Seventh-day Adventists Beliefs Exposed - Cherie Beltram

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[Music] and everybody watching our following online our congregation online that's joining us good morning to everyone that's here with us in person we are still on the Sabbath teaching this is part five this is only going to be about seventh-day Adventist and what they believe I will tell you upfront they are a false religion so let's look into their beliefs and let's look at it compared to or against the Word of God okay that's what we this is our truth as Christians this is what we compare everything to we test the spirits we we're supposed to search the scriptures okay so they are like one of the biggest proponents of keeping the Sabbath and that's why I wanted to bring this out also in this teaching not only for those that are in that false religion but for those who are wondering is that the way to go should I be in that church should I you know what should I do and sometimes you know when we're first learning things before we really get rooted and grounded we have those questions come up so let's look at this religion today one of their beliefs I'm going to go over some of their fundamental beliefs or teachings that they hold and that religion so one of them is called conditional immortality that's fundamental belief 27 and it says the wicked will not suffer eternal torment in hell but instead will be permanently destroyed that also goes along with conditional immortality or I'm sorry conditional material totality also goes along with annihilationism we're going to get into that too so first I want to say and I've said this before the soul lives forever you get to choose right now while you're alive where your soul is going to spend eternity in heaven or in hell that's your only two choices and you make that decision while you're still alive once you die you've already made your decision okay and even no decision is still a decision no decision you're already serving Satan and you've already chosen hell okay the way the heaven is Jesus Christ and offering him up as your sacrifice so okay let's look at revelation 6:15 through 17 this message is going to have a lot of Scripture because I'm going to be taking some of their fundamental beliefs or teachings and comparing it to the Word of God okay so let's look at this passage and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks and the of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who are and who shall be able to stand now this is a time during the tribulation and they're already trying to get away from Jesus Christ from God the Father they're trying to hide from them let's look at another passage in Revelation revelation 9 6 these these passages go together and in those days shall men seek death and shall not find it and shall desire to die and death shall flee from them now I wanted to show you this because they're saying that immortality is conditional and that sinners are not going to suffer forever in hell okay that they won't be in eternal torment in hell but they're going to be permanently destroyed alright so I these passages that are brought out here these people want to die they are trying to kill themselves seeking death however that they're seeking it but yet they cannot die and the reason that they're not going to be able to die this is speaking of a physical death okay this isn't talking about eternally at this point we're still talking about physical men on the earth but this example that I want to show you is because God can keep you from death naturally okay this body of ours right now he's going to keep them from death they're not going to be able to kill themselves and take the easy way out so to speak because they will experience his wrath okay the same way he's keeping them alive here the soul will live on eternally in heaven or in hell now let's look at what they're calling well annihilationism because that's something else that they believe all of this is wrapped up with this conditional immortality annihilationism it's also known as extinction ism or destruction ism it's a belief that after the final judgment so the great white throne judgment some human beings and all fallen angels this is all of the Damned is who they're talking about here that they are going to be totally destroyed so as to not even exist they're going to come to totally nothing cease to be altogether nothing or this other way they believe it is that their consciousness will be extinguished rather than suffer everlasting torment in hell it's often synonymous with the lake of fire hell and the lake of fire oftentimes when we're teaching and preaching it is we do use it you know interchangeably but hell is already you know there's hell right now but at the end of all of the judgement after at the end of the great white throne judgment Hell itself is even going to be tossed into the lake of fire so at the end of everything is the lake of fire okay it's like stages you're in this little holding tank of hell like the people who die right now who die sinners they go to hell okay after they're judged and the great white throne judgment be thrown over into the lake of fire that's why they're using or changeably it's like it's it's separation from God it's damnation it's punishment it's torment it's like you made the wrong call okay if you want wound up there so annihilationism is directly related to the doctrine of conditional immortality the idea that a human soul is not immortal it unless it is given eternal life so they think no one is going to live on forever unless you are given eternal life the Bible says otherwise okay annihilationism asserts that God will eventually destroy the wicked leaving only the righteous to live on in immortality so once the wicked get destroyed in hell in the lake of fire they just cease to be and then will only be those living with God eternally okay some annihilation estat is seventh-day Adventist believe God's love is scripturally described as an all-consuming fire and that sinful creatures cannot exist in God's presence thus those who elect to reject salvation through their free will are eternally destroyed because of the inherent incompatibility of sin with God's holy character seventh-day Adventist posit that living in eternal hell is a false doctrine of pagan origins as the wicked will perish as the Bible says in the lake of fire Jehovah's Witnesses which is also another false religion or cult whichever way you want to look at it believe that there can be no punishment after death because the Dead ceased to exist now you can see how close some of their ideas are to each other right annihilationism stands in contrast to both the traditional and long-standing belief in eternal torture in the lake of fire and the belief that everyone will be saved there's another belief out there this isn't hysterical - that everyone will be saved universal and that's universal reconciliation or also called universalism so they just believe that no matter who you are what you did whatever everybody's going to be saved I don't know what Bible they're reading but it's not the same one I read ok now let's start let's break some of this down this business about nobody can sinful creatures cannot exist in God's presence I will say that's true in heaven sin is not going to enter heaven when we're judged if we're found to be just flat-out sinners and we don't deserve to have eternity in heaven we're not going to inherit heaven or go to heaven ok but as far as not existing in God's presence we know that sin exists right now right it's all over this earth big time and yet we know that God is omnipresent we know he's here with us he's here among us he's in us the Christians okay Jesus God himself in the flesh when he walked this earth he walked among sinners certainly okay he came to the sinful world and he came to call the sick the sinners to call them to repentance okay now in God's presence he's not going to fill heaven up with sinners remember Satan decided he wanted a sin did he get to stay in heaven with his little sinful self he got kicked out okay so you can can that little idea that I'm gonna be a sinner and I'm somehow gonna still make it no okay so I did talk with pastor here Estes on this and this is what he sometimes he is floored he's in Kenya and some of the stuff when I'm researching some of these messages and I'll tell him what's going on in this world and he has just floored okay hey this is merely what he said back to some of their ideas they're their doctrines that I shared with him he said hell is eternal