Setup Visual Studio Code On Mac For C - C Programming

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hello in this video i'm going to show you how to set up visual studio code on your mac so you can program in c and create applications using the c programming language pretty simple go to a web browser we'll be needing this momentarily and just google visual studio code or follow the link in the description and open this up click download the website looks slightly different because you're watching this video in the future then that's fine as well long as you get it downloaded and it's downloading right there and it shouldn't take too long it's not the biggest file so once that's downloaded we will install it okay okay so about 10 seconds to go and then we'll just well open it up taking you anywhere brother that's not really an issue go to your downloads folder double click the zip file and let me zoom in so you can see this a little better okay and let's drag that to applications and here we go so we can actually launch this up so what we can do is just get rid of this and we can get rid of this and now what we want to do is go in to visual studio code so if we just search for it here visual studio code click open and this is what it will look like now we can close any release notes anything that pops up and what we're going to do is create a new folder on the desktop and i'm going to call it test application so this is where all the code for our application will reside and in here click open folder go to desktop test application open okay so before we actually yet that's fine yes i trust the authors and you can do that as well if you want to especially if it's your own computer what i want to do now is install some extensions so go to this extensions button here or go to view extensions and you want to search for c c slash c plus the one from microsoft and i've already got it installed if you don't and then your let me just reload it and then you'll have something like that click install you also want something called code runner from john han and click install and now go to your code button here go to preferences settings and go to extensions scroll down to run code configuration and you want to scroll down to the part where it talks about the terminal run in terminal so select this it says whether to run code in integrated terminal so the reason you want to do this is because if you don't then you're running the output pane and when it runs it in there it's read only so if you create an application with a function like scanf which allows you to read characters and content from your console it won't work because it's read-only so you need to select this this is just recommended in general and now we can deselect this deselect that go back to our explorer our test application and now we can create a new file so right click let me zoom in a bit right click new file and we're just going to name it main dot c and if i go to the desktop test application there's the main.c there that we just created so now what we want to do is just grab this hello world i'll put a link in the description to this website just generic code and paste it in i'm not going to be running any of this code i mean i'm not going to be explaining any of this code that will come in a separate video so now to run it we can either press this play button here we can either do command shift i think it's n or command all 10 or right click and run code and this oh so we'll just click that and there we go it says hello world right there otherwise it would have put it in the output section you know it's moaning even though it is working ignore that and that's the output application right there which we can double click and run if you double click here and run as you can see it doesn't get that dodgy character at the end for some reason in the terminal it gets that dodgy character i think is to do with you know not having anything you know to eliminate the line so potentially if i was to change it it would fix it but that's what i would recommend is just double clicking that but you can also run it in here so that's it that's how you set up visual studio code on your mac so you can program in the c language if you have any questions feel free to join the programming channels on the sonar systems discord group to the link in the description feel free to check that out over three and a half thousand members now with over 200 active members at any given time thanks for watching and i'll see you soon
Channel: Sonar Systems
Views: 66,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual studio code, visual studio, how to install visual studio code on mac, visual studio code mac, set up visual studio code for c c++, install visual studio code, vs code, visual studio code tutorial, how to install visual studio code, setup visual studio code for java on mac, visual studio code on windows 10, setup visual studio code for c, visual studio code c++, visual studio code html, c++ in visual studio code, visual studio mac
Id: Ylax3ZAmP3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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