Seven Keys to Baldpate (1947) Phillip Terry

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[Applause] w come in better get your things together Mr McGee we arrive in a few minutes I'll be with you in a second hey what happened I don't know don't push look out I ain't pushing I was over here and you's over there will you try those lights yes sir that's funny wonder who turned them all peculiar might peculiar my manuscript your Manu your what those tight pages I had them right there they eat now oh after all that work 4 hours gone it means $5,000 to me you've arrived s you gets off here I'm the wait I've got to find that script trains don't wait we only here 2 minutes you better hurry thank you sir [Music] hello I'd like to get some inform inform hold on Mister mystery yeah like it not enough shooting too much thinking and talking I wrote that book fellow's got to make a living you know you you've got the wrong notion about modern Mysteries it's not only the murder it's the psychological effects the Neurosis of the man who committed it I still like plenty of shooting C eh take no night to be out in what what do you want to know Mister oh oh yes can you tell me how to get the ball PID in nice place the swirls scho there good food she's closed in the winter closed of course it's closed that's why I'm going there you talk like a mystery rider can you tell me how to get there sure been here all my life excuse me be right back in a minute don't go I beg you pardon what did you say don't go stay away from that horrible place you mean b they'll kill you you'll never be seen again believe me don't go wherever you came from go back hey wait a minute I want to ask you do you know who that girl is girl oh her I never saw her before now let me see um oh you want to go to ballp I uh I guess so how you going to get in it's closed oh I've got a key Mr Bentley gave it to me well well if it hadn't been snowing it was so hazy like you could see the first turn from here it's about a qu of a mile at Simpson's Place Simpson's a vegetarian well you'll find a cow path there you follow that for about 10 routs until you come to a real fence it's got to thank you Mom gate you cross that and you walk until you get to ca's place ca's got a beard way down to there well you walk along and just P your nose your com [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing here I'm menth uh I'm Kenneth McGee Mr Bentley told me that I could use the place he didn't say I'd find anyone here didn't he you must be the caretaker how do I know Mr Bendle sent you the key the only one Mr Bentley's key this place is closed for the winter it's quite all right he said I could use his room the one at the end of the balcony do you mind what are you going to do here work I'm writing a story and I want peace and quiet you came to the wrong place Mr thingy you don't want to work here all kinds of funny things happen Queen noises moving Shadows Shadows moving all around there are now see here whatever your name is I made a bet I was going to write a story at ballp Pate in 24 hours I'm going to win that bet lead on you know best Mr MC cat just a cat he wouldn't hurt you [Music] well I guess it'll be all right now I've got to get to work I wish there was more light and the electricity is off sir oh uh thank you I'll see you in the morning I would think again about staying here Mr McGee if you heard those noises I was telling you about they won't bother me a bit when I'm working nothing bothers me very good sir good night oh oh uh just a minute I don't think I'll be needing you anymore why don't you take the night off thank you but I prefer to stay here [Music] [Music] ch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Operator Operator did you get any answer on that call Max Rogers at Water 9 95 97 yes that's it no answer are you sure you tried it never mind [Music] good evening I saw something out there it looked like a ghost it touched me there's no one out there miss oh it was awful frightening I can understand that the wind and snow certainly can play tricks with your imagination but it was real it was so horrible I screamed I'm not usually the screaming kind you have a key Miss where did you get that key the key well I found it I found it on the porch it was lying there so I I open the door with it I'm Sorry Miss ball page is closed for the winter oh I couldn't go up there again I just couldn't oh please may I stay here for the night we have no accommodation Miss I'm sure we can make an exception in this case all the rooms are empty but mine thank you Mr McGee you know my name I uh heard you mention it at the station of course I don't think Mr Bentley would like this I'll take the responsibility let me show you to your room by the way you haven't told me your name Mary Mary Jordan Mary Jordan oh that's a nice name good name for the heroin of my next book I hope she doesn't get killed killed oh no my heroins never get killed they all get married and live happily ever after well here we are thank you this will be very comfortable you didn't listen to me at the station you've got to get out of here you can't stay it's dangerous no no no wait a minute what are you trying to tell me who are you and and why are you here please don't ask me any questions I can't tell you believe me get out while you can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing here no nothing nothing who are you I'm the Herman of Ballade they call me Pete sure scared you didn't I uh what do you want saw lights in the window and came down to see what was going on never any lights at ball pain in the winter oh I see never any lights there's a caretaker here caretaker never heard of one never been a caretaker at ball pton the winter I ought to know I live right up the hill yes sir I know everything that's been happening around here mighty nice Contraption you got here if he isn't a caretaker what's he doing here going to get me one of them things going to write a book yes sir I'm going to show up women she told me to get out why cuz I hate them I had one once she ran away with a piccolo player they usually run off with a saxophone player that's what he told her he was but he turned out to be a piccolo player yes sir my villain is going to be a piccolo player say how do you spell piccolo p i CC hey who's that who's what a woman I'll chase her away no no I'll see what she wants uh you wait here I'll be back women fully [Music] is that your caran my name name is McGee Kenneth McGee what can I do for you are you one of kanan's men never heard of the gentleman how did you get in here with the only key in existence would you mind telling me where you got yours who are you I'm a writer a novelist I made a bet that I'd write a story here tonight a $5,000 bet and I'd like to win that bet but I don't see how I can with all these interruptions now tell me who's this cargan and what's this all about constant what Conant I didn't expect you here tonight Mr McGee this is my niece constant Lane my sister's eldest child how do you do good to meet you I haven't seen constant for so long I've invited her to spend a couple of days here with me I'm sorry I didn't know you were coming well I don't mind uh thank you I made up room five for her if it's all right with you of course uh This Way Constance what are you doing here I'm asking you the same question caran why don't you tell me tonight was the payoff Max will take care of you Max I'm taking care of myself see they not staying here you're getting out now thanks again Mr McGee oh I uh hope you be comfortable good night dear Uncle good night good night good night the only key in existence it must have been handing him out on 42nd Street can't work in this place [Music] [Music] Hello Operator I'd like a New York number Circle 64098 this is asan 42j hello hello Mr Bentley this is Mary I hope awakened you you certainly did how's everything with our Chum at ball Pate everything's coming along just fine he hasn't had a minute to write good keep it up that bent is practically one Mr Bentley he scared to death I'm sure he'll never write that story in fact I think you'll leave here any minute he's so nice and serious you know I think he's kind of cute really it seems like a dirty trick no my conscience doesn't bother me I wouldn't think of leaving I'm having the time of my life by the way using that caretaker is a brilliant idea he'd scare anybody and that woman what caretaker what woman that house supposed to be empty but I don't understand are you sure I didn't send out a caretaker or anyone else for that matter oh oh this is awful goodbye hello Mary Hello Operator get me the police hurry is this the police department hello [Music] Hello Operator Hello Operator [Music] still up Miss I thought you had retired you cut those wires wires Oh you mean the telephone I didn't know the telephone was working I thought it was discontinued for the winter you're lying Mr McGee Mr McGee m Mr McGee Mr MC Miss you'll wake up the house I think you're making a mistake I was talking on that phone making a call suddenly it went dead you were outside what were you doing out there the shadow was loose you cut those wires and I can prove it I wouldn't go out there miss I was calling the police why did you try to stop me you're hiding something what is it let me go let me go my my Such Noise so rough what seems to be the trouble the lady wanted to go out I advis her not to you can see how she's dressed she doesn't want me to go out oh Mr mcge terrible things are going on here I'm afraid the lady is imagining things that isn't true why were you outside why are you here at all you're not really the caretaker ask him ask him who he is H the plot thickens good evening sir and welcome come in come in see me you gave me quite a turn I was under the impression the in was unoccupied oh now where in the world did you ever get such an impression this place is supposed to be closed for the winter yes and I'm supposed to have the only key in existence I've got to talk to you no no we must must welcome our guest Miss Jordan oh I hope I haven't frightened the young lady you know sometimes this is so good you've almost got me believing it Bley must be having his keys made by the gross I I don't understand okay okay we'll go back to the script what's on your mind my name is Bolton Professor Bolton I usually come up here when I'm a bit behind with my work you know to have perfect peace and quiet ah yes quiet this is just the place for it isn't it yes sir you know we couldn't possibly have a show without a cast let's make Professor Bolton as comfortable as possible you're very kind you know I had a character like you in a book once the case of the careless corpse really mm what room does he go to well let's see I