and the fire will burn eternal to the sinners he said people want to change the scriptures to suit their sinful lives that's exactly it now listen to this so they're trying to get caught up in these little words of definition so I looked up I got an old dictionary that was made in the 1800s so that I could get truer definitions to the time that the King James was written so let's listen to this definition of perish most of the definitions that they gave said to die to lose life to waste away wither decay to be destroyed to come to nothing that seemed to support their stance right but there were also these definitions to be injured or tormented and that that is in 1st Corinthians 8 chapter 8 also to be lost eternally to be sentenced to endless misery 2nd Peter 2:12 we cannot forget that you guys this is what the Bible states ok but let's keep moving we're going to bring more scripture in a minute let's look at this Anglicanism this is all under seventh-day adventists when I was doing my research says although the Church of England has threw most of its history been closer to John Calvin's doctrine of consciousness continuation of the immortal soul rather than Martin Luther's soul sleep I want to stop for a minute now we hear a lot about Martin Luther oh he went up to the church and he nailed those things and you know what I mean and those kind of things but we want to be careful about these men because now right here we're learning that Martin Luther believed in soul sleep there is no soul sleep you guys so just remember these things because the world pumps these men up now granted he stood up against the Catholic Church but he didn't have all his doctrine right either okay so says rather than Martin Luther soul sleep so one believes in conscious continuation and the other believes in soul sleep they say the doctrine of annihilation of the wicked following a Judgment Day at a literal return of Christ has had a following in the Anglican community in 1945 a report by the Archbishop's Commission on evangelism toward the conversion of England caused controversy with the statements including that judgment is the ultimate separation of the evil from the good with the consequent destruction of all that opposes itself to God's will now listen to this statement I feel that the time has come when I must declare my mind honestly I believe that endless torment is a hideous and unscriptural doctrine which has been a terrible burden on the mind of the church for many centuries and a terrible blot on her presentation of the gospel I should indeed be happy if before I die I could help in sweeping it away most of all I should rejoice to see a number of theologians joining in researching this great topic with all its ramifications that was spoken by John Wenham the Church of England Doctrine Commission reported in 1995 that hell is not eternal torment the report entitled the mystery of salvation states Christians have professed appalling theologies which made God into a sadistic monster hell is not eternal torment but it is the final and irrevocable choosing of that which is opposed to God so completely and so absolutely that the only end is total non being so you just go away into nothing's that's kind of like soul sleep dude the British Evangelical Alliance report it was published in the year 2000 states the doctrine is a significant minority evangelical view that has grown with evangelism in recent years a 2011 study of British evangelicals showed that 19 percent disagreed a little or a lot with eternal conscious torment and 31 percent were unsure do you see this people still don't know for sure about hell theirs they're just not sure what happens there what about that choice now listen to this comparatively CS lewis did not systematize his own beliefs he rejected traditional pictures of the tortures of hell as in this book the great divorce where he pictured it as a drab gray town I want to tell you something about CS Lewis I've been hearing those witches and Mason's on TV those witches and Mason's that people are following on TV that are supposed to be in evangelicals that are supposed to be Christian and they tout CS Lewis and j.r.r tolkien quite a bit they served say they were mixed in New Age you have to look into them and find out what they really believed they were doing that putting mixing it in mixing truth and lies and dishing it out and people ate up what they were serving that pastor that Sutherland Springs Texas pastor he was talking about both of them and I already revealed who he was serving and what he was all about be careful when people are touting these big names about reading their books and looking at their stuff okay so he here is saying well he rejected the traditional pictures and tortures of hell and says well it's just a great town yet in the problem of pain another book Lewis sounds much like an annihilation as he wrote but I noticed that our Lord while stressing the terror of Hell with unser unsparing severity usually emphasizes the idea not of duration but of finality consignment to the destroying fire is usually treated as the end of the story not as the beginning of a new story that the last soul is eternally fixed in its diabolical attitude we cannot doubt but whether this eternal fixity implies endless duration or duration at all we cannot say really the Bible has something to say about it listen to this the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1992 describes Hell as eternal death para 1861 and elsewhere states that the chief punishment of hell is that of eternal separation from God that's para 1035 I've heard some preachers preach that that is just separation from God you won't have any love you'll want to have any light you won't have any it's more than that my friend it's more than that they want to and this is this is what I'm saying this is what pessary restless is saying when you read these things and how they're soften it down it's just a great town of course God would not dare punish anyone eternally you know is it they're just gonna cease to exist and and these different things well it's just going to be a place where they're gonna be and you know God's not going to be there no part of God no presence of God and then that's what it's really gonna be you know what they're doing when they're doing that when they're lying and spewing that filth they are trying to push sweep that eternal torment and torture and pain and suffering under the carpet let's hide it let's get that ugly thing out of the room let's get that off the table let's not talk about that anymore let's not think about it let's not dwell on that let's not worry about that they want to make it as if those who reject Christ will not suffer forever so it's just a light thing if Heaven is not for you it's okay it's not going to be that bad in hell it's just a great town you're not gonna suffer forever nobody even knows how long you know you'll have to suffer before you just cease to exist this is what they're teaching this idea soothes it's Sue's and comforts those who are in rebellion to God it gives them a little hope hell is not going to be that bad hell is not as dark as what those preachers are preaching it to be doesn't it it makes them feel a little bit better about their sin and about living it up in this life and being so materialistic and stepping on who's ever had to get to the top and doing what they want to do doing their will what is that thing Aleister Crowley taught that what's-his-face Beyonce's husband had on jay-z that said do what thou wilt that's against God my friends so this is what it is that makes that sues them who are in rebellion to God it eases their minds about not paying the price for their sin the Bible says the wages of sin death well they think that death means just nothing more now we're going to get into this and they have this section to interpretation of Scripture some annihilation assists that words like destroy destruction perish death must refer to non-existence as if non-existence were the plain meaning so they're like well that's what it means you know while this interpretation of those terms does not imply the non-existence of Hades or the lake of fire they're not saying those things don't exist this interpretation does require that the suffering of the souls that inhabit it is terminated by their reduction to non-existence Adventist and perhaps others then understand the term Hell Hades or lake a fire to refer to the process of destruction not a permanently existing process now we've laid all that out now let's get into a little scripture let's look at Matthew 