Severus Snape △⃒⃘lways Protects @harrypotter #alanrickman

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what's going on with harry's broomstick [Music] it's snake he's jinxing the throne chicks [Music] [Music] but that day during the quidditch match snape tried to kill me no dear boy i tried to kill you and trust me if snape's cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact i would have succeeded even with snape muttering his little counter curse snape was trying to save me let me introduce my assistant professor snape one two three expelliarmus an excellent idea to show them that professor snipe but if you don't mind me saying it was pretty obvious uh what you're about to do and if i had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells professor peter peter and he's in this room right now come on come on peter come on come on vengeance is sweet i hope so i'd be the one to catch you sometimes i told dumbledore you will be an old friend into the castle and now here's the proof brilliant snape once again you put your keenan penetrating minds at the task and as usual comes to the wrong conclusion now if you'll excuse us remus and i have some unfinished business to attend to give me a reason all right don't why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set i could do it you know but why didn't i the dementors they're so longing to see you do i detect a flicker of fear yes the dementors kiss one can only imagine what that must be like to endure it's said to be nearly unbearable to witness but i'll do my best severus please after you experiment hurry what did you just do you attacked each [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great harry potter are you no is he in this room is he in this room hey get away from there [Music] you all right alistair i'm sorry albus that's moody but then who's holly juice potion now we know who's been seeding from your store servers we'll get you up in a minute [Music] [Music] barty krauts jr i'll show you mine if you show me yours [Music] your armor know what this means don't you he's back lord voldemort has returned i'm sorry so i couldn't help it send an all to escobar i think they'd find them missing a prisoner i'll be welcomed back like a hero perhaps personally i've never had much time for heroes it appears there is a connection between the dark lord's mind and your own whether he is as yet aware of this connection is for the moment unclear pray he remains ignorant you mean if he knows about it then he'll be able to read my mind read it control it unhinge it in the past it was often the dark lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims creating visions designed to torture them into madness only after extracting the last exquisite ants of acne only when he had them literally begging for death would he finally kill them used properly the power of our clemency will help shield you from access or influence in these lessons i will attempt to penetrate your mind you will attempt to resist prepare yourself led gentlemen [Music] [Music] that's private not to me not to the dark lord if you don't improve every memory he has access to is a weapon he can use against you you won't last two seconds if he invades your mind just like your father lazy arrogance don't say a word against my father weak i'm not weak then prove it control your emotions discipline your mind the gentleman stop it is this what you call control we've been at it for hours if i could just rest the dark lord isn't resting even black yet two of a kind sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been well it may have escaped unnoticed but life isn't fair your blessed father knew that in fact he frequently sought my father was a great man it seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster i'm afraid it's quite extensive how dare you stand where he stood tell them how it happened that night tell them how you looked him in the eye a man who trusted you and killed him tell them so oh shall be reunited once more [Music] severus don't kill me the prophecy did not refer to a woman it spoke of a boy born at the end of july yes but he thinks it's her son he intends to hunt them down now to kill them hide him hide them all i beg you what will you give me in exchange servers [Music] brother like you the boy survives doesn't need protection the dark lord is gone the dark lord will return and when he does the boy will be in terrible danger she has her eyes if you truly loved her no one [Music] my father was a great man it will come a time when harry potter must be told something but you must wait until voldemort is at his most vulnerable must be told word on the night lord voldemort went to godric's hollow to kill harry and lily potter cast herself between them the curse rebounded when that happened a part of voldemort's soul latched itself under the only living thing it could find harry himself there's a reason harry can speak with snakes there's a reason he can look into lord voldemort's mind a part of voldemort lives inside him so when the time comes the boy must die yes yes he must die [Music] you've been raising him like a pig for slaughter don't tell me now that you've grown to care for the boy hey after all this time always
Channel: Nicola Paventi
Views: 2,362,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Severus Snape, Snape, Severus, Always, Harry Potter, Alan Rickman, Daniel Radcliffe, Alan, Rickman, Daniel, Radcliffe, After all this time, Double Agent, Death Eater, Lily Potter, James Potter, Protect, Potter, Protection, Control your emotions discipline your mind, Spy, How dare you stand where he stood, Mr Potter our new celebrity, Forgive, Forgiveness, Betrayal, Great personal risk, I bitterly regret Lily's death, Sacrifice, Avada Kedavra, Expelliarmus, Half Blood Prince, No one can know
Id: SMX6u8wT8Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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