Severance: What's Going on with Ms. Casey? Gemma Theories Season 1

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i'm sorry i forgive you okay then hey guys pete here today i wanted to talk about what's going on with miss casey and severance the 107 hour old part-time innie who we first meet as the wellness counselor on the severed floor at lumen then later we get the inexplicable twist that she looks like mark's wife who he believes is dead i'm gonna go over everything we know about the character and speculate as to what might be going on here right after this quick spoiler warning if you haven't watched all nine episodes of the first season of severance then this video might not be for you and with that out of the way let's get into it we first meet ms casey after irv falls asleep on the job he's sent for a wellness session and what i like about this first interaction is that because everything is somewhat bizarre on the severed floor ms casey's quirks don't seem that out of the ordinary the session consists of her reading facts about the severed employee's audi who they are at home you do notice that the way she delivers these and the way she encourages him not to react is strange but it feels like it's par for the course and because of her position you aren't expecting her to be a severed employee at this point the next time we see her do a session is with mark she gives him a ball of clay to sculpt his feelings and when he sculpts the tree from his wife's accident you come away a lot more concerned about what's going on with him questions like how does any know about that come up and what is going on with cobell she stole the candle that gemma made from his basement and made it part of this session that she wanted him to do and that she's now watching closely miss casey's behavior becomes intriguing when she comes to mdr to observe helly after her suicide attempt out of her element she seems much more awkward and just generally more inexperienced you saw her as a professional before and now she seems more like a child and there's a noticeable difference compared to what you saw when helizani woke up for the first time they're all sort of like children they don't have experiences but there seems to be something different about miss casey later after she finds out she's being retired you learn that that time in mdr was her greatest memory this was the longest period of time she was ever awake for and the most people she'd ever been around at the same time she likes mark based on that and their other interactions she thinks he's nice because he's trying to help her but overall they don't appear to recognize each other the big reveal at the end of episode 7 was mark taping the picture of his wife back together showing us that they look exactly the same later you get confirmation that milcheck and cobell know about that they know that these two people were married and milcheck remarks that it's a good thing they don't recognize each other because it shows the chip's work and we don't really get to learn much more in season one because cobell has her sent back to the testing floor which is all kind of mark's fault because he tricked her into leaving the room so that he could get heli away from her when a normal severed employee retires it's like a death for that any if you never go back to work on the severed floor to activate those memories they effectively cease to exist as far as we can tell miss casey doesn't have an audi in the real world this really wouldn't work everyone thinks mark's wife gemma is dead so it would cause problems if she was walking around town we don't know much about the testing floor beyond the fact that she takes an elevator that goes down from the severed floor it seems pretty top secret and it seems she never leaves there so it's possible this is what petey was talking about when he said that he found some employees that never left as far as gemma's concerned we've gotten some details but mostly she served to be this absence that mark feels in his life she was a russian literature professor everyone around mark seemed to like her she was allergic to nutmeg she liked other people's pets and she thought cardigans looked ridiculous from what we can tell they were in love and they had a good relationship one issue they seemed to have was that they thought about having kids but weren't able to her death was unexpected and it left mark's life in shambles the people around him all understand how the loss affected him they know he's in bad shape he clearly drinks too much but they seem to understand where it's all coming from so how did she end up living beneath the severed floor or living at all considering people accept that she died in this car accident if you try to put it all together there are basically three starting points first is that she never died somehow this accident was staged it didn't happen and she just took herself out of mark's life second is that she's a clone or a robot or something that isn't exactly gemma but is based on her the third is that the accident is real but somehow lumen got a hold of her body and is experimenting on it the first one her being alive and just choosing to live on the testing floor at lumen doesn't seem likely to me i guess i should say that i do expect that lumen is up to some nefarious stuff behind the scenes but people have to volunteer for the severance program it's not a secret the corporation doesn't have to coerce them into this because for some people their conditions are so miserable that they think like what the hell maybe it'll make things better if you read the lexington letter they give a pretty good example of how some people would be enthusiastic about the chance to earn a decent salary and overlook the possible drawbacks of getting the chip leaving everything you care about to live there forever is a totally different situation this would be like committing suicide your audi would cease to exist and you would have to put your family through the pain of experiencing your death this is not the kind of thing that people would do for money there's a different level of desperation that would be involved plus we know there's public backlash to severance just for the work time hours it doesn't seem possible that they would be able to get away with offering full-time severance and from there things get pretty complicated as far as trying to put together a story of how that would work the