25:41 through 46 then shall he say also unto them on the left hand depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels for I was hungry and you gave me no food or meat I was thirsty and you gave me no drink I was a stranger and you took me not in naked and you clothed me not sick and in prison and you visited me not then shall they also answer him saying Lord when saw we you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister unto you then shall he answer them saying truly I say unto you and as much as you did it not to one of the least of these you did it not to me and these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal I want you to see that last sentence in that scripture and these the ones who did not serve Jesus Christ did nothing for his kingdom did not witness of him did not bow down and lose their lives in to him and pick up their cross daily they didn't die to themselves and pick up their cross and serve Jesus Christ he was not their Savior and Lord of their life it says they shall go away into everlasting punishment everlasting means forever there is no end to that and the righteous into eternal life because it's going to be living it's going to be peaceful and a blessing and wonderful and Happiness everlasting punishment is the complete opposite okay and there I've seen some teaching where people are trying to put timeframes on what forever means and what everlasting means and they're trying to make different ages for certain work you know what that is some twisting and some corruption of God's Word though you know everlasting was the word that was chosen to be the closest to whatever the greek word was there everlasting means forever simply put okay and jesus said that one himself christian let's let's look at this christian mortal ism because that's right along the lines of their what was that that they called it conditional immortality these go together so they believe in this Christian mortal ism incorporates the belief that the human soul is not naturally immortal and may include the belief that the soul is uncomprehensible so the soul doesn't know anything between the time that it dies before it's resurrected known as the intermediate state soul sleep is an often pejorative term so the more neutral terms they said materialism when we know materialism to be something different in this day and age but they said that term was also used in the 19th century and Christian mortal isms is what it is now called since the 1970s now I have a scripture that's going to answer to this it is a prophecy by Isaiah about the time that Satan is received into hell or will be received into hell all those that are there have been there since the time of Jesus's ascension they're in Hell their soul is still alive so think about it those that died even before Jesus walked the earth okay that were not worthy that were not following God's commands that were not bringing those sacrifices that didn't have a heart for him they were in Hell or Hades or shell okay and they were there before even Jesus's death and resurrection but even if you just start there at the time of Jesus's ascension all these people have been there since then forwards so go backwards and forward and they're there still today listen to this their soul is still alive the soul never dies and they have been in torment just like the rich man that asked Lazarus to dip his finger in water to cool his tongue that's where they are right now still being tortured from thousands of years ago let's look at Isaiah 14 9 through 11 read that passage hell from beneath is mood for you this talking to Lucifer to meet you at your coming it stirs up the dead for you even all the chief ones of the earth it has raised up from their Thrones all the kings of the nations all they shall speak and saying to you are you also become weakest we are you become liking to us your pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise of your vials the worm is spread under you and the worms cover you okay so we see there is no soul sleep they were certainly alive there in hell greetings Satan when he came there there is no complete annihilation ISM where you're just totally destroyed and you become nothing those who go to hell will eventually be thrown into the lake of fire and be tormented for eternity now and I mean we just make such light of hell people use it people use that word everyday language yeah it can't get enough of that word but you know if you can like we've had all those volcano eruptions I mean honestly can you imagine having that hot lava poured onto your body or being emerged into it just burning and melting your skin off I mean can you just imagine and then you think that you just cease to exist but you're it's your soul is going to be eternal you're gonna you're gonna still feel just like you were alive you're gonna feel and you're gonna this is this a spiritual it's something we can't comprehend with the natural mind you're going to keep feeling that torment that torture that heat that burning that flesh melting off you that worm eating on you it's not going to end let's look at mark 9 47 through 48 and if your eye offends you pluck it out it is better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched and another one just like that scripture Isaiah 66 24 and they shall go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me for their worm shall not die neither shall their fire be quenched and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh now I want to show you they're trying to say that the fire is eternal and that the lake of fire is forever but the torment for each person is not they'll just be tormented for a while and then they'll just cease to be to be they'll go away to nothing no not according to these scriptures look at this this passage stated their worm dies not and in Isaiah it says their fire shall not be put out that's what not quenched means this is eternal this is everlasting this is forever this torment you're either gonna live in heaven with the Lord happy and blissful and blessed or you're gonna live where you're choosing to go the lake of fire punishment and torment and pain it said weeping and gnashing of teeth it's gonna be horrible horrible look at this Bible here this is the seventh-day Adventist Bible they call it the clear word Bible now as you're looking at this they certainly have they're certainly sending the message here okay this Bible I'll tell you is filled with lies and filth and twisting of the scripture you know I know the NIV and all of the rest of them that followed suit with that they left out Scripture they'd come against the deity of Christ they've done perverted twisting of Scripture this one is no exception we're going to go over some of the things that are in this Bible they made the W stand out so huge it's the biggest letter on that cover and it's written so that there is a triangle highlighted the triangles are always about Sun worship as well as indicating ancient sex cult two religions those Babylonian and Egyptian religions were all were nothing more than sex Colts okay the W is also to these remember the W and the viii in hebrew equals a six so when you look at it as a w you've got a six if you look at it at two broken V's slap together or two V's push together you've got six and a six if you put all that together you've got 666 remember their religions not just the seventh-day Adventist but those that are in the secret societies the Jesuits Masons Illuminati all of them their religion is a religion of symbols and colors and numbers it's all based on that so they tell us what you know what they're up to who they're serving and what's going on with their color symbols and numbers when you know that they're not true that they're not really Christians that they're not really of God you can look at their stuff and you can find what they're saying to their to their fellow brothers and sisters who serve Satan so I have several links I'd want to tell you guys below in my notes that you can go and you can look at their Bible this clear word Bible and compare it to the King James Bible and see how they're twisting scriptures I'm going to go over a few but I also want to tell you guys if you're watching us from our website which is the one I recommend because if anything happens with YouTube or Vimeo you can find all of the messages on our website in order you can search him you can do you know there's an awesome search engine on there so if you're watching us right now or me from our church website just look down where you see me right now look underneath and you'll