SH Figuarts Naruto Shippuden Naruto Uzumaki (Kurama Link Mode) Action Figure Review Tamashii Nations

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what the heck is up you guys it's your boy Ace AKA animated Heroes here back with another action figure review today we are finally going to be taking a look at the S figurearts Naruto Uzumaki Kurama link mode courageous strength that binds action figure and you guys already know it's Naruto so this is one I am super excited for so let's go ahead and get right into it starting off with the very very very very very very sexy Packaging now this box isn't too much different than the others the only difference is instead of it just being kind of hints of yellow here and there this entire box is yellow with a little bit of orange in certain areas as you can see we got the window where you can see the figure looking absolutely beautiful it says s figurearts some kanji right here kanji right here pretty sure it says Naruto Uzumaki Kurama link mode cage strength that binds that's just my guess at the bottom we got the studio Perry if you don't know that is the producing Studio of Naruto there's some education for you guys it says Naruto shipin at the bottom tamashi nation's Bandai you got the quality sticker of approval approval if I can talk in the bottom right corner uh Bandai Namco at the top you got some information up here uh dope image right here at the bottom of him using the RAS singan cool image of him on the side he has the uh sage mode activated with the kuram link mode which is absolutely sick full image of him right here holding a rasing gon and then of course on on the back you got some poses you can get the figure into some of the accessories and then a bunch of stuff at the bottom I cannot read Because I imported this figure now anyway let's stop wasting time and go ahead and get right into what is probably going to be one of my top 10 figures of this year now straight out of the packaging I know that the smell of a brand new action figure is probably not that good for your nose senses but for whatever reason when it is a figure that I absolutely love the figure smells so much better right out of the packaging what that has to do with anything I have no idea it's just something I thought I would mention here we have Kurama link mode Naruto and this is everything that I wanted it to be and more I love it I love it I love it already you guys already know when it comes to Naruto my biases are going to kick in I'm going to try to review this figure uh as much I can without having my personal biases interfere but straight up man I love this thing now I know there are some people complaining uh it's a little bit too shiny uh it's this and that first of all he's supposed to be shiny this is literally a glowing Naruto who is lit up by kurama's chakra which is why it's called Kurama link mode so it's supposed to be shiny um so yeah I'm not even going to bother getting into that any further this figure looks so damn beautiful man so so damn beautiful and I cannot highlight that enough I I love the look at this thing man it just oh my gosh I love the shading all over it you have the oranges the yellows the blacks the colors really complimenting each other uh the eyes are more on the white side but I'll get into that as we take a closer look matter of fact let's go ahead and do that now before I start glazing over this figure more than I already plan on taking a closer look at this guy starting with the head sculpt it looks absolutely amazing man I love the shading in the hair and pretty much they're shading all over the body this figure just wouldn't have worked if they didn't shade it because the fact it would have either been a solid yellow or a solid orange and that's not the color of this guy but um the hair looks amazing the face plate itself is just about a solid yellow other than the paintwork for the eyes the whiskers uh the ears are more on the orange side and I'm glad that they did that it really shows that they tried to add as much shading to this as possible I love the sculpted Windswept headband looks really really good and it does hinge up and down for those of you who don't know uh but yeah that's how that looks I really dig that the coat looks very very nice man I love all of these Flames that are kind of rising off of here uh it looks so good man again as you guys can see you've got that yellow uh with a little bit of orange here and then the further you go down it's like completely orange you've got the blacks painted on top of it looking very good all of the blacks are very very shiny some of them are harder Plastics some of them are softer Plastics like this piece right here for the jacket but um yeah as you can see light is going to reflect off of that that doesn't really bother me at all U I think it looks really damn good the arms are a bit shiny as well really most of the figure is shiny again it's supposed to be he's literally lit up it's an aura on top of him so it's supposed to be that way um anyway onto the shoulders as you can see just so much so much shading on this guy there's really no point in me just going over all of it I'll be talking to you guys all day but uh yeah a bunch of shading on the arms shading on the legs as you can see you got a little right here in the centerpiece you got some around the knees you got some on the feet the feet are actually more of an orange color and they're sculpted very nicely um I dig that so yeah this is just a beautiful looking face man especially if you are a fan of this form of Naruto you're going to like it that much more this right here is an amazing addition to the Naruto line man tamashi Nations just went wild with this release and um I understand why it's a a premium release as well uh this is a buck that they can't reuse but overall it just looks so good so so good but anyway let's go ahead and put him back so we can see how tall he stands when it comes to the height of this figure to the top of his head as you guys guys can see he's right at about 5 and 1 12 Ines to the top of his horns or hair uh they look they look like little