Shabbat Night Live - Interview with Kent Hovind - LIVE Passover 2016

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it was a little over 10 years ago I just moved from Jerusalem up to the galley and met some friends they came over and they didn't know me yet but they said the handsome videos the VHS videos that I thought that I would enjoy they had been to my house a couple times when we packed the place out and I was teaching there and they said it's great information but this guy is abrasive he's insulting is a little bit offensive and something gave it to me and I put it on dr. Kent Hovind I put it on and I saw this guy they thought was offensive and I said I love this man I love this man he's not apologizing for anything he's hitting it right straight and that is when he became a good friend of mine but I was not yet to meet him for several years and then I found out that that he was in in some kind of trouble I got a little bit of background on I thought okay what can I do and so I said all right I could I could send an offering in to him but I decided no what I'm gonna do I've got a mailing list I made ten thousand of his DVDs I labeled it with all of his labeling on it and then I've sent a letter if you can help this man he is under assault right now do what you can do and now after ten years of being in prison Kent Hovind is with us can't tell us a story what in the world happened thank you thank you so much for having me brother I was a high school science and math teacher for 15 years we moved to Pensacola in January of 89 and the neighbor kid through the newspaper and said hey Kent would you like to get one extra paper if I have one or would you like to sign up I said no I don't want the paper because I don't have a parakeet and it's the only thing I can think it's good for but anyway he gave me a paper very once in a while there was an article in there that said dinosaur bones were found in Montana from 80 million years ago or something like that so I wrote my first ever letter to the editor and I said no these dinosaur bones are from those that drowned in the flood in the days of Noah the world is not millions of years old this is a bunch of propaganda well you would have thought I had shot the sacred cow man I got called I got called everything but a white boy in that paper for the next six months and I thought what did I do finally the summit was student called me from the University of West Florida he said Kent would you like to come debate one of our professors we're reading all your letters in our class I said I've never had a debate in my life except with my wife and I lose those every time how many men know what I'm talking about I said well sure I'll come debate the guy so I went had my first ever debate at the University of West Florida and I slaughtered the poor guy I thought these they can't they can't all be this dumb are they they are I've now had 107 debates at universities and I defend the position that the Bible is literally true and scientifically accurate the earth is not millions of years old God made it all in six days about 6,000 years ago just like he said it was destroyed by a big flood in the days of Noah and that's where the fossils come from well anyway that led to churches asking me to come and pretty soon I was traveling all over the world speaking 900 times a year on the subject of creation evolution and dinosaurs and stuff like that and we were building a little in my backyard dinosaur Adventureland for kids to come visit and so we had several college students would come work whenever they could as a haven camp I got three hours free can you kind of do something we we the pickup truck and $3,000 and say go buy shingles or go buy plywood or whatever we were doing so I would have my wife go down to the bank every two weeks and get out $9,500 if we had it for all these projects we had going the pastor said try to keep it under 10,000 or they're gonna think you're a drug dealer okay well I've never taken drugs I've never tasted alcohol I had nyquil a couple times but anyway I said so it from 99 to 2002 we were going every two weeks getting out cash to have all the building projects at our place mm - I called the staff and I said hey look this is I don't like my wife carrying all this cash and keeping this on him we're gonna get a couple credit cards and I'm a little reluctant to trust a college student with the pickup truck and a credit card but we did and so 2002 we stopped using cash and went to credit cards okay 2006 July 2006 four years later a SWAT team came storming into my house 20 SWAT team guys an IRS agents and Escambia County police officers I said what on earth do you want you're being arrested I said for what the judge will tell you for what they took my wife out of bed wouldn't let her get dressed put a robe on or go to the bathroom took her to the federal courthouse in her nightgown in handcuffs we went down to the courthouse I said what on earth do you want you're being arrested for structuring I said what is that they said well five years ago you took your money out of the bank and amounts less than $10,000 yeah okay that we held trial put me on trial the UH the law says you have to have two transactions in one day that are under 10,000 but they total over 10,000 now that's what the drug dealers do go in the morning check out 9,500 go in the afternoon take out 9,500 and the bank never fills out some kind of form we never did that it was just one withdrawal every two weeks period end of story so at the end of trial my attorney said can't don't even give a defense there's no crime here at all okay what'd you