see the link and it's to the same notes that I'm speaking from if you scroll all the way to the end of that document you'll see all the links that I use in the research that I'm talking about right now okay so you can see it for yourself and you can you can print this out and share it with you know people who don't have computers aren't able to get on at the older you know generation a lot of times it's kind of like that also if you're seeing us on YouTube then all you got to do is just look over here look over here to the underneath of us on the show or infobox and you'll see if you scroll down you'll see all the links under references okay so you can go and look at that so there clear word Bible that's a seventh-day Adventist Bible I want you to see what it says in Isaiah 66 24 now we just read that where their their worms shall never die in their fire shall never be quenched let's see what their Bible says they will see the dead bodies of those who have rebelled against me lying outside the city it will be an abhorrent sight but just as worms don't stop until they devour the dead and fire doesn't stop until it destroys so the fires of the Lord will destroy the wicked and consume them all you see how they wrote that once the worm chews you up in its full fat full and it'll flop over and die once the fire burns you up there will be nothing else to burn and it'll just go out that's what they're basically saying here they have rewritten that scripture to fit their theology what they're trying to teach listen to this one this one will floor you let's read jude 1:9 yet Michael the Archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses dirt dared not that's what durst means Durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said the Lord rebuke you now that's Michael the Archangel talking to Satan about the body of Moses now let's go over here into the seventh-day Adventist Bible and look at Jude 1:9 and see what it has to say about that in contrast to these ungodly men is the Lord Jesus also called Michael the Archangel Red Alert red alert yes they're saying right here the Lord Jesus also called Michael the Archangel for he is over the entire angelic host when he was challenged so now they're saying with their twisting that Jesus and Michael the Archangel are one and they're saying that so Jesus was challenged by Satan a created being mind you created by Jesus so they're saying Jesus was challenged by Satan about his intentions to resurrect Moses he didn't come at Satan with a blistering attack nor did he condemn him with mockery he simply said God rebuke you for claiming Moses's body what some ridiculous filth and garbage that is the way they have written that as if even Jesus would not rebuke and put Satan down under his feet ridiculous Jesus is not Michael the Archangel okay all right so now here's another one I remember I'm trying to show and expose that this is such a false religion to not be hung up on this you know what they're teaching and preaching you certainly don't want to be a seventh-day Adventist okay let's look at revelation 12:7 and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought against his angels now let's go to their Bible the CWB Bible revelation 12:7 this controversy between God and the dragon began years ago in heaven God's son Michael and the loyal angels fought against the dragon and his angels now won't tell you something I know there are places in scripture where the Angels are called sons of God just as we are also called sons of God but there is an intent here when they're saying God's son Michael because they have clearly written their Bible saying that Michael and Jesus are the same one that's abomination you guys that's blasphemy Michael is created he is a holy angel that serves God he is not Jesus Christ it's okay let's look at another one of their fundamental beliefs second coming in the end times fundamental belief 25 through 28 Jesus Christ will return visibly to earth after a time of trouble during which the Sabbath will become a world-wide test now they're talking about the tribulation so this teaching or their beliefs right there seem to be based on this book by lmg white if you know anything about her just the mention of her name just her visions in the books that she is written she is a red flag all by herself okay she wrote this thing called the great controversy the second half of the book is prophetic looking to resurgence and papal supremacy so the Catholic Church which you know the Pope always looks like he's in the running to be the false prophet then she says the civil government of the United States will form a union with the Roman Catholic Church as well as with apostate the Protestants leading to enforcement of a universal Sunday law which she says is the mark of the beast and a great persecution of Sabbath keepers immediately prior to the second coming of Jesus and these will be the part of the endtime remnant of believers who are faithful to God which will be sealed and manifested just prior to the second coming Jesus now these people do not know their Bibles listen to this that is talking about the tribulation and what day you attend church on is not the mark of the beast listen to this the only ones who are going to be sealed during the tribulation our God's is the Jews the hundred and forty-four thousand they are going to be sealed they're going to be protected they're the only ones that the Bible mentions being sealed by God by his angels for him the other people are going to be sealed with the mark of the beast or die because they're not going to take it but they're trying to say they're gonna be sealed and I have another little tidbit coming on that at the end of the message but let's look at this what what they're talking about there so they're trying to say that at that time there's gonna be a law passed it's gonna say everybody has to go to church on Sunday and when you do it you just received the mark of the beast so they're saying the only way you're not gonna get the mark of the beast is if you keep the Sabbath which they're saying is on Saturday from Friday evening at 6 o'clock Saturday to Saturday evening at 6 o'clock so listen to this revelation 13 16 through 18 this is about the mark of the beast and he I thought this was interesting in the Greek if you look at the Greek it says it causes all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in now King James says in when I look at what the Greek is supposed to say and I want to get too tangled up into that Hebrew Greek stuff because there's some shady stuff that went on there but the Greek says on so in or on to me you're just you just arguing semantics there don't be trying to split you know split hairs on this stuff okay what you need to know is the forehead or the right hand that's your two clues right there so says to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell except save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name any one of those three things and you're damned okay here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six which equals 666 now for them to say you know that this is the way it's going to be everybody who keeps the Sabbath during the time of the tribulation is going to be the ones who are sealed by God and and they're and they're the only ones who haven't taken the mark I heard another guy teaching it and he said well they're gonna pass a law it's gonna be called the Sunday law and then everybody's going to have to go to church on Sunday and then when you go to church on Sunday keeping the law that will be passed that you'll get a card and that card is going to allow you to buy and sell and trade and do what you have to do because you kept man's Sunday law which they're saying is the mark of the beast now I want to say something here maybe they will pass a law maybe they will say everybody has to go to church on Sunday or else but I want to tell you something the only way you're gonna know if it's the mark of the beast anything in this world is when you cannot buy or sell anything unless you receive something some kind of mark something in your right hand or on it or in or on your forehead and it is not your actions and your thoughts those Jews or Israelites were certainly sealed we had a stop and those angels had to seal them and hold everything back until they were sealed if it was just thoughts then it would have been done instantly there would have been no need for anybody to do anything ittsan there was a physical action taking place where God said mark them seal them put my seal on them okay you see that