Shadow of Mordor Game Movie (Complete Edition) All Cutscenes PC 1080p HD

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middle-earth is in great peril camping show me my mirror says many things those that work and those that may come to pass some things never have to be unless the can decide on that has the one ring - and against him midler former [Music] you may become something pay started for the elf don't let him escape no save us take your clothes in the first price don't matter drop us the question if they keep your eyes open sarang's army is without number my kingdom lies in ruins and my family is engaged in the one i have forged my fates and it illuminates the path through this darkness [Music] [Music] I guess I will forge these Bulldogs into an army of my own as the first Dark Lord tortured and corrupted the elves I will redeem them in flame they will be mine [Music] what do you think to accomplish here you are a dirty thief true power belongs to the Dark Lord you know build a tower in my name erect a monolith for your bright Lord in defiance of the shadow [Music] silver and you dare stay in water I think to challenge me here but you will fail your spirit will never see the holes of mangoes without the one ring you are nothing I will tear down peridot and we build a Reggiana in the ruins release my family and I will let you serve me bringer of gifts it's good of you to call our wish now our strong shall repay you with death of your own that's make you strong you have a dark heart first lady for what you cannot resist my power silver I can feel your age your hates your pride your flame speed nothing but peaceful you know nothing of true power Sauron the light will always prevail all who resist will be burns by it really come for your pets we will end your terror immortal we will end your evil stupid fairies you stole from the dark load you confuse it on roots will you give me the choice of death Oh will you corrupt me I will end you myself nothing will prepare you for what comes next come face me Sauron let us end this once and for all you will be destroyed [Applause] first will give me what is mine [Applause] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] arrogant fool do you really think y'all defeat me so easily what's yours as always the dog Brutus turns out to be twisted lies destroy the earth [Music] [Music] we are bound together a delivery more [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the shadows it was here on the slopes of Mount Doom the Dark Lord Sauron was defeated by the last night it is here there for two and a half hours [Music] and while this strength of Gondor faded [Music] has returned standards you already [Music] [Music] it is a perfect swing you'll have to hit harder if you want to best your father hard enough parry son don't forget to block you should not forget to hit stay alert dear your enemy will not always be as he appears I shall rip in your crust tell her remember your training these are much stronger than any we've ever seen who walks networks father was keep her safe I'll be right behind you go like that wrong bearish [Music] [Music] turns on beauties happy Anniversary mother this is beautiful where did you find it I still have a few friends left in Gondor did you talk to my father yes I did and nothing has changed he's still very stubborn I say we go anyway yeah there must be a better life [Music] but smooth [Music] we must hide now don't move or clear a path nobody stealth is my only advantage didn't talk today she stopped face tape we must return a Brenner ow [Applause] [Music] come back to me floor you're serious cursed banished from the undying lands finally all will fear me and rejoice [Music] see for yourself [Music] now do you believe me Ranger what is happened to me [Music] you're banished from death just a drift between the worlds of light and dark [Music] what you say is true then how do we breakfast goes we find the one who cast it on us the black hand of Sauron [Music] [Music] this looks familiar kalium killed a nobleman yerdeth his life now belongs to Gondor father if you turn my loving I just swear I killed Lord as gone when he attacked me we shall folks sacrifice our lives to gone so we missed one of you it not a ghost a an easy mistake [Applause] go back is a faint [Music] [Music] that is where we have to go if we can trust must have nothing to do with it his thoughts [Music] the world is changed nothing makes sense nothing has changed this is how it will be the future and the past are linked in darkness that don't undersell I am here and I can't remember less you'll find this neighbor his mind may provide answers mr. Darcy a prisoner rated a distraction I'll use your human site to track the euro I see more than any mortal scare the sprocket slay the author captain cut off the head of the snake and the body will wither arches the mistake of the eyes of the camp begging for mercy making you for his life it's one more runs we'll be out of pole [Music] [Applause] my-y pretty I have to kill you you would make a strong slave [Music] [Music] so you didn't died 10 years ago I