say because the law says it has to be more than ten thousand and you never did that okay so my attorneys reading the jury instructions after trial to the jury and the US attorney says I object - why what he's reading there well that's what the law says so they held a recess the judge went back and changed the jury instructions and said to the jury if you find Kent took out less than ten thousand you have to find him guilty we should excuse me that's not what the law says overrule never mind forget to take it up with the Eleventh Circuit Court so they found me guilty and so the maximum sentence was six months which would be nothing because I've never I didn't know where the courthouse was you know never could never been a federal court a maximum sentence was six months the judge said Mr Hovind your crime is worse than rape I'm enhancing this to ten years they gave me a ten years and rape worse than and then that we ordered the transcript right away paid forty six hundred dollars to get the transcript of the trial because you got to have that to appeal usually it takes two months to get a transcript my took sixteen months just to get their transcript so I'm sitting in jail the whole time 16 months sounds like a conspiracy well I I would I think so I did anyway so maybe some people don't like the creation message because it goes against their you know pinky on the brain new world order plans to rule the world but when we finally got the transcript things had been changed in the court transcript the worse than rape stuff was gone I said wait this isn't the transcript of the trial so anyway I sent in federal prison for almost nine years they moved me 32 times all over the country diesel therapy I was moved every I just got out nine months ago came home to nothing okay they took everything the US Attorney went down and seized the church ministry bank account creation science evangelism he seized the bank account a couple of weeks later he flew to Detroit to have sex with a five-year-old got off the airplane with Vaseline and a doll and got arrested they put him in jail and he hung himself that was the US Attorney put me in jail for taking her own money out of her own bank to build dinosaur adventure like it so anyway I'm a felon so you're on the stage with a criminal here is that okay what is it this crime I mean you were you were really not against them teaching evolution in schools it's just you said you can't do it by teaching lies and you expose the lies is that not your your crime correct them but I do but the debates against atheists like I said over 100 of them the first thing you do is to define the terms what exactly are we talking about what do you mean by evolution we'll talk more about that tomorrow because to me that is essential that people understand because when I say that word I'm thinking of something but when they say that word they're thinking of something totally different and I've learned how to win the debate with these guys in five minutes it's real easy and we'll teach the folks tomorrow how to do that on creation well that's very because of the number of people that are embroiled in these debates from high school into college I mean even in in grade school they're not children are are force-fed this stuff we've produced a set of videotapes which you saw and we've purposely when I first got started in this ministry years ago I said Lord there are some things about your children I don't like you said me too son me too I said if you want me to do this and quit my job and go travel and speak on creation I'm not going to charge anything to go speak I'm not going to copyright my stuff let people copy it spread it all over the place finally we had to say okay it's copyrighted but you can copy it if you don't change it or sell it because that's my intellectual property anybody copy one guy in Texas has the record forty-one thousand copies I don't know if anybody beat that but you're I'm glad to hear about your ten thousand copies give him out please do we've had so many people get saved people will sit home and watch a video that you will never get to come to church never we have had tens of thousands of people write to us and call us and say I watched your video and I got saved thank you so much just for a little video DVD all I do is I tried it I tried to keep it real simple just explained hey the Bible is correct anything other than a six-day creation doesn't work my first debate they said can't we want you to turn in ten thirty questions that we can use to debate on the other guy I'll turn in 30 questions and we'll debate these quick I said okay so I turned in 30 I thought they were pretty simple questions I said the owl has an eyeball that shaped like a telescope a cylinder he cannot roll his eye in his head it's a shape like this a cylinder he can't can't move his eyes around like weekend all the other birds can roll their eyes like we can I will can't do that he's got to turn his whole head he can he can read the newspaper at the other end of the football field if he could read it and cared what's going on in the world but the fact is the owl cannot move his eyes in his head okay all the rest of the birds can so my question is how do you go from a cylinder or spherical eyeball to a cylinder eyeball since every stage in between is totally blind how did this evolve well that question never came up in the debate so I said termites chew on wood and swallow it but they can't digest it they've got a critter that lives in their intestine you talk about tiny little bitty flagellated Paramecium lives in the intestine of the termite they actually digest the