How to Make Hair Scrunchies - Easy Way

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well good it's so very easy my name is Laura and Barbara asked do you have a video on how to make hair scrunchies well let's answer that question with a yes and do hair scrunchies today I will be using one fat quarter and forty inches of a quarter inch wide elastic and that's going to give us four hair scrunchies and there's going to be no measuring we're going to make the fabric do all the work a fat quarter is a quarter of a yard so we have the yard of fabric we cut it in half horizontally and vertically so we end up with a great big square and it will range at about 18 inches by 22 inches if you're in a country where the fabric is sold by meter it's going to be a quarter of the meter so it will be slightly bigger the first thing we need to do is take this fat quarter and press it and get all of the wrinkles out of it once all the wrinkles are out of the fabric we're going to repress it we do not need to square up this fabric because scrunchies are supposed to look messy we're going to fold along the longest side so I have the shorter 18 inch that's going to get folded once and just match up the edges the best you can and if you're off a little that's fine and press right along this edge once the one edge has been pressed we're going to fold it in half one more time match up the edges as close as we can and press the second edge you're going to have approximately three and a half to four inches by that 21 or 22 inches depending on the size of your fat quarter if you still have the selvage on your fabric you can just cut it off now we're going to be able to open this up and cut it apart on these four lines you can rotary cut it but because it does not need to be exact a pair of scissors will work just fine we have enough for four scrunchies from those cuts we now have this long piece you can see it's really not squared up and that's fine there's going to be an elastic inside the scrunchie and it can start anywhere between eight inches to ten inches depending on how stretchy your elastic is and how thick your hair is start the first one with eight inches it's going to give you a good judge if you need to go bigger or smaller and back stitch the elastic on one end and back stitch the elastic on the second end so we're gonna have all this fabric in between just go back and forth and stitch this elastic somewhere in the center of this fabric but it doesn't have to be exact now we're going to ignore this elastic and put the fabric right sides together so we're going to sew all the way along so that elastic is gonna run behind we want to start stitching at about two inches and you don't have to measure it and stitch all the way down folding these edges so that they match and if a little edges off just tuck it in and then stop at about two inches on the other side that long tube has been stitched together with an opening on each end and the elastic is on the back side we can take this and turn it right side out and that elastic is going to go right into the center and stay on each side what's its turn right side out each side is going to have the elastic stitched onto that edge with a little opening and then that fabric is scrunched up together smooth the fabric and the elastic flat for just a couple inches and put a pin do that on one side and repeat on the other so all that is scrunched up in the center those pins are holding the elastic flat place the right sides of those short edges together you don't need to worry about matching up that elastic and just do a seam all the way along that shortage so both those elastics are together and that short edge is stitched together the pins were just to help hold the fabric flat so that we could stitch this edge now when we take out those pins the scrunchie is almost done we're going to be able to just seal up this edge with some machine stitching just fold over a seam allowance on both edges and stitch that opening close once that little opening has been stitched together the scrunchie is now done once one is made be sure to test it to see if the elastic is the right size for your hair and that elastic size will also be determined on how thick your fabric is because you can make these in any fabric the sewing method is very unique in my scrunchies so let's just do a quick recap we don't need to bother about measuring we just need to cut our long strips and on the end we're going to put the elastic that saves us from having to fish that elastic in at the end the next step going to ignore that elastic start at about two inches stitch all the way in until we hit the two inch mark we then can turn this right side out scrunch all of the fabric up into the center so that we can sew those two ends together and that will be these ends once those two ends are stitched together we can just close up that opening this gives us no hand sewing and we didn't have to fish that elastic inside this is definitely a unique way on making a scrunchie I do encourage you to try it with a piece of scrap fabric follow along step by step when you've made one you'll see how quick and easy they really are to make the elastic is put in first not last so we're sort of sewing the scrunchies backwards thank you for joining me today on so very easy feel free to subscribe and as always come on back let's see what we're sewing next time in the sewing room bye for now
Channel: SewVeryEasy
Views: 312,924
Rating: 4.9387717 out of 5
Keywords: fabric, quilting, quilt, sew, sewing, how to, advice, laura, coia, sew very easy, diy, do it yourself, Do It Yourself (Website Category), Sewing Machine (Product Category), tips, trick, tutorial, free
Id: zmaI4yNKVcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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