take it you did not come here to arrest me for treason captain Who am I or all the remains of that garrison here you go then why did you come here looking for a slave that fought the black hand of sorrow more like ran away from him do you know this man of course you're staring at him where are the servants of the Dark Lord do you even know perhaps this is no time to keep secrets I have been stuck here for weeks come to the outcasts camp which I'll ask my scouts I'll be there [Music] someone who wants to see sort of roaded hides in the shadows something of great powers left its mark on him I sense it new filly as Alice's for both of us we should find him them which shouldn't be too difficult [Music] these trucks are not quite human not quite beast even more reason to investigate see where this creature leads us to town [Music] not even outcastes of this foot the chain of man seems to always end in shackles will appear the creature is enough to climb out of slaves finally escaped that was my case since it knows more of me I know of myself Oh corrode and possibly nerve arise because somehow connected to me I feel it walls are no obstacle for it the runs tracks lead us right into that category there it's on the run what manner of smell is this [Music] they must have trifle category [Music] your cowardly creature looks around here somewhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I do not trust him do not wish to know why later come close if you want to backhand those slaves come a porter poison in your ear would you cut these ropes right back I'll tell you everything now what would you know all these other dead or go ahead a pasta do it you know nothing maybe a grünfeld Coast Indians know those slaves are no match for the orc army their schemes as rottenness battle fish work we're going to find out why you know [Music] [Music] your problem Ranger it's the WarChiefs strong leaders they are something what happened you can find oh yes you help me do not wake me the greatest novelist let's stop it Apollo that first needs take care of a certain captain you karagöz come with me range [Music] you can't trust them those slaves are stabbed in the back at least a new local stab you in the front most likely to throw we have similar goals Ranger see you want to kill the captain and somebody's got to take his place somebody log Redbank so this got off is in charge of this guy yeah he's no war chief they answer directly to the black hand well sure the more we know I mean the black hands in a circle becoming a captain is just the first step of ratbags plan to become a war chief been prepared to step hard on his neck how did you get free scum he's a much easier dog his sword broken now leave the burning alone and face me with pointy end shopping to me well done Ranger now just make sure all these corpses is coral visualize your goals Gaurav spin out or write back for years smug piece of Donaghy's we come to blows his fallback is right back and remember still right back never wins last time he kicks right back into the category all the others laugh is a Carragher bats right back around like a yard ball or edgar offs gonna pay smoked piece of dung he'll pay for off kid scatter goes in pens then rumor has it he done lot to get too close to him and let me guess you think I should open those pens or offs always in there never leads ever wonder where he pees oh that explains the smell keep out of sight I'll see that your captain gets demoted splendid plan you kill I wait that's military genius Ares scum gaurav's right obey or salivating with anticipation the drool of revenge the entire long yes the flood will go spot to get some shut-eye gorath Achille if he catches you napping Gaurav never comes here he's always by the hunting camp goths of the hunting camp so much for him always being in the same place morning captain who fears his waist let's put girls to work we're closed now which one of this filth is go off go off [Music] I need you to take a body back to my tent I'm gonna get me a trophy go roll that stuff filthy cops are new to the Terry now go down sir your fish be respectful you dunghill worms little B your ear next time reberty second now let's go yeah when you're done with that I've got more bodies for you to carry meet me at the crossroads an old friend knows about the losses first timers erected by a race now I am working with an orc what could possibly be next we must use the weapons of our enemy against him the orcs hate each other almost as much as they do us [Music] there's a great one body in corpse with Jordan [Music] another treasure [Music] [Music] must master the swatches our office with Bob thank you smiles read mr. Salinger most my bargains of [Music] jeez [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is so fine and gift why do these dreams they offer no answers only more questions yes but not the extremes insufficient my power of spunda we wrote the hotel room that halfling golem will be traced to the black hand at first chance he gets he has no love for the Dark Lord that creature has a part to play in the fate of all middle-earth