears nothing anymore yes that's the problem feel like a bit of treasure hunting every ranger likes to hunt what did you have in mind the Oryx can be relied on for certain things their love of blood treasure and rock they see how you survive so long immortal our numbers keep us from engaging them on the battlefield so we work by stealth and speed and hopefully we can escape with our lives and a few of theirs that around new kings of Mordor and drink pratap well done bone scan this stage and a good fortune becomes ours so drink drink Oh [Music] I'd say that was one of our most successful missions grape vodka I can hardly remember this scared young soldier I met another city you mean the one that saved your life from that captain that's the one Baron or one of our scouts reported prisoners here in far too many Forks to handle alone let's each take a flank and meet in the middle I'll be there a barrel or there must be careful you think this is bad he's just gonna get worse it was after Daisy I'll tell you all about it but we have to be go yes master I'll miss you right Jeff death would be relief to these men the purpose of this camp is torture just making it worse they see you and they get the idea they're gonna be saved but no one's gonna be saved least of all you you failed them you failed yourself this is how your whole Mordor adventure we learn you're injured it's nothing save this again you were right staying in Mordor is certain do but I cannot leave my lady we will be doing together Harbor off we call you to the shadows rise and join our rise and joy the shadows are me right what tuve on earth and our summoning death but it will be death [Music] don't be sad it doesn't end here I will wake all the dead of Mordor before we are done all the lives you ended and once they're risen who do you think they'll come for oh yes we'll meet again Chalian it has begun the Balrog is rising will not give it the chance ah no one can tame a Balrog [Applause] this flow is beyond us Killebrew more not with a spirit of planet at our side what can buy the three frames burner you woke him you woke in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah no rest for you no rest for we death Lestrade money she is truly a power to be reckoned with the spirit of Kannan as witness Middle Earth's devastation and its revival many times over she was here before any of us and she will be here long after we are perished if we do not stop talk or oath it will venture far beyond Mordor to Rohan and Gondor that cannot happen there is another worm we must intersect what message does he carry borders for three captain's to report to the chairs in ritual field passed through this camp but he's going to find it curiously empty the three of us are going to be chosen and there's nothing you can do to stop it just like there's nothing you can do to stop us killing you let's get him well that's three captains who will not become chosen but there is no shortage of recruits to take their place any who are selected we will target for cannot yet stop the nozzle we will slow them down target forints earth and sky plows a path of flame taste taste taste it rages across land scorches our path Tiger off will not be difficult to find the tracks no stubble bark wait we go skyward [Music] we bring lights are you [Music] the witch-king secures his citadel with a veil of shadow dark magics infest the very bones of this city it is no longer me Nestle filler is now meanness what god attracts the ringwraith here after we drove him from she loves cave came to lick his wounds all we did was chasing off be on your guard your ability to track the nazgûl another gift from Galadriel a gift that is one way to put it we are here for the blonde tear that is all that matters and we will have to fight our way to it the city is crawling with orcs they need not be obstacles we can turn them into valuable assets no he won't take possession of you watch was a massacre your followers you at night you will join [Music] [Music] [Music] what has been done to kneel before your king [Music] were you granted vision yes then you understand these were once great men but they could not resist a ring of power sarang's rings were designed to subjugate their whereas I realized that too late but now I have crafted a ring that is perfect this one is pure pure what I wonder [Music] so long as that shadow hangs over the city with no hope of retaking it but there are other places in Mordor we can conquer we need to only build our army you have sacrificed much longer for buried was star gorath by karna in June Santa aghast my forest destroyed my brood scattered no okay fire is very drown it in ice from decay okay there was an ORAC in Gorgoroth Zog changer of town or dance meet why race Targaryens race or creams a necromancer he is near stains air with orc magics cunning he to America he's liked hide waters baseborn be sent he sent by dint they come for you by my oath we will find him and honor your sacrifice vector the foul or return them to dust defile it he said Kersh it is fake first the Deathstalker is near there we must purify the necromancer totems only then can we end the ritual we must purge this blight we need again I am Zog and I've been watching you for some time you're the inspiration for all this what better army to defeat a dead man than a legion of undead orcs you're not fighting us Ranger you're fighting the future the dead will take Mordor for themselves and not even you can stop us oh it's more fun to come this dog is dangerous his acolytes perhaps more so we must track them down wherever flame we must return to Kannan now oh nice burn kid the forest has been cleared they will not be bad curse it is all by humerus auger effect unfinished he will raise our gorath is no more useful hoot ear to earth and aid brothers of corruption would blowing friction fire away rise from ice if song is able to raise the bar