Is This Jamaica Or Africa?

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she's saying that like in Africa a lot of people are starving yeah that's true how did you know that oh I see it on YouTube I see the people what are starving and you know that's that's a lie seriously in Africa C Spanish Town the goal of visiting the Caribbean is to bridge the gap between Africans on the continent and Africans living in the diaspora come here you want SP wow yes my spam con it will build it up does it make me fire more I'm buying everything here let's go let's go God we got jeez man oh my goodness but when I came here I was not expecting to see the entire Africa in Jamaica Wan we made it to downtown Kingston right here Wan you know what the similarities between Africa and the Caribbean is uncanny man because most of the things that we do it's so similar that I found myself in downtown Kingston I feel like I'm in Maka or maybe kesi Akra Ghana you can literally find every piece of an African country in Jamaica Jamaica by let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go what I'm doing if you go to Congo go they call it chuku if you go to Ghana kaswa you still find this this is what you used to carry Goods right yeah yeah we carry Goods if somebody comes to the market yeah yeah this is where you used to carry their load and thing like that and if rainfall and too much water you have to pay like a $100 for this TR cross whole of money straight business look on it look good equipment on good oh Goods put it on put it on yes but I'll charge you more I'll charge you more all right we're good you ready now which way which direction where where are we going we're going inside okay heyyy is good all the time come here you see you can't come Jamaica know this guy this guy is like the dancer king of nice to meet you my brother my name is Maya from Ghana bro from the mine is it a dance or the one is that one you that one oh my goodness this is [Music] him can we get freestyle yeah 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 [Applause] I love Jamaica man wa that guy is is a different human being it's a different human being you know I I watch one in Ghana where you see women give give it to me is that that one yes ah I want to see that man oh my God can you organize another one oh my word one with women because I want to see oh my God one that they jump and you got you got to show me some moves you going to show me some moves you want to show what is I just like that's and it's exciting to be here to be connecting the dott between Africa and the Africans in the diaspora and as I'm in Jamaica I'm going to show you that indeed Africa is here I've been in Jamaica for one year now the similarities are that like Ghan Jamaicans are very welcoming I've never felt like I'm a stranger anywhere I go once I introduce myself as an African the people are very warm and receptive basically Jamaica is Africa and Jamaicans are predominantly [Music] Africans the similarities between Jamaica and the continent of Africa is really crazy yeah you know what I'm seeing you see the guys cleaning the windshield it's exactly the same thing that we do and it's a they always in traffic whenever they see a car passing by they try to clean it without you telling them to K it yep yep is it the same here exact same same people same people same attitude same culture this is this is crazy man and I'm seeing this and I'm like you know what am I back in Africa this is how it is man like I'm telling you you can take an African Out of Africa but what makes him Africa you can never take it out of him man and the fact that there are people selling within the traffic like in Ghana you can literally buy clothes buy things to eat in traffic and it's exciting to see that it's exactly the same thing in here you want to say hello to me have you ever spent a day with fishermen in Africa [Laughter] [Music] I mean it was shocking to see that the same way of fishing in Ghana is exactly the same way in Jamaica my this is our so this is the reward that I got for all your hard work for all the hard work I'm making peer soup tonight before I continue with the similarities have you subscribed to the Channel Please Subscribe and turn on your post notifications so that anytime we upload a video you'll be notified let's take this channel to 2 million subscribers got [Music] I'm with my friend hey and what's the name of your channel by the way the dentist Diaries the dentist diary and the dentist diary has been on the continent of Africa how many countries have you been I've been to three countries so far un counting un counting you still count to which means you still want to go back to Africa of course October we're going my mom my siblings yeah we going to Ghana you're taking all of them to G you're coming to Ghana together finally I I can't wait but anyway what did you see in Africa that you think is so similar to Jamaica oh my gosh everything so first of all you can show these people where we're at we're in the coronation Market in Jamaica right now P let me tell you something in Ghana we have a market that is called kesi Market hi mama can I say hello hello you see the bag she's carrying same thing that's the same bag that we carry and in Ghana we say Ghana M go this bag is called Ghana M go did you know you don't know so the name of the bag you carrying is called Ghana M go thank you mama let me tell you I can send you a photo I was carrying things on my head in Kenya did you see anything like this when you went to Africa the same even in Kenya it looks the exact same so if I took a picture right here and I took one in Kenya my friends back in Kenya they think I'm back in Kenya and not in Jamaica but really and TR if you come you realize everything is the same I'm