cellulose now those critters cannot live outside of the termite it's a totally different animal and the termite cannot live without those little critters in his gut so my question is which one evolve first and how did it live without the other one that question ever came up either none of my questions came up I thought they were fair questions you know but if God gave me a gift its he kept me permanently in fourth grade I just I I just operate best right there you know avoid all the big words let's just explain it you know people can understand it and so it's been such a blessing now I understand that you genius God has a dartboard with your picture in her office I debated they asked me if I'd debate Janie Scott the president of the National Center for science education we had a 30 minute debate I she spoke for 27 minutes oh I was trying to be a gentleman not next time okay I went and visited their headquarters in berserk Lee California and they this guy kept walking past look I'm just looking at their little bookstore you know and we're in there and this guy kept walking by looking at me and he'd walk in the office he come on walk by and look at me finally he walked over he said are you Kent Hovind yes sir he said oh no you're standing in our building shouldn't is because I can't fly when I left they taped a piece of paper on the floor Kent Hovind stood here and they go by and were like this all the time whatever that means I don't know what's a theist so before before I went to prison there were 2,000 anti Hovind websites mm yeah I was trying for three it's I think it's hilarious when I got out of prison just nine months ago I started doing a I'd never heard of YouTube you know I didn't know what YouTube was they changed a lot of Technology while I was in all they brought the outhouse into the building put the flush thing on there and all kinds no more corncob all that anyway so all kinds of things change but so I didn't know YouTube was and the guy said can't you need to do a YouTube I said what is it he said here I'll buy you a little $60 camera and plugged it into the computer and we've had 3.8 million views just in the last couple months that have been out of prison from Newt Randy and people call us every day we get we get calls and letters every day for people getting saved just having the simple truth explain to them God's Word is correct you don't have to compromise it it fits exactly correct so if I was the devil I would hate this little ministry we have because we're striking at the heart of his kingdom how was it I was embarrassed to find out when I was in prison that God's law given to the children of Israel never calls for prisons I was one of those who was guilty of tough on crime tough on crime low three-strikes-you're-out lock them up throw away the key kind of stuff that is that is cruel evil awful the Bible in the Bible you get a fine a beating or executed one of the three mm-hmm you steal my sheep you payback for sheep everybody goes home happy I got four more sheep Meister come steal another one you know or you get a beating I'll see what the beating you had to lay down in the court and the judge had to watch what that sentence just did and never more than 40 stripes okay right today the judge just says oh five years ten years 20 years and it's just a number to them and they go home and have supper well you have to serve out what they just said I asked over a thousand men while I was in prison I said fellas let me ask you a simple question if after you were found guilty at trial you were given the option and the judge said would you like five years or 20 lashes which would you take all of them said the 20 lashes I said which would be cheaper for society 20 lashes which would be better for your family 20 lashes because now it's just nearly a 100 percent divorce rate if you go to prison more than a year it's almost certain you're gonna your family's gonna leave you nearly certain okay the system is evil and cruel the only good thing I saw about the whole prison system it provides jobs for people that are otherwise unemployable do we not have the highest rate of incarceration incarceration on the planet America is four percent of the world's population and 26 percent of the world's prisons prisoners and are you not really you're kind of an ideal person to put in prison because you're not a violent offender I mean they they can put you to work doing doing every job everybody that goes to federal prisons has to get a job so they would say Kent you got to get a job they pay $5.25 a month they said where would you like to work I said well I taught math and science for 15 years I have a PhD in education I'd like to work in education and they put me in the kitchen I'm telling you brother there's never mind so they moved me all over the place I was really embarrassed to find out that most of the federal prisons and federal courthouses are on land that they're leasing from a private individual for instance Yazoo City Mississippi the last place I was over a thousand acre prison the land is owned by Haley Barbour the former Republican right wing you know conservative governor of Mississippi he's got a 99 year lease on it his son haley barbour jr. is the chief federal judge in Jackson Mississippi I just I don't know if that's a conflict of interest in anybody else's book but it sure looks like one to me yeah and I'm not afraid to speak out about it they're probably looking to listen to this tape but how can we get him again they were about to release me from prison and they brought a new charge against me for mail fraud which carries a 20 year sentence they were