Fremont police raise money for 78-year old contractor targeted by thieves for third time

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Greg Lee and i'm Julie Julie Haener. New at five tonight ktvu is Anne Rubin shows us how crime fighters turned their attention to one man in need. Fremont contractor and carpenter Danny ray loves what he does and at 78 years old he shows no signs of slowing down or he didn't until this weekend when thieves stopped him in his tracks. I just couldn't believe it because, of course, immediately I looked into the where the truck had been broken into to see if there was anything left and there was nothing about all his tools. About $70,000 worth had been stolen from his driveway. They represent his livelihood and his ability to support his wife, who's in the hospital after suffering a series of strokes. Just being able to tend to her needs and make sure that she gets the treatment she needs and so on. It's been extremely difficult. And then this came along and kind of added to the burden. It was the third time his truck had been hit. The responding police officer couldn't help but feel for him. It just was so demoralizing to see this gentleman who appeared to be a hardworking, blue collar individual, to just be completely defeated by this act. This just callous act of criminal behavior. I appreciate you. And so the Fremont Police Association decided to act. At first they were just asking their own members for spare tools. But soon it turned into a full blown fundraiser. Now they're hoping to raise $10,000 for Danny Ray. It just kind of grew grew a life of its own to try and help this guy and try to try to provide for him and try to do something to sort of take this burden away from him and his and his family. Ray couldn't believe it. It's been a very humbling experience. I told the officer, I said, I'm speechless. And grateful. The money will allow him to get back to work. Something which he says he'll do into his 80s and beyond. I enjoy this too much. It's so creative. The Fremont Police Officers Association is actually working on a charitable arm in the hopes of helping more people for more information on this, you can visit our website at KTVU
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 20,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good news, heartwarming news, be kind, true crime, fremont police, community
Id: 7whfygYwJxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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