rock it will be his floor and its power will be hairs he must be stopped you're not coming with us are you the long winter called smiley oh forests of corner must rest enjoy coroner bee sting Circle cannot be broken go everything the ritual has commenced we can waste no time we call you back from your to rise and join our glory it's working tar girls lives did wins you will not follow the ritual talk or earth will rise but not for so long he will fight in my army Legion of the Dead that will rival any army of Mordor you will hear them when they come for they will chance my name done it you killed me but let me tell you a secret necromancer's never truly die I think we did it then kannan sacrifice was not in vain [Music] by your craft I am reborn from look around you the orcs who took this city this is our army North sarang's not the witch Kings the Dominion of those slave masters his heart an end for today those acolytes have been busy a necromancer is never truly dead I told you when you killed me that I would rise and rise again but here you are trying to put it into me once more and failing you are a simple man you understand now don't you the dead aren't dead they're just waiting for someone who will listen who will answer their call once you're out of the way we will all rise again it is Kanna in our throne room you will pay for this entrance [Music] I like you I should never have agreed to come on they sticking for trace [Music] [Music] [Music] if you listen you can hear the thunder of our enemy's feet as they flee while we feast in victory they quake in fear because they know that we are coming for them with this the rise of water right [Music] Elm hammer of all the nozzle his small was most tragic his rage knows no bounds we're on the Beasties boss Shriekers are yours rooms will serve him what about yours [Music] this nazgûl is injured we have the advantage I'm making a habit of saving you pick up a further version where you don't impale me where is the nazgûl nearby can you keep up do my best it's not the first time for you to face hell was it my face teach dreamer if more times than I can count and you've never defeated them not yet and why do you keep fighting in the war against darkness sometimes stalemate is victory from now the battle must be won you you should have given me your daughter's hand when I asked [Music] for your daughter's safe return please don't fight him if you kill me you'll start a war war has come [Music] my lord how could you you stood be such Sauron as he gave these Kings the very rains that doomed them Marines mentally order hard to see me he deceived us for knowing what you know now still you crafted unerring he crafted a ring I ask you pick up my armor it is not noble men we are dominating but savage orcs and it is with this army that all Sauron as rod will be undone no matter the cost I'd rather to be a great asset [Music] they must not retain the idea whenever I find you I know the non-school must be closed as long as you wear that ring they will be closer than you like well now I have no choice how many nazgul all that just one is SIL Dora the king who cut the wood way from solos and then wore it on his own this is the legacy of your rings cannibal this man died it meanest evil no longer men Wow you will submit to the witch Pete you will die and I will raise you as my puppet you ever choice before you [Music] [Music] you snooze you don't understand but you will be they all will serve the Dark Lord there is no respect in even death to me that he serves that Lord still [Music] a steel door will raise more of Condors fallen I will track him you and I will meet again not as long as I wear this ring I'm sure that is true so that's how the chosen are created I felt a bit more festive inositol is entirely focused on the ritual this is the perfect time to strike well thought but this was not the last ritual and it will not be the last fight [Music] the nazgûl is holding some of your followers we must recover them such loyalty to the orcs our army remains strong and we have all been assured that a school cannot track us but they're still not defeated as long as they are out there we are not safe you least of all our followers are returned and the Heidi are secure the nostrils power is diminished and yet the sense of dread grows tenderly the case boss with your nonsense you little way down wins yeah [Applause] what's the trouble [Music] but what I wanted to tell you is the four is being attacked the Dark Lord knows your ear and the door to my escape tunnel is damned test of our defenses and our defenders Bruce daddy to film the fall sounds like a job for overlord what's his name seeing as how I was passed over for that position you will do as you are told it is having a laugh you know I live snapping off aids I'll defend the fool like it was my own I'll help with the defense as well I'll start with the food in the pantry make sure there's me poisoned [Music] I reckon that's the last of impose another attack will surely so this one was a blast you fought very low would you have the fungus for [Music] it is treason we will retake our fortress we will slaughter that wretched along and all who stand with him and what are the ones who stand with us clearly their loyalty cannot be trusted or who resist will be made an example of bruise has not seen the end of us we cannot let his betrayal go unanswered a bruise will pay for his betrayal and it will be a warning to all who dare follow him Ranger you've got trouble the bruise is taking over your fortress I figured that was the plan when you stabbed me in the back that right through to the front sorry the point is the other locks no D you had bruised we talked only no and I know he broke free which is caused quite an impression let me tell you orcs are nine enough to follow him now I'm not going to tell you how to do your business but you need to put a stop to him