also in Ezekiel where there was a physical seal that was done by God's hand for those that were sick of the sin on the earth and all that was going on and God had on marked and they were the only ones that got saved so listen to this if it comes down to that you don't want the mark of the beast if you take the number the name or the mark you're damned to hell for all of eternity then the lake of fire it will be torture forever everlasting torture punishment pain it'll-it'll we can't even describe how horrible that it's going to be we can't even imagine it okay so you don't want to take the mark of the beast if they were to pass a law like that just go in the church like Scott says nobody wants to go to church now anyway but if let's say it was one of their satanic churches and they're saying you must come here to the Vatican or something like that right and then it's like we're and then it's like still going there that's still not the mark but then if they say get over here in this line we're about to mark you rude you better get out of there my friend you should have never been there in the first place okay you don't want to be Steven know mark in your right hand or your forehead okay now revelation doesn't say anything about keeping the Sabbath or anybody keeping it as being those are going to be the only ones the people who are sealed are the hundred and forty-four thousand okay everybody else is told do not bow down and worship the Beast in any way shape form or fashion don't take the number the name or the mark any one of them and you're damned okay so let's go on to a holistic human nature this is fundamental belief seven and 26 says humans are an indivisible unit of body mind and spirit they do not possess an immortal soul and there is no conscious after death now that is commonly referred to as soul sleep see how they're just basically trying to say you don't have to worry about anything after this life you're gonna soul sleep or your your consciousness is going to quit being alive are you gonna be tormented for just a little while and you'll cease to be there just paint in such a nice little picture about if you just live it up and send it up in this life it won't be that bad for you won't be that bad on you okay so they say I'm saying this is in direct contradiction to the story that Jesus told of Lazarus and the rich man because their names are used and for the rich man is a true story that's what I'm saying is because he used the name Lazarus and also for the rich man jesus said a search and rich man you can read several places in the New Testament where they're talking about actual people and they say certain and so just like when the rich man came up to Jesus and said master how can I do this it was a certain rich man you see this was a real person they certainly knew each other in shale in hell so that rich man who punished Lazarus all the time it didn't have mercy on him he looked over there and saw him he knew him now they both already died and they're having a conversation down there ones on the side of torment and pain and torture over there in hell and one is over here on the side of what was called then Abraham's bosom or paradise and you can read about that in Luke 16 19 through 31 and that nobody ascended before Jesus died and then he rose again and he ascended so then at that time it even talks about graves opening up and people coming out of their graves and things when Jesus resurrected so once he ascended then they could leave that place but before then it was sort of like a holding tank and you had the righteous down there and you had the sinners down there but they were separated by a great gulf and they even said we can't come over there to you and you can't come over here to us and they were conscious and they could feel because he was in tortured tormented pain and he wanted Lazarus to just dip his finger in water just to cool his tongues all right they also have this fundamental belief twenty-four heavenly sanctuary at his ascension Jesus Christ commenced an atoning ministry in the heavenly sanctuary in 1844 he began to cleanse the heavenly sanctuary in fulfillment of the Day of Atonement so you guys ought to be passing out and being floored out there who know your Bibles who've read the Old Testament and understand the things that they're talking about it even the New Testament so I want to tell you something I mean this is just getting crazier Golf it doesn't get much crazier than saying Michael and Jesus are the same okay but they had predicted that Jesus was going to return in 1844 and when that did not happen instead of just saying you know what we were wrong man we got so excited about him returning and it just looked like everything was lining up and it was going you know one and we missed it and you know man we're not going to do that again or we learned our lesson instead of doing that instead of eating you know crow or whatever you want to call it you know they just said well they just developed this theology that we're reading about right here Oh in 1844 then they're like okay since Jesus didn't come that's it he he now is cleansing the heavenly sanctuary that's what happened and we just kind of got it you know we just didn't understand it but we know now we got it there is some craziness y'all I'll tell you straight up I missed it a couple of years back when we first stepped out in ministry and God was doing I mean and he still is doing amazing things but Kennedy she would listen to us talk and we would talk with brother Smitty and we were talking about the Lord's return and remember that's when they hyped up the now I know that those people on TV the the evangelists on TV or Masons and witches and I didn't know it back then they were hyping the blood moons and they were doing all these teaching and all this meat the year and the Jubilee and the this and the that and everything is lining up just right and then the people they have their plants on YouTube also that do this junk every year that - and and do all these predictions and this and that and I bought into that stuff okay but God was giving me some warnings but I was just thinking well I you know but all of this but he was giving me someone he was trying to draw me back but I was like and so one day Kennedy had we were at a local restaurant here and she came out of the restroom and she says mama you know God just talked to me in all of this and she was saying that he said that he was going to return that year right and so I was just like really and I was so excited and so it's like you know are you sure and this kind of thing and then so then it didn't happen you want to talk about not only that she said that but that I was so hyped up by all of the hype that the witches put out there trying to seduce us into this because they want you to be let down they want you to be so crushed and destroyed by something not happening that you'll just walk away from the faith I would tell you something I think about Peter when he said when Jesus said he when he gave that teaching about the communion about how he was given his body this is my body take eat of this bread and then he said this wine is my blood which is shed for you okay well there were people were that are like what we're supposed to eat your body and we're spending everything they all all departed and so Jesus looked at his own disciples and he said are you gonna leave too and Peter said basically where will we go you have the words of life someone tell you something all these people that say while those Christians those wimpy Christians that are believing in the rapture or they think do soar they think that when they don't happen they're gonna fall away they're gonna quit believe and there they ain't gonna make it I I'm gonna tell you something that was hard that year and I had some friends that were really believing in all of that too and really looking so strong for the Lord's return so hopeful and what it didn't happen oh I was disappointed but I'm gonna tell you what God was right there still with me I learned a lesson out of that it's like oh I ain't gonna fall for that again he started showing me about the plants and the so-called truthers who some of them are just out there trying to bait you along he definitely broke open the mason masonic witches and people on TV that are doing nothing but lying okay making money off all their books and teachings and everything else but so there's no shame in being excited about the lord's return but that is really why jesus said no man knows the day or the hour he doesn't want us sitting there trying to