think we'll give the professor uh number four oh thank you my old room this way please oh never mind I'm perfectly at home here thank you good night good night now look here I know what you're up to so far you've been successful but from now on I'm going to write understand you can play your little games but uh don't bother me oh I'm so glad you're back we've got to get out of here we've got to call the police don't you think you're carrying things a little too far you don't understand awful things are going on here I'm sure of it something Terrible's going to happen you know I've started to write this story four times but this time I'm going to finish it please Mr McGee I'm afraid oh the emotional plea you're very intelligent Miss Jordan this is serious you know your boss certainly doesn't want to lose his bet does he my boss I may as well tell you that I heard you talking to Mr Bentley on the phone oh look my very good friend The Hermit oh it's you and a woman you ought to be ashamed of yourself I can't stand women who's he nothing to be frightened of uh Pete has the hermit concession around here I'm still shaking you'll be all right why don't you go to bed and get some sleep and you'll feel fine in the morning don't make me go I couldn't stay in that room alone please I won't make any noise I'll just sit here quietly I won't interfere with your work you know you're very pretty and I like you very much but I'm afraid you're much too disconcern Mr McGee please listen I am Mr Bentley secretary and I did come up here to keep you from writing I even took your papers on the train but believe me those people who came here tonight aren't part of it Mr Bentley doesn't even know these strangers he didn't send them can't you see there's something wrong yes yes I understand you don't believe me but of course I do then hurry let's call the police come Miss Jordan policemen have to sleep too now just leave everything to me but you don't want to do anything uh you know your instructions have had a psychological effect on you really there's nothing to worry about I know there is I tell you no no don't be afraid after all I am a criminologist and if any anything should H I say if if anything should happen I'm perfectly capable of handling it all right handle it then stay and write your old story but I'm getting out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] it's about time you got here hello Gan what took you so long well Hayden didn't come yet did he what's the big hurry when you take take your time blend there's usually a reason what is it where's the jewelry right here all of it what about Hayden when is he coming well he ought to be Al almost any minute now I wish this thing was over with take it easy you'll be here what are you doing just put it in there it's uh safer who's going to get it out I don't know the combination I do maybe Max does too what's On Your Mark get away from me caran you got a bad temper why don't you sit down and relax we got time to talk about lots of things such as us me my cut I'm not getting enough out of this deal I want 50% why Sit down caran you're going to listen to me for a change Hayden might have gotten in touch with you and you might have been the brains behind the grab but I've been carrying that ice for the last 3 months if I'd been nabbed I'd have taken a wrap I've been worrying see and a guy ought to be paid for worrying 50% we settle on 20 and you know it it's 50% or I'll get rid of the stuff I'll find my own fence okay see you got a deal 50% I thought you'd see things my way are we pal sure pal [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening rather good morning oh you startled me I um I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd come down and get something to read a splendid idea I think I'd get something myself well good night good night what are you doing there good evening what are you doing there oh it's Miss Jordan you were trying to get into that safe there's nothing there that belongs to you oh my dear young lady you wrong me I simply was unable to sleep strange bed you know do I not that I care but why were you trying to get in the safe that's exactly what I was trying to find out I merely wanted to smoke and ran out of tobacco and you thought you'd find some in the safe that's ridiculous it is isn't it why don't you tell them truth what's in there that you want don't disturb the professor go right ahead sir come to think of it smoking before going to bed always gives me indigestion good night Miss Jordan Mr fgee good night what's the uh t tell me what are you going to do now I'm going to find out what's in here watch and tell me if anybody comes oh sure sure you know it's lucky for you you know the combination isn't it I ought to I worked here all last summer that doesn't just a minute there oh why don't you leave her alone you have no right to open that safe can't you let her have some fun I have every right I'm Mr Bentley secretary I don't care who you are this is private property and I'm paid to protect it well spoken you know what's in there I don't and it's none of my business I'm only the caretaker I think you better go to bed I think I will coming up Mr McGee I guess so why did you do that just to make sure nobody else gets into the safe that's all coming clever isn't he good night all I hope it really is good night this time good night Mr