going to try to give me 20 more years Oh mail fraud so what what did you do they said they said I call that one oh they said I mailed a letter to the courthouse with Elizabeth I'll properly and they're still litigation about it you're supposed to notify people hey litigation is still pending you know you might you might want to look twice before you buy this property because you may lose it so since all their fight they seized not only the bank account they seized all the church ministry proper and so we sent a letter I don't remember if I mailed it or had it delivered by a friend of mine I don't I don't know but if I mailed it they said yeah it went over the mail it's okay to mail the letter if it doesn't go over a federal zone what is it what so they were trying to prove that that letter went over a federal zone I don't know what a federal zone is and so finally some people came to the rescue and said we got us this is insane they're gonna put this man in prison for 20 more years for mailing a letter and they just but they almost did the jury it was 11 to 1 one juror held out and said no no stop this one guy who's on the jury knew about what's called jury nullification C years ago the founders of this country set it up really well ok one juror can say hey that law is invalid or that law is not being properly applied for instance if they passed a law that said you can't spit on the sidewalk in Charlotte North Carolina okay and you think the law is stupid okay so you get on the jury they got a videotape here comes the guy spits on the sidewalk and there you know attorney says look at this evil man spreading diseases or whatever they do you know if you just let nod your head quietly not it's obvious he's guilty but you vote not guilty to nullify the law the law is stupid why on earth is the federal government involved in education at all why aren't we well yeah you know the founders of this country gave us a constitution and the Tenth Amendment says if it's not spelled out in this document which is only like seven pages if it's not spelled out here they don't have authority at the federal government right okay well that's real simple the federal government's got no business being involved in education welfare somebody said no well you think if somebody starving don't you think the government should feed them well why don't we have Auto care you blow up your engine we'll buy your new engine why don't we have house care house needs a new roof the federal government or buy you one why don't we have clothing care we wear out your shoes we'll buy you a new pair where does it stop it's none of their business what are they doing in a what's their business in a drug war what's his war on drugs if I was king and I'm not running for the job somebody asked me last November they said Kent who are you for for president and on my youtube-channel November 17th you might want to watch that one Kent Hovind official I said I'm gonna shock you folks but I am for Hillary Clinton for president of Antarctica and I gave my 14:14 reasons why she'd be great anyway but I'll buy the ticket for that one well sounds like the whole thing was to shut you up did it work what happened once you they sent you to prison on these trumped-up charges because they wanted to shut you up obviously right you are like the thorn in the flesh on planet Earth - this whole evolution religion I hope so well yeah I don't think there's anyone that's ever taken a tie like you have well they said can't you're rubbing the cat the wrong way I said tell the cat to turn around I'm rubbing the right way that's backwards any me so okay so yeah I was moved 32 times I wrote 37 books I earned another masters are two more doctorates and I I let 800 men to the Lord it did Bible study four times a day and I don't want to do it again but I tried to use my time line half that books written from prisoner by the captivity or people who experienced it you know it's coming again we are headed for a tune in the Bible exactly right we are headed for a time of tribulation I had to change my theology in prison I used to be pre-trib rapture you know Jesus can come any minute you know it could happen in a moment in the twinkling of an eye we both grew up in that view and it's just not true I mean barely give the man a round of applause yeah you just you just stepped over the line again good good I've never been accused of being tactful but I'm embarrassed I've read the Bible I've been a Christian 47 years and I've read the Bible boohoo times and and I just am embarrassed that I didn't see the obvious I was confusing tribulation and wrath they are not the same tribulation is what the world does to us jesus said you're going to have that mm-hmm wrath is what God does to the world you're not gonna have that yeah I was confusing the day of Christ in the day of the Lord anyway I grew up in the culture of the you know Left Behind series and the Tim LaHaye books and the Scofield Study Bible and all that stuff Jesus can come any second and I was all excited you know Lord I hope you come today it's just not true we're headed for a royal trouble on planet Earth so I wrote a book what on earth is about to happen for heaven's sake and that's that's the title of the book that's the time of the blood on earth is about to happen for heaven's sake yep so I didn't realize till after we got it printed sitting on the Shelf the initials are whoa wo e what on earth is about whoa it's pretty cool that's on our website doc dr. Dino com is my website has been for years just DRD I you know some kids started calling me dr. Dino because I got a dinosaur on my tie you know