mark our calendars and say well this is when and making these predictions so that then we get egg on our face right alright so when you really love the Lord and you mess up or your your heart gets away from you you know thinking that kind of stuff he will teach you lessons out of that okay he'll grow you stronger in him okay your faith will just get stronger the more tests and trials that you go through alright so these people could not admit they they bashed it up they were completely wrong they just made up some more lies and some more teaching just to say well this is what really was going on we knew we were getting something in the spirit and we knew what and this is what it was so now they said in 1844 Jesus is up there trying to cleanse the heavenly sanctuary because you know how filthy it is up there in heaven is so sinful and it's so you know my goodness he's got to clean that place up who would even buy that garbage so listen to this Hebrews chapter 9 speaks of Old Testament sac faces being offered continually year after year this is what they're talking about that Day of Atonement every year the high priest had to go in there and he had to make atonement for his sins his family sins as well as the whole nation of Israel every year and they continually brought their sacrifices to cover their sins okay so it talks about that and it goes on to show that Jesus offered himself once and for all this is not a yearly thing this is not the high priest doing it for himself and then doing it for the nation this is not it's not at one time and it was finished okay it speaks of him having already entered into the holy place in heaven listen to this let's go over here and look at Romans 3:25 and I would read that Hebrews chapter 9 you guys ought to be reading your New Testament anyway well the whole Bible all right but really you know I read the New Testament probably a couple of times per every time I read the Old Testament so get in your word off you want to really know God know what he says and hear his voice so Romans 3:25 whom this is talking about whom God has set forth is talking about Jesus whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God now propitiation that's a big word in theology that is the atonement or atoning sacrifice offered to God to a swage his wrath and render him propitious to sinners now and Jesus was our propitiation so that means Jesus by offering himself and his shedding his holy blood he ass waged God's wrath off of us when it says to make hemp propecia stew sinners propitious means favourable kind ready to give a blessing so Jesus took God's wrath off and away from us by being our sacrifice and not only that he also then made God propitious towards us so he would be kind and ready to bless us let's look at 1st John 2:2 and he is the propitiation for our sins and not only for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world he died for this whole world the high priest entered into the holy of Holy's that's what I was talking about in a minute ago once a year to make atonement for himself first and his family so that he would be worthy then to offer for the nation right so he offered a sacrifice for himself and his family sins and then he offered one for the whole nation of Israel in order to do this he had to sprinkle blood on the mercy seat now Leviticus chapter 16 explains about the high priest making the sacrifices and sprinkling the blood on the mercy seat making atonement for another year one more year he had to do it every year now when Jesus was crucified he would have gone in pretty quickly thereafter to sprinkle the blood upon the mercy seat he met Mary outside of the tomb and told her not to touch him for he had yet not yet ascended to his father that's in John 20:17 however we then see him later appearing to them and letting Thomas touch his hands and his side so we know he had ascended by then so it wasn't in 1844 s what I'm saying ok we could read about his ascension there in the Bible we know he told Mary and one of the Gospels don't touch me I have an ascended yet and then you can read in the other ones where obviously he then came and and met with all of them and let them touch him and all of these things he ate fish a honeycomb and fish okay let's look at Hebrews 4:14 seeing then that we have a high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession now that was recorded for us by the Apostles and others of that time period Jesus did not just now in the eighteen hundreds start to cleanse the temple in heaven the temple in heaven never needed cleansing okay Jesus going up there and sprinkling his blood on the mercy seat in heaven ascending to the Father was a one-time act that he did this entirely when he ascended as our high priest right now he is standing before the Lord our God the Father he intercedes for us he's our high priest he is in this role until he comes back and basically takes back over this earth takes a title deed back let's say and he sets up his rule and reign on this earth the millennial reign as king okay so he's right now acting as High Priest you can watch that transition through revelation when he's walking between the seven golden lampstands the churches okay that's like a picture of the high priest checking the menorah keeping them lit keeping the lamps burning right and in doing those things that are necessary and you watch as that transitions because then Jesus is gonna come back on his white horse and he's coming back as the judge of this whole earth okay so he's gon transition from the high priest to the Kings he is already those who know him enter in him he is Lord of lords and King of Kings okay and he's coming soon so okay that was some crazy stuff that they're teaching okay and it's real up in this LNG white lady that had all these visions and all this crazy stuff going off tell you what she was having some stuff go on but just like I said we got more of it happening today we got people saying God told me dye my hair pink and Jesus keys up and have it through the Christmas trees which if you know anything about the pagans that is a pagan altar to Bale the Sun God who God hates and there's a bomba nation to him and he said don't worship or bow down to that so we got some lady standing up in the pulpit saying this garbage and people are eating it up eating it up can't get enough crazy stuff is going on you guys you've got to have godly discernment you've got to get in God's Word you've got to be able to test this stuff and kick it out say no and this is why okay so this lady having all these visions and all this crazy stuff writing it down and all of this they let her be a co-founder of the seventh-day Adventist Church and they have twisted these this Bible that they've written around her teachings and made all of this stuff mesh up and match up you got to get down to the root of this stuff y'all so I want to let's look at their fundamental belief number 13 about the remnant says there will be an endtime remnant who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus this remnant proclaims the three angels messages of Revelation 14 6 through 12 to the world let's look at that passage revelation 14 6 through 12 and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the eternal gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship Him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters and there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the Beast and His image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb and the smoke of their torment ascends up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the Beast and His image and whosoever receives the mark of his name here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus now I want to tell you something I just listened to a teaching this morning I was doing a little research on Doug Batchelor I'm gonna share something with you guys from him in a minute he's one of the you know which is on TV that stand for seventh-day Adventism he's one of the ones the puppets that they're using right now these are actual angels you guys this is not the seventh-day Adventist people that are giving this message at this point in time in the tribulation these are really God's angels see there's this whole Greek angel means messenger and then you know and see this way you can twist things to mean what you want them to mean that's what this some of this Greek and Hebrew stuff behind the scenes means instead of us looking at our translations and taking them literally okay so they're trying to say that we're doing this now are they're doing this