Seychelles Is Not What You Think It Is! (Cost of living)

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[Music] welcome to stations [Music] what's up guys how you doing today is taya aino here again and today i want to show you guys my experience traveling to one of the smallest countries in the world and the smallest country in africa it's a country called seashells so a lot of people hear about seashells and the thing that comes most people's mind is that asia i also thought seashells was in asia until i did some research and discovered that it is actually in africa currently at ethiopian airport about to bought a flight to seashells island i want to go to fisher's island to see what it has to offer so come along with me [Music] let's arrive at seashells seashells airports we got a cab we booked an accommodation online on and the accommodation did not exist we basically traveled how many thousand miles to get to an island in the indian ocean and our accommodation did not exist we were in a bit of a fix we had to find an accommodation [Music] so we just got 1.5 gig for 300 rupees 20 that's expensive why is it so expensive why is it so expensive well we import everything we don't uh have uh okay don't produce anything no no not really currently in front of my hotel here which is behind me the sun was just setting as we came finding them is a plane comes from this direction so when and then he landed behind those mountains we're lucky enough to get one hotel that still had some availability but the room we're giving wasn't even like a nice room this room costs 200 hotels are much more pricier here as compared to places like zanzibar where you also get to experience the indian ocean too this is basically what i got for 20 dollars it's not bad we're the only black people i saw in the hotel in the whole hotel was just white people everywhere and even the way we were treated when we got there they asked some questions they don't answer you it was just weird i didn't really like the treatment and i'm probably gonna make a whole different video about this this is the first time ever i'll travel to somewhere and i already start feeling like oh i need to go back home first time ever enough about the problems let me go into the good stuff first off seashells is a very beautiful island we're on mahi we are beautiful in our own different ways because we are mixed i'm obviously sure you see we are different we are mixed races i love that first [Music] to get on my hair one of the things you need to note is you need to get a vehicle about when i was in cape town cape town was right-handed driving so i sort of got used to it in nigeria where i'm from it's so different even the side of the road you're driving on is also very different so one of the most important parts is if you're coming down here rent a vehicle if not you you you're not going to enjoy yourself it's going to be very stressful because the cab you're already carved just to take you from one place to another place it's like 40 euros which is a whole lot found a new spot this is where i am currently at it's a boutique hotel it costs around 110 euros this one is way better than the first one we saw that was very crappy and they had really crappy service i'm just heading out now on to go to a corner store to see if i can get something to eat [Music] behind me is an example of a grocery store you can come to to buy stuff they also have some stores that they sell food that you can also buy like we're about to buy spaghetti bolognese this is vanilla this is uh yeah but it's it's famous everybody likes this one so you have to try this thank you this is the little engineers to seashells this is their local drink here i want to test it out what it is like recommended by her i was asking a lady like where did they produce this drink you have to be prepared you don't just go and they want to drink takamaka [Music] it's made in seychelles very strong but very good this is their distilleries it's a dope place to come and experience they have this drink it's called the takamaka drink and it's really nice i've been drinking it since i came here so we came to the distillery to figure out how the drink was made hope i don't get drunk before i go [Music] vanilla this is white rum yeah white rum so i had the white rum and that was i'm taking a bottle of this one same as a pineapple other one oh yeah it burns [Music] the small one is 15 years old and maka the huge one is 19. we're stuck in traffic because this building in front of us is burning wow this is really burning [Music] [Music] is this one is big i think the biggest one there we are currently in a giant tortoise enclosure and we're feeding them this right here this is their food this is their lunch don't bite me like the one in zanzibar [Music] there's some on land and there's some in the water some getting freaky freaky oh he's the guy i'm freaking nice [Music] walking on the streets of seashells i'm currently in the center of the city you can see this clock right here it is one of the major landmarks here they have a general market yeah we also want to come here and see what happens here you guys i'm in the center of one of the major markets here and this is where they sell fish they sell foods they sell anything that you need to get here and again i think you can get it here at the cheaper price there are also a lot of tourists here as you can see around me it's like a tourist market but they also have like food stuff and everything anything you need to probably cook in your house to sell everything [Music] i think helps test is where they have more fashion items they have clothes downstairs is majorly for food stuff getting really tired are you not sad already i'm hungry you he's hungry not the video i'm hungry ladies like fine dining definitely you gotta appease the ladies what can you do she told me about a place called karana beach hotel and this place is really nice [Music] we found this really awesome hotel that has a really nice restaurant that we want to check out and probably to have a meal in it's called karana beach hotel this is nice somebody's having a meal here but the cool part about this place is that there's a private beach all to yourself if you're staying here when i stay here before but the price the price is pointing at something