I can feel it where is he maybe years you're threatening his life let's go find your precious treasure the little vermin is not here the Eagle hunts rabbits from up high and so shall we these towers were not built by the dark but to challenge him now only rooms buried in darkness [Music] a grog I need at least 20 men to bring that beast then we must find another way [Music] charging for the case mouth will only lead us into the Groves jaws a well-placed arrow will do the trick here that will keep the ground occupied there his dick in death looks like a broad one his fight against the car goes and now is ready for another [Music] [Music] [Music] you could have come through such fart oh great - smoothly the second night I heard the stories I remember my name now [Music] flies [Music] [Applause] [Music] good riddance I'm the one responsible for all of this that's why since months [Music] I know of his legend I've stolen deceived you into making the Rings torture both you and your king why would it even matter [Music] street the grasp of estrus of memory the rings of power knowing two men their power became their undoing there he became the ring rights yes for not but the nurse fool were destroyed as are many who come in contact with the rings of power [Music] yourself at home Jolyon we obtained some valuable information from this one his groinal Murthy wasting precious time mr. time we've learned where they are keeping our plastic product wouldn't need a VY of blasting powder so anxious to find the black with any luck the rooks have yet to discover the secrets of the blasting powder people need to free my men to find out do you believe the blasting powder can draw out the black hand I pray show the enemy gathers at Lucques Hollow where many of my men are enslaved I pray errand to us there I will handle the e loops and perhaps we can take a more stealthy approach and incapacitate them by using their weakness Grogg have you ever heard of hitless it's toxic and is good for one thing poisoning orcs follow me when I deserted the Black Gate I felt sick it was Aaron who nursed me to health is she the reason you joined the tribesmen of the many she is my most cherished there are only so many camps my wife could have been taken to do you believe she will be at this one my heart says yes I hope for your sake she is here Don where did you acquire this blasting powder traded for us with a blustery dwarf we took his powder and left him our footprints pretty fair if you ask me you are proving yourself to be a strong leader for a deserter that is only because I leave the hard work to men like you I thought impossible Sauron would ever return darkness descends upon Lord or soon it will be impossible not to succumb when we realized we couldn't fight the orcs we started dressing up like slaves sneaking into their camps to free the others a bold strategy love really mostly we'd end up slaves ourselves at least we came dressed for the part when I was first rescued by the outcasts they told me you led the search party for my head I volunteered where you caught our fellow Rangers would have killed you I can now let you suffer that fate up here we almost have enough poison for our purpose I look forward to seeing its effects up close this should be enough now all you have to do is drop it into their grog will the orcs not smell the poison no but if they spot you I doubt they will drink from it the rooks are stationed by the front gates for the sake of my men keep to the shadows now gather my men and wait we'll stand ready to seize the blasting powder once the camp is clear remember tallien don't be seen these rooks have killed many slaves for far less stupid this surprise they could keep it down is to do wait [Music] [Music] [Music] this time we will find all these you call this a door no my call is losing a to you [Music] we better hurry Ryan lose his head don't flick tempting isn't wise as many eyes and the Beast I've seen coming why stop the better the talks like you and I will show everyone here how low that is the executioner alive our path lies in his mind Ranger the rest would I call teamwork so before I change here's a my victory and how does this help me a back stabbing bodyguard I'll take care of one of the wall chase fall you do the other for your own then we read it to training camp Ron I'll make sure the wall cheap is in already what do you say make sure you keep you ahead of those reqtest yeah that's my plan [Music] this ride bag led us up the chain of command in spite of himself he has a gift for failure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is not my fault I'd go to tell Ichi I've killed his bodyguard he turns around but the exact same places that their maggot I'll just kill twins what are the odds of unjust make sure you shown to take the place of the dead war chief I'm going to kill him good plan oh I'll be right behind you the training platform but we'll see how the Warchief soldiers do in the face of the truth rattle a caged and bring out the Beast Ifrit bug is able to take the WarChiefs place will only be a matter of time before he leads