now we're preaching God's Word we're to spread the gospel all of us are you guys - okay we're all to do this Jesus told us to but I want to tell you something during this time of tribulation when the church has already been removed when the bride is already taken from this earth God in His mercy is even going to have his angels spreading this message his very angels he's going to give the task these three angels of doing this this is not people this is not we need to understand this okay because they're trying to make this fit their teachings okay I even had somebody send some stuff here to the church and I opened it up and it was some stuff and it was like from a supposed church and I was like okay what you know that's kind of weird it was a seventh-day Adventist like an individual or something that made up their own ministry and they sent some booklet and like some tracks and stuff and I saw them like I'm looking through the stuff and I'm like what this is weird you'll know when you if you know your word and you've got Holy Spirit in you you get this he will alert you like something isn't right now it's reading this stuff and like the letter that they sent and I was like something here is trying to make out like they're this angel preaching this message and I was like something right because I didn't know right off that this was seventh-day Adventist materials sorry I looked at a little bit more of it and it was like oh it became painfully obvious that this stuff was off and you know I wrote the people back and I mean it's just sad to see people stuck in that those lies but though these are actual angels okay and he is still hoping that people will come to him even during the tribulation and that they'll confess and repent and cry out to Jesus and do what's necessary at that time to be saved avoid the mark of the beast the number the name of the mark okay and I've heard people preach and twisting that up that they're like in that scripture where it says and that and who where it talks about whoever received his name you don't want to mark the number or the name any one of those professes allegiance to him and rejects God okay we'll be damned you will go to hell for eternity and that scripture right there said that they were going to be tormented that their torment is going to ascend up forever and ever I don't know about you but to me forever and ever means forever means it never ends okay and then it says they have no rest day or night those that are going to worship this beast oh if this was the thing who worshipped the Beast and His image and so some people are like well if I don't do this part you are you kidding me with that you're gonna get yourself hung up on a technicality and and then you're not gonna have any excuses before God you don't want any part of the beast or the Beast system the false prophet the Antichrist Satan's none of it if you don't hear it anywhere else you'll hear it from us and there's people teaching you could take it and you can still back pedal and then repent and get rid of it no you cannot the Bible says you will be damned you will be tormented in front of the Holy Angels and in front of the lamb that's Jesus Christ okay so there's that now seventh-day Adventist this is just some research okay they also say that the word sign in Ezekiel 20:12 means the same as seal in Romans 4:11 now I don't agree with this it was not that kind of sign let's look at those scriptures Ezekiel 20:12 and then I'm gonna look at 20 verse 12 and then verse 20 moreover also I gave them this is the Lord speaking he's talking about Israel I gave them Israel my Sabbath's to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the lord that sanctifies them and how will my service and they shall be a sign between me and you that you may know that I am the Lord your God talking to Israel saying that the Sabbath was a sign between them and him okay so now since they say that word their sign means the same thing as seal let's go over and look at seal in Romans 4 11 and he this talking about Abraham received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised that he might be the father of all them that believed though they be not circumcised that righteousness might be imputed unto them also now just in a straight reading no I don't agree that the seal over there in that Old Testament in Ezekiel meant the same thing is this sign over here enrollments but let's look at it further look at this seal you know back when the King used to wear that signet ring and they would have that hot wax and he would impress it into that wax and make what was called a seal this is something that seventh-day adventists this little logo here they like it it says another God on earth and it talks about the Sabbath and it says Sunday it says counterfeit Sabbath Sunday the apostate Church mark of power they say is 666 now we'll say that those seventh-day Adventist they seem to be really against the Catholic Church so but don't forget that Satan does is people think well then Satan can't be against Satan he's not against himself he's just duping you know you are us or those who will believe this stuff okay he's okay if you believe that oh well they're the good guys because they hate those guys and I know those guys are in idolatry they're on the same team they're just tricking you okay so he's not divided against himself it's okay they believe keeping the Sabbath is a sign of who is truly gods and who is not however when God officially gave the Sabbath and defined how it was to be kept it was given to the Israelites only that's why he says it's a sign between me and you now it was a sign to them that for 40 years God provided the manna that was a sign because it wasn't naturally there on the Sabbath days they collected double the day before took hold them over and through the Sabbath that was miracles that God was doing that was a sign for them that he was providing for them when they first broke God's commandment about not gathering more than they needed and they tried to keep it remember the next day it was rotted and had worms in it however when they gathered twice as much the day before the Sabbath and they did what God said to do and they gathered more then when the Sabbath day came all that they had leftover had not rotted and it didn't have worms in it when they were on the regular day trying to get too much and carry hold it over for the next day it rotted and got worms in it but the what they held over for the Sabbath day did not that was God preserving that so they would have it on the Sabbath and they wouldn't have to go out and gather it and it would still be good to provide for their nourishment that was a miracle that was a sign they'd already seen them people over there gathering up more and keeping it overnight and then it's like oh it got wormy and and you know it was bad it stunk and rotted and everything else they knew what would happen but then God said on this day on the sixth day gather up more you know gather up twice as much what you need for the Sabbath - wouldn't you think oh man it's gonna have worms it's gonna be rotten it's gonna be and then whenever they got up it's like it wasn't you see that was a miracle that was a son okay all of that was a sign from God to them he wanted them to know he was their deliverer from Egypt he mentions that many times in the Old Testament says that I am the Lord their God who delivered them from Egypt and he says he was their creator and he reminded them of this many times and he wanted them to rest a natural physical rest he wanted to give them and he and to show them that he was the one providing for them also remember that Sabbath year of rest for the land that they had weekly Sabbath's in the desert when they were wandering but they had that year of Sabbath's for the land when they went into the Promised Land they had both they still had their weekly Sabbath but then remember every seventh year they had to let that land rest for a whole year and for that whole year God provided for them and blessed them when he called them to rest he provided remember he provided for three whole years the year that they didn't plant heat from out of the year before for three years for that year for the year they didn't plant and for the next year until their next harvest started coming in that was certainly a sign and a miracle so it was a sign to them that for that whole year they still had provisions it was to be a comfort in knowing that God was with them and that he was the only true God don't you think to those nations around them could see them not farming and