I speak on dinosaurs I was just like every other five-year-old kid I was enamored by dinosaurs and that's what they used to drag me into believing the earth is millions of years old you can get any kids book on dinosaurs open up to the first page and it says millions of years ago here the kid can't even read yet and he's already believing in evolution that's how they sucker him in and the facts are so different God made the world in six days it's about six thousand years old before the flood came people live to be over nine hundred I mean read Genesis five they lived Adam was 930 so something was very different and I cover that in my video series which you're going to watch right online for free or you can order it on dr. dine or our phone number 8:55 big dino no we're real original but the reptiles never stop growing I taught biology for 15 years reptiles never stopped growing people stopped growing when they're 16 or 18 that's vertically they were horizontally later but reptiles reptiles never stop so if they could live to be 900 they'd be 70 feet long dinosaurs were just big lizards with Adam and Eve and then Noah took them on the ark probably babies you know just be sure to get a pink one and a blue one that'll be important later somewhat intelligent so Noah took them on after the flood they either died off from the climate change because the world was very different after the flood the people's lifespans you can read Genesis 11 they dropped off right away from nine hundred to six hundred to four hundred to two hundred to 100 and today hardly and he make it to a hundred man before the flood you were a hundred when you started looking for a wife and a house near a grade school today if you wait till you're hundred you can get the wife but you can forget the grade school you're not going to either okay so reptiles grew huge before the flood after the flood some either died off from the climate change or because people were hunting them they called him dragons I mentioned in the Bible 34 times the word dinosaur was just made up in 1841 so of course the Bible is not going to have the word dinosaur in it another word computer' either okay so it was written before those words were invented so I began speaking just explaining in simple common sense everyday language that dinosaurs did not live millions of years ago God ought to get the glory for the creatures he made they're amazing I think behemoth in job chapter 40 is at Brachiosaurus God said behold now behemoth well God would not tell you to behold now behemoth if you could not behold now behemoth he had to be able to look at him okay it was an ant still alive you've collected a lot of this information for round the world as far as the the existence of these biblical animals these these dinosaurs were supposed to be gone millions of years ago that people not only have they always lived with man called him dragons in most cultures they find him on ancient pottery ancient artwork ancient tapestries and I cover all that on my DVD number three about dinosaurs through the living with man there might still be some alive there have been hundreds and hundreds of sightings like Loch Ness monster is the most best-known example that's just one of hundreds of places where they're still reporting small dinosaurs alive they've got video footage of pterodactyls flying in Papua New Guinea and in the Indonesian islands and in the junk the jungle swamps in the middle of Africa a missionary friend of mine was over there for forty three years working with the pygmy tribe that lived in this swamp in this jungle and he showed him a picture of an Apatosaurus the long neck long tail you know Fred Flintstone dinosaur and they said oh that's locally in Bambi don't get close he's not friendly yeah it is in the swamp he comes out at night he was hard to see him in the daytime he's active at night they even told him what kind of noise they make that the sound they make he said these things are still alive you should know they're not very big anymore they're only about 30 feet long and they're not friendly they said they're vegetarian but they're real territorial and I'll hit you with their tail and kill you so don't get close to all see these pygmies had not been to American school to learn that these animals actually died out millions of years ago all they knew is they saw him once in a while so I've come I've interviewed a hundred people now that's where they've seen one alive god I don't want I don't want anybody to leave here they I'm thinking you know wow dinosaurs are everywhere I better be careful when I go to Walmart yeah they have always lived with man and as they became more rare in the early 1800s the population of the world was only one billion people in 1800 today it's over seven billion and they're making more I heard so yeah so the population was growing rapidly from the 1800's to now it's growing 18th 101 billion to 7 billion well as people take over an area and civilize it and you know populated the big ferocious animals died off or are killed off I bet they were grizzly bears roaming the woods right here in Charlotte North Carolina 200 years ago how many are there now none right people move in the big animals either a killed off or driven off ok so as the population increase the number of dinosaurs decreased dragons and to the point maybe even some are totally extinct probably some species are gone and Satan said aha here's my chance these critters have always lived with man I know that and God knows that but these people don't know that I'm going to start telling them they lived millions of years ago and if they believe it