us to the black hand [Music] the blade of my swing shall echo within you so it a warrior to warrior I am so tired [Music] [Music] Raisa we did it honor our arrangement don't you worry Warchief ratbag we'll make sure nobody gets in the way of your dirty schemes but redneck has to be put in a war juice I wouldn't worry about them you saw what these monsters are capable of it is madness to stay here just but circumstances have changed don't you see we have him on our side now why would he want to help us weeks ago he was our enemy target ready to pick that fight let's take these bandages to the others the orcs are building a monument to honor Sauron we have enough blasting powder to destroy it fine I'll take it you know finish this not without meeting what what your only concern was saving your wife so did I come on let's go before I change my mind the forgive Aaron's words our heart is with our people the slaves you helped us free know where the Dark Lord's monument is most vulnerable who will strike there will need to steal a cart of grog from the Uruk it will make quite the trigger for the blasting powder the cars up ahead be ready when there's grog there's hooks when I'm through no hooks will draw breath you have my word [Applause] the [ __ ] a spark of our rebellion all clear man excellent a lien now we must ensure our men can push the car to the monument free from harm look how fast evil corrodes this decay gone to a must not fall prey to the shadow I'll handle the other you under the car with the explosives [Applause] you have sealed their doom my people believe they have just claimed their freedom is that what you told them men that need hope I just gave them what they asked for then you men need their leader [Music] to these outcasts it seems I am less of a monster in death and I was in life it is the black hand at his captain's who are the true monsters they will return and when they do these men will die there there is a hidden tunnel to the black yet Aaron goodbye my friend so the local war chief did nothing to prevent this sacrilege they all perished in battle my lord only to me war chief ratbag unfortunately you are still alive of this grave Walker playing the head yourself [Music] where was your bravery when we bled your wife and gotten your son [Music] [Music] a stallion is not the darkness sweet [Music] [Music] slaughtered my entire family before my very eyes she's been living or only with the dirt my name is lothario from the sea of Nana [Music] my mother said he would be here [Music] wellif REO for this evening you should have stayed where you were there's nothing lady Marwin queen of the shore which is an audience with you she has seen visions of your misfortune queen who sees visions visions of the return of the great calibre in ball she wishes to make you an offer who's this offering that is what I know I must gather provisions their turn to merlin is long and treacherous my camp is closed by it will be my honor to misfortune [Music] we have defeated the hammer of Sauron the black hand on the tower remain and their master the smell of fresh meat always attracts the scavengers only to travel in packs should leave Queen will be pleased to see him [Music] we are here [Music] [Music] [Music] lady Marwan queen of the shore a fallen Ranger from the Black Gate come closer your daughter claims you have something for me not for you tell you our grows late Dark Lord in his army or over model but a great can be awakened to prevent is that why I'm here breach into morgoth's car the Elven Kraftwerk from the grooves and find [Music] stay strong [Music] what's your mother's affliction no one knows she worsened after her travels is there not medicine there was our camp was overrun [Music] treasurer your heirloom must be here [Music] made by the Dark Lord yourself I'm still covering my family's [Music] [Applause] we are betrayed its power blazes like a beacon [Music] [Applause] don't oh Buddhist a creature stewardess past to end your military career inside the belly of a ghoul way I'm torment a beast on top that 10 pints you just now the treasure I was after now I am grateful for the assistance but it does not grant you proprietary right keep it I just found something a lot more valuable what would that be my new hunting partner but you own is not interested in Master Dwarf even if it leads you to the chisel that belongs of that how much every creatures got it slow yours just supposed to be very old well if the thrall of a hunt takes your fancy it camps not far finally what of your vision killer before I used all that he had taught me and forged the 3m secret water air and fire oh thank you I found the mithril hammer can your flames show me why my soul was denied death you you are the victim of a blood sacrifice can the curse be broken destroy the black hand and his followers and claim Mordor you don't need them [Music] your power forgets photos [Music] how do I do this in the fortress nearby but what you seek may not be there for much longer [Music] [Music] it's not their thing Kerry I will save them nonetheless don't be blinded by your emotions