second idea her being a clone or a robot is more in line with common sci-fi situations but i think for it to be interesting there would have to be a lot more going on obviously they are this huge corporation that could make robots it's possible what point is there to the one we've been introduced to being mark's ex-wife or if it were clones it's sort of the same question why clone gemma and then have marxini work around her what would be the motivation behind that this was one of the early theories that came mostly from the way she interacted in mdr and then the obvious thing where she's dead so why is she walking around could she be a robot i don't think this is the way that they're going but we'll see what happens lumen getting her body after the accident seems like the most popular theory at the moment kira appears to be a company town where they have a lot of pull and have their hands in a lot of pies there's this weird family cult at the center of it all but they're a medical technology conglomerate so it's not a stretch to think that they would have connections and possible control of the local hospitals maybe they could make it look like someone died and removed the body or probably the most popular theory is that when someone is brain dead or in a coma they take that person to the testing floor and lumen brings them back in some fashion so far nothing about the severance chips makes it seem like they can do anything other than spatially dictate access to a person's memories you can only access the innies memories at work when the chip is activated or as we've seen with the overtime contingency protocol on the testing floor there might be something completely different going on though and that might account for the need for some bodies i think these theories are the most probable i do think there was an accident and from what we've seen from lumen you can imagine them conducting experiments on living subjects if the opportunity presented itself in the example of a patient being brain dead and especially if they had a do not resuscitate order it's plausible that they could justify this in some twisted way so gemma being brain dead after the accident seems like the easiest way to get from a to b the fact that so many people came up with this idea independently shows that the setup is there but i think there's one problem with it if she was brain dead it's not clear that mark's wife is in there at all at this point the coma might be a better route to keep the idea of them coming back together alive but then you're getting into even murkier waters about how they're obtaining bodies for their experiments as if reanimating brain dead people isn't murky enough as far as having severed mark interact with her this would reinforce that their memories are completely separate as milcek said that the chips are working but it does seem that there's more going on than that harmony was pushing this she essentially tempted them to remember each other it was like she was trying to make it happen i tend to think that this is probably more about her i think she may have her own agenda even though she's a true believer in care and somehow this knowledge that she has about mark and gemma fits into her overall plan i don't want to go too far away from miss casey in this video because there's a lot of speculation to be done on what lumen is up to and how that aligns with what harmony is interested in personally but the corporation is not just bringing people back to pat out their workforce i think that cobell probably wants to bring back her mother based on her shrine the charlotte cobell hospital bracelet and the breathing tube but i'll get more into that when i make a video about what lumen's plans might be there's one bit from a post finale interview that i want to touch on variety asked the show's creator dan erickson what he could say about why mark and gemma are involved in this situation to begin with the interviewer made the point that it was clear that lumen faked her death and that ultimately worked out in a way that prompted mark not knowing any of this to join lumen but it's unclear why lumen wants them eriksen said there's a question of sort of who was targeted first was mark targeted because of his relationship to gemma or was it the other way around and that's something that we don't see this season but we will see in subsequent seasons that's the big question what's special about mark and is it actually that there's something special about him or is it more about gemma and he was sort of pulled in those are all left unanswered this season but we will get into it so we do have that to look forward to i also just want to add that there's a strong implication that lumen could be involved in the car accident that led to the death of the whistleblower from the lexington letter book in that her innie was able to communicate with her audi who got worried about what might be happening on the severed floor she tried to go to the press who were sympathetic to lumen one of the editors there had the last name milchik so they never printed the story and the author died not long after that so that's something to think about i think that's a good place to leave things i think we'll learn that gemma is alive but if lumen has their way she'll never leave the building it's not clear how much of the woman mark loved is still inside but considering this is his motivation for getting severed in the first place i'd like to find out a lot of season one revolved around him trying to get himself back together to become whole again and we did hear hely ask dylan if love transcends severance let me know in the comments what you think is going on and how you expect things to play out please like this video if you enjoyed it please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and thanks for watching i'll talk to you soon
Channel: Pete Peppers
Views: 170,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: severance ms casey, severance gemma, severance explained, severance mark wife, severance theories, severance season 1, severance ending, dichen lachman, dichen lachman severance, mark and gemma severance, severance ms casey mark, severance ms casey wife, severance season 2 theories, lumon industries severance, adam scott, severance explained apple tv, severance apple tv
Id: Pdy4Xz4T0Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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