it'll make them doubt the Bible and boy has it worked good Satan is using God's own creatures against God well tomorrow you're going to take us along that path absolutely and I want to ask a question you know getting back what's going on because it was well you're in prison that Congress really got involved with this and really started grilling the IRS you know one of the big parties a through which they spent over a million dollars and the IRS didn't have any receipts I mean you know that's one of the things but they they really nailed them down that they were actually being used to prosecute and persecute conservatives and P and and this is something they they came out it's like okay they proved it but instead of actually putting the guilty parties the judges and the prosecutors in prison and letting all these Christians and there are the thousands and thousands of that are in prison in America today instead of letting you out and putting them in it just all went away well we haven't had the final trial yet that comes in Revelation chapter 20 oh yeah yeah yeah it ain't over yet that's right that's right okay that's when the world books were opened that's when every idle word men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment that's a scary day yeah that's right now praise God oh when he opens my book it's empty because the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me from all sins and then going to be nothing for them to read and I'm real glad for that welcome we are so thankful that you're here and we we are praying continue to stand with you support your ministry and and we he is here because I want the world to know about the Ministry of dr. Kent Hovind and that it gets down to the next generation so that they can engage in the fight because we've all been brainwashed and this brainwashing has got a stupor over this entire nation and I am fully cognizant of the reality that what has happened to Kent is just a precursor of what's going to be happening all over this nation and you know we need we need brace for it but more important than that Yeshua said this is what's going to happen and they said that you know in this time of persecution ahead that that believers going to hate and betray each other to death yeah and so you know that this is a time that we're entering into right now and so we thank you for your life thank you for your ministry brother and looking forward to having him with you tomorrow and again I'll when - when Shabbat closes he is you brought up materials we did got some seals and so I encourage you if you have children if you have grandchildren get these things stocked up now why you can and you're gonna love it everyone and I mean you know I I have burned out his a VHS cassette tapes others Phil in Israel they're still there and I still put them on and still loan them out to people and one of them didn't get back so I'm gonna have to go to the next generation but I appreciate it for so much because many of you heard for me for years say you know if you copy my material the copyright is copyright and give it a as many people as possible where did that inspiration come from right here this man right here this is it ladies and gentlemen thank you I have carried you on down I yes either give me the sign that my time is finished here with you tonight tomorrow please join us zero nine is when we're getting together with dr. Scott Laird come on in a little bit early we're gonna have a great time together and this is going to be a Shabbat and remember this is a day of the Almighty set aside and this is when he meets with his people this when Yeshua healed the majority of people is on that day that is set aside and and he can heal sunny time and he proved he can heal any time but this is a day he set aside and we are going to watch the miracles transpire I would like to close in prayer you've erected high yellow baba you smoke oh yeah your yellow volcano villarica naka you saw y'all evolve I know they're like a base unlock our shallow ashiya but show me Shu HaMashiach SAR Shalom y'all have all bless you and keep you y'all home I'll make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you yah-hoo I'll lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of Yeshua the Prince of Peace Almighty God our Heavenly Father we stand into the shadow of your wings and we we praise you we thank you for your beneficence for your goodness for your grace the shed abroad and has been shed abroad upon our lives we thank you for your grace that empowers us to live a holy and righteous life in the middle of the sick twisted in ungodly world we thank you for protecting our brother Kent and for for continuing to grow his ministry and his and they that gift that you have made him to be to your people was not quashed it was not in any way hindered but that you have now set him free and we ask that that his mouth is set free that that coal of fire that burns within him will then burn in the hearts of others will continue to take this message in to wake up this and wake up people around the world they stand in the shadow of your wings and we thank you we honor you we ask you to use our lives in your service the name of Yeshua our Savior our King our Messiah and Lord a main vein commercial on tour offensive boards on CMS treat Shabbat Night Live join us back here tomorrow for our Passover extravaganza see you then get out you
Channel: A Rood Awakening!
Views: 11,491
Rating: 4.9346051 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: ECrcw5RjkFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2016
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