the green tortoise our ancestor building an orc army a lie within this fortress if we burned those archers we can build our army and save these men at the same time to our show their insides the light of Garrett then their box so will is mine which is yours master John Dorian Zara for me to become my Terra moso doesn't die if I see the lady of the show send you to RA the queen warned us to wait until the end of the battle then the old spot I told you the visions always come to pass yes but I told you not to do you have something for me queen Marwan said is to find this [Music] [Music] take [Music] how did you know where to find this he has shown me never told me what you want in return learn what you were truly capable of find and soldiers will be welcome to me [Music] Marwan said to bring her an army we shall not build an army we shall command one will need to find an order captain to dominate and make our own there is a slave idea here named groobly we will make him serve our cause German have you ever seen a man flayed oh hell you wait before I'm done with you it is done he's ours we must now make this captain a bodyguard if he is ever to be awarded it is from first strike earth under that is soon worn a store war chief has chosen our captain then he has chosen death a great advantage will radius with this beast sickens me lost my family to this people exact retribution by turning that evil against itself the queen is right we are wise to use the Oryx ruthlessness against them the leader of educate slate will make our corn is in place we are ready for our final move right simply choose my commands yeah well you behold this odd wonder hoping to take advantage no dad and you jump on it for me this is my Dominion I am this through this war chief in all of my armies field of Queen marwan's plans did his great strength strength of donkeys wander but build it the Queen will show us how marwan's strategy yields great results an army of our own deface darkness head of mirror looking upon himself ready to deter belong sure that mortals [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] whew right yeah that I can finally see you my child [Music] your mother he's been under the spell of a very powerful wizard Italian I am sorry Saruman brought you here against my will I went to him for help and it happy prisoner within my own body what have you seen in your visions I have seen Sauron servants and the backhand he bring much suffering if you wish to know where they are across the sea of mana their forces how strong stop enough to defeat us all which really will need to know me [Music] illness still plagues you breasts mother I will make preparations for our journey out of Moodle I don't care if the risks it's for the well-being of exactly the camp he's on our side I have no choice Italian I need my mother's elixir even the strangest such as a fool's errand [Music] enough we attack as planned I will take care of the herbs we could fallen behind on sale we get the medicine and we [Music] white wizard is taking its toll on the Queen only in stealth can we clear a path tool authorial and amend me find the elixir emotion forms your way risked without reward is recklessness this medicine will clear the Queen's mind and lead to answers of your past very truth justify our alliance with these people everything yo even in the dark more tonight I can smell you on the air did you find what you needed yes take this to the Queen and hope that it was your mother I found this message it clear does planner gathering by the fishing village we can prepare an ambush I owe you a great thanks I'm glad to be of assistance yes every moment is precious [Music] such a shame if you truly know nothing when you're done with her make sure the grave not interests where exciting about you you can wait that scream was Lutheran's we must find her quickly stay quiet the emotion will add weight to your step it would appear all of her men have fallen that is why we must help her she is no one left by her side Oh [Applause] they forced me to watch as they killed my men one after another I know what you feel we were solely the aurochs rally when their brethren for so will my tribe colonial vengeance once we were students why don't seek vengeance I fight because it would be wrong not to steady I'm here let's make haste my leg is broken who knocked my spirit the Tower of Sauron interrogated me on your whereabouts but I did not betray you then they with proven my faith has you now prove mine why are you doing this to stop the bleeding no why did you come back to save me I heard a family wants a wife and a son and I buried them along with everyone for you my mother can help you I don't belong you will be a champion to my people and you walk on your own is that lady helper you need to leave this place immediately it's more safer thank you right [Music] sorry Linderman will not survive Mordor they must leave or perish the black hand will suffer police shouldn't see me should hear me spleen kill [Music] it's going to go to waste remember in Italian what if lieutenant no that's there was a captain oh