Setup OpenVPN Server on Synology NAS

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hello everyone Kevin Stevenson here with give me the and today we're going to talk about analogy nasus the first thing we're going to do is we're going to learn how to set up an open VPN server on your Synology Nas so you can have remote access to not only your Synology but the other PCS on your network from anywhere you want let's get started here we are I am logged into my Synology and first things first what you want to do is you want to go over here to the package Center and you're going to go to all packages and you're gonna use a search you can just search for VPN hit enter and it's going to come up with this VPN server now you can scroll down here and you'll see that that gives you a little bit of information about the VPN and it has a LP2 IP stack open VPN pptp you definitely don't want to use the pptp one because that is really just at this point in time known to be very not secure and not recommended so let's go ahead and just click install here and we're going to wait just a second and that'll go through its thing it's going to get this package and install it and we'll be right back okay so there you go now it is installed we're going to go ahead and click open over here and we're going to expand that up and I'll show you what we have here so first off you're on the overview you'll have the pptp openvpn and iPad so in this particular instance we're going to use openvpn as our option down here on the left hand side you'll have a bunch of information we're just going to go click on the openvpn and a couple things to note here first off is we're going to be able to enable we're going to set the IP address range for this and a couple other options here so let's just go ahead and click enable and then you're going to choose this dynamic range so by default it's going to have something like a 10.8.0 network and that's totally fine you can change these to anything you want the important thing here is that it's not the same as what your home network plan is or in addition to that you want to make it something that you're not going to see when you're out and about so these 10 numbers are great we're just going to leave this the same and now in the maximum connection numbers we just leave that to five you can change this to whatever you want and connections of account right okay so keep in mind here that maximum connection is another number of different users you're going to have and then the second one here is the ReUse of those so if you have one account that you've set up and and you have like three people in your house and you just want them to reuse the account you can do that for three people the way this is set up now okay so that's that's important to keep that in mind if you have more just go ahead and increase those numbers just remember that the more connections you have coming in the more bandwidth you need on your your internet connection and also the more load you're going to put on the Synology mask so by default 1194 is openvpn's default port to use you can just leave that as that no need to change it or if you want to pick a different port you totally can UDP is an option and the default you can use TCP and then the encryption you have all these options here right so we're just going to leave these as the default we're just going to leave that at shop 512 that's totally fine uh enable compression on the VPN link that's also fine uh allow clients to access the server's Lan you probably definitely want this here as an option and basically what that's going to mean is that it's going to set it up to where you can access other PCS on the local area network your Lan at home so if you have other devices like a a hub attack or or another device that you want to access or you can do that by checking this box now enable IPv6 so if you use an IPv6 go ahead and check that box otherwise no need and then all you got to do is hit apply boom right no the thing it's going to say here is that in order for this to work you need to port forward UDP 1194. that's going to happen in your router and so your router is going to be different than most other people's router so you're going to need to do set up that port forward by checking your documentation on how you do pull Authority in your router that's basically set up but there's more you need to do you need to set up a user and stuff like that so so let's go ahead and do that so we're going to go over here to Privileges and this is where you're going to have the users right you can you may use one of these use but honestly what you really should think about doing is setting up a specific user so go over to your control panel and go to users and let's create a user right we'll call this YouTube [Music] test right and you want to make sure that it's a good strong password right so you can use the generator here so the generator will pop one in there right it'll give you something like that right or you can put your own now if you're not using a password manager you should probably use a password manager we're going to go ahead and do this all right so now I've created a good strong password okay so once you've got your password in there go ahead and hit next and it's going to create that you're going to set this up in a default user group hit next and now we're going to add permissions here we don't need to do anything like that yeah boom okay so now you've got up a basic got a basic user set up I'll give you just a second now you can close that go back over here and refresh it you're gonna see here your YouTube test user now we want to just only set it for the user that we're using so it has VPN access right and then hit save so now you've set your user with your permissions that's important and it's also important to use a different user than your admin user so okay all right so now is the part where you go to your firewall and you set up those port forwarding so in my particular case I'm going to go to my open synth that I have set up here on this and we're going to go to firewall and we're going to go to rules and math 440 okay so let's go ahead and add our port forward rule let's go over here and we're going to choose when from our interface tcp4 our ipv4 we're going to choose UDP for our protocol and our destination is going to be the weigh-in address right and then our Port this is going to be openvpn and our Target is going to be our IP address okay and of course the redirect Port is going to be that openvpn again and all the rest of the stuff you can just leave it blank Associated Rule now if you want to give it a description it says and then hit save and apply changes so now you've set up a Wan port to there so now there's a couple other things if you don't have a public IPA if you don't have a static IP address then you're either going to need to use Dynamic DNS for your open sense or whatever router you firewall you're using or used in the Dynamic DNS for your Synology right but in this particular case I have a public IP address and so everything is good here um now once you get a connection you can you can have that set up there now you're going to want to export your config so let's go ahead and just click export config so once you've exported your configuration you're going to have a zip file that's going to contain assert and an ovpn file let's go ahead and edit that with vs code or whatever you choose to use okay so here's what you need to do a couple things in here first of all you need your remote IP address so this is where you're going to put the IP address of your public IP address if you don't know what that is you can just go to and it'll tell you what your IP address is but you'll you'll need that's going to change if you're a dynamic so just keep that in mind now so you put that in here you're going to change this now the other thing you want to do is you're going to uncomment this redirect Gateway and so you're going to do that and uh basically everything else is going to be pretty much good right so I'm going to do that real quick and close this file out and get that set up for you okay so what you're going to need to do is you're going to take these files right here and you're going to copy them into your openvpn installation but first let's go show you how to get your openvpn client okay so you just Google that and you go over here to downloads or Bing in it however you want to get that and you're going to see the application here so if you're a Windows you can just go ahead and click this guy right here and install your application um and if you need different versions they have the different versions in here right so I've already done that so give me just a second and I'll pop back and I will show you that okay so here I have my Windows machine so I'm going to go over here and you're going to look for where you install that application open VPN so you're going to go over to program files you're going to roll on down to where you're going to find openvpn if you don't see it in one check the other one so like I'm here and I don't see you that's x86 we're going to go to the 64-bit one and you're going to find openvpn right so here you go you go over to okay so once you're here you're going to take your files and drop them in here so I'm going to go ahead and paste them in and here we are so this is my VPN connections right so you're going to have in the tray this open VPN service there I've moved my can so down here you're going to see an icon once you're running openvpn and it should look like this guy right down here in the corner right so you can also type and open VPN GUI app and run it and it should be down there that's how I get it okay so now what you're going to see is your application so I have mine in here twice so you're going to go ahead and hit connect okay so now I've got these over here so then you're going to put in your username and password that you created and then click okay so that's going to set up the connection and process that and eventually that'll go away and you'll see that there's a little green icon down here in the bottom corner that's all there is to getting your your openvpn setup on this knowledge.s it says simple as that just remember the caveat that static IP address or using Dynamic DNS as your operation I have some other videos on how to do that we can show you how to set up Dynamic DNS and another one of our Synology videos this is the first one of my series and Synology so if you like this you got something out of it go ahead and smash that like button and we'll see you next time on our next video
Channel: PhasedLogix IT Services
Views: 16,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GetMeTheGeek, PhasedLogix, Linux, dsm 7, dsm 7.0 synology, open vpn for pc windows 10, openvpn, openvpn server, openvpn server setup, openvpn server windows, openvpn synology, synology, synology dsm 7, synology nas vpn, synology openvpn, synology vpn, synology vpn server, synology vpn server setup, vpn synology
Id: lm-OhWoAPKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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