dollars so i say no this place is really futuristic i think of all the hotels we've been to this is probably one of the best ones i wonder about seashells if you see a really nice hotel it's going to be very expensive i'm having pork ribs why is my food i can imagine the sunrise and the sunset that you see at this place who does okay you know sometimes most of these expensive restaurants their food is it's not like it's expensive it's just the ambience it's not really like the food is like mad like that next up was eden island place is beautiful man [Music] so guys this is an awesome viewpoint you can come and see the old island i can't even see the airport from here the airport is just there that's also eden island it's like a really nice spot for if you want to buy real estate or you want to invest in real estate and i'm here with all these beautiful people where's your face show your face now we going to experience this awesome viewpoint and it's really cool [Music] so eden island is similar to the palms island in dubai it was an island that they built in the middle of the indian ocean and it's majorly for villa state so if you're looking to invest in real estate in seashells this is where you come to check out there are buildings they're beautiful buildings imagine you're living in a house and in front of the house is the indian ocean clear blue ice water you don't even need to do a swimming pool because the weather is like a swimming pool you can also wake up with money and jump besides if somebody else asks you what's so unique about seashells what would you tell them our culture our beaches oh yeah okay well driving by on the road and we stopped by and the beach is here it's an island so there's beach on all sides why do you go to the beach jump in the water [Music] there's an activity that they perform here yearly it's called the creole festival and luckily enough i came at a time when this activity is happening it's like a dance festival and it happens right in front of me the citrus culture is very mixed but there's one thing that brings us together that's a conglomerate of all the cultures that is indian chinese european and this we get the creole that's a mixture okay all korean people in the world they know you are creole because you are mixed you have the fruit salad but beautiful one so that's it and i wanted all the people to unite in one culture that we have i saw you cutting the coconut what's the significance of the coconut coconut is very very powerful coconut is a very powerful ingredient of the seashells gastronomy if you are looking for some place to relax the option is unlimited so you can go to lobby even here in mahi there's a lot of places that you can just go and chill relax check out the landscape behind us see glass oceans and on that side you can see the mountains green everything is green so many trees maybe i'll just stay here and i'll be staying in this house on the last day on mahi island we decided to drive all the way to the top of the tallest mountain here at the top there's a historical site called rainstorm that has some history about you know the slave era how seashells came about how my island came about some of the things that happened back then from there you can see almost the whole of seashells so i spent 10 days in seashells and the 10 days were filled with the good the bad and ugly one of the first things i noticed about seashells was that i didn't really feel like i was in africa i mean i didn't feel like i was in africa that might sound like a controversial statement but i didn't feel like i was in africa because everybody around me even the hotels i went to there were almost no black people there i felt like you know if you're in africa you see other africans too everybody there were just whites europeans russians i'm like where's all the black people why are the black people not chilling on the beach who are the black people not having fun too while the black people were not engaging in all these activities the culture wasn't as strong as i thought it was going to be and also it's so expensive do you think seashells is expensive to live in well yes very expensive but yeah well it is what it is so if you're going out to seashells just make sure you take a lot of money with you so what are my thoughts on seashells should you travel down to seashells and what was my experience in jedi i enjoyed my experience in seashells i spent time on two islands mahe and lady all in all it was i lost some experience it was just a rude awakening when i first landed there i realized that i needed to spend so much money and now we iterated again seashells is very expensive so if you're going down there make sure you hold enough money so that you don't get stranded i think seashells is cool it's a really beautiful island the blue ass water the mountains the beaches so it's not like places where you go to and all the bridges are bacardi i noticed a lot of people go down here for honeymoon and i'm always wondering why nobody ever talked about some of all these things i noticed when i came down here i think i want to go to zanzibar for me i prefer zanzibar to see shares from what i saw because as you buy is cheaper you get more money for your options seashells is more expensive so yeah guys that concludes my experience of seashells i have two more videos on seashells coming out soon so stay tuned and subscribe to the channel if you plan on going out to these shows definitely go down there or hold plenty money make sure your pocket is loaded so guys that's all i have to do with you guys today i'll definitely see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: Tayo Aina
Views: 1,219,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seychelles, seychelles islands, cost of living in seychelles, seychelles beaches, how expensive is seychelles, seychelles food, travel, seychelles travel, seychelles prices, seychelles expenses, living in seychelles, tayo aina films, seychelles vlog, travel vlog, luxury travel, seychelles 2022, travel the world, travel vlogs, travel vloggers, zanzibar, things to do in seychelles, tayo aina zanzibar, paradise, indian ocean, Seychelles Is Not What You Think It Is!, tayo aina
Id: Quk1P2Qo9aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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