Setup Windows WSL for Laravel Development

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foreign [Applause] [Music] Tony here now in this video I want to show you how to install the WSL on Windows and how to set up for laravel development I had a comment on YouTube and I'm going to show you in this video so first thing let's search for the command prompt and we need to open as a administrator so let's say CMD here and their own us administrator select yes here and yeah here we are now let's say WSL there Dash install hit enter say yes here and now installing the windows subsystem for Linux okay so Ubuntu has been installed and we need to reboot the windows so let's reboot and see you in the next part okay so here we are we need to add the username here and the username does not need to match your windows username so I'm going to say just Tony here hit enter and then we need to add also the password type your password and hit enter and you need to retype that and hit enter again and now installation successful okay I'm going to create this file so just copy that and say touch hit enter good I'm going to close this now if you click here we have Ubuntu okay so let's Zoom it for you and now let's say sudo app update first add the password you have type hit enter okay then let's say so the app upgrade hit enter again okay now I'm going to install the build essential the curl file git and git core so you can pause the video and type this in your terminal hit enter hit enter up again okay then I'm going to install the Z shell because I like to work with Z shell so let's say sudo app installed the shell hit enter say Yes again enter good then let's open the Chrome browser and let's search here for all my zoos go to this and install all my juice here we need to copy this view this code and let's open the terminal and paste that in hit enter now cloning all my Zeus and do you want to change your default shell position I want so let's say yes enter add the password type your password and hit enter and now we have amazing here now let's start and set up our machine for laravel development and first thing I'm going to install the node.js I'm going to install the node.js through the NVM but also you can install through the node.js so if you go here to the node .js include downloads and scroll down here we have installing node.js via package manager and you can select your own so in our case is Ubuntu which is right here let's go to this one and go to the installation and here we have just copy this command and add to your terminal intender but as I said I want to install through the NVM servers I'm going to install the NVM and I'm going to paste here the this line of code so curl satps and you can pause the video and type all the code here and hit enter now cloning into only the NVM okay now we need to close this and reopen the C because I know if I say NVM here command not bound so let's close and let's open Ubuntu again and I'm going to zoom it so now if I say NVM yeah and here we have NVM install node install the latest available version so let's copy that and run NVM install node okay it's going to download and install a node version 20.5 installed now if I say node Dash version we have the latest one and also the npm-version we have the latest one good let's say sudo app update add the password and hit enter I'm going to install Apache so let's say sudo app install app Apache to hit enter again good now if I say sudo system CTL and say status for Apache 2. is active okay now let's uh install the PHP okay so first I'm going to say sudo app update good then I'm going to add the Repository it's also the add app repository Dash y PPA Andre PHP hit enter good let's run us again the sudo update just in case and then what version of a PHP you need the ad so in my case I want the latest so the PHP 8.2 and I'm going to install also all of the extensions we need for laravel so I'm going to just paste here the command Okay so here we have so dot installed PHP 8.2 and also all the extensions we need for laravel okay and then hit enter hit enter again now let's install the composer so let's go here and say get composer go to the download and just copy the commands we have here okay installation verified copy this one and then also this one here good the last one copy this sudo move the composer part use a local bin composer copy and paste it here if I say composer yeah now we have the composer here if I close this and let's open again Ubuntu and let's Zoom it a little bit and let's say composer again good now let's install the MySQL so I'm going to say the app update add your password and hit enter and I'm going to say SoDo add install MySQL server hit enter again okay now if I say so the MySQL hit enter good now I'm going to add a password for my root account so let's say alter user single quote a root single quote at localhost add single quote localhost and here we need to say identified with MySQL not the password and buy and here add the password so for example the secret password Here okay I just add the secret but you can add your secret password hit enter query ok then now let's exit from here we are good let's say for sudo system CTL status for MySQL and is active good now I use a table plus but you can use what you like next thing I want to install the laravel installer so let's say composer global require and the name of the packet which is laravel slash installer hit enter okay now using the version 5.0 of 11 and let's say make directory I'm going to name it code you can name it what you like let's see the in the code okay and one more thing I want to install is to install the unzip on Ubuntu so let's say sudo apt installed unzip hit enter up the password and hit enter again very good let's say sudo update for the last time and now let's say laravel new hit enter yeah it's working but I'm going to close this and reopen so let's open again Ubuntu and let's Zoom it and let's see the in the code okay let's say laravel new again and it's work so what is the name of your project let's say test here hit enter select laravel Breeze or no starter kit past no and hit enter and create the level project okay now the project is ready let's see the in the test directory and say the HP artisan sir okay let's open this on Chrome hit enter and here is the project okay friends that's it about this video how to set up the WSL on Windows for laravel development all the best and see you in the next video
Channel: Code With Tony
Views: 10,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laravel, vuejs, livewire, laravel 8, laravel 9, laravel crud, laravel 8 tutorial, laravel 9 tutorial, laravel 11, laravel 10, laravel development, laravel development on windows, laravel with laragon, laragon on windows, laragon development, wsl on windows, setup wsl, setup windows wsl, wsl2
Id: 153iaHqYuIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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