not planting not harvesting not working their land but still see them taking care of thanks that was a witness to them they knew about their God okay they saw them resting and still having that provision and they noticed it okay remember in the Sabbath to the land he provided that three years the food those people could certainly see what was going on okay so in closing I want to remind us also that God never intended on man to have to work like we are now I mean that doesn't even sound right because we don't work as hard as they did back then because now we have machinery and technology and all of this kind of stuff right some third-world countries are still working hard where they're actually out there physically doing you know growing their gardens and doing this kind of stuff but most of us at least here in America and Europe I'll say have the big you know tractors and have all the you know and it's machine work now it's not so much physical man labor but I want to tell you something when you think about somebody who really does work the ground with their gardens and some of us individuals do I think it's miss Brenda online she puts pictures of her garden and it always looks so so beautiful and the things that you know she's harvesting out of it and that's a lot of hard work okay so he never intended us to have to work like that but when the world went into sin work became hard because it was a curse to Adam listen to this Genesis 2:15 and the Lord God took the man that's Adam and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress cultivate it and to keep it that was all that was initially given to Adam to do just take care of it just keep it there was real really know you know definition of what all Adam was expected to do but he was just to take care of the garden but listen to this after he send it up Genesis 3 17 through 19 and this is god-given judgment now this was Adams judgment and unto Adam he said because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you saying you shall not eat of it cursed is the ground for your sake now the ground is cursed initially the ground was not cursed so there's a difference going on now from that point forward the ground was going to be different says it's cursed and in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life that's pain that's toil that's working that's like back-breaking don't you hear people say old back-breaking work that's what that means thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to you it didn't have that stuff coming out of it he wasn't dealing with that stuff at first and he says and you shall eat the herb of the field in the sweat of your face so the sweat of your brow right wiping the sweat away trying to still work doing back-breaking work the sweat of your face shall you eat bread till you return unto the ground for out of it were you taken for dust you are and unto dust shall you return now that was the curse that was the judgment that God placed on Adam and on this earth so there was a difference that happened there God didn't intend on everything to be so hard for his children okay so there is a difference in how God originally intended for us to live the Israelites had been slaves in Egypt and they were working hard for another master they were being beaten and not given rest and just treated horribly right they were trying to keep their numbers down the Egyptians didn't want them to outnumber them and all this stuff God wanted them to know to know him and love and honor him and he gave them rest and he provided for them this was the sign between him and them that he was their deliverer he was their provision their provider that Sabbath was he was given them wrists they had not been having rest this was the sign that he was talking about between them and him regarding that Sabbath okay it certainly wasn't considered a seal it was a sign it was God loving on them and providing for them okay I want to look real quick at some notes I took this morning on this message I was listening to from Doug Batchelor this is where their theology is just really off to he believes that everybody is going through the Great Tribulation that's what seventh-day Adventist believe everybody's going through it okay and he read revelation 7:3 where it says that they were going to be marked with the seal of God now turn there real quick and I noticed something sneaky that he did because he knows a lot of people aren't going to open up their Bibles and look at the scripture for themselves so he did it like this he said he talked about who was going to be sealed and it says saying hurt not the earth neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads and he stopped right there and went on talking about his message well I happen to know that the servants that God is talking about there are the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews or Israelites so if he would have taken it further and went into verse four it would have said and I heard the number this is John that heard this he was the one that revelation was given to and I heard the number of them which were sealed and there were sealed a hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel and then it breaks them down 12,000 per tribe and it gives the tribes and 12,000 out of each tribe so I mean you you know that's why you got to search the Scriptures and you got to not be deceived okay so they are trying to say that the seals in the written revelation that the Sabbath is the seal so he's trying to say that those who were sealed are going to be the Sabbath keepers this is what they've made their whole religion based on okay I want to share one more thing with you that little weird lying abomination blasphemous Bible that they've created that says Jesus and Michael are the same and all of this other little twisting that makes it sound like oh there's no hell there's no this there's no that it's just gonna the worms gonna get fat and full and go off and die the person's gonna burn down that's going to be the end of that okay if you look at their Bible on scripture Deuteronomy 5/3 and you look at the King James I want to read the King James right quick Deuteronomy 5 3 and this will be the last thing and then I hope that I have presented enough that you guys can see clearly that's a false religion so I wouldn't be following it just because maybe you felt like you were supposed to keep the Sabbath or something I would get out of that okay because you're going to get lying spirits and seducing spirits and all kinds of stuff coming in because you've opened yourself up to a false doctrine false religion okay Deuteronomy 5 3 and it says the Lord made not this covenant with our fathers but with us even us who are all of us here alive this day now that is talking about the Israelites that's who's talking there in Deuteronomy now if you go over here and what their Bible is saying it says it wasn't only with our ancestors that he made a covenant but with us and with all who are alive today no no he that's made a totally different this is saying not only and see this is they're trying to say that the Sabbath was given to even Adam and Eve in the garden so see how they twisted the scripture listen to this the Lord made not this covenant with our fathers which means he didn't make this covenant with them but with us even us who were all of us here alive this day now their version says it wasn't only with our ancestors that he made a covenant but with us so trying to make it be for everybody that's what they're standing on their perversion of the scriptures trying to say that God gave the Sabbath even to Adam and Eve and that it's still you know for today if you look at their Bible they have twisted the scripture something awful so we're going to be back on this Sabbath teaching next week and let's go ahead and pray you guys dear Heavenly Father Father we just thank you we thank you so much for your word we thank you Father for the for that we can know the truth of your word and that we can know Jesus Christ intimately and personally when we just confess our sins when we admit that we are sinners father according to you are the one who defines sin and if we agree with you and confess that we're sinners for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God you
Channel: Former Adventists Australia
Views: 1,601
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Id: fXZw9yhC9MU
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Length: 90min 15sec (5415 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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