my mistake we have a captain in our myths well that look sharp Cotton's coming there sharpen the swords in make sure that base and listen Shane II do so tell me captain have you ever wanted to growl aggro because what we promised with my just any the largest Warner ever came across do just fine I've been trained very well my dog Silvana was trained very well that was before she got beaten by a warg hunt it's not about rules make up we're gonna line up and have someone play with our lives it's about instinct there's no dance you want basics on the hunt follow me [Music] the hunt is its own Beast one you must learn to tame first lesson of category anjing do not die what do we need them for your item a worldly mount for a dangerous hunt the least beasts will not be impressed by your rank all flesh tastes the same to them once you go on the hunt captain you'll come out a changed man hopefully for the better but you never know when I was hunting war exhibit of their ways Creek Lane but Kara goes well those bastards are a tougher breed took me nearly a year to figure the mate category buggers hate water one strike the right one through a river she hightailed it up a cliff side with me on its back amazing what they'll do to avoid the good cleaning a the hunt is my mistress beautiful thrilling infectious and she doesn't nag like my wife that one over there looks quite aggressive don't even try creeping up on the categor it'll catch your scent a mile away or do you propose them wouldn't you hop in and introduce yourself ask it for a ride what account of your charges you have two options today but eat dirt well now hop on the take up for the night that's the day the same time it took me the team one you might be a natural captain isn't fair too bad back there where'd you get your training captain I hail from the Black Gate the Black Gate nice please see mr. petty Souta there's something wrong with your blade you missed one stop it before it gets reinforcements toven is too quiet something must be wrong go to him Italian perhaps we should track the hunter you'll make a nice meal - off to Veneto just so you know what does writing categories have to do with killing drugs testing my patience this dwarf is far from home not all those who wander are lost [Music] hope you'll not put off from are we scars a few of my own I'll bet one cyber battle scars did you get from the Black Gate a splinters oh I did yeah scar your voice telling your soldiers to head into battle too lonely my scars run very deep the mighty Grogg you give me these and he'll so to mountain partner so what now well no the lessons regimen happen hmm maybe you'll even come out of this one on the sky so what backward lesson to your plan this time we shooting crow bane to prepare us for the mighty grog you wanna hunt grog and saw you shall but not just any ground this is a rare one its territorial strong enough to claim land as it soared and you and me we're trespassing tell me can you ever slay a ground before today will be the first of many no you're talking like a hunter I've got a feeling that my gut you may survive this captain Oh since that's the largest part of you I like those odds so I assume you have a plan to kill this grog I do you captain and since you're so good I'll tell you how step by step step one when he's crunching on an orc sneak up behind the giant beast and bleed the bastards ankle the one on his throat there is one place crabs aren't covered and spikey skills they don't call a weakness a grouch he'll for nothing you want me to sidle up to this beast if you can manage it without being crushed yes there it goes what a fine fine specimen I've got to pierce its ankle if I wanted leaders step to the blood will attract categories before she will be quite horizon [Music] sounds easy enough Cap'n here you pop swain bigger crowds when I was a wee boy MIB resort 3 inches what step for it should be dead you must have done it wrong I'm following your orders [Music] [Music] life ends with the sting of my plate we bit unusual zone readied the ground something like a little improvising by captain that's it should instinct Thompson respect trainings over guts let's go spill some hay the darkness of Mordor doesn't seem to touch that dwarf the seven rings of power did not turn the dwarf Kings to race as the nine rings did to man they are as stubborn as stone and cannot be dominated by evil that is why Sauron has sworn to destroy them [Applause] this one's ready for lunch thought I'd keep you on your toes I assume you know the path the real question is are you ready to travel it whatever happens during the hunt to think what would turn of it be actually that's a good life lesson for you to follow always I play your training sticks that else you'll stick to the wall once the mighty growls you there I'm ready to fight the growth that's just what you do fight no heart no finesse the hunt isn't it late swinging and slashing it's bigger than that from your perspective dwarf everything is bigger yes this frog is very very big oh oh wait you're mocking me Craig's are one of the oldest species of Martok and