spikes coming out of his hair I always call them horns but I mean if you want to call it his hair then we'll call it his hair uh to the top of the headband I'd say about 6 and a half so really tall figure uh but it does feel like they scaled him down in comparison to the original Naruto release that we got and of course I'll show that size comparison a little bit later articulation wise again the headband does hinge up and down about that much you're not going to get it to go down any further which is not supposed to because it is supposed to always be Windswept that is how it's always drawn and animated but anyway he does look up quite a bit actually so that's really good uh he looks down about that much which isn't too bad either really good tilt turn rocker all of that good stuff you can get Naruto to be extremely expressive if you want to the arms do go up and out about that much so T pose punching poses none of that is going to be a problem at all uh they do come in all the way so those ringan poses or again punching poses will work fine uh it looks good no matter how you do it anyway he does have a bicep swivel double jointed elbows that function very very nicely you can still get him in those relaxed poses if you wanted to so that's nice the hands are on a ball Peg little tough to take off but you can tell they are on actually I got it it's right here there we go uh it's actually not a ball Peg it's like a it is but it's like a flat ball Peg uh but anyway they are on there nicely and then see if I can put them back on though let's see here there we go that wasn't a problem at all anyway they do come forward back all kinds of rocker you can move them around just fine and then I think there's a ball Peg inside of the sleeve as well to where you can move it around even more I can't tell but they have been doing that with a lot of their Naruto figures the articulation has gone crazy but uh yeah I don't think I showed the butterfly joints but anyway the butterfly joints come out about that much so those work very well also then when it comes to the Torso here he doesn't get much range moving at the diaphragm this is about as much as you're going to get you can't really even tell too much no rocker or anything but when you use the waist he comes forward a little bit more definitely goes back a little bit more the swiveling everything is there but you're not going to be able to get him in like any crouching poses just because this is a soft plastic piece right here oops I think I just hit my camera uh but yeah this is a soft plastic piece right here so you're not going to be able to oppose him crouching down too much anyway he kicks forward a great amount that's really dang good kicks back very well kicks out all the way he does have a swivel right here at the thigh double jointed knees that work super freaking well those are are good and then they keep the line work going so that makes me even happier look at all the shading here on the legs that's so good anyway foot goes down about that much up about that much really really good ankle rocker and then he does have a tow Hing so articulation wise this guy is still going to move now again there are going to be some limitations like for instance if you want to pose him like kneeling down uh you can do it but you're not going to get the like signature ground pound uh or Spider-Man poses but still I mean look at that he does kneel just fine so you don't have to worry about it too much the articulation is very very nice and then this jacket right here is a soft enough piece that it is going to move out of the way whenever you're posing this guy now as if the figure itself wasn't crazy enough this guy comes with loads of accessories first off right out of the packaging you get the signature smirking face with a pair of fist hands he does come with a pair of Wide Open Hands the hands are a bit on the larger side by the way it doesn't really bother me but it is noticeable immediately uh he does come with a pair of reaching grabbing type hands he comes with a pair of nutu hands or Shadow clone hands he comes with a another pair of stylish pose hands uh you can use these for whatever you want and then he does come with a pair of pointing fingers now he does also come with several different face plate options he comes with the sage mode angry face plate which I really dig this I hope that at some point they give us another of these where he kind of has the teeth gritted or something in the future he comes with his signature cocky grin right here he does come with a pair of uh Angry teeth gritted face and then he comes with what a lot of the Naruto figures have been coming with a comedic face I love love love that they included this man this is something they could have easily skipped over and we probably not even thought about it but again whoever is behind the Naruto line is really showing that they're putting a lot of effort into making these so kudos to tamashi for that now he does come with two other sets of hands one where he is charging up a tail beast bomb attack and then he comes with one for holding on to the RAS singon and matter of fact let me go ahead and zoom out here are the hands um falling out of the packaging now for the other Ras singon he comes with this massive one right here which this is so dope I love love all of the wind pieces on here and matter of fact no let me just zoom back in look at that that is so good we'll actually move Naruto out of the way this is so good man so much detail put in here I love the lighter Blues the darker Blues the plastic it just feels really nice man I dig this a whole lot I cannot put it into words enough all the spiraling effects you guys can see that is so sick and then of course he does come with the signature rossin shuriken which this also looks good now if you want to see how he Stacks up to it here he is next to the rossin shuriken again paint work just really really nice on this thing and it doesn't feel as fragile as the uh previous ones we've got with older Naruto figures this feels on point man I dig this so so much moving on to SI comparisons I