telling you you saw the lady carrying the bag on her head the people just walking around about the business is the same all the same trust me this is Africa within the Caribbean fact coconut man what me want me want one coconut man with the Jelly you need to ask for the jelly man otherwise they'll give you coconut water just like that I don't like that one I'm sorry you know because for us the amount of money that you pay comes with a jelly oh so if you get one without jelly you should be get no no no you need I I can't pay for that money you don't give me jelly man are you most coconut in Ghana yes there's coconut everywhere especially where I'm from where you from I I am from the western part of Ghana yeah how you come to Jamaica and you don't bring any girl for we oh my goodness see we have a lot of girl out here to give you what about your girl when I'm coming back next time I'll get you on not sure about that we sure about now he wants a wife from the model I wonder is that this is my own eh I want the one with jelly bro yeah sof jelly in there just want to make your bre what what what your wow yes my spam C it will build it up doesn't make make me fire more yeah make you fire more I'm buying everything [Laughter] here see me oh oh I'm supposed to give to the lady man ah Maya I I just embarrassed the entire Africa man no it's just that good it's just that good that's why it's fine give me one more please it was just too good you know I want to tast it so badly so I for that you yourself here in Jamaica now no I'm loving I'm loving it man I'm loving it need to take a Jamaican them okay yeah don't teach them your routin and your culture you want coconut with meat yes of course how do you call it coconut with meat yes yeah that's what we call a gel inside wow it have a lot of name it name gel coconut all different kind of so you see like how you call them coconut man they also say say jelly man yes jelly yes if you jelly man you see more Jama I got 25300 all right right we're the number one in the Caribbean we have no competition y I love [Music] that next time you coming your Mex you bring at least five ladies with you wow he said one now five beautiful African ladies you want five ladies yeah yes only you no the more the more marer yes gu is hilarious no Jamaican woman uhhuh Force man to have more than one woman cuz they nagging they love money and then criminalist does he know I'm Jamaican well you're very beautiful and attractive I'm fully Jamaican but not by this description right yes that's what they are Kevin that's yeah wow thank you you're fully Jamaican fully Jamaican where you born San oh you're a country girl no the one Going to the Country kind of look a bit different kind of so is the Kingston woman that have a problem with no I have a problem with Jamaican woman I have no problem with them I understand them no money no honey the more you spend the better treatment you get that's why you have sugar daddy boopsy and you have dra grind what you sugar daddy boopsy and Dr grind who's boopsy who's boops BS is a man always a give and not receive sugar D is the bigger one you know yeah maintain and take away woman him always him the pleasure man he spend all the money Jan is the man just come and receive yes so so look here the woman listen the woman take the money from sugar daddy and give boopsy no take the money from sugar daddy and give Jo grind yeah that is the man who do the servicing that's yes yes and Su is do the finance he's the Finance Minister [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now I'm now a [Music] jamaic Obama Jamaica improv version of marus this guy is crazy [Music] man hi I'm good how about you nice to meet you hereo thank you I'm having a great I love you thank you man watch him I watch him every no I'm still here because I love Jamaica so much yes man oh yeah yeah man thank you come more often I will I will thank you bless chrisan yeah and everybody meets me in Jamaica they say God bless you man that's amazing the blessings that I'm taking back home when I go to Ghana I'm just going to go to um a pharmacy and I'll start selling it because sometimes you need some of the blessings you have to share and you have to pay for it the breast is the best but it's for man St blooper another reason why I say Jamaica is the Africa and the Caribbean guys this I went through this so much do you see how tall I am whenever I'm walking through the market I have to bend because it's so so close to my head you look at the produce everything that we have people will be calling you like come by and they call you brother sister sweet if you're tall you're tall if you're Brown you're brownie that's what I'm saying she's telling me to wash my head it's the it's the exact same thing when on the mother new fly Right Next shop me min action left movie what kind of practice kind watch I was thinking is going to end with bombo cl T nice one nice one nice one nice one all right [Music] so you watch me ah thank you thank you wow [Applause] everyone thank you I every night every night you watch watch every night every night yeah every night Mia why why do you watch why do you watch them from Africa I get more knowledge about Africa yeah understanding understanding I love that [Music] selling bread in the trunk of a car I thought it was just a Ghan and it was shocking to see that the same culture exist in [Music] Jamaica was that this is Pap welcome to papine paping Kingston Jamaica this is Pap trying to rob him R it that's so funny I'm good I'm good just trying to get some bread man bread yeah but I I love I love how like they package the bread it's exactly the same way we package bread in Ghana and then the way you sell your bread the same way we sell our bread in Ghana so like as soon as I saw it