SFTP - Login to SFTP Server without Password using CygWin OpenSSH Public Key Private Key Pair

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I so want to go over the situation where you've installed cygwin OpenSSH and you want to connect to the SFTP server without a password so I'm going to among the server right now and normally we use a username and password to connect but I'm going to go on to the client and I've downloaded winscp so I'm gonna have this in the description area I've downloaded winscp I've gone on the tools and I've run puttygen here and it brings up this and I saved my private key public key after it's generated using the default ssh to RSA with a bit length of 2048 and you'll notice up here it says the public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized keys so I am gonna copy this whole thing here and I am gonna put it into my so so what you normally do is you send this public key here to the administrator of the of the SFTP server so imagine I've done that I've sent it to the administrator of the SFTP server and he gets it via email and he's able to paste it here so this is the format and what he has to do is he has to create a folder under the user account so I'm gonna log in as FF to SFTP user zero one here you'll notice it doesn't have a dot SSH folder name so I'm gonna go into a command shell and I am going to make directory data SSH and I have to do this through the command line because it starts with the folder name starts with a dot so I've done that you see it shows up here and the next thing I need is a file called authorized keys so I'm going to name this authorized keys within the dot SSH file folder so you notice where it is here under the user and dot SSH authorized keys and I'm gonna paste in the key now so a user can have multiple keys and you can have multiple lines and what I have to do here is shrink this into one line so let me copy this first and paste it in here and you'll see it's all in one line which is what I want and if I had multiple keys I would put them in separate lines like so in my case I only have one key so I'm gonna save this file now and so I have the public key of the user that's gonna log in because he sent it to me via email or something like that I'm gonna go back to the client and the the private key I have saved here via these buttons so now I'm ready to log in and I'm gonna put in my credentials without the password and my user is SFTP user zero one and I don't have a password and I'm going to click advanced and I'm gonna click authentication here and I'm gonna locate my private key which is on my desktop under this keys folder and I'm gonna click OK and now I could login and it might prompt me for the fingerprint here so normally if you're on UNIX this is going to go into the known hosts file here I'm not going to save it so I'm just gonna say no and you'll notice I didn't have to type in a password and automatically I am logged in so that's how you would set up a public key private key non password login and I hope that helped and thank you for watching
Channel: CodeCowboyOrg
Views: 15,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WinSCP, SFTP, OpenSSH, SSL, SSH, Public Key, Private Key, Key Pair, Public Key Private Key Pair, Public Key Private Key, Key Exchange, without Password, Login, Login without Password, SFTP Login, No Password, how to, how, tutorial, demo, review, FileZilla, Import, KeyGen, ssh-keygen, Generate Keys, Keys, Private, Public, RSA, DES, Encryption
Id: m8mSWoDcNwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2016
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