SF city leaders to launch Sunset District 'Night Markets' this fall

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District is Christian Captain tells us the night markets are similar to farmers markets, but with music games and entertainment. And now there's legislation in the works to make the nighttime activity more common. San Francisco's Irving Street bustles with activity. Now Supervisor Joel and Gaudio says he wants to extend that activity into the evening, helping to launch a pilot program for a night market this fall. Yes, we need more public safety. We need to revive our local economy. And guess what? A night market helps us accomplish those goals. A night market brings people together. It makes streets safer, and it gives small businesses a boost. Organizers say they're already working with neighbors to head off any complaints about music or entertainment. Teresa Tom runs the Mochi Donut Shop on Irving and says the idea of a market running down the middle of the street at night, drawing shoppers and people looking for a sweet treat is a welcome idea. She says. The pilot market set to run from five in the evening till ten at night, will extend her operating hours by about three hours, adding to her bottom line. It definitely is an opportunity and for our team to participate and I mean get exposure to and it will be a good time for us and cardio says he was inspired after a trip to Taipei with his husband and seeing night markets there. He says the night market along Irving is set to start September 15th and will invigorate businesses. We're putting the boots in the middle of the street so people, when they're walking along the boost, they're also walking next to the businesses and they're flowing in between. So the businesses are benefiting from this and that's what you see when you're at a night market in Taipei. Plans are already in the works to expand the idea supervisor and Gaudio says opening the night market was challenging because he had to secure state permits. So he reached out to San Francisco Assemblyman Matt Haney at a news conference featuring celebrity chef Martin Yan of Yan Can Cook. Haney said he's working to introduce legislation to streamline the process. AB 441 the farmers Market and Night Market creation Bill. Wolf for the first time create a specific permit that will last for an entire year for both farmers market and night markets. The legislation aimed at streamlining the permitting process for night markets is set to be introduced this week. The hope is, is that the program proliferates throughout San Francisco and throughout the state. I
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 3,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Irving Street, San Francisco, Sunset District, Night Markets, business, economy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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