I'm like it feels like I'm back again in Ghana manh come here I follow you I know you you follow me jeez man I see you see yeah follow you you follow me I follow you on Facebook wow jeez man finally I'm here now want to go to Jamaica I want to go visit Jamaica finally see you smoking her that's so cool man wow nice to see [Music] you you did a DNA test yeah man DNA test wow yeah man and it shows that you're from what was the resort all over Africa all over Africa all over Nigeria Gambia Ghana all over Africa man all over that's so all over family that's so cool man no thank you if I say I found Africa in Jamaica this is what I mean I mean we got exactly the same people living in Africa with the same way of life living in Jamaica to the extent that I see somebody I'll be like that guy looks like me or that woman looks like my mom or that lady right there looks like my wife by the way you don't know look out for you to you know yeah thank you man one culture that you will see in every single African country in Kenya they call it the matatu culture in Ghana we call it the trotro culture in Uganda they call it the taxi culture even in South Africa when I got to Jamaica it was exciting to see that in Jamaica they also got one already last one last two with call this mini buses TR TR in Ghana how do you call it in Jamaica we call them Chichi boss Chichi boss chich and in Ghana we just say you go in last one last two kesi last one how do you do you do that here he say in Jamaica one already two a move one already but it's always a lie always a lie because one already mean they probably have about 10 more people I'm waiting on and I'm not quite ready but anytime we say last one last two the bus is literally empty they say that you can take an African Out of Africa but you can never take what makes him African out of him man like walking in here if I if I tell you that if I don't tell you that I'm in Jamaica you definitely not believe it because you might think that I'm walking somewhere in Acra or somewhere in Nigeria or some oh my goodness like literally the same thing you see the arrangement of clothes it's exactly the same thing that we do back on the mother L [Music] man he's so shy he's so shy love work thank you man appreciate yes I love it thank you [Music] whenever you go to markets back in Africa we have the shoe side we have the place that you can buy clothes and we have the place that you can buy vegetables and it's all around the same area is it the same thing here this is a cloth side and vegetable side is not that way I really want to see the vegetable side because trust me this is GH and I want to see the vegetable side it's so noisy [Music] [Applause] watch you I am I'm here today oh my [Music] [Music] goodness Hi how are you good to see you man is it really is it really he CH yo I I am so confused you know like I don't know what to tell you but feel so much at home feel like I feel like I'm home you know it feels so much at home look at that like the arrangement of the vegetables if if I don't tell you I'm in Jamaica you might get it wrong MAA Market oh you know MAA right this is like typical MAA Market this is so cool man so today like last night the window came in for the truck so you have fresh vegetables Thursday morning people going to come early so when you come very early you can get like fresh fresh stuff I came in before yeah you give me pay money I I don't have money give it to me as a gift HH I give Jamaica love from the motherland yeah I love that you know I said I give you love from the mother said he also give me love from oh my goodness that's so funny I'm here good see Africa you see Africa oh wow patience and family thank you definitely come here from Natalie from Jamaica from [Music] Jamaica one thing that I see in Jamaica is the fact that I can live here and still make exactly the same meals that I make it back in Ghana true we have everything that you have in Ghana here in Jamaica everything it's just like I feel like I'm in Ghana now okay so you ready sell exactly you want me to sell for you no I work here I work here so I call it here oh okay that's is your this is your place we don't give receipts so I I how much is this I buy I give you money I go home you just give people money give receipt no I don't want we don't we don't give receipts don't get ID yeah when when you buy in the market the vendors the vendors have to oh no no for selling yeah yeah yeah you need you need you need an ID to sell in the market exactly but some some people sell at the roadside with no ID no ID yeah do you have that here yeah outside outside no ID when they see the police coming they start running that's that's that's Africans everywhere we go we do the same thing unring unring that's so cool thank you nice to meet you all right thank you I'm more lot of people hungry that's not true yeah that's true no no give me mic that's not true that's not I want I want to get closer to you so she's saying that like in Africa a lot of people are starving yeah that's true how did you know that oh I see it on YouTube I see the people what are starving and you know that's that's a lie seriously in Africa so so so no I am I am from Africa right yeah but but a lot of other places is still part of Africa you is yeah the good part where see even in Jamaica there's a good part and there's a bad part at least we don't have anybody here starving no this is how no one no one is staring no no no no no you're getting food see we have we have food everywhere in Africa yeah no no no no no some some place don't plant food what no this is this is Jamaica is Paradise it's just a crime what what what about if I tell you that Africa is the paradise will you believe it no no no no I don't believe that I don't believe that Africa is not