the deadliest by far there's been a long time since a faceless crowd let us hope tame wasn't as gentle to him as it was to me my old partner and I once tried to grow from outdoor men to no grog we finally slayed it and got stuck under his leg for two days those were fun times last time I saw the Beast was when my old partner and I talked it into his dwelling how did you get out alive luck the ground knocked me senseless when akin to it ended by Paco facing that creature alone was a death sentence I've been hunting us ground for almost a decade that's a lot of years of dedication to one Beast dedication or a sign you preached better the new owns that's funny be sure to laugh when the Beast eats you alive the mighty growl will be my legacy dwarves will tell tales of torment the hunter when generations and I'll have them throw your name in there somewhere my categories are too quiet I don't think the drug is home they would go in and we wait ambush home military I like it [Music] [Music] [Music] connects that's just as sharp as a day our Father made it [Music] [Music] [Music] in battle [Music] [Music] history repeats itself let's just do is tolerance it's too strong I must attack from afar [Laughter] well I called bleach dancing there indeed indeed next time I'm not gonna let you have all the fun oh no no this is the last time by other point even I have to do this alone lots of friends they will drink until the kegs run dry I see no matter Dworkin drink I do hope our paths cross again [Music] wait now how do I get you we wish to thank you coming to our aid captain I never realized my smuggling could be so appreciated by the Queen there here walks passengers life carry quickly it's good to see you a better have the boats already the skipper's have been briefed on your destination how long are those aux obey you well I should take as long as I like we owe you our lives time just put an end to this madness lady [Music] I see in the future the shadow that will cover middle-earth the grave walker is a tiny flame we are the poison see we will still misery out across water we will wash away the Nightrider did not kill you the last time we met how magical [Applause] make a noise that moves here is your end here at the final weapon the fortress of the blackout this is a trap the silence told us what sorcery is at work here I wasn't expecting you I hope my soldiers gave you where are you show yourself this is the work of a tower the black hand but it will give me great pleasure to take you myself bow to me rebound to no one the Dark Lord forgives you gallop him or return to him and cast off this human stand up there's no mean render Gela Brimhall is your chose and he can release you yes that's all you are rancher of best what joy it is to fight such looseness such pain such a broken mine why don't you die [Music] you walk through the gray [Applause] [Music] you think you could defense the great influence not even Richard [Music] of your you will never see your family again [Music] the cost you deceived me it was sarang's doing this was your doing i should have died with my phone I thought you wanted revenge I can't leave you but there is only one way to close a circle the black hand remains [Music] norm is in flames we must return the Queen Marvel the black hand has been here I can feel it lothario [Music] yes [Music] [Music] she clean Patrol [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sahra knows we're here let's not keep him waiting [Music] I come for you Lord of hips nice fire mountain bring doom doom to all man when alert when I'm dead but I wanted to my brother Siraj this will finish as it started with shadow and flame falling on the Black Gate the hammer and the tower are dead Sauron is still weak without the power of the One Ring or the ring maker he cannot take form he will be trapped within Mordor no more than an eye of flame bound to his dark tower and at last I can die and none will avenge me I have a gift for you [Music] [Music] [Music] the Dark Lord gave you a second chance to stand by his side now I give him no choice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the black can of Sodom is dead they in the shore is calling us this is no longer our battle I tried fighting him it has to be done the general arrest for all of eternity knowing you have the chance to stop within nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] the talons come
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 1,329,259
Rating: 4.8201618 out of 5
Keywords: machinima, lord of the rings game, middle earth shadow of mordor movie, Middle-earth: Shadow Of Mordor (Video Game), tallion, gondor, mordor, gollum, smeagol, middle earth all cutscenes, shadow of mordor movie, sauron, saruman, new lord of the rings game movie, lord of the rings new game, Middle-earth (Fictional Universe), The Lord Of The Rings (Book), the hobbit, return of the king, fellowship of the ring
Id: 5XxidNrcNJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 43sec (9043 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2015
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