actually have quite a few Naruto figures I'm going to show him off next to first off here we have him standing next to the revived Naruto line S figurearts Naruto usumaki as you can see they did shorten him down a little bit as they were supposed to this is the height that Naruto is supposed to be instead of this right here because this one's just too tall uh but you'll see later once I compare him to characters like Sasuke Sakura and Kakashi how he fits in the way he's supposed to anyway we also have him standing next to an sh fig yards kid Naruto and then we have him sing next to the sh figurearts best selection Naruto which I just kind of dug out to show you guys how far we've come next up here he is standing next to the official team s action figures scaling again as he is supposed to we I'm standing next to the sh figard Sasuke the sh figard Sakura Haro and of of course there's Sensei sh figard Kakashi hot I am loving this so damn much right now here he is standing next to the S8 figurearts 1.0 Rock Lee the sh8 figurearts Jia Sensei this is not the exclusive version and then we also have him standing next to the sh figurearts odoi Maru again all of these scaling very well I can't remember if Lee's taller than Naruto or not but it doesn't really matter since this is a separate line and at some point we're definitely going to be getting another rock Le next up here he is standing next to some people that he would never want to get caught alone around because they want to do to him the same thing that Toby Rama wants to do to them here he is Sting next to the sh figurearts 1.0 Itachi the sh figurearts Obito uch and the original sh figurearts Mo ucha last but not least here we have him standing next to an sh figard gar who I cannot wait for him to get that two. treatment it is easily going to be one of my favorite figures in the line I can't even imagine the posability he's going to have hopefully crossing my fingers we also have him s it next to the sh figurearts Mato Namaz as you can see the jacket on mine is a little bit warped but I mean that's fine as soon as the new one comes out this guy's going back in the package anyway and then last but not least we have sing next to an sh figurearts boruto Uzumaki now when it comes to my final thoughts on this figure I'm going to go ahead and say it animated biased Heroes that right there should tell you what to expect for my final thoughts on this guy it is a solid 10 out of 10 like I cannot recommend this figure enough I know some people are going to say hey but what about the I don't care bro like whatever nitpicks that people are finding with this figure I don't have any of that man the paint the sculpt the detail the accessories the articulation everything that I wanted out of this figure is is there like I don't have a single complaint and at this point every single one of these Naruto figures for me has been a 10 out of 10 honestly I think the only exception to that would probably be the sh figureart Sakura just cuz I wasn't really feeling the shoulders but even that figure is a solid 10 out of 10 whoever is working on the Naruto line keep doing what you are doing my brother because you are just killing it man the Revival of the Naruto line has absolutely been out standing man I know people were upset that it went away for 5 years myself included but this revival could not have been what this line needed more because these figures are selling out and people love them way more than the initial releases and myself I'm going to keep buying these I hope that this line Never Dies man I I just love it I'm truly looking forward to everything they put out this figure right here is it the sh figure RT Itachi is going to be it the sh fig Sage Mode Naruto is obviously going to be it because it's just going to be a re-release body with some soft goods and some brand new face plates it's literally it so this line is staying consistent man I I love it so much guys and seriously I'm going to tell you right now if you don't have this figure get it I know retail for this guy at the moment is probably about a hundred bucks or aftermarket is 100 bucks pay it because it's going to continue to go up in price and I'm telling you guys right now this is not one worth missing out on I'm about to track down another one I already have three I I need four I need another one honestly I really want five but I ain't about to pay 200 but um yeah this thing right here is just it's it bro it is it this figure was so worth the wait I cannot brag on it enough and for the people wondering why it took me so long it's just cuz I ordered from Hobby ginky and for whatever reason they got it after premium Bandai 2 weeks after to be exact which is why it took me so long to get this figure review to you guys but it's Naruto so you guys knew I was going to do it but anyway I could brag on this thing all day like for real this is definitely going to be top 10 at some point something that hasn't even released yet has already gotten kicked off of the list for this figure but um yeah overall I hope that you guys enjoy this review if so don't forget to give it a thumbs up that always helps me out sub subscribe to the channel if you haven't already make sure to hit that Bell icon to be notified whenever I upload new content and last but not least follow me on everything you see listed in the description below to keep all my activity outside of YouTube hope you guys have a great rest of your day stay safe wherever you are and uh bye go get this figure
Channel: Animated Heroes
Views: 16,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SH Figuarts, Naruto Shippuden, Naruto Uzumaki, Kurama Link Mode, Courageous Strength That Binds, action figure, review, Tamashii nations, Bandai, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Gaara, Minato Namikaze, Tsunade, Jiriyah, Orochimaru, Deidara, Sasori, Dragon Ball Z, jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, toei animation, Crunchyroll, d amazing, the fwoosh, Anthony customs
Id: lwRtp0VcU3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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