everywhere in the continent of Africa is Paradise would would you ever go to Africa would I would you ever visit Africa I I would visit Africa but not everywhere not everywhere y you you been you you Jamaica Afric g go GHz GH is beautiful Ghana have a lot of um movie stars so I would visit GH I feel like this is the narrative that most of them have been consuming to the extent that when they get to know that you're from Africa a lot of them are really like they have that perception that okay Africa people are starving but I'm telling you I I live in Africa I'm telling you Africa is developed than [Music] Jamaica nice to see you me that's I just leave something he been leaving you know leav he stilling look stilling stilling leave something what's name Guy what's your name Maya Maya from Ghana GH is Lisa Lisa yeah this is a good one this was a from I'm from Ghana oh my God good African you bless me with $100 God bless you thank [Music] you you don't want to be on camera it's okay see so when you come to this Market this is more like the indoor market right but I believe that the people out there should be in here should be in here is that the truth that is the truth this is the exact same culture in Africa whenever the government provides stuff like this they always prefer to stay outside and sell when I went to Barbados I saw the same thing in Jamaica it's the same thing I guess when I go to Antigua it's going to be the same thing same thing you can take an African Out of Africa but what makes him an African you can never take it out of him true this is our attitude and we are not changing any time soon wherever we find ourselves I love how this Market is really organized if you want peir you have to walk in a peir lane I was just going to tell you but um all they really set up it sometimes I used to think it's really exactly that but it come like it's just names of Street what it's just to to tell you like where to find me okay come by can you believe it so you mean like the a I will not find a there you probably will but you find almost no no let's check it out let's check it out all right all right so we have Lanes in Jamaica named Water Lane you think water is [Music] there me I not go back Ghana I'm still here go back I for go back yeah no I love Jamaica you love Jamaica I love Jamaica so I'm here you're not here must go back I was born in Jamaica what go on she's okay guys she's joking okay so so this is pin and there's no pear here can I I'm looking for peir come with me I'm looking for peir toy [Music] yeah what per is out of season now though this is p and it's Aki they are selling here AK a AI walk over here and this AI will be poisonous because it's not open yet that's why so they have to allow it to open but you have to allow it to open on the tree anyway so Aki walk oh my goodness ah at least okay there's Aki among other things man I was scammed bro I was really scammed because I was like oh wow this Market is so organized this is Aki Lane and I'll find Aki it's hot Peppe I'm seeing well that's King's Street you won't see Kings there it's just then I I need to Crown myself as the African King right over there can can you organize more women because as a king I need to have women behind [Music] me you the size it's not coming up try again one it's not coming up 1 2 [Laughter] 3 hey it's heavy man that man lifted yum yum yum this is Yum Yum this is Yum next again next again why watch out watch out drink all [Applause] right this is the market where mother shop and sell back in Old oh wow yeah corination so which means that like things from this Market is cheaper most cheaper this probably the cheapest in Jamaica wow I'm going to try I'm going to try you're going to try put that back down get it up again let me see H I'm so I'm so glad I did it I'm so glad I did it I'm so glad that I did it go to the gym girl do it we're walking in there oh my goodness look at this one see this is the best meet in the whole world the sfish in Ghana we say kako say say coak say that is it today has been a great day super fun day and a big shout out to Jama walk by if you want to see all the natural content in Jamaica whole place the walk the whole vibe people we can't make up them content and as ra natural livity in a Jamaica Jamaica walk by subscribe he he sounded like he's singing are you a dance hall artist yeah I'm a sing Oh yes I'm a singer yes singer yeah and I got my dentist right here hey so you guys definitely come over my channel as well the dentist diary so pretty much is all about my life traveling exploring African continent as well other places My Life as a dentist just everything it's the Diary of my life so come over you love it all right okay so as oh man what do I say this this is for rice and peas yeah red Peas the red peas for rice and peas yeah you know what I want to say thank you all so much for watching it's been an amazing day and I'm so happy to be here and I can't believe that I'm leaving but you know what I'll be back this is not the last day right we park right where hey we park right here I hope you all saw the similarities let me know what you saw that W Maya could not see you know what don't forget to subscribe and wait for the next videos because like I said you have new videos from the Caribbean every single day my name is watera and I'll see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: WODE MAYA
Views: 276,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wodemaya, wode maya, wode maya vlogs, living in jamaica vlog, living in jamaica 2023, africa or jamaica, africa vs jamaica, Africa in Jamaica
Id: 1d9Hyb52mjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 58sec (2278 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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