right away and you might wanna dance rescue for rescue yeah he's taken over a bunch of prisoners whatever miss your overload I'm pretty sure we're its way really it was like you were stuck on a spin quiet there are three prisoners you go in and do you think I'll stay back is Scout the area I'm a really good scout Scouts go on ahead and die that's why I'm so good right here we are commence scouting yes you said three and we've got one I can count well guess that's it then you can get back to your warmongering and uh we are not done here [Music] Bruce oh nice palm trees your fortress and Llorona set fortress when the fortress was mine so we bit drafty but oh the views I mean you could I'm in a lot improvements to that place like you yeah an escape tunnel smart thinking I fought you know great if you need to get out that's for sure we could use that why we don't need to get out I could use it to get back in oh where is this tunnel this way I'm pretty sure [Music] welcome back to us so what was the plan rescue you boys bring him here for some karna reckoning that no shrug stating ratbag will tell you what I've got some friends to me yeah we can have real rice shindig yeah we can have some role play a few fun tiny games like pull the arms of the range such a bugger right I wasn't supposed to go this way you leave me again sure a tarragon he won't get far we will find him and use him to show all of Mordor what happens to those who oppose the bright Lord this fortress is once again under my command an attempted rebellion has been pushed down which conspirators have been put to the sword its leader will soon suffer the same fate you now hold this fortress for the bright yeah my enemies will find y'all weakness No [Music] it seems your thing Naseer dawn awaits we bring this water we have conquered the thoughts of Mordor but it is still not as Sauron Tommy advances ready to butcher every last one of us but we will not die under his rule we do not serve the Dark Lord we will study for the [Applause] you fight for Mordor you fight for the right [Applause] your time has no this challenge all that you have course has which we are bound together in this proposal this is the fate of [Applause] [Music] [Music] I [Music] you will serve me for all eternity [Music] I cannot allow this Cedar's I releasing find peace he was not yours to release and he was not yours to enslave I did more than that he broke someone's hold you dominated him and I'm a dominates on this mommy's will be mine the ailment to destroy souls our Lord cannot be destroyed Caleb Rimbaud is right we fight and fight but evil always returned Italian we can end this here still sure water is restored to light not darkness I will not trade one Dark Lord for another this is not the end I have fought for but you are not the only one fighting no he is not this is not about your petty vengeance or mine this is about restoring order to Mordor - all of middle-earth and what for you are button this and there are mothers the lady Galadriel sendiri ever a reason together we can bring south on to his knees we can finish what our people started so long ago [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sacrifices are not in vain it's the only way [Music] see the future you a bright Lord instead of a dog you pitiful man I gave you sizing it you still do not see you're certainly a fate I could not change you are wrong [Music] when you and Caliban ball forged a new ring of power I saw where your path ended locked in battle against Iran at the top of beara door and you won zerrin was enslaved and the bright Lord rose in his place armies of mortal Marsh forth under his banner and middle-earth fell under his heel that is the future I fought against the future you prevent it because you saw kind of room for what he was No your wall is not yet ended tallien either a brightlord or dark little rules bear ignore the balance of power must be maintained or all of Middle earth penis mogul yes from their morale can be held back how the ring is gone I asked you once how much are you willing to sacrifice [Music] open your eyes down in your eyes as long as I have birth than my body my fate you must have rocks in your hands this is Mina's Morgul and you are one man I am one I am NOT your brother like Spanish you need us more is you [Music] you will serve that right Lord now in the body no elf oh man you are unchanged in a preview you will [Music] Sarada and Calabria all became one locked in a prison of the petrol or a flaming I'm casting its shadow evolved tallien had retaken the city of Mina's Morgul but his war was far from alpha his greatest battle would be fought against the shadow within himself and the towers of the east to hold back the darkness to save the world of men [Music] Italian held back the forces of darkness for decades but the Dark Lord's ring [Music] with me tallien finally fell and joined the nine in the years that followed the one ring was found the newest of the Nazgul travelled with his brothers to the Shire a suitably and then after decades of war darkness gave way to light a new fellowship an unlikely hero death came death to Sara death to his demeaning to Tammy and walked out of darkness and found freedom [Music] [Music]
Channel: lzuniy
Views: 823,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shadow of War All Cutscenes Movie, Shadow of War All Cutscenes, Middle-earth: Shadow of War All Cutscenes, Middle-earth: Shadow of War All Cutscenes Movie, Shadow of War full story, Shadow of War story mode, Shadow of War full movie, Middle-earth: Shadow of War movie, middle earth shadow of war balrog, shadow of war shelob, shadow of war gameplay, shadow of war walkthrough, shadow of war trailer, PS4, Xbox one X, PC
Id: icvrapDeJNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 38sec (9638 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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