McGee sleep well Miss Jordan you've got to help me we're going back and find out what's in that safe I'm not the least bit curious you still don't believe there's something wrong no couldn't you see that he was just trying to get into the safe himself that he didn't want us to see what was inside if you say so come on down with me and I'll prove it to you okay on one condition but if there's nothing there you'll quit this mysterious stuff and let me go back to work all right all right come on let's go this way less chance of being heard all right now you got me doing it secret panel I've written about him but this is the first time I've ever seen a real one Mr Bentley told me about this former owner had a build he was afraid of burglar a cute little place I once paid a dime to get into one of these at the beach this way you know this is just like at the beach real spooky just when you get used to it something always jumps out of I'm beginning to like this what was it another black cat their bad luck I don't know about that let's go what is it a body a dead body what are we going to do I don't [Music] know gosh you almost had me believing it a body dead all right you you can get up now it was a good try but didn't work you catch you a death of cold on that floor come [Music] on he is dead oh well for goodness sakes do something do something oh what if he if he's dead there there's much we can do about it we look through his pocket and see who he is me I can't you're not afraid afraid of course not I anybody knows that you can't touch the police until the evidence gets here now maybe you'll believe me I told you that me that's it let's go get the police how do you get out of here he'll never let us out he he'll stop us we can't go that way he'd probably kill us too come on let's go hey what's going on here don't do that what did you go there his typewriter I wanted it so bad how else could I write a book come on come on never mind about [Music] that how was only going to Bor till I wrote the book I I women women is a cause of everything this man who says he's the caretaker do you ever see him before no the girl mentioned the name cargan don't ask me I've been haunting A Smith down the road ain't no fun haunting empty houses he must be the one she was talking about but what about the others who were they I don't know but originally there were seven keys to ball Pete seven mhm do you have one no I like coming through Windows let's see one the caretaker two myself three your keys yes four uh that woman five the professor six maybe that dead fellow downstairs de fell downst goodbye wait here but that still only makes six Keys there's one more left talking isn't doing us any good let's get the police well i' I'd like to solve this myself where is the police station in town corner of Elman fifth good you rush right down there and tell them to hurry up no I can't do that they wouldn't believe me they think I'm crazy they do but I ate you've got to go Mr M you've got to hurry kind of cold okay that that man downstairs might see me um go through the window I I'd need Wings to get down there just climb down a pipe it's easy of course it took some learning broke my leg the first time I know let's tear up some sheets and covers and and tie them together swell I wrote that situation once case of the cuning cow hey there's someone [Applause] coming the seventh key we better get going hello Ken hello Max what's been giving you business I couldn't get away any sooner must have been pretty important business to keep you from a million dollars worth of jewelry well I couldn't help it I came as soon as possible they're down there talking to the caretaker you're right one of them called him cargan the little man looks just like a gangster and they're talking about a million dollars worth of jewelry really mhm well well we'll we'll get help soon enough I I hope brother what a night we had a walk all the way in that crummy station it's matter don't they believe in taxis up here did you bring the money well we have a few things to discuss caran later later did you bring the money yes I brought it but look here caran your price is unfair I'm paying you $200,000 for stealing my jewelry that was a deal wasn't it yes but supposing the insurance company refuses to pay the whole claim you left their money and your jewelry you'll make a slight profit well you know how insurance companies are they'll make all sorts of Investigation supposing they find out about this that's not your worry I'm the one they'll be looking for I'll take that money now well you'll have it as soon as I get my Jewels open the safe Max sure give me the numbers find them you mean to say you put the stuff in there without knowing the combination open it sure sure [Applause] boss just a little out of practice it [Applause] goodbye goodbye what's the matter no can't do I guess I'm Rusty but you've got to open it those are my jewels in there I've got to have them maybe we could blow it open with what I'll take that money now no no you won't not until I get my Jewels the jewels out in there get them yourself well I don't know anything about a safe I couldn't open it please please wait and it over I wouldn't follow if I were you holde head [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come up Mr McGee harle they'll see you [Music] the $200,000 he took it my [Music] money he got away we could have gone far the whole place is Walled in and may be double back into the house that's what I'm thinking come on oh wait you've been paid all I want is my Jewels will you please open the safe Mr McGee are you all right I've got it what the money what are you talking about this the money they've been fighting about yeah crazy gone joh while those crooks are looking for it I've got time to bring the police oh do hurry and please be careful Ken all right Mary be careful he'll probably get killed take care of her hermy and make a fire in there it's awful cold now don't worry I'll be back soon leaving us so soon Mr McGee hey where you going me just going out uh I going to get some fresh air he always does every night the athletic type isn't he fresh air he going for the cops come on get inside just a minute where do you think you're going well really I'm going back to work see you later where's the professor professor I don't know are you sure I'm positive what's the matter Mr McGee nervous I looks as if we're going to be here quite a while so we might as well be comfortable look Mr caran we don't know anything wouldn't it be a good idea if we left and then you could have the house all to yourself yes and then you could do anything you wanted to but I prefer you to stay now let's talk business where's the envelope envelope uh oh envelope oh I've got one upstairs with my typewriter I'll go get it sear him come here you come on MAR watch door don't let him get away that made for light the light I thought it was a professor you [Music] thought oh it's dark in here where I get my lad oh I'm scared well so am I come on oh I feel [Music] something hello Miss Lane fancy meeting you here give me that money money what money I said give me that money give it to her give it to her she'll shoot you [Music] [Music] come on no if you go ahead I'll meet you in my room well go ahead [Music] here you take [Music] it what are you doing here well I heard all the noise and came down [Music] [Music] [Music] Connie hello Max quit de acting why didn't you tell her we were coming here I didn't tell her I I haven't even seen her for months we split up she's been running around with some other guy You Don't Own Me Max I was so smart about knowing you were here this was the payoff spot wasn't it soon as Max left down I knew where he was going I'm here to get my cut I told you you'd be taken care of didn't I you'll be paid off thanks I was a little worried about that you don't mind my hanging around just to be sure do you watch it Max I'm going to get that envelope she ain't going any place you better sit down and wait cigarette back you got to help me get out of here sure fat chance I know where it is money where is it will you help me stay away from me Connie you're poison we'll split a 50/50 Max we'll go away together must think I'm crazy K can have the finger on me for the rest of my life no thanks $200,000 Max it's all the money we'd ever need we'll hop a boat you'll never find us you've been playing me for a suck ever since I met you you in that weasel you're going around with that's all over Max it's just you and me let's take it and run okay where is it it's in the pantry under those plates in the Shelf nicely done Cony now tell me where did you really put it that's where it is in the pantry I don't believe you not a single word of it where is it I told you I swear it I've never killed a woman not even your kind of a woman no don't don't I'll tell you well it's in the card room where in the card room you dirty double crossing [Music] rat what's plenty of time for that you fool so last time she'll ever double cross me you could have waited until we found out where the money was she said it was in a card room come on let's get her out of here what happened what were those shots uh nothing just just target practice I better get going that Rider is probably going for the police bring him down and the girl you looking for something don't bu in get away get in there sit down I said sit down no luck I'll find it if I have to turn the place inside out you got a match stop bothering me have you got a match no well I can't light the fire without a match is a match light it and get up don't do that what are you talking about the fire I mean we don't need any fire I'm I'm warm you don't think we need a fire do you Mary why I'm freezing this isn't going to burn the greates clogged up but don't worry I'll fix it oh the money the money the money's in there what did you say she put in the stove I saw her you D it why didn't you tell us well I tried to a shame isn't it $200,000 oh I could kill you for [Music] this go for the cat [Music] Mr McGee it's me the hermit you're safe he went back to the house but Mary's in there what am I going to do I got the money look what do I need money for what do I care about the money uhhuh where'd you get it the stove I saw it when I started a bill a fire oh good work hermy look you've got to go after the police go and get them and bring them right back here no no I they don't believe me I told you they think I'm crazy you're as sane as any man I ever met I am not look you know the way you can get to him much faster than I I can't what are you going to do I don't know Mary's in there I'm going to stick around I'll try and keep those Crooks here until you come back with the police you're sure about that typewriter I'll give you two of them now go on [Applause] [Music] hurry he got away well let's get going let's get out of here those cop we are not leaving here without that jewelry but it might take too long to crack that safe but as long as you think our friend here knows the combination you'll open it for us won't you no I won't I think you will let me [Music] go you heard him open it [Music] that's it let must get out of here I think you'll stay for a while I'll take that package don't move th I don't know who you are but maybe we can make a deal like the deal you made with Hayden who are you anyway dick something like it private investigator for the insurance company the outfit you and Hayden we playing games with I miss you can be a great help you can take their guns oh this is a pleasure stay put Max keep your hand hi oh you hit the wrong one he's a detective he was going to save us what oh I I didn't I couldn't nice work Mr McGee thanks what are we going to do with him you still got a gun haven't you get him in there oh you wouldn't I think the would maybe we ought to talk this over that's what we're afraid of you're talking come [Applause] on police quick get him in there on open up this the police open the door come on open the door come on open this door yes gentlemen best a man he's a crook a murderer arresting what are you talking oh you're not feeling well again you're upset he gets his spells quite often we should have known better now you go home and get a good rest tomorrow you feel better take your hands off of me he's a killer I tell you sure sure he stopped us down the road said there was some funny things going on up here like bodies lying around what an imagination oh I may be crazy but I ain't that crazy I saw them myself I never saw you before what are you doing here well I'm the caretaker he ain't no such thing I tell you he's a crook quiet Pete I didn't know they had a caretaker here when didd you start work about a month ago Mr Bentley put me on do you know Mr Bentley sure I know everybody within 20 miles of this place I've been chief of the asan police department the past 22 years when sound you both get it don't know why he needs a caretaker ain't nothing worthwhile stealing after the robbery Mr Bentley thought the house should be watched yeah I remember the first robbery we had in the county in 20 years it's Lonesome isn't it being all alone in a great big place like this oh I don't mind it I like quiet you ain't been getting any tonight sure sure hermy dead people all around let's get going I told the old lady I'd be home early tonight no no no Chief don't go he ain't telling the truth he's hid them bodies ask Mr McGee and who's Mr McGee he's a writer he came up here tonight he was he he probably killed him that's what he did murder him like he did everybody else who is this [Music] McGee Oh you mean the riding gentleman uhhuh well he's up there working he left orders not to be disturbed well maybe we'd better disturb him tell him to come down uh really sir he will be very angry tell him to come down tell him I want to see him very well Sir Mr McGee going on out and play it straight or I'll kill you Mr McGee you call me caretaker I didn't know you were in the card room sir are you Mr mgee yeah that's him he can tell you what's been going on here I can these gentlemen are here because this fellow has been telling him peculiar things he has really I think our friend The Hermit is mistaken everything has been perfectly no no normal I can assure you that b he sends me for the police now he calls me crazy hey it's dark in here he said you were working you work in the dark yes I'm a mystery writer I Darkness helps my train of thought I always work in the dark when I'm at home I work in a closet you do puts me in the mood oh now that's what I call Mighty interesting I guess that about settles your suspicions Mr McGee has been here since quite early haven't you Mr McGee you're perfectly right caretaker nothing wrong at all everything is just fine what was that what was what I thought I heard a grone I didn't hear anything did you Mr McGee a grown oh no no I didn't hear anything nothing at all these old houses you know have all sorts of funny noise noises Timbers Creek winders Rattle and that's why I came to an old house like this it'll be the background for my next novel a novel of uh mystery in Murder an old house with ghosts secret passages and and dead bodies in [Music] closet up just a moment after hey wait a minute wait a minute maybe somebody can tell me what's going on around here maybe I can this is KGAN Jewel te and murderer that was his assistant Max Rogers you'll find the body The Hermit spoke about in the passageway and Hayden is in there in the closet Kenneth Kenneth are you all right I'm fine I think oh darling you know this turned out just like a book I wrote once the case of the crosed Caribou oh my God Kenneth Kenneth where are you going you better take care of this K Kenneth wait a minute [Music] kenth what are you doing finishing my story I got to win that bet I haven't got much time not even for me who wants to win the bet
Channel: oldie mystery